We praise God for the successful completion of the Nuba Mountains Medical Mission. Ben, Dr. J. Pons, the eye surgeon and Johan of Doctors for Life travelled in January up to the Nuba Mountains of Sudan to set up the first speciality surgery theatre as a permanent clinic at the Mother of Mercy Hospital, which is the only referral hospital in the Nuba Mountains.
![]() Under Jihad and Sharia When Frontline Fellowship began to minister in Sudan over 25 years ago, the situation was most severe. Sudan, then the largest country in Africa, was in the grip of the longest war in African history, under a radical Jihadist dictatorship, which enforced Islamic Sharia law on all. Genocidal Scorched Earth No missionaries were allowed, the government of Sudan were waging a genocidal scorched earth campaign against the Christians of Southern Sudan and in the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan. ![]() Dictator in the Dock Sudan's former dictator Omar al-Bashir, ousted amid a popular pro-democracy uprising last year, faces trial from Tuesday (21July 2020) over the military coup that brought him to power more than three decades ago. Coup Led to Corruption Bashir, 76, who is already behind bars for corruption, could face the death penalty if convicted over his 1989 coup against the elected government of prime minister Sadek al-Mahdi. Attempt to Return Sudan to the Rule of Law The Khartoum trial against Bashir and 16 co-accused comes as Sudan's post-revolution transitional government has launched a series of reforms in hopes of fully rejoining the international community. "This trial will be a warning to anyone who tries to destroy the constitutional system," said Moaz Hadra, one of the lawyers who led the push to bring the case to court. "This will safeguard Sudanese democracy. In this way, we hope to bring an end to the era of putsches in Sudan." ![]() The transitional government of Sudan, which removed long-time dictator, Omar al-Bashir, after 30 years of oppressive rule last year, has announced that the state will no longer discriminate on the basis of religion. Separating Sharia from the State Last week, three resistance groups, representing Darfur, the Blue Nile and the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan, signed an agreement with Sudan’s transitional government prime minister, Abdalla Hamdok. This document, in principle, agreed to separate Islamic Sharia law from the state. This comes after three decades of Islamic Sharia law under dictator Omar al-Bashir, in Sudan. Religious Freedom The Declaration of Principles signed in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, on Thursday, 3 September, declares: “The state shall not establish an official religion. No citizen shall be discriminated against based on their religion… Sudan is a multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural society. Full recognition and accommodation of these diversities must be affirmed.” ![]() Record floods in Sudan have threatened sites housing the royal pyramids of Meroe and Nuri, two of the country’s most important archaeological areas. The Royal Valley at Meroe, a basin that fills during the annual flooding of the Nile, is at risk from unprecedented water levels and teams have been working to protect the historic site from being swamped. Meroe is an ancient city on the East Bank of the Nile River, about 200 km North East of the capital, Khartoum. Meroe was the capital of Cush dynasty that ruled from the early 6th century B.C. ![]()
Please click here to see this News article, with pictures, on the www.FrontlineMissionSA.org website.
Courageous Co-worker Born in 1948, Rev. Jeffreys Kayanga, one of my most trusted friends and co-workers in Sudan, passed away after a short illness on 28 June 2020. Jeffreys Kayanga and I walked many hundreds of kilometres together in the war zones of Sudan. Together, Jeffreys and I conducted hundreds of services, outreaches and lectures in remote villages and towns throughout Western Equatoria, amongst the Moru, Zande, Bari, Dinka and Nuer people. We conducted leadership training programs for pastors, chaplains, teachers, evangelists, youth workers and medics. He was my translator on many hundreds of occasions. Jeffreys was a capable organiser and gifted negotiator resolving many complications and avoiding conflicts amongst different tribes and officials. When we brought Samaritan's Purse in to renovate the hospital in Lui, he became the coordinator between SP, the local church and government officials. ![]() “I will build My Church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower It” Matthew 16:18 Do a google search on Sudan. It is unlikely that you will find anything positive. You will mostly learn about war, riots, civil unrest, humanitarian crises, poverty, persecution, etc. Of course, Sudan’s situation is desperate, But secular news agencies are not reporting on the rapid growth of God’s Kingdom in spite of devastation and disaster throughout the country. Thankfully, we were able to experience, first hand, the powerful advance of Christ’s Church in the Nuba Mountains. ![]() “A Father to the fatherless, a defender of the widows, is God in His holy habitation” Psalm 68:5-6 Into the War Zone Antonov Bomber planes, MIG aircrafts, tanks, scorched earth campaigns from the Islamic Arab north and crippling poverty all describe the dire situation of Southern Kordofan of Sudan. Despite the aggressive adversity the people of Sudan are facing, there is hope as people are turning to God. His Word is rapidly spreading and the Gospel is taking root in the hearts of thousands of people. In our most recent mission, our team had the privilege of being a part of expanding the Kingdom of God in Sudan. Bibles and Books for Sudan Last year we distributed 40,000 Bibles in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan! These resources went to churches, county offices, military units and schools in a war zone of Sudan. These are some of the most hotly persecuted peoples in the world. By God’s grace, this year, we were able to obtain and begin distributing another 40,000 Bibles and 50,000 Story of Jesus picture books. In addition, we distributed: 20,000 notebooks, 2,000 copies each of Faith Under Fire in Sudan, Chaplains Handbook, Biblical Principles for Africa and the Greatest Century of Missions. ![]() “For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in Him but also suffer for His sake” Philippians 1:29 The Church of Christ is expanding in Sudan. Leaders are coming to salvation and developing a Biblical worldview. Apart from distributing another 40,000 Bibles to schools, churches and chaplains, we held conferences for training pastors, chaplains and teachers who are facing persecution and suffering in the Nuba Mountains. Leadership Training We conducted a leadership seminar for 100 pastors and chaplains which ran for three days. On the first day, we targeted the heart, emphasizing the need for personal repentance, holiness and Gospel-centeredness. The second day, we dealt with more practical issues like preaching, church-planting, goal setting and strategizing, God and government and humanism. The final day we helped them cast vision for the future and presented them with Bibles and books to help further their efforts in God’s Kingdom. ![]() To view the PDF of this Article CLICK HERE To listen to a Podcast related to this article Click Here Power Sharing Agreement Signed by Military Council and Civilian Opposition Alliance On 17 August, it was reported that General Mohamed Hamdan “Hemeti” Dagolo and Lt. General Abdal Fattah Abdelrahman Burhan for the Military Council and Ahmed Al-Rabie for the Alliance for Freedom and Change signed an agreement to usher in a new governing council to include both civilians and military generals to pave the way towards elections and civilian rule within 3 years. War Criminal Pledges to Honour Agreement General Hemeti Dagolo, considered the dominant figure in the Military Council, pledged in an interview to the BBC: “We will stick to every single letter we have agreed on. Even without the agreement, we have to work in this direction because it is in the country’s interest. Therefore we have to carry out the agreement, stick to it and support it.” Hemeti is the Commander of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) which grew out of the notorious Janjaweed militia, which was accused of carrying out genocide in the Darfur region of Western Sudan. |
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