Mission to The Kingdom of KwaZulu
On Saturday, the 14th of December, I gave a presentation on Jesus the Light of the World to the Youth Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission.
Over 6000 young people registered for this conference. That does not count the many young people who live on the mission, the counsellors and coworkers, or other guests.
For example, the Premier/governor of KwaZulu and local mayor and chiefs also visited on Saturday. Many police, including the KZN police General also attended. https://www.ksb.org.za/ We also had quite a number of delegations from overseas including a group from Saint Petersburg in Russia. We are now gearing up for our Biblical Worldview Summit and Great Commissioned Course leadership training programs in January.
Please remember in prayer our Biblical Worldview Summit (3-10 January 2025)
and Great Commission Course (3-22 January 2025)
Watch the videos, listen to the podcasts & find out more about the BWS & GCC 2025
Ready to Preach, Pray, or Die at a moment’s notice!
As my mentor, Francis Grim declared: “A missionary must be ready to preach, pray, or die, at a moment’s notice!” 30 Years ago, in 1994, four Frontline vehicles were sent into the field. Only one vehicle came back. In the early morning mist of 14 December 1994, Frontline Fellowship Field Worker, Anthony Duncan, was killed in a head-on collision. You can read of that disastrous series of Events here:
Mission to the Kingdom of Eswatini
When I arrived in the Kingdom of Swaziland/ Eswatini, at the end of November, the first people I got to witness to were Mormons from Utah, eye surgeons coming for a mission to this country! Back in 1982 I rode throughout this fascinating country on my off-road Honda 250XL motorbike scrambler, conducting Jesus' film Evangelism with a 16 mm projector in schools and marketplaces across the country. Plainly the Kingdom of Swaziland has advanced much since that time. Many of the bumpy, pot holed dirt roads I rode across over 40 years ago are now magnificent smooth and tarred roads. There has been much building and development of the infrastructure. https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/swaziland/mission-to-the-kingdom-of-swaziland An Island of Peace in a Continent in Turmoil This is a remarkably peaceful and productive country, an island of peace in a continent often torn apart by war, corruption, crime and violence. Eswatini is the only monarchy left on the continent of Africa. It is also the only country in Africa that has diplomatic and economic relations with the Republic of China/Free China/Taiwan. The people here have no time for Woke/LGBTQ perversion. The king has made it clear that there are only two genders and no place for “pride” marches! Communism is also illegal and dealt with very decisively. Gospel Impact My gracious host, Dutch missionary, Leo, has 8 lovely cats at his home. Leo related how his cats have protected his wife Jill and himself from deadly black Mamba snakes in their living room. They often see Kudu, Impala and other wild animals in the Bush around their home. Leo leads Swazi Vision which has distributed many hundreds of thousands of illustrated Jesus Messiah Gospel books during outreaches to schools, hospitals, police stations and prisons throughout the country and across the border. Earlier this year, we organized outreaches in Cape Town where 50,000 of Leo’s Jesus Messiah Gospel books, translated into Afrikaans, were distributed in schools, churches and police stations throughout the Cape of Good Hope. Seeking First the Kingdom of God On the Tuesday, after an early morning prayer meeting, I ministered to a Women's Bible study. Several of whom expressed their appreciation of my articles in JOY! Magazine, particularly the Bible in a Nutshell series and the history articles. Much of the week I was at Pasture Valley, a dairy farm with a single cat, but many cows (and fresh milk). This farm is more like a mission base, caring for more than 300 children, many orphaned through AIDS. More than fifty of these children live on the farm in the Children's Home they have set up. Peter and Michelle also have a variety of ministries, including providing Skills Training and an Education Center which is where they hosted a Pastor's Seminar where I was invited to present Leadership Training on Evangelism, Discipleship, the Law of God and the Gospel of Christ, The Kingdom of God, Spiritual Warfare, and Back to the Bible for Reformation and Revival. At the beginning of the seminar, each pastor was given a copy of our Kingdom of God booklet. At the conclusion of the Seminar, each of the pastors was presented with a copy of my New Testament Survey book to assist them in teaching every Book of the Bible to their congregations. On the Wednesday, we were interrupted by a rainstorm, with Thunder and lightning which was both spectacular and something of a relief after the sweltering heat of the previous days. On the Wednesday evening, I also presented an Evangelism Training program for the Youth, using them to Evangelism Explosion and Way of the Master and equipped them with supplies of World Missionary Press Gospel booklets, in the Siswati language, for outreaches. On Friday morning, I had the privilege of addressing a Men's Breakfast at a new coffee shop outreach centre of this dynamic farm and mission, at the first public meeting advertised for this new initiative.
Situated on the main road, this is strategically positioned to reach the broader community and travellers. By God's grace, we will ensure that they well supplied with Gospel literature, Bibles and Christian books.
Several missionaries and farmers in Swaziland have said that they regularly enjoy my Reformation Society lecture Videos uploaded to our website & numerous Pastors said they like my books The Greatest Century of Missions was particularly popular! On Sunday morning I had the privilege of proclaiming the Gospel at a local Prison. The men paid close attention to the message and responded enthusiastically. Many made a public commitment to Christ, prayed with me and requested Bibles.
Bibles for Eswatini
There is a tremendous shortage, hunger and need for Bibles in the Siswati language. We need to trust the Lord for more designated funds for us to purchase sufficient Bibles in Siswati, for the prison outreaches and for the many youths requesting their own copies. When I related to the prisoners and to the prison chaplain, the remarkable testimony of our Chairman, Anthony Stander, who was converted to Christ while in maximum security prison, they requested that he be sent to Eswatini, to minister in all the prisons in the country! Our Literature 4 Africa ministry is needing to organize transportation for large quantities of Bibles, Gospel books, Bible study materials and Sunday school materials to these various strategic ministries. God is doing a wonderful work in this mountainous Kingdom. Please Pray for Eswatini. We praise God for a gift that has enabled us to purchase 50 Bibles in Siswati for the Prisoners. "Through our God we will do valiantly, for it is He who shall tread down our enemies.” Psalm 60:12
Chaplains Training in Zambia
Please also continue to pray for the Chaplain General of the Zambian military who has asked us to set up a Livingstone Chaplains Training School, which would be not only for the military, Police & Prison chaplains of Zambia, but for chaplains from all over Africa.
Our latest Gospel Defence League on the Globalist Paganism & Perversion Agenda is now available to Download or to read as a flip book on the web.
Remembering Rhodesia
The Rhosarian magazine, which I edit, is available and can be viewed, read or downloaded from the web:
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Prayer & Praise Articles
December 2024