Celebrating Sin
Christians should be celebrating our salvation through Christ Jesus our Lord. Yet the opening ceremonies of the Olympics are increasingly focusing on celebrating sin. The Olympics, which are meant to be about Sports, have become politicized, preventing some countries from participating (interesting to note that despite oppressing and murdering multiplied millions, the Soviet Union was not excluded from participating in the Olympics throughout the Cold War, even when they were instigating aggressive wars and terrorist campaigns worldwide, but during the same time, in the 1970s and 1980s, South Africa and Rhodesia, while courageously resisting communist terrorism, were forbidden from participating in the Olympics. Now Russia, having freed itself from communism, is prevented from fully participating in the Olympics).
Promoting a New World Disorder Religion while Denigrating Christianity
The powers at be should not be using the Olympics opening ceremonies to promote a revived Paganism mixed with modern perversion and a gospel of Transgenderism along with the LGBTQ+ Agenda. Despite their initial denials, the organizers of the highly controversial opening ceremony, plainly designed their promotion of paganism and perversion to parody the Last Supper of our Lord Jesus Christ, as depicted by Leonardo da Vinci in his famous iconic painting. The organizers described the depiction in the program distributed to the media ahead of time: La Cène sur la scène sur la Seine ("The Last Supper on the stage on the Seine") involving a bizarre freak show of perverts and transgender drag queens that was variously claimed to parody The Last Supper or a feast with Dionysus. On the Lord’s Table, instead of the bread and wine, lay Dionysus who is described as the Pagan god of wine and debauchery. The Last Supper before our Lord was betrayed and crucified, inaugurated the communion service which celebrates the Salvation He achieved through His broken body and shed blood. So, the organisers of the Olympic opening ceremony in Paris chose to replace the wine which represents the Blood of Christ with Dionysus, the Pagan god of wine and debauchery! Considering how many millions of euros these opening ceremonies are funded by, and how much time and effort is invested in these spectacles, it is hard to believe that all of this is accidental. We are apparently witnessing concerted attempts to replace Christianity with a New World Order interfaith religion which mixes ancient paganism with modern perversity and debauchery. Christianity promotes salvation from sin. Sabbateanism promotes salvation through sin. Christians celebrate Salvation. The religion of the New World Order celebrates Sin. Revelation 13 warns us of those who will try to produce a one world Government, with a one world Economic system and a one world interfaith Religion.
Are Christians Unsporting?
Some newspaper articles, media networks and the Olympic website have made reference to the fact that in AD 393, the Roman emperor Theodosius banned the Olympic games for "being too pagan." Some have also mentioned that under the emperor's direction, fanatical Christians closed and later tore down the temple (of Zeus) built in Olympia. Numerous reports have characterised Christians as anti-sport - even though many Christian athletes are performing in these games. Some have reported being threatened with being disqualified if they do not remove Christian symbols. Professional Profits It is worth noting that the original Olympians were professionals - they trained and competed fulltime, profiting royally from their wins, receiving huge amounts of cash, pensions and slaves as prizes. The original Olympic Games were thoroughly pagan. Sacrifices and Superstitions Before the games began, competitors went in procession to the village of Piera, there priests offered an animal sacrifice to Zeus. Then the athletes participated in a religious ceremony of purification and large numbers of animals were sacrificed before the colossal statue of Zeus, in the Olympia. The athletes swore allegiance to the Greek gods and specifically to Zeus.
Winners of the events visited the temple of Zeus to sacrifice to the gods. The opening procession, where priests carried glowing embers from the fire of the goddess Hestia, were carried past spectators singing a chorus to Zeus. Arriving at the temple of Zeus, the priests mounted the steps and lit the fire in the altar with the embers. There they slaughtered and sacrificed a hundred bulls. Naked Immorality In the original Olympics, men competed naked. Married women were not allowed to be spectators in the stands, women who flouted this prohibition risked being pitched headfirst off the nearby cliffs. Unmarried women were allowed to watch and prostitutes from the temple of Aphrodite were available as prizes to the winners. Violence The original Olympics were also incredibly violent. One of the most popular events at the ancient games was the Four-Horse Chariot Race which often resulted in multiple spills, accidents and gory pileups. Numerous participants were disfigured beyond recognition. The Olympics also featured a "ferocious, no holds barred brawl known as the Pankration… a vicious mix of wrestling, boxing and street fighting in which punches, kicks to the groin, shoulder and ankle dislocations and choke holds were allowed." One famous contestant specialised in breaking his opponent's fingers. One Damoxenos jabbed his opponents with the fingers so violently that he would pierce men's ribcages and yank out their intestines. All this to the cheers of spectators in the stands. Revulsion and Reaction Hence, when on 24 February 391 AD, the emperor Theodosius began issuing the series of decrees that effectively outlawed all pagan sacrifices, divination, and occult rituals, one can understand how this led to the closing down of the original Olympics.
Biblical Principles for Sports
Christians were not hostile to sport in and of itself. There are numerous positive references to physical exercise, discipline and running the race in the Scriptures. "For physical training is of some value…" 1 Timothy 4:8 "Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others I myself will not be disqualified from the prize." 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the Faith." 2 Timothy 4:7 Christian Standards The third century minister Hippolytus listed 24 vocations forbidden to Christians in his book Apostolic Traditions. Eight of this involved brutality, including cruelty to animals.
Modern Olympics
Fortunately, today, athletes are no longer required to sacrifice animals to Zeus, and cruelty to animals and brutality to fellow contestants is no longer on the Olympic programme. Although a biological man was allowed to punch a woman contestant in the face and break her nose in the Paris 2024 Olympics! However, opening ceremonies in recent Olympics have increasingly included pagan imagery, dances and processions at Barcelona, Atlanta, Athens, Beijing, London and most recently, Paris. After the Atlanta Olympics in 1996, one writer noted: "The spirit behind Zeus, the ancient god of the Olympics, would have been pleased. Never has so large a flock sung his hymn and cheered his sacred flame. Never have so many people celebrated the timeless ritual involving earth-centred spirits and the tribes they inspire…" The Olympic Dream by Berit Kjos. Animism at the Olympics Those who think that the present Olympic Games have nothing to do with the mythological paganism of Ancient Greece, should consider the present-day Olympic anthem: "Ancient Immortal Spirit, chaste Father of all that is Beauty, Grandeur and Truth descending appear with thy presence, illumine thy earth and the heavens. Shine upon noble endeavours wrought at the games, on track and in the field… to thine Temple, to thine worship, come all. O Ancient Eternal Spirit!" Pagan Idolatry in Athens One description of the opening ceremony of the 2004 Olympics in Athens observed: "A centaur (half human, half horse) launches into the darkness a javelin, a shaft of light arching through the air. Then the Greek god Eros descends over scantily clad lovers sensually clutching and releasing each other as they frolic in the water… the procession of Greek history begins with float after float… culminating in the persona of the goddess Athena and replica of the Parthenon - religion. Overall, this Eros hovers as though the god of love is guiding the course of history."
Glamorizing a Brutal Past and Blaspheming our Creator God
If the Olympics are only about sports, then why are the increasingly pagan opening ceremonies glorifying ancient religions - all of which practiced animal and human sacrifices, infanticide, slavery and brutal oppression of women? And why the blasphemous attacks on Christianity and promotion of paganism and perversion? “You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His Name in vain.” Exodus 20:7 Some are describing the bizarre spectacle of a motley collection of transgender drag Queens and perverts resembling the degenerates in Panem of The Hunger Games capitol but arranged as a parody on Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic depiction of The Last Supper as offensive to Christians. However, it is far more serious than that, it’s blasphemy against almighty God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ whose Last Supper before His betrayal and crucifixion inaugurated our Eucharist /Lord’s Table communion service in commemoration of His sacrifice for our sins. “Now therefore, what have I here,” says the Lord, … “My Name is blasphemed continually every day.” Isaiah 52:5 “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of Judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Matthew 12:34 - 37 The extravagant opening ceremonies of the Olympics have shown consistently more respect and even reverence for the ancient Greek gods and other Pagan idols then they have for God our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ and Christianity. Even the giant depiction of Satan at the London Olympics of 2012 was done in a more respectful manner then the Lord Jesus Christ has been treated in this latest Paris 2024 Olympic opening spectacle! The Commonwealth Games held in Birmingham 2022 featured a giant bull before whom the people bowed down. There was also a golden calf erected on the platform with the Olympic rings at the Paris Olympics 2024.
A Heritage of Life and Liberty
There is a pervasive tendency to ignore our Christian heritage and how Christianity introduced a respect for life and liberty that was completely unknown before the coming of Jesus Christ. In the ancient world, the teachings of Jesus Christ halted infanticide, emancipated women, abolished slavery, inspired the first charities and relief organisations, created hospitals, established orphanages and founded schools. In the medieval times, Christians built libraries, invented colleges and universities, dignified labour and converted the barbarians. In the modern era, Christian teaching has advanced science, elevated political, social and economic freedom, promoted justice and provided the greatest inspiration for the most magnificent achievements in art, architecture, music and literature. Preferring Paganism Christianity has been the most powerful agent in transforming society for the better across 2,000 years. No other religion, philosophy, teaching, nation or movement has so changed the world for the better as Christianity has done. Yet at the Olympics billions of people worldwide chose to unite in pagan, occultic and even satanic worship rather than acknowledging our Creator, Saviour and eternal Judge. It is notable that it is never the false religions that are denigrated and attacked. They are not perceived as a threat to the new world disorder. Hollywood and the mainstream lamestream media do not bother to attack Father Christmas, the Easter Bunny, fairies or leprechauns. They are not a threat. But Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life. We are lost. Jesus is the Way. We are deceived. Jesus is the Truth. We are dead in our trespasses and sins. Jesus is the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through Him. John 14: 6. "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfector of our Faith…" Hebrews 12:1-2
Julius Skoolafish
5/8/2024 10:18:53
Love your work Dr Hammond, but this is certainly not (pre-Christian) Paganism. This is core jewish Sabbatean/Frankism. Magnus Hirschfeld comes to mind. He was banished and his perverted pornographic ‘literature’ was rightly burned by the National Socialists in the 1930s. It is not Pagans that are bent on exterminating Christianity, it is Talmudic orthodox (and secular) Jews, as they repeatedly proclaim publicly
5/8/2024 15:31:32
He did mention Sabbateanism:
Julius Skoolafish
6/8/2024 09:16:30
Thank you for this most erudite and clarifying response, Will. And thank you for that Academic Agent link on Frankfort School Indoctrination (I quibble with a couple of points). Leave a Reply. |
December 2024