Serving the Suffering in Zimbabwe As many churches worldwide observed Sunday, 8 November as the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church another Frontline Fellowship mission team was delivering life saving medicines and food, along with Bibles, evangelistic and discipleship materials to pastors, pensioners and prisoners in Zimbabwe. “It was a nightmare …” reported our team leader. The Frontline Fellowship mission to Zimbabwe coincided with a nationwide wave of military roadblocks, arrests, beatings, tortures and murders by ZANU-PF soldiers, militia and secret police. Despite numerous difficulties, delays and frustrations at border posts the team succeeded in overcoming all obstacles in this volatile situation, delivering the desperately needed supplies to the suffering. Pray for Zimbabwe
As special celebrations were being held to commemorate the 20 th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall, the opening up of the Iron Curtain and the collapse of communist dictatorships in Eastern Europe, Frontline Fellowship hosted a Pray for Zimbabwe Rally in Cape Town. This included screening historic film clips on Rhodesia, and presenting an up to date PowerPoint slide presentation on the crisis in Zimbabwe. Imprecatory prayers were prayed against the Marxist dictatorship in Zimbabwe, and there was a focus on what we can practically do to work for Reformation and pray for Revival in Zimbabwe today. A New Wall to Fall This rally coming on the significant date 11 November, received media interest from as far afield as London. I conducted numerous radio interviews, and some press interviews, concerning the Pray for Zimbabwe Rally and What We Can Practically Do in the current crisis. Just as the concerted prayers and actions of believers in both Eastern Europe and in the West brought down the communist tyranny symbolised by the Berlin Wall 20 years ago, we need to mobilize congregations worldwide to focus their prayers and practical support on behalf of Christians suffering in Zimbabwe and to bring pressure against the persecutors and those who are enabling them. Christopher’s Kidney Operation Tomorrow, Wednesday, 18 November, 14 year old Christopher William Hammond goes in for a kidney transplant. His mother, Lenora, is the donor. With Christopher’s one remaining kidney down to less than 10% function, the situation required the specialists to bring the operation forward. The operation will take place in Groote Schuur Hospital, where South African Surgeon, Dr. Chris Barnard performed the world’s first heart transplant over 40 years ago. We praise God for skilled surgeons and the medical technology to make possible this kind of intricate operation to save and extend Christopher’s life. Preparing for a New Reformation At the end of October, we organised a number of events for the Reformation Celebration. My 10 year old son, Calvin, and I gave presentations to Christian school teachers and students at the Huguenot Monument and Museum in Franschhoek. On Reformation Day, Saturday, 31 October, Rev. Erlo Stegen of KwaSizabantu Mission was our special guest speaker for our Preparing for a New Reformation Conference in Cape Town. Many people travelled from far and wide to participate in this packed programme and the question and answer time and discussion and prayer groups were vibrant. Biblical Worldview Seminar in the Eastern Transvaal Next week, I have been invited to conduct a Biblical Worldview Seminar for students at a Bible College in the Eastern Transvaal. After this I will be the guest speaker for their graduation service. Biblical Worldview Summit in Cape Town Those who want to change their world are invited to join us for the next Biblical Worldview Summit (1-8 January) near Cape Town. It will be held in a forest reserve in the mountains by a lake. It will be an intense outdoor adventure experience. The camp will be in tents with lots of physical problem solving, team building, obstacle crossing, hands on, daily challenges. It will stretch minds and muscles. The BWS forms the first part of the three week Great Commission Course. For those who are serious about missions, Frontline Fellowship’s GCC is an intense, practical, hands on, cross cultural missionary and evangelistic programme. It involves daily practicals and outreaches. Transforming Nations by Changing Lives Following the BWS and GCC we are planning to send out nation transforming teams on numerous mission outreaches across the border. Mission to Mozambique Please pray for our mission outreaches in Mozambique at this time. We are most grateful for your prayers and support. “Finally brethren, pray for us that the Word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have Faith.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 Yours for the fulfillment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship
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