Dear Friends...
Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Jesus Messias Gospel books Outreach
By God's grace we received 10 metric tons of Gospel books in Afrikaans last week. This print run of 50,000 Jesus Messias Gospel books, which are 66 pages full color, fully illustrated presentation of the Gospel, in Afrikaans, which is the primary language in the Cape of Good Hope. This is sponsored by Christian friends in the Netherlands. We have schools throughout the Cape peninsula inviting us to conduct Gospel outreaches at their school assemblies where we will distribute these books to the students and staff. We have already distributed over 10,000 copies of Jesus Messias. Last Saturday I was invited to conduct an Evangelism Outreach at a youth camp in Grassy Park, with a tremendous response.
"For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes…" Romans 1:16
Please pray for us as we seek to ensure that these valuable illustrated Gospel books are made available to those who will most appreciate them, best use them and most enthusiastically put these teachings of Christ into practise. “Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching” 2 Timothy 4:2
Effective Literature Evangelism Workshop
This Saturday, 7 September, we are presenting an Effective Literature Evangelism Workshop. This will include: How to be More Effective in Literature Evangelism; Personal Evangelism; How to Win Souls to Christ Through Film Evangelism. Literature4Africa Resources that can Empower your Evangelism and Digital Evangelism followed with a Practical Literature Evangelism OUTREACH.
"For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12
Africa for Christ Providing Affiliation to Equip African Churches for Christ Africa Christian Network is an association of Bible-based, evangelical congregations, ministries, and missions dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ throughout Africa.
Africa's greatest and most urgent need is Bibles and Bible teaching.
The need for Literature4Africa and Frontline Fellowship’s leadership training programmes is vital and urgent.
We are anticipating the arrival of another container shipment of Bibles and books, to offload, categorize, designate, organize and distribute. Another container shipment is expected next week. On average, we freely distribute over 100 tons of Bibles and books throughout Africa every year. "So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11
30 Years of Salt and Light on Radio Tygerberg
Our longtime friends of Radio Tygerberg invited us to their studios last week to present a Certificate of Appreciation for 30 years of consistent broadcasting of our weekly Salt and Light program. The Programme Manager of Radio Tygerberg wrote to “express our deepest gratitude for the incredible dedication, talent, and passion you have brought to our station over the years. Your contribution to Radio Tygerberg has been invaluable, and your programs have touched the lives of many listeners.” The CEO thanked us for our “dependability in providing quality content, on time, for three decades.” and for our role in helping to build up this the largest Christian community radio station in the Cape of Good Hope. It was acknowledged that Salt and Light is the longest running Christian community radio programme in South Africa. Over the last three decades we have often received very positive responses to these Salt and Light programs. Even on dates with my wife, Lenora, in public places, I would have people coming up to us at the waterfront, or in restaurants, saying that they recognized my voice from 104FM Radio Tygerberg and wanted to express their appreciation for Salt and Light programs! From the beginning, Salt and Light has been rooted in the communities and we have organized numerous outreaches and marches which mobilized many listeners, such as when the government attempted to close private Christian schools and Christian community radio stations. Tens of thousands of Christians were mobilized onto the streets of Cape Town to make a stand for freedom of speech and freedom of conscience. Listener participation was quite intense in the early days when we still had over an hour for the program and regular phone in participation. Marches for life and the March for marriage all received tremendous support from the community, as did the protest against blasphemy at the Bellville library. Over the years we have had many international guest speakers on the program including creation scientists Dr Philip Stott and Dr Angela Stott, Pieter Peltzer, Dr Walter Vieth, the head of Missionary Aviation Fellowship, John Boyd, The head of Operation Mobilization, George Verwer, Patrick Johnstone of Operation World, Prof. Peter Beyerhaus from Germany, Rev Steven Craft from the United States and numerous other pastors and guests from Nigeria, Sudan, the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Mozambique. Also, guests from Canada, China, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Russia, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Poland, Austria and Japan. Best-selling international authors such as Kevin Swanson and Colonel John Eidsmoe, Rev Erlo Stegen of KwaSizabantu Mission, historic leaders such as the Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Douglas Smith were other notable guests on Salt and Light. We have tackled many current affairs and controversial issues such as abortion, transgenderism, transhumanism, crime, punishment and justice issues, persecution of the Church, Biblical worldview issues, education, entertainment, various influential films, marriage, morality and threats to life, liberty and love. There have been many missions report backs, dynamic testimonies of God's mercy and Grace, answers to prayer, transformed lives, historic events and Biblical principles. We are very grateful to God for the privilege of having been part of the founding of Radio Tygerberg And it has been a joy to see how this strategic radio ministry has grown in leaps and bounds over the last three decades. We will never forget the early days and how little we had and how God took our collective humble seed sowing and initial investments of time, talent and treasure to produce such a powerful and dynamic media ministry. We are immensely grateful that we could have the privilege of investing in Radio Tygerberg from its inception. “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are glad...Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.” Psalm 126:3,5
Salt & Light Radio Launched
We have now launched Salt and Light Radio as an independent online platform.
“You are the salt of the earth; … You are the light of the world....Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.” Matthew 5:14 -16
Please Pray for our UPCOMING EVENTS:
Sunday the 6th of October, International Life Chain Sunday, 2 to 4pm. Reformation History home education Workshop Wednesday 16 October. Thursday the 31st of October/Reformation Day, guided tour of the Huguenot Museum in Franschhoek, from 10:00 AM and Reformation Celebration service at 12 noon at the Huguenot monument. Followed by a picnic Lunch at the Monument. Sunday the 10th of November, International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted IDOP "Remember the prisoners as if chained with them - those who are mistreated - since you yourselves are in the Body also." Hebrews 13:3
The Harvest is Large
We have requests and Invitations to travel to Zambia for seminars, church services and conferences and we have other opportunities for ministry in the Congo, Swaziland, Mpumalanga and other needy mission fields of Africa. "Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?" Psalm 85:6 To Zimbabwe with Love Please also pray for Zimbabweans who are suffering under severe Marxist mismanagement and cruel oppression under ZANU(PF). "And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now you are the Body of Christ and members individually." 1 Corinthians 12:26-27
Please Partner with Frontline Fellowship
View our Frontline PRIORITY PROJECTS for PRAYER and ACTION with pictures. For those who desire to prayerfully and financially partner with us in ministry FIND all our details on our DONATE PAGE “He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have in abundance for every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
1 Comment
4/9/2024 01:21:06
Thank you so much for that really exciting talk on what is happening in Africa. I tried to download the Podbean etc, but it didn't work. So just needed to comment. I still pray for you and your family and the incredable work that you are doing. God bless you. I have been in the middle of Canada for the past 12 years, from being born in Rhodesia, training in SA, getting married, had 2 sons (eldest in Sweden for 27 years, youngest in Canada for 17 years). I moved back to Zim in 99 to help my parents for the next 13 years, so thankful to the Lord that I was able to do that. Have 3 grandchildren. Where do your kids live and do you have grandchildren? I am so happy to be getting Frontline Fellowship on email now. Audrey Cruickshank
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December 2024