The second largest delegation, more than 230 Christian leaders from China, have been prevented by their government from attending the Cape Town 2010 Congress on World Evangelisation.
More than 4,200 participants from 198 countries are meeting together in South Africa for the third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelisation. Through global link another 100,000 individuals, at almost 700 venues, in more than 95 countries around the world are receiving live streaming of the Congress.
“As Christians, we have a moral responsibility to care for Creation.”
“In the face of the failure of global leaders to come to any clear solutions, the role of the Christian community becomes even more urgent.” Anyone who wonders why missions are necessary, just need to consider the devastating impact on women when the church fails to fulfill the Great Commission.
These are some of the shocking facts which were revealed at a focus group on the plight of women in heathen societies: Slavery There are over 27 million slaves in the world today, most of them women. Although African Americans make up over 12% of the United States population, and a higher percentage of Evangelical church-goers in the USA, less than 1% of all full time missionaries from United States of America come from African American churches.
By God's grace, our Reclaiming Africa for Christ Biblical Worldview Summit (BWS) was greatly blessed. Over 100 delegates participated from as far afield as America and Australia, Ghana and Nigeria, Romania and England, Zambia and Zimbabwe and from all over South Africa. There were also many day visitors who joined in on different aspects of the programme.
The weeklong Biblical Worldview Summit (29 June - 6 July) included 14 lecturers, 8 films, outreaches in the nearby town and townships, visits to the Huguenot Monument and Museum, a parallel children's programme, Evangelism Workshops, a Science and Scripture Workshop, Public Speaking and Debating Workshop and a Christian Action Workshop. Some of the topics dealt with included: The Battle for Your Mind, A World War of Worldviews, Reclaiming the Nations for Christ, Rediscovering Our Christian Heritage, Reviving Our Churches, Restoring God's Creation, Reforming Our Society, Mind Poison - The Hollywood Assault on the Christian Worldview, The Worst Disaster, The First Battlefield, Education - Laying Foundations for the Future, The Crisis in Zimbabwe, Combating Crime, Reclaiming Young People for Christ, Idols for Destruction, Revitalising our Families, Returning to God in Repentance and Restitution and much, much more. The lecture notes, Biblical Worldview Manual and audio CD's of all of these presentations are available from (P O Box 358 Howard Place 7450 Pinelands, South Africa; Tel/Fax: 021-689-7478; Email: [email protected]). An estimated 18 million rural tribesman live along the 14 000 km of the Congo River and its tributaries. Johan is a Frontline missionary with a naval background. For over 3 years he has been preparing to launch a mission to the Congo River Basin, ministering to the isolated villages and homesteads along the Congo River and it’s tributaries.
Early in May, Johan headed out for three and a half months investigative outreach to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. So much had happened since he first presented his Congo River mission vision when he was taking part in our Great Commission Course last year. His report back was what you would expect from a dedicated Christian missionary who had previously been a career officer in the navy. He came with maps and charts, photo albums, well organised flip-files of reports, and a well-illustrated PowerPoint slide presentation on the objectives, findings, prayer points and strategy for the future. “Everyone is now everywhere!”
“Cinema is the new church!” These were some of the comments made during the first full day of Cape Town 2010 Congress on World Evangelisation. Os Guiness declared: “Most prominent Christian leaders have clearly articulated the problems but are very unclear on their Christian answers to these problems. In fact, the world has never seen such compromise, cowardice, heresy and apostasy as is being evidenced in, for example, the Episcopal Church in the United States of America.” During a recent mission to Zambia, Dr. Peter Hammond, the Director of Frontline Fellowship and Contributing Editor of JOY! Magazine, was invited to meet with the President of Zambia, Levy Mwanawasa, at State House, Lusaka. Peter had the opportunity of discussing Reformation and Revival issues with the President, including the importance of the Chaplaincy, education, school curriculums, textbooks, teacher training, museums, and the need for more nationwide evangelism, discipleship and repentance. After handing over some key Christian books to the president, Peter read 2 Thessalonians 1 and prayed with the President for Reformation and Revival in Zambia. By God’s grace, Peter was also able to enjoy fellowship with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, General Ronnie Shikapwashwa and minister in numerous churches, Bible colleges, a Christian school, a Teacher Training College and was interviewed on a number of radio programmes. Hundreds of pastors, teachers and chaplains as well as numerous government officials attended the Reformation Seminars conducted by Frontline Fellowship in Lusaka and Kabwe. Never have there been so many incredible opportunities for missionary work worldwide, yet there are tens of thousands of vacancies waiting to be filled on the mission field today. The harvest has never been so large – and the workers are frustratingly few.
“Evangelicals worldwide have a lot to be ashamed of … We need a second Reformation!” This challenge from Chris Wright received immediate applause in the plenary session.
Identifying Idols in Evangelical Churches The plight of today’s church was compared to the pre-Reformation church of the 16th Century. The main stumbling blocks that hinder others from coming to Christ are not found outside the church. It is neither persecution nor false religions, but the integrity of Christian leaders which is hurting the Christian cause the most: “The failure, disobedience and rebellion” of church leaders. “The idolatry of the church” was emphasised, “especially seductive, even for Evangelical Christians: the idol of power and pride; the idol of popularity and success; the idol of wealth and greed.” |
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