Summary and Analysis of Response Forms The Great Commission Camp and Course (25 June - 12 July 2004) consisted of: 15 lecturers (of which 10 were guest lecturers), 56 lectures, 12 devotions, 7 church services, 16 outreaches, 9 films, 10 day visits to other missions, 5 workshops, 13 PT sessions and 5 hikes. Participants came from as far afield as: California, Arizona, Canada, Congo, Zambia, South Africa and New Zealand. What have been your impressions of the GCC?
"A very well planned course. Excellent lectures. Very adventurous and exciting"; "I was surprised at how physical the camp was and how long the days were. I was very impressed at the quality and Biblical content of the lectures and I also enjoyed the realistic practicals"; "Well organised, focused and relevant, but also flexible and lecturers were approachable"; "Very well presented and organised, thorough lectures, hands-on practical outreaches, a good wide topical programme covering missions, historically to very current ongoing mission ministries today"; "I have enjoyed it very much, helpful and challenging"; "Well presented, thorough coverage and skilled, experienced presenters"; "What impressed me was the way Peter and his team lectured tons and also the way the members conducted themselves"; "Very informative and comprehensive. Well organised and illustrated. The lectures were well presented and real because the lecturers have been doing the work"; "The GCC is a great course"; "Well organised. Very good lectures"; "Frontline Fellowship is wholeheartedly dedicated to the Great Commission, old fashioned in worship, singing many hymns"; "Well organised, valid and interesting"; "So challenging to learn more about the challenges of the early missionaries and their determination"; "Outstanding!"; "It is good to see people giving up their lives to help those who are still walking the darkness"; "Killing yet refreshing!"; "Very tiring. I've been impressed the way we have been handled. The PT made a difference in my life" What were the most useful or helpful lectures, videos, events or presentations to you and What were the highlights of the GCC for you? 14 said the outreaches; 12 the Luther film; 10 The Inn of the Sixth Happiness; 10 Fellowship, building relationships, and making friends at the GCC; 8 What Does It Take To Be A Missionary; 7 PT; 7 the Luther presentation on How The Reformation Changed the World; 7 Frontline Missions Throughout Africa slide presentation; 6 the hikes; 5 said "All!"; 5 Overcoming Culture Shock; 4 What Constitutes A Call; 4 Evangelising Hindus; 3 Communication Workshop; 3 Evangelising Muslims; 3 Cross Cultural Communication; 3 Making Disciples of All Nations; 3 The Challenge of Missions; 3 the practicals; 3 the food; 3 Hunger For Revival; 3 Idols For Destruction; 3 True Love Waits; 3 Coping With Crisis Situations; 3 PH Testimony; 2 Noise Masquerading As Music; 2 William Carey - The Father of Missions; 2 Prison Outreach; 2 Sudan Presentation; 2 The Ark; 2 Straatwerk; 2 discussion times and Q&A; 2 KSB Malmesbury; Others mentioned included: Restitution, The Family, Andrew Murray Centre, The Children's Commission, Media Village Tour, Waymakers, The Huguenot Museum, Missions In the Old Testament, Bible drill, Self-discipline, Your Devotional Life, Prayer and the Sovereignty of God, all the historical lectures, and night evangelism. 5 mentioned the Sunday morning worship service at the Huguenot Monument as their highlight and 2 mentioned the lecture on The 5 Points of Calvinism and the Teachings of Christ. In what ways have you benefited from the GCC? "I learned to trust more in God and less in myself. I learnt to persevere, not to be too sensitive and how to work in a group"; "It has certainly opened my eyes concerning God's will for my life to humble myself before Him and to serve others with a humble, gracious, Christ-like manner"; "Learnt to be humble before God and to build relationships with likeminded people"; "My romantic idea of missions has been replaced with the reality of missions"; "I've learnt more about the Word of God and the God of the Word"; "I learnt more of my responsibilities and what is of real importance"; "The GCC has completely transformed my attitudes and my view of the power of the Gospel and the desperate need for Christ in my world"; "Stiff, but fitter"; "I've learnt how best to do more things that matter with the limited time available"; "New found zeal to evangelise and disciple the nations!" Would you recommend that others attend future GCC's? "Definitely. The GCC is well organised, informative and practical, run by experts"; "The GCC is a must for all those who sincerely seek God's will for their lives"; "It is very helpful to learn new skills on how to fulfil the Great Commission"; "I would recommend the GCC to mature Christians"; "The Lord will use this course to grip your heart for the nations"; "The GCC is life transforming, attitude transforming"; "The GCC is life changing. I got more than I expected and God had an appointment with me". Has this course led you to make any commitments or decisions? To fully surrender to the Lordship of Christ: 13 To join and get involved in a local church: 14 To study the Word of God more regularly: 18 To spend more time in prayer for missions: 22 To read more good Christian books: 18 To disciple at least one person per year: 17 To support a mission financially: 13 Offer your time to a missionary movement: 18 To commit yourself to becoming a missionary: 16 Other decisions: "Purity, holiness at all costs, get rid of idols"; "To manage my time effectively"; "Encouraged to apply the Lordship of Christ to all areas of my life"; "Dedicate my time to win souls!"; "More physical exercise and discipline"; "I will fully dedicate my life to Him"; "I have to memorise more Scripture"; "I will not allow anyone to de-motivate me"; "I'm going to go to the shooting range more often!"; "I'm ready to offer my time to a missionary movement"; "Lord willing, I want to apply to become a fulltime missionary" Frontline Fellowship P O Box 74, Newlands, 7725, Cape Town, South Africa Tel.: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 E-Mail: [email protected]
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