Dodging Bullets in Sudan "Last night we dodged bullets (literally) while changing the trailer axle in the red zone (bandit territory). This made us explicitly aware of how vulnerable we are outside God's protection. It reinforces our dependence on God." Trans Africa Mission That was part of a report from our Africa Overland Mission team this week. They have driven over 10,000 miles, conducting over 170 meetings in their first three months, ministering across Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania and Kenya. The extremely bad roads severely damaged the trailer axle and their bearing broke and disintegrated. Ambush Ally
Complicating matters was that this breakdown occurred in an extremely unstable section of Sudan, which security forces warned was "bandit territory". Ambushes are frequent and the danger so intense that the military recommend that no one travels in the area without a military escort. Breakdown Under Fire Although our 4-wheel drive vehicle and trailer had negotiated most of the continent well, the harsh conditions in Equatoria severely damaged the trailer axle and required multiple repairs. While drunken men fired wildly from less than 50m away, Michael and Daniel had to effect emergency repairs to enable their vehicle to press on out of the danger zone. Dire Straits After a week of hard going travel in very adverse circumstances, the team reported feeling frustrated, exhausted and vulnerable. They urgently requested prayer for protection and provision of the extra finances required to make the repairs and replace the broken axle so far from any garage, or supplies. Depleted Unforeseen difficulties, complications and unexpected expenses depleted the Mission team's funds and required us to urgently send through desperately needed re-supply. At that moment of greatest need, we were informed, by our FF-USA office, that they had absolutely no funds to send us! With funds exhausted and urgent field needs requiring immediate action, we had to make do the best we could with what we had. The Moru Hymn Book A major project we have been working on for several years now is the revising, updating, expanding and re-printing of the Moru Hymn Book. This had been a major project of 1996. Since that time, the only Hymn Books that the Christians have had in Moruland, Western Equatoria of South Sudan, had been the 5,000 Hymn Books I provided to them in 1996/1997. Most of these that survive are now in tatters. Printing Project We have completed an extremely long process of having the pastors and bishops appoint Translation Committees to approve all additions and corrections to the Hymn Book before authorising its re-printing. Those concerned have now finally approved and the Hymn Book is almost ready to print. This month is the very best time for the Hymn Book to be distributed, during our Mission team's Leadership Training courses throughout Equatoria. Windows of Opportunity Since the economic downturn in 2008, along with other Missions, we have experienced a drastic decline in support. This has meant that many worthy priority projects have been delayed, or indefinitely postponed, until funds allow. Often windows of opportunity have been missed only through lack of resources to respond. Africa Overland Mission Our husband and wife Mission team, Michael and Renee, have now been on the road for more than three months, have driven more than 10,000 miles and have conducted well over 170 meetings throughout Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania and Kenya. This has included Biblical Worldview Seminars, Great Commission Seminars, Discipleship Training Seminars, Reformation FIRE Conferences, Muslim Evangelism Workshops and Evangelism Training Clinics. They have ministered in orphanages, schools, colleges, churches, mission bases and in the market places. Frequently at night they have conducted Film Evangelism and they have had the privilege of leading many people to the Lord. As well as distributing Bibles, books and Gospels in many languages throughout these areas. Emergency While ministering in the Ngorongoro area in Tanzania, Renee came down with a high fever and required a late night rush to the nearest hospital, which was three hours drive away, where she was able to receive medical treatment and recover. Bandit Territory In Northern Kenya and Eastern Equatoria of South Sudan, the team had to travel through bumpy, rough, gravel roads in remote areas, which police described as hot spots for hijackers and bandits, who ambush and attack travellers frequently. Tribal wars and rebel activity sponsored by the Arab government of Northern Sudan, has further complicated travel in some of these areas. In addition the team has driven past many wrecks of vehicles that have not survived the long and arduous journeys across Africa. Mission to Zambia David, John and Berdine conducted Evangelistic outreaches, seminars, sermons, film Evangelism, youth ministry and children's ministry in Zambia. They also delivered thousands of Bibles, Gospels and Christian books to churches in rural areas of Zambia. Mission to Europe I was invited to be a guest speaker for the Europe Christians for Truth Conference in Switzerland, the theme of the conference was, The World War of Worldviews Between the Christian and the Secular. I presented: Resisting Babylon and the Beast and at the Sunday morning church service: Choose You this Day Whom You Will Serve! I also gave presentations at the Domino Servite School in Switzerland, at Christians For Truth in Holland and Belgium, at the Dutch Pro-life Movement, and conducted numerous media interviews, including with Christian Television in the Netherlands and media interviews and testimonies outside the European Union in Brussels. Mission to America In May, I conducted 36 meetings in 6 churches in Arizona, Idaho, Colorado and Pennsylvania. This included conducting a Biblical Worldview Seminar: Claiming the 21st Century for Christ, in Idaho, a Muslim Evangelism Workshop, Chapel at Missionary Aviation Fellowship Headquarters, lecturing at Arizona Christian University, radio and TV interviews and missions rallies. Mission to the Military Please pray for the upcoming ministry to the Army in South Sudan. The chaplains we trained need re-supply and further training as they are deployed to the border regions where there are frequent clashes with the Arab forces of Northern Sudan. Christians in the Nuba Mountains are under regular aerial bombardment by the Arab government, although the Nuba Mountains are culturally, religiously, ethnically, and linguistically part of the South, they are still politically under the control of the Muslim North. An island of Christianity in the sea of Islam, besieged and under fire. Livingstone 200 We have distributed a vast amount of Bibles and books to bless local churches and communities in Zambia in honour of the bicentennial of Dr. David Livingstone. Victoria Falls is the most visually spectacular venue and the Livingstone Safari, the most historically significant time, to celebrate the Life and Legacy of Pioneer, Missionary explorer Dr. David Livingstone, the best friend Africa ever had. In the Footsteps of David Livingstone To this end we have launched the website and Dr. David Livingstone Facebook page. I am working on The Life and Legacy of David Livingstone book and we are engaged in filming a documentary, In the Footsteps of Dr. David Livingstone. Our Africa Overland Mission team and other Frontline missionaries plan to focus on the town of Livingstone on the banks of the Zambezi River for major missionary outreaches during the Livingstone Bicentennial celebrations, which travellers are invited to participate in. Space is very limited for this major missionary milestone and historic event. Victoria Falls Livingstone Safari If you are interested in joining in this Victoria Falls Livingstone Safari (13 -18 November), please contact our travel agent (Rhynhardt Naurattel, Email: [email protected], Tel: 021-713-0296). More details are available on the venue, excursions, events and opportunities are available on our website. New Christian Action Website Launched Our website has been completely re-designed to better inform, inspire, and involve you in working for Reformation and praying for Revival. Visit our featured News articles and Upcoming Events on the home page, to get involved and make a positive difference. Much more articles can be found in different categories under Articles. These can also be shared on your social media. Social Media Frontline Fellowship is now maintaining 17 websites and 7 Facebook pages. 77 of my PowerPoint presentations are now available on Slideshare. The latest of these: The Islamisation of Europe and How to Stop and Reverse It. Many of these presentations have been viewed thousands of times online. This will enable you to see (and download) and share some of the presentations which I present to conferences and colleges. E-Books Our Mission Manager, Colin Newman, continues to make more of our most popular titles available as E-Books. The latest one to be launched as an E-Book is: Character Assassins. Other best-selling books available as E-Books include: Victorious Christians Who Changed the World, Biblical Principles for Africa, Answering Skeptics, Practical Discipleship, The Ten Commandments – God's Perfect Law of Liberty. The Apostles Creed – Firm Foundations for Your Faith, and The Power of Prayer Handbook. A Biblical Manifesto for Africa, Christian Terror and The Coalition on Revival's Reformation 500 FIRE Manual are available as free E-Books. Sermon Audio You will also find a link on our website to more of our sermons and lectures made available through Sermon audio. Reformation FIRE Our increasingly popular website is a treasury of hundreds of historical articles, character studies and lectures. This website has been completely re-designed, to make it more user-friendly to empower your school, study group and congregation. Caring for Creation Our website has been completely redesigned this year and includes my PowerPoints against rhino poaching and Will Animals Be in Heaven? Like, Link and Share Please help us make our social media and website resources more widely known and pass on, or share, E-updates, slideshares and links that you know your friends and associates would benefit from. Resisting Islamisation If you do not subscribe to the Christian Action Magazine, lease let us know our postal address and we will gladly send you a complimentary of the latest Christian Action Magazine: Resisting Islamisation. You can also view this magazine online on Print out, or order, more copies to share with your friends and family. Gospel and Bible Teaching tracts 50 of or tracts are downloadable under Free Resources from our website. You can also order large quantities of tracts from us by emailing [email protected]. Tracts are free but a donation towards postage costs is appreciated. The Vision and Mission of Frontline Fellowship You can also view a short explanation of the Vision and Mission of Frontline Fellowship filmed by friends of our Mission in Pennsylvania. Click here to view this and other video clips available on the website. May God continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 Email: [email protected] As several supporters have requested our banking details, they are: (For local supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for (For overseas supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: ZA201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for
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December 2024