New, expanded edition of Slavery, Terrorism and Islam – the Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat has received much interest and positive responses, from as far afield as Alaska and the Middle East. Yesterday I received a message from a Christian in a Middle Eastern country which he says blocks access to our website. However he accesses it whenever he is out of the country. He mentioned how blessed he has been by the ministry of Way of the Master and Frontline Fellowship. “It’s silent heroes like you that inspire us to push the envelope in our Christian walk. It’s men like you that are indeed true to the Word of God. Unfortunately, much of the Gospel preached centres around health, wealth and prosperity so that evangelism such as you engage in is the remotest thing on the mind of many Christians.” Another man who had obtained a recent copy of Slavery, Terrorism and Islam wrote to us: “It is a fascinating volume that transmits the strategic tone of what is unfolding in Africa and you clearly communicate the implications should this opposing belief system prevail.”
One review from an American authority states: “Slavery, Terrorism and Islam is an invaluable desk reference and primer for analysts addressing Islam as an ideological force…although written from a Christian missionary perspective, the text is useful for secular analysts researching a civilisational force on the march. Unlike the academics who debate that a clash of civilisations is even in progress, Hammond writes from the perspective of one decisively engaged in that civilisational fight…there is abundant material for secular researchers dissecting an aggressive ideology.” Another Christian who was converted from a Muslim background, and now is an author exposing the teachings and practices of radical Islam also wrote to me on the weekend expressing appreciation for the Slavery, Terrorism and Islam book. Last week I was invited to speak to a Businessmen’s Prayer Breakfast on The End of Islam. The 80 men who participated responded in intensive prayer, and bought out a whole box of our Slavery, Terrorism and Islam books and CDs and DVDs on Islam. On the weekend I had a two-hour interview with a radio station in Alaska on our Islam book. We are already running out of copies of our second edition and about to go to print with a new American edition, as well as reprinting in South Africa as well. Educational Conference in KwaZulu It was a joy to be invited to speak at the Accelerated Christian Education Administrators’ Seminar in KwaZulu/Natal. Over 400 school teachers and principals from around the country gathered at a conference venue in the Drakensberg Mountains. It was a rare treat to have my wife, Lenora, also invited to join me for this conference. (In our 19 years of marriage and ministry together, this was only the second time that conference organisers included my wife in the invitation). The last time I had been in the Drakensberg I was climbing and accommodation was in a tent that I carried in my backpack. Accommodation and catering at this conference was amongst the very best I had ever experienced. The subjects given to me were: Reforming Our Families – Reforming Our Nation; and Being Relevant and Compassionate in a Broken World. There was a tremendous enthusiasm and response to the presentations. The boxes of newsletters were quickly snapped up and almost all the books, CDs and DVDs at our mission display were quickly sold. I came back to Cape Town with literally just one book. We received many invitations to visit and minister at schools and churches represented at the Educational Seminar. The principals attending the ACE seminar came from as far afield as Russia, Denmark, Kenya, Malawi and Nigeria. ACE has over 700 schools in Africa using their excellent curriculum. National Women’s Day Outreaches Over 100 volunteers took part in our National Women’s Day outreaches in Cape Town alone. Every year, since 1995, Africa Christian Action has used National Women’s Day on 9 August as an opportunity for outreaches in shopping centres. This year ACA mobilised outreaches in shopping centres countrywide. Tens of thousands of leaflets and Gospel tracts were printed and 3,000 balloons with Scripture and Pro-Family messages were produced for the event. There was tremendous enthusiasm and an overwhelmingly positive response at the outreach in Khayelitsha which included American Evangelist Paul Young, whose Chalk Talk outreach attracted attentive crowds. My family set up ACA display tables at one of the busiest intersections at Somerset Mall. We fielded numerous questions from passers-by and numerous evangelistic conversations ensued. Many individuals expressed great appreciation for the work of Africa Christian Action and Frontline Fellowship. Many mentioned how they listened to our Salt and Light radio programme every Tuesday night and greatly enjoyed the Christian Action magazine and the regular E-updates. There was a good response from teenagers to The Way of the Master evangelistic tracts and to our Evangelism Explosion conversations. We had many opportunities to share the Gospel with Muslim shoppers. Our largest outreach was in the biggest shopping centre, Canal Walk. Many hundreds of balloons and approximately 10,000 Gospel leaflets were distributed in this outreach. We received many positive and enthusiastic responses from Christians passing by. “Wisdom calls aloud outside; she raises her voice in open squares. She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the gates in the city she speaks her word.” Proverbs 1:20-21 Upcoming Outreaches Please pray for the upcoming mission trips, outreaches and seminars. “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men, for not all have faith.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 May the Lord continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond
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December 2024