Europe must be one of the most spiritually needy continents on earth. The secularization and paganisation of large sections of Europe is tragic. Yet there are surprisingly dynamic pockets of spiritual vitality and life amidst the general atheism and hedonism.
Denmark Lenora and I have returned from almost three weeks of ministry in Europe. We were invited to speak at theReformation Resurrection Conference in Denmark. Australian missionary Cameron Buettel is involved in church planting in Denmark and he heard of our work through Way of the Master radio. Reformation Conference Participants for the Reformation Conference came from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany and even from Finland. The families from Finland included a missionary from Northern Ireland who drove his family and members of his congregation across Finland, Sweden and Denmark to take part in this conference. One German family now lived in Denmark to be able to continue home schooling their children. Home schooling is being outlawed in Germany.
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November 2018