Cult Confusion Our Mission team to Zimbabwe reported back on a proliferation of cults, sects and false gospels undermining churches throughout Zimbabwe during this troubled time of power failures and food shortages Mission to Zimbabwe Our Mission team delivered Boxes with Love to destitute pensioners and conducted Discipleship Seminars in three churches. The Discipleship Training Seminars used the new Discipleship Training Manual of Frontline Fellowship as the primary textbook. Lectures presented included: The Essence of the True Gospel, Repentance, Full Salvation, What is a Christian?, The World vs The Word, I am Not Ashamed of the Gospel, The Beatitudes, Suffering and Revival. All in all the Mission team took 60 meetings, including lectures, sermons, devotions, Bible studies and film ministry. Evangelism Workshops
The team conducted Evangelism Workshops using Way of the Master and Evangelism Explosion materials and films, including: Hell’s Best Kept Secret and The Biggest Question. Some of the teaching times were followed by prolonged intensive times of prayer and some participants of seminars went out onto the streets and into the marketplaces to conduct Evangelism in the community. The team screened films on 15 occasions. Discernment and Discipleship One pastor, after seeing I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel presentation, stood up in front of his congregation and confessed: "I always used to think that big crusades were the best way to witness, but I was wrong and now I see the importance of one-on-one evangelism and discipleship. That’s something I'll have to change." Can Suffering Ever be Part of God’s Will? The subject of suffering stirred up much controversy and open discussion. Participants of the Discipleship Seminars were challenged with questions such as: Why should you go to Heaven?, Why are there so few on the right path?, Will God pardon you if you are really sincere?, What if you are sincerely wrong? As participants worked through these questions in the light of Scripture, a great burden for prayer, worship and evangelism developed. Open Air Evangelism At one village where there was no Bible-believing Church, our team, together with a team from a nearby church, erected a large tent and held open-air outreaches. Personal Discipleship One of the field workers reported back that he felt that "the Mission comprised 2% what we did in the lives of those to whom we ministered and 98% of what God did in me!" "God moved in my life in such a profound way to get me to realise more fully the extremity of a single principle: God is Holy. I am a wretched, hell-deserving sinner. God’s ways are not my ways, nor His thoughts my own. I am saved by grace alone." What a mighty God we serve! Lives Impacted Participants of the Discipleship Seminars in Zimbabwe wrote these responses: "Inspiring!"; "Relevant"; "Very effective"; "Bible based"; "Very enlightening"; "powerful and inspiring"; "challenging". South Africa Mission After a long day’s drive up from Cape Town, our Mission began with lectures on The Battle For our Families and our Future at a Bible College in Kimberly. This was followed by further lectures on Missions at another Bible College the next morning. The enthusiasm of these students and their faculty was overwhelming. After two hours of lectures, we spent the next three hours in questions and answers and enthusiastic discussions over a wide range of Missions and related subjects. Seminars and Services We had an opportunity to explore some of the Big Hole of Kimberley, where over three tonnes of diamonds were mined over a century ago. Then off to conduct a special seminar amongst a farming community in the Western Transvaal. On Sunday we enjoyed worship with our friends at the KwaSizabantu Mission in Pelindaba, presented Mission report backs on South Sudan and a message on True Repentance and False Guilt. Highway Robbery After that we had a long drive through to Mpumalanga, astounded by the proliferation of extremely expensive tollgates for pretty second-rate roads. No wonder Mpumalanga is notorious for extreme corruption and poor service delivery. Great Commission Seminar We received a warm welcome at Back to the Bible Training College where I had been invited to conduct a week of Great Commission Seminar lectures to the 114 students. These are pastors and missionaries in training from 14 countries throughout Africa. Here I presented lectures on: Animism, Hinduism, Islam, Missions in the Bible, Missionary Strategy in the Book of Acts, What Does it Take to be a Missionary?, The Greatness of the Great Commission, The Future of the Christian Church and practical examples of great missionaries through the ages, such as Patrick, Columba, Boniface, Samuel Ajayi Crowther, Mary Slessor and many others. Films on Islam and on Discernment were shown to the students in the evening. Hours of discussion followed the presentations and lectures. Stretching Minds and Muscles The Frontline team also conducted Physical Training which challenged the students to maintain physical fitness. Large quantities of Discipleship books and Christian History materials were distributed to faculty and students, including our new books: Answering Skeptics and Victorious Christians - Who Changed the World. Boxes of Bibles and Evangelistic booklets were entrusted to the students as they prepared for their holiday outreaches. Biblical Worldview Summit After the sweltering heat of the lowveld, we drove up to the highveld to conduct the Biblical Worldview Summit in Vereeniging, Gauteng. Here we linked up with our Zimbabwe Mission team. Participants came from all areas of South Africa and some from Zambia. The venue for the BWS was a large Christian school which includes an Adventure Centre straddling the Klip River and including tremendous obstacle courses, rock climbing and other great facilities. Ministering to Body, Mind and Spirit The BWS participants had their minds and muscles stretched and enjoyed a most challenging week of PT, Bible Drill, team building exercises, lectures, adventure activities, sports, outreaches, discussion groups, debating skills games, films, worship and devotions. There was also a Bible Exam and Variety Concert. Creation Science Our special guest speaker was Creation Scientist, Dr. Philip Stott, whose presentations on The Roots of Science, What is Evolution?, The Flood, Where in the Universe Are We? and Biblical Creation, were greatly appreciated by participants. Winning the World War of Worldviews I dealt with: Worldviews of Destruction, Evidences for Skeptics, Dealing with Guilt Manipulation, Revival, Marvels of God’s Creation and Science, Why Does God Not Stop all the Suffering?, The Worst Disaster in History, The Law of God in Evangelism, Effective Public Speaking and Debating Workshop, The Victory of Crusaders Against Islamic Jihad, What About Hypocrites in the Church?, Poverty – The Causes and Cure and You Can Change Your World. Exposing Deception Rob Brown dealt with Propaganda, The Message in the Media and The Message in the Movies, and two Survival Workshops. Frontline missionary, Mike Watson, aside from leading the worship each evening, and the PT each morning, also gave a most challenging presentation on Body Piercing and Tattooing. Culture and Controversy Mike’s wife, Renee, gave a most inspiring and challenging presentation on Authentic Beauty. John Clifford dealt with the most controversial subjects: The Message in the Music and Dealing with Peer Pressure. These engendered much vigorous discussion. Transforming Society for Christ Taryn Hodgson presented The Christian Action Workshop and all the Frontline missionary field workers presented an interactive Evangelism Workshop and Career Guidance Panel Discussion. Film Ministry Films shown included: The Final Frontier; Pop Culture Paganism, Joshua Harris’, Dating vs Courtship; Hell’s Best Kept Secret; Islam Rising and The Ultimate Gift. Resources for Reformation All the BWS participants who passed the Bible Exam received a complimentary copy of Dr. David Noebel’s, The Battle For Truth and our new Answering Skeptics book. Participants also received a very valuable data disc which included over 80 audio MP3s, 34 BWS PowerPoint presentations, the entire BWS Manual, as well as many supplementary notes and forms. All representing many thousands of hours of work and years of research, empowering participants to present Biblical Worldview Seminars at their local school, church, youth group, or mid-week fellowship. Effective Evangelism Numerous of the BWS participants reported back with joy on their first experience of doing evangelism in the streets, at a railway station and in a nearby shopping mall. Several had the privilege of leading people to the Lord in prayer. Lives Impacted Participants of the BWS at Vereeniging wrote these responses: "It was highly informing. I learned a lot and the activities and lectures were amazing. I loved it and I think it was exceptional!"; "The presentations were very well done - very professional!"; "Refreshingly different. The BWS has made a definite impact on my life. It has pulled me back to the Word"; "I learned a lot of material not taught in our churches"; "I am more on fire for God"; "The outreach was my first time witnessing"; "Everything was exceptional!"; "Life changing!"; "Physically and spiritually I am better equipped to be salt and light in this world"; "A wonderful opportunity, intense!"; "A Great camp". Missionary Commissioned Another highlight of the BWS was the recognition of the completion of training of David Frew, who was awarded his badge and certificate. The training of a Frontline Fellowship Missionary Field Worker includes: completing the Biblical Worldview Summit and Great Commission Course, Muslim Evangelism Training, Evangelism Explosion, Way of the Master, Film Evangelism, multiple evaluation forms, Bible studies and sermons, and planning, organising, preparing for, and carrying out effective cross-border field trips into restricted access areas. In the 30 years of Frontline Fellowship, only 15 field workers have completed their missionary training and been awarded the Frontline Fellowship badge. It symbolises perseverance, diligence, consistency, self-discipline, and dedication in fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You We are most grateful for your prayers and support. Thank you for your encouragement and intercession. May the Lord abundantly continue to bless, guide and strengthen you. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Director
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December 2024