![]() By God’s Grace, Abrie and I returned safely after completing Missions to Lesotho, Swaziland and throughout South Africa. Driving over 10 260km, altogether we gave 66 presentations, Bible Studies, sermons or devotions. In South Africa, we gave a Traffick Proof presentation at three schools, a Fight the New Drug presentation at two schools, a Bible College and two mid-week meetings, gave Reformation Challenges and Mission Reports at 4 churches and a school, ministered at an Old Age Home, a Drug Rehab in a prison, and at an Evangelists’ meeting. Abrie preached at two Sunday Services in South Africa. Religious Freedom in Schools We praise God for the freedom and resources to preach the Gospel in schools in Lesotho, Swaziland, and in South Africa. Considering that religious freedom in South Africa is under serious threat (see articles on www.christianaction.org.za ), we should take advantage of these open doors whilst we still have them. Our friends in America and Europe do not enjoy this same religious freedom in schools. Government-run Christian Afrikaans schools are particularly being targeted by militant atheists. Please pray for religious freedom to prevail in the OGOD vs Laerskool Randhart & Others (6 schools) case to be heard from 15-17 May in the Johannesburg High Court. Pray for FORSA as they assist other organisations acting as a Friend of the Court. We gave presentations at four schools in Mseleni (Northern KwaZulu Natal) and distributed World Missionary Press Gospel booklets to each learner. At one school, I gave a Fight the New Drug presentation to a class, gathered outside, under a tree. The learners asked many questions about sexual sin.
At a school in Pretoria, I gave the Traffick Proof presentation to each grade in a row, sharing the Gospel each time. The teacher who had invited us, thanked us and said we are welcome to come back the next time we are in the area. Enthusiastic Evangelists Evangelists from Africa Youth Evangelism have been preaching the Gospel in schools for more than 50 years. We encouraged these Evangelists at their weekly prayer meeting and donated Bibles and books to them. One of their founders – Joseph Chauke, has been preaching the Gospel in schools since 1966 and despite being in his 80s, is still going strong! Practical Theology It was also wonderful to do ministry with our friend, Harm, in the Pretoria area. Harm attended our Great Commission Camp in January and is one of the most enthusiastic evangelists I have ever met. He invited Abrie to minister at a weekly Bible Study, which he started, and teaches at the Drug Rehab in Zonderwater Prison. Harm told us that the many interesting questions he gets from inmates each week fuels his desire to pay attention in lectures and to study the Bible for answers. Every Bible College student should be involved in weekly evangelistic ministry to turn their academic knowledge into practical Theology! We have sent up dozens of boxes of tracts, Bibles and books to Harm which he has enthusiastically distributed in prisons and on cross-border missions. Harm ensures that every inmate leaving the Drug Rehab, if they want one, receives a Bible. Harm also organised for us to share evangelism testimonies and give the Fight the New Drug presentation at a gathering of 20 friends and family at his home, and at a young adults Bible Study at his church. Missionary Doctors Make a Difference We were invited by a Christian Action supporter and wife of a Missionary doctor to give a presentation on Operation Nehemiah at a Sunday Service in rural NorthernKwaZulu Natal.Dr Kobus Viljoen and SIM missionaries, Dr Victor and Rachel Fredlund’s hard work and dedication enabled Mseleni Hospital to win an award for the best run government hospital in the country! More importantly, they have refused to perform abortions at their hospital, but this has not been without spiritual warfare. Dr Victor Fredlund has faced court battles for alleged mis-management! Please pray that God would strengthen and encourage them during these on-going court cases. “For whoever is ashamed of Me and My Words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels.” Luke 9:26 Thank you! Thank you for all your prayers and support. May God continue to bless and guide you in His perfect will. Taryn Lourens Africa Christian Action
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