Mission to Zimbabwe By God’s grace a number of Frontline Fellowship Mission teams have returned from a complex series of mission outreaches to Zimbabwe. Over a ton of Bibles, Christian books, ministry DVDs and Gospel literature were delivered to a variety of ministries, mission bases, Bible schools and churches, and Boxes With Love were distributed to destitute pensioners. Orphans, pensioners and hospital patients were ministered to. Lectures were provided to Christian businessmen. Team members took part in a work party in a ground breaking effort to launch an agricultural initiative and to conduct maintenance at a church building. Children at a school for the deaf were ministered to and hands-on ministry included renovations and improvements at a prison and hospital. Mission to Zambia
The Frontline Mission team delivered Chaplains Hand Books and Chaplains Prayer Books to the Ministry of Home Affairs to equip police and prison chaplains. Educational materials were delivered to Christian schools. Boxes of Bibles and Christian literature were delivered to dynamic congregations and ministries engaged in church planting throughout Zambia, the Congo, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Numerous leadership training programmes were conducted and team members preached at four different churches on Sunday. The team reported back on tremendous projects and initiatives being undertaken by pastors who have gone through Frontline Fellowship’s Great Commission Course. Some of our partners in Zambia are involved in assisting government officials to apply Biblical principles to the nation’s laws. Mission to Malawi A Frontline mission team delivered boxes of Bibles, literature and audio visual materials to Christian leaders and ministries in Malawi. A local pastor who recently completed the Great Commission Course hosted our team and showed them a remote valley where he is building a Mission station and Christian community. Progress is being made in establishing a pastors fraternal, establishing a chaplains training program and a Christian school. Mission to the Congo Please pray for the Frontline Mission team which is conducting leadership training in the Congo at this time. In preparation for this mission the second edition of our French translation of the Biblical Principles for Africa book had to be reprinted. This much-in-demand book has gone through six revisions and translations into Afrikaans and French. Thirty thousand copies have been printed so far. It was endorsed by the late President of Zambia, Levy Mwanawasa and by the current President of Malawi, President Bingu Wa Mutharika. Mission to America By God’s grace, I concluded a packed and productive four week ministry trip with seventy meetings throughout seven states in the USA. My flight into the USA was delayed by extraordinary security searches in Johannesburg. As a result, the flight was late getting into New York and everyone missed their connections. Yet, despite the eight hour delay in New York I still made the services and mission rally the next day. I presented twelve lectures at three conferences and a Christian University, ministered at six different congregations and recorded forty-four radio and seven TV interviews. Aside from sixteen flights I also had numerous occasions when I had to drive hundreds of miles to reach my next speaking engagements. Along with the travels and speaking engagements there were important meetings with heads of missions and ministries and a US publisher interested in marketing Frontline Fellowship books. Faith Under Fire in Sudan The new, much expanded, third edition of our bestselling Faith Under Fire in Sudan book has been launched in both hard and softcover. At three hundred and twenty pages, and with over two hundred pictures, Faith Under Fire in Sudan is three times larger than the first edition. Faith Under Fire in Sudan is the only book to comprehensively deal with the courageous Christian testimonies of Sudanese believers suffering some of the worst persecutions at the hands of Islamic Jihad . Most of the book consists of first hand eye witness testimonies. It is a positive and inspiring book which focuses on Christian courage and incredible church growth amidst some of the worst persecution imaginable. Lifting the veil on Africa’s forgotten war, Faith Under Fire in Sudan is packed with invaluable information, insights, answers to prayer and examples to assist churches and missions which want to pray for, and work in, Sudan. Thank You Thank you very much for your prayers, encouragement and support. The needs are great and the opportunities are unprecedented. Mission support has been declining, along with the economic recession affecting all too many of our supporters. As a result of declining support, I have been urged by various mission leaders to cut back on projects and mission trips. However, that is something that I cannot in good conscience do. The Lord has set before us many open doors. I cannot believe that at this critical time we dare fail to do our Utmost for His Highest. Please continue to pray for our ongoing mission outreaches, writing and printing projects and evangelistic and discipleship programs throughout Africa. Yours for the fulfillment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Director Frontline Fellowship PO Box 74 Newlands, 7725 Cape Town, South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 E-mail: [email protected]
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December 2024