![]() To listen to the audio presentation of this report on From the Frontline, click here. Farm Confiscations without Compensation The National Assembly of the South African Parliament sent shock waves around the country by setting in motion a process to change the Constitution so as to allow expropriation of land without compensation. The threat to private ownership of property and the clearly stated intention to remove Constitutional safeguards and protections for private ownership of property has staggered observers. Most land in South Africa is controlled by the ANC government and over 4,000 farms already acquired from white farmers, remain un-allocated.
![]() The Crisis that Confronts Us The cost of unstable, inefficient, expensive and unreliable energy in South Africa is a staggering R89 billion per month in lost production, revenue and wastage. Central government in South Africa is corrupt, complicated, frustrating and unnecessarily time-wasting. Racist Black Economic Empowerment and Affirmative Action policies, with racial quotas not only in business, but also in sports, has led millions to leave this country, including over one million skilled workers. Every skilled labourer on average provides employment for 10 unskilled labourers.
![]() To Listen to an audio of this article click here To View a presentation on this article click here As South Africa marked 20 years since the first one-man–one-vote elections in South Africa, we have been subjected to an extraordinary amount of propaganda, inverting reality and rewriting history. If one was to believe films like Mandela – Long Walk to Freedom, and take at face value pronouncements by politicians and news commentary and documentaries on SATV, it would appear that the ANC won the war and were gracious and merciful to their defeated enemies. 83% of Zimbabwe’s wildlife has been destroyed by Mugabe’s state sponsored chaos according to the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force. Inflation is over 4500%. Unemployment is over 85%. Power failures for days on end even in the capital, Harare, are common. Shops are empty. Starvation is rampant.
It takes much longer to build than to destroy. For example, it took the Americans seven years to build the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York, but it only took an hour for Muslim terrorists to destroy that remarkable feat of engineering. ![]() The humanitarian disaster in Zimbabwe has been described as a “man made tsunami.” Many of the people in this longsuffering country who have watched their homes and churches being bulldozed and burned by Mugabe's army and police are calling it: “the Mugabe tsunami.” The systematic human rights abuses and persecution of Christians by Robert Mugabe's ZANU-PF regime are well documented. However, the media coverage of the Communist catastrophe in Zimbabwe has been surprisingly subdued. Public outrage in neighbouring countries has often been absent and humanitarian concern has been erratic and inadequate. Christians in Zimbabwe are shocked that so many of their African brothers support the oppressive government of Mugabe and seem unconcerned about their afflictions. In Central Africa an epic conflict rages between Communism, Islam and Christianity.
My first visit to Zambia, back in 1987, had an unpromising beginning. Transporting a large quantity of Bibles and Gospel booklets in transit through Zambia, en-route for Malawi and Mozambique, we were arrested at Kazangulu. Stripped and searched at the police station in Livingstone, thrown into stinking cells covered in human filth and infested with flying, crawling and biting insects. Interrogated. Blindfolded, barefoot and transported in chains to Lusaka.
A term of terror in the Soviet Union, the KGB was the Committee for State Security of the Soviet Union. Initially it was named the Cheka (Emergency Committee) and founded 20 December 1917, by the instruction of Vladimir Lenin. The Cheka was established by Felix Dzerzhinsky. The Cheka was tasked by the Soviet Politburo with arresting, torturing and executing many tens-of-thousands of dissidents, deserters, reactionaries and counter revolutionaries.
Cuba was one of the last of Spain's colonies to be established in the New World. Protestants have been active in Cuba from at least 1741. Cuba won its Independence from Spain in 1898. Castro's Revolution in 1959 brought Communism to power. After decades of exporting Revolution throughout Latin America and Africa, Cuba remains one of the last bastions of Cold War Communism.
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December 2024