Last week we received a letter signed by the President of the Republic of Zambia, Levy Mwanawasa thanking us for “the book Biblical Principles for Africa…this book will not only help me grow spiritually but will assist me to see and appreciate things in a different perspective. …I thank you for your wonderful gift…” Shortly after this, Frontline Fellowship Board Member and partner, Rev. Bwanali Phiri, arranged for every Member of Parliament in Zambia to receive a personal copy of Biblical Principles for Africa. Last week, Charl, Jeanine and I conducted a Biblical Worldview Seminar for about 50 town councillors and candidates for the ACDP (African Christian Democratic Party) in the Wellington Town Hall. This is an election year in South Africa, and the election date has been announced as 14 April. Africa Christian Action has produced another Biblical Issues Voter’s Guide which is available in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa. The first print run of 100 000 is being completed at this time. The Christian Action Network has set up a special website: which has already been receiving tremendous interest.
On Sunday 1 February, Sanctity Life Sunday, I was invited to minister at the Church of England congregation in Khayelitsha to preach the Sanctity of Life sermon and conduct the Lord’s Supper. The next day, Monday 2 February, to mark the 7th Commemoration of the legalisation of abortion on demand in South Africa, we organised a solemn funeral procession to Parliament. Starting from the Cape Technikon at 12 noon and proceeding past the Castle and City Hall into Adderley Street up to the main gates of Parliament, the procession was led by a hearse, followed by three pallbearers walking behind carrying small white coffins. They were followed by mourners dressed in black, carrying crosses and flowers. Behind them, other marchers carried large Scripture banners declaring: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life”; “God hates the hands that shed innocent blood”; “Now choose life so that you and your children may live.” Many of the marchers carried posters declaring Abortion Kills Babies, and Christian flags. Bringing up the rear of the procession, the Africa Christian Action six meter trailer with huge full colour pictures of pre-born babies and the message Abortion Kills included details of the babies development and the Scriptures: “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” and “Now choose life so that you and your children may live.” Frontline field workers distributed pro-life and Gospel literature to passers-by and spectators standing on the streets. At the gates of Parliament a display of coffins, teddy bears and flowers was formed in memory of the 350 000 babies so far killed in South Africa since abortion was legalised on 1 February 1997. Prayers of Repentance and an Imprecatory Prayer Proclamation on the Sanctity of Life were offered by church and mission leaders. The National Day of Repentance march to Parliament and prayer vigil received extraordinary media attention. Africa Christian Action’s National Co-ordinator, Jeanine McGill, had 25 radio and newspaper interviews as a result. This included interviews and debates on national secular radio stations and debates with pro-abortionists. Numerous daily newspapers gave prevalent coverage to the march with colour pictures. The Sowetan published a full colour picture of our prayer vigil outside Parliament on their front page. We continue to receive enthusiastic responses to our Summit Youth Leadership and Worldview Training Course, and Africa Christian Action’s Week Of Action. We have also had the privilege of hosting many guests, including at the moment, Rev. Greg Denysschen of Jivannadi Mission, Christo van Eeden of Good News Community Radio and Rev. Kjell Olsen of KwaSizabantu Mission. Last night we were able to interview them all on our weekly Salt and Light radio programme. We have been told that Salt and Light is now the longest running continuous programme on Radio Tygerberg - having started right at the beginning in 1995. Last night, we learnt that 8 community radio stations in the country are in danger of being taken off the air. ICASA, the government body which seeks to regulate the community radio stations, has withdrawn the licences for numerous, long established Christian radio stations, including Good News Community Radio. Please do pray for them, especially as their court case comes up on 20 February. Good News Community Radio is a ministry of Jivannadi Mission. Jivannadi has for over 20 years been reaching out to the Indian people in KwaZulu Natal, with many Hindus and Muslims coming to Christ. Run by Rev. Greg Denysschen, Jivannadi is a dynamic ministry which reaches out even beyond the borders of South Africa to Singapore, Sri Lanka and India. Greg recently returned from ministering amongst people in the north east of India, many of whose ancestors were cannibals, but amongst whom a tremendous move of God has brought many to faith in Christ. Good News Community Radio is literally under fire, not only from the government, but by radicals in their community. Their broadcast tower with an illuminated cross on top, is riddled with bullet holes. They have had violent threats and need our encouragement, prayers and support. Today is my daughter Daniela’s 11th birthday. Because of her love for horses, we organised a horse riding party through the rivers and vineyards, around the hills and forest outside Cape Town. It was an exhilarating experience for all of us. This weekend Excellence Christian Academy in Zambia celebrates their 7th Anniversary. I have been invited to speak at the celebrations. Please do pray for our teams in the field, and for the Bible college projects which we are involved in. Covenant College is heading into its fourth year. We are about to launch Holy Trinity College in Sudan, and Excellence Christian Academy in Zambia is also preparing to launch a Bible College programme. “All the nations You have made will come and worship before You, Oh Lord; they will bring glory to Your Name. …teach me Your way Oh Lord, and I will walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your Name. I will praise You, Oh Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify Your Name forever.” Psalm 86:9-12 Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P O Box 74, Newlands, 7725, Cape Town, South Africa E-mail: [email protected]
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December 2024