The Greatest Privilege It is a tremendous privilege to be a child of God, to be His servant and His soldier. The Lord promised that no one who has left father or mother, wife or children for His sake and for the Gospel will fail to receive a hundred times more, in this present life, with persecutions and, in the life to come, eternal life. We are commanded to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and He promises that all these things will be added unto us. Our Greatest Priority The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. Our greatest priority is to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbour as ourselves. The Great Commission is our supreme ambition. Family Involvement
Over the years it has been a particular joy for me to have each of my children join me at different times on various missions. Our youngest, Calvin, has completed 11 missions with me, but this time it was the turn of my eldest daughter, Andrea, who presented a lecture on Biblical Femininity and Modesty at our seminar and helped train students in Evangelism Explosion. She also set up and ran book tables. Mission Team Our mission team consisted of Andrea and I, Taryn , the International Co-coordinator of Christian Action Network and an American trainee field worker, Hunter. Mike also joined the team to help in running the Biblical Worldview Seminar in the Transvaal. Countrywide Mission Our team drove over 4,500km and conducted 45 meetings in 5 provinces. This included conducting a Biblical Worldview Seminar, giving presentations to 4 school Assemblies, ministering in 4 churches, 3 mission bases, one radio station, a School of Missions, a Teacher Training College and at a university. Reforming Families Our first appointment was in Beaufort West, speaking to a parents and teachers meeting in a local church, which has ministry in ten schools in their area. They had invited me to speak on Reforming our Families to Reform the Nation. We also delivered boxes of World Missionary Press Gospel booklets in Afrikaans for them to distribute to the schools. Biblical Worldview Seminar The next day was a long and hard drive to reach Vereeniging in time to set up for the Biblical Worldview Seminar. The venue was ideal, being based at a large Christian school with sports facilities, a river, obstacle courses, indoor rock climbing, and lots of other adventure activities. Over 80 people participated in this Biblical Worldview Seminar. Presentations included: Remember the Persecuted, God’s Law vs. Paganism, Worldviews in Conflict, Biblical Femininity and Modesty, The Message in the Music, Change the Campus – Change the World, Hollywood and Humanism, Answering Objections Skeptics Raise, and an Evangelism Workshop. There was much discussion and Bible Drill, Just a Minute, PT, and sports were also greatly enjoyed by the participants. Lives Impacted Some of the written responses received included: “I’ve learned the importance of the Holiness of God”; “The BWS has broadened my horizons and opened my eyes”; “Good solid provable info”; “The BWS has a determination to bring to awareness the supremacy of Christ and enhance the skills of Christians to bring souls to Christ”; “The BWS made me re-think all my positions”; “A lot of awesome information compiled by people who know what they talk about”; “The BWS opened my eyes”; “I experienced God!”; “The BWS gave me a better Christian understanding and foundation”; “I’ve gained a better understanding, many questions have been answered, my faith has increased and I am motivated to action”; “The Seminar was very excellent in all spheres. It helped me develop critical thinking from a Biblical perspective”; “The PowerPoints made a tremendous impact confronting me with historical reality”; “A great Seminar!”; “It renewed my confidence in the Bible”; “The speakers were well informed and the information was well presented”; “It was all so amazingly interesting”; “Excellent multimedia presentations”; “I am inspired, fired up and encouraged!” School Assemblies After the Seminar, on the Monday morning, Hunter shared a message and testimony, and Andrea and Taryn taught Evangelism Explosion to the Primary School Assembly of Three Rivers Christian Academy, while I presented Wonderful Wildlife and the Word of God to the High School Assembly. Training Missionaries Our next appointment was at the Africa School of Missions in Mpumalanga. Here I had been invited to lecture on Missions History. Students came from all over South Africa and even from as far afield as the United States of America, Canada and Russia. There was much discussion from the students after each presentation. I lectured on: Missions in the Bible, Missionary Strategies in the Book of Acts, Great Missionary Pioneers: Patrick – Missionary to Ireland, Columba – Missionary to Scotland, and Boniface – The Apostle to the Germans, How the Vikings Were Won to Christ, William Carey – The Father of Modern Missions, David Livingstone – Missionary Pioneer and Explorer, and on The Greatest Century of Missions – The 19 th Century. At the weekly Assembly at the School of Missions I preached on Acts 19: But Who Are You? Wonderful Wildlife As ASM is so close to the Kruger National Park we had the opportunity to visit this magnificent wildlife sanctuary. During a full day of driving throughout this vast game park, we saw many of God’s creatures, frequently up close: Impala, Zebra, Kudu, Warthogs, Waterbuck, Nyala, Giraffe, Buffalo, Elephant, Hippo, Crocodile, Hyena, and many different types of Eagles, including Fish Eagle. Christians For Truth Conference Enroute to KwaSizabantu Mission we were able to visit the Museum and battle sites of Blood River. The Christians for Truth Conference was opened by Rev. Erlo Stegen with the theme: “Arise, Shine!” Preaching from Isaiah 60, Rev. Stegen said that the Hebrew word “Kumi ” , has a deep and broad meaning. It means we should be shaken awake and alert, to stand up, to obey God, even sacrificially, as Abraham was called to arise early in the morning and take his son, Isaac, to mount Moriah . To arise often involves pain and difficulty, to tear ourselves away from comfort and safety. Ephesians 5:14 says: “Awake sleeper, and arise from the dead.” In Genesis 22:3, Abraham was called to arise and lay his son on the altar. Isaiah 61:4 declares: “Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, they will raise up the former generations, and they will repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations.” There is much that needs to be done and many Christians are fast asleep. What have you done in God’s Kingdom? How many people have you won to the Lord in the last year? Other presentations dealt with the Dangers of the Internet and the Media on Morals, Drugs and the attempts to legalise them under the cover of “Harm Reduction”. KwaSizabantu Mission At KwaSizabantu Mission, I dealt with The Bible and Animals at the Domino Servite School Assembly and at the Teacher Training College of Cedar College of Education, I dealt with Guilt Manipulation. At an evening service of KwaSizabantu Mission, I gave a PowerPoint presentation on What is Happening in the Middle East and South Sudan. At Radio Kwezi I recorded Sermons and Devotions and was interviewed on current affairs concerning Sudan and Nigeria. Tugela Valley Mission Andrea and I also had the privilege of being invited by Rev. Erlo Stegen to tour their new Mission projects in the Tugela Valley. While the journey by road would have taken a couple of hours, we flew there in a light aircraft in a matter of minutes, descending from 3,000 feet above sea level at KwaSizabantu down to just 500 feet above sea level in the Tugela River Valley. The area seemed quite arid and apparently only cactuses and thorn bushes could grow there. The local people had declared to Erlo Stegen that the ground was useless for farming and “nothing could grow there!” Flourishing Farms in the Wilderness In less than two years, Erlo Stegen and his team from KwaSizabantu have astounded the local tribespeople by developing flourishing farms in this valley. Mangos, paw-paws, bananas, pineapples, cauliflowers, potatoes, all manner of fruit and vegetables are flourishing in soil which the local people had thought unsuitable for growing “anything”! A new church building has been constructed and hundreds of Zulu tribesmen have come to Christ in the last two years. Vibrant Ministry As we drove and walked around the various farm projects and outreaches of the Mission in Tugela Valley, many joyful people came up to Rev. Stegen and greeted him warmly, obviously delighted at his ministry in the area. Since my first visit to KwaSizabantu in January 1987, I have been astounded and inspired by the magnificent ministry and its far reaching impact. Every subsequent visit has only deepened my appreciation and broadened my vision even more. God’s abundant blessings on this new mission outreach in Tugela Valley were evident. A Fruit of Revival Clearly the hungering and thirsting after righteousness, the prayer meeting in the cow shed in 1966, and the many sacrifices and acts of faith and obedience since then have been abundantly rewarded by the Lord a hundred fold and more. Fighting Modern Slavery In Durban, Taryn and I presented a Christian Action Workshop for His People at the University of Durban. The workshop particularly focused on Social Justice and Compassion in the light of human trafficking. Literature Ministry During this country wide mission to five provinces, our team distributed almost a tonne of Bibles, Christian books, evangelistic and discipleship materials, Gospel booklets, tracts and audio visual materials to schools, churches, missions and ministries. Overland Mission to South Sudan John, Mike, Hunter and Daniel, after their successful mission to Loziland , are preparing for an overland mission to Sudan. We had wanted the teams to already be on their way, but a crippling shortage of funds is delaying their departure. Our vehicles still need some vital equipment for the long and arduous journey across extremely difficult terrain. Crossing rivers where bridges have been blown up, during the war, requires each of our vehicles to have snorkels fitted for the engine to breathe while under water. Winches are needed to pull vehicles out of mud and flooded rivers. Extra springs are essential for the heavy loads and rough roads. Extra fuel tanks are needed for travelling in areas where fuel is unavailable. An additional 4WD trailer is needed to transport up all the great evangelistic and discipleship leadership training materials. Leadership Training Frontline Fellowship is committed to continuing to minister to spirit, mind, and body and along with delivering desperately needed materials to pastors, teachers, chaplains, medics and evangelists, our team members have been invited to conduct Evangelism Explosion and Way of the Master Workshops, Biblical Worldview Seminars, God and Government Seminars and Discipleship Training Seminars in South Sudan. An Urgent Need and an Unprecedented Opportunity The needs are urgent and the opportunities are unprecedented. Please mobilise your congregation and prayer fellowship to urgently intercede for South Sudan and for the resources needed to send these mission teams off to carry out this monumentally important mission to South Sudan. Video to View You can view a video clip on Frontline’s Mission to Sudan online. Click here . Book Projects I have also completed a number of book projects which are ready for the printer. Victorious Christians Who Changed the World is a 350 page book with over 200 pictures on 32 inspiring character studies. Answering Skeptics contains polished, field-tested, battle-proven answers to the most common attacks thrown against Christianity. These two books will provide much inspiration and practical help in evangelism and discipleship. We are only awaiting funds to enable us to send these books to the printer. Thank You We are most grateful for your ongoing prayers and partnership in our Mission. May the Lord continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfillment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Director Frontline Fellowship PO Box 74 Newlands, 7725, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 E-mail: [email protected]
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December 2024