![]() Ambulance We arrived late in the evening and our first task (unplanned) was to play ambulance to an unconscious woman who was being taken in a wheelbarrow to the clinic. These folk had been pushing this wheelbarrow for four hours before we arrived to assist. Wheelchairs We also had the joy of giving a wheelchair to an old man, who all his life had been dragging himself around in the dirt. What a privilege it was to see this man pull himself out of the dirt and onto the chair. We gave a second chair to a local pastor in Lukulu. Partnership
Not all have been called to pioneer and share the Good News of Salvation through Christ and bring medical/material relief to the peoples in the remote and sometimes forgotten regions of Africa. But, together (those who have been called to physically go and those called to supply, sponsor and support) can achieve this end. Thank you to our supporters, intercessors and donors. Exploration Along with two interpreters, and the team from South Africa, we crossed the Zambezi River, taking the pontoon over to the West bank and then driving from there along the Southern banks of the Lungwebungwe River (a strong tributary of the Zambezi with its source in Angola) and then along the Southern banks of a minor tributary of the Lungwebungwe River. Our Strategy was to map as many villages en route to Angola and then minister the Word of God, and evangelize the lost on the way back. Evangelism A total of 55 Villages were visited and mapped, 26 villages were evangelized. At all the villages we handed out tracts in Lozi as well as Luvale. All the Indunas, (headmen and chiefs) we met were given Biblical Principles for Africa books as well as The Apostles Creed booklets. Creation Evangelism All team members were given the opportunity to evangelize the various villages with the focus being: Creation – the Fall – Sin offering – the struggle of mankind to get back to God – the need for a Saviour – Christ Jesus – Repentance and Surrender to Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour. As the days progressed each young team member improved radically and with confidence shared the Good News. Commitments There were many positive responses followed up with prayers of repentance and commitment to Jesus as Lord and Saviour of their lives. In general, the Lozi and Luvale villages we encounted were at first wary of us as it was the very first time that missionaries had visited their villages and in some cases, the first time they had even seen white folk. Mechanical Challenges Traveling ‘blind’ on bush track and in low range 4 wheel drive most of the way was tiring to say the least. Most of the time, an average speed of 20km/h was maintained. En Route to Lukulu, I encountered vehicle problems (battery exploded with acid all over the engine eating away at pipes and diaphragms) which seriously affected the turbo power of the vehicle. Both Mike and David, who between them have extensive mechanical experience, did some lateral thinking and came up with a solution, resulting in the bypassing of some functions and giving us limited turbo boost. This was greatly appreciated, as driving in 4 wheel drive with no turbo power would surely have posed a problem. Needless to say fuel consumption was high on those rough roads. Leadership Teaching On exiting Lukulu West we were immediately thrust into our next task and that of ministering and training the leaders from various church groups in Lukulu East. Here I focused on Unity and Servanthood culminating in the washing of two of the local leader’s feet, just as Christ did, to His disciples before the ‘Last Supper’. Bible Teaching We further preached and ministered at Ruvusi, a village about 60km south of Lukulu. The team ministered in the following topics, Mike – Fear of God, John – Prayer, David – What if Jesus Had Never Been Born? and I taught on unity and uncompromising leadership. The local chief attended the preaching and teaching, which was seen by the spiritual leaders as acceptance of the work done by them. The chief also confirmed his approval of a piece of land sought by them to build a church. Pray for Zambia That night we slept within the compound of the home of the local court magistrate. This was the first time these folk have ever had white people visit them and they honoured us by sharing their food with us as well as the children singing hymns and choruses to the Lord till late that night. Now we begin the second part of our Zambia mission which includes leadership training courses and further outreaches. John Leach
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August 2017