We praise God for His extraordinary grace which we experienced in so many ways as we visited dynamic ministries throughout South Africa. Our team drove over 5,000 km and conducted over 110 meetings, lectures, sermons, presentations and radio programmes during the three and a half weeks of ministry. It was refreshing and encouraging to see vibrant Christian ministry amidst some of the most desperately urgent needs and many bold initiatives being undertaken for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Literature Distribution
Our team delivered and distributed over a tonne of Bibles, Christian books, audio visual materials, Sunday school materials and evangelistic tracts to 10 churches, 8 Christian schools, 3 mission stations, 3 Christian radio stations, 2 universities, a Bible college, a Teacher Training college and a Ministers Fraternal. Leadership Training This South Africa mission also included conducting two weekend Biblical Worldview Seminars and a four day Great Commission Seminar. The team consisted of myself and Taryn, the co-ordinator of Africa Christian Action, and Frontline missionary-in-training, Mike. After driving up from Cape Town we spoke at the Three Rivers Christian Academy in Vereeniging and at the Dutch Reformed Church in Roodepoort. Biblical Worldview Seminar We were invited to conduct a second Biblical Worldview Seminar at KwaSizabantu Mission, Pelindaba. Here I gave lectures on the Crusades vs Jihad; Discerning Between True and False Guidance; God and Government; and an Evangelism Workshop incorporating both Way of the Master and Evangelism Explosion. As our missionary to the Congo, Johan, had just returned, we had the opportunity of receiving a first-hand report back on the tremendous needs and logistical complications of ministering in that desperately needy and neglected field. Our missionary to Zimbabwe and Mozambique, David, was also able to give a report back. Taryn conducted a Christian Action Workshop. Some of the participants completed the Bible Exam and many joined Mike for P.T. In the evening we enjoyed Bible Drill and Just a Minute debating skills game. Then I presented How Christianity Changed the World and screened Coral Ridge Ministries excellent film: What if Jesus Had Never Been Born? On Sunday we concluded with Revival in History and a message on Repentance. Each participant of the BWS received a Biblical Principles for Africa book and those who passed the Bible Exam were awarded Dr. David Noebel’s book: The Battle For Truth. The interest in the book table was intense and participants went away with large amounts of Gospel literature to distribute in their communities. Back to the Bible Training College Then we drove through the night to Back to the Bible Training College in Mpumalanga to conduct a four day Great Commission Seminar. Back to the Bible Training College is a dynamic ministry providing a three year degree programme to prepare ministers, evangelists and missionaries. Run by General Dr. Shai Mulder, students come from fifteen different nations including: Angola, Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the Congo. Great Commission Seminar I presented lectures on Missions History;The Greatest Century of Missions; William Carey – The Father of Modern Missions; Dr. David Livingstone – Missionary Pioneer and Explorer; How to Succeed in Missions; The Challenge of Missions; Missionary Strategy in the Book of Acts; Evangelising Animists; Evangelising Hindus; Evangelising Muslims; and The Greatness of the Great Commission. David, Mike and Taryn also gave practical presentations and Mike led the whole student body in P.T. Libraries for Pastors Each student received a copy of our Great Commission Manual and The Battle For Truth. Other books donated by Dr. Robert Morey, Rev. Robert McNeill, and Mark Cahill were also donated to students and staff members. As at every other school or college which we visited we also donated a wide variety of books and audio visual materials to their library. Give Me this Mountain Then we were driving for KwaZulu Natal and KwaSizabantu Mission. Christians For Truth is celebrating their 20 th anniversary and this was to be the 20 th Annual CFT Conference. The theme was: Give Me this Mountain. I was invited to give a presentation of TheMountains of God. Radio and Resources After driving through the mist, with very limited visibility, we arrived in the rain - just after midnight. The next morning, before we had the opportunity to set up our displays, literature and book tables, I was scheduled to record sermons and Devotionals for Radio Kwezi. Then we delivered boxes of library donation books and audio visual materials to Cedar College of Education, Domino Servite School, Doctors For Life, CFT and to KwaSizabantu Mission co-workers. Mission KwaSizabantu Every time I have the privilege of visiting KwaSizabantu I am astounded at the growth in so many ways. So many new buildings are going up. KSB bristles with new initiatives and dynamic ministries. I have been visiting KSB now for over twenty-four years. In my estimation it has to be the most successful and blessed mission station in Africa. Rev. Erlo Stegen and his co-workers have established missions as far afield as Europe and Australia. In spite of the devastating fire over two years ago, the mission is flourishing. The rebuilt auditorium is even more magnificent than the first. Multiplication of Ministers Cedar College of Education is providing Christian university degrees for students from all over Africa and Europe. Doctors For Life has a far ranging and varied ministry. Radio Kwezi is one of the largest Christian community radio stations in the country. Christians For Truth is making a tremendous impact in mobilising pro-life, pro-family, moral actions not only in South Africa, but throughout Europe. Jivannadi Mission After the CFT Conference, we drove through to Jivannadi Mission, also arriving after midnight, to a warm welcome. The next day I preached at three church services and then from Monday began conducting chapel services and lectures at Jivannadi Christian School, and interviews and sermon recordings for Good News Community Radio. As this was the mission station and school where Mike was raised, he was enthusiastically welcomed and most effective in ministering to the students. Taryn had many interviews with GNCR. University Bible School On Tuesday evening we drove through to the University of Durban Westville to present a lecture on Marvels in Creation and Science to His People Bible School, and to deliver more books and audio visual materials for their strategic ministry on campus. Kokstad The next day, after further presentations at Jivannadi Christian School and interviews on GNCR, we drove through to Kokstad for an evening service where Christians from a number of congregations came together for my presentation on Andrew Murray and the 1860 Revival. The next morning I trained the local ACE School in Evangelism Explosion and presented the Bible’s Teachings on Animals. Mike then presented a lively presentation on Do Not Be Deceived. Advance For Life We then drove through Transkei to East London where we presented a Chapel service and lectures for 300 students of The Advance For Life School. After this Taryn and I were interviewed on Link FM Radio and then we set up for the Biblical Worldview Seminar. Biblical Worldview Seminar The East London BWS began with a special youth rally on Minds, Morals and Movies and a screening of Todd Friel’s excellent Way of the Master film: The Big Question. The next day I presented God’s Law vs Paganism, Worldviews in Conflict, A World War of Worldviews, The Battle For the Mind in the News Media and Evangelism Workshop incorporating Way of the Master and Evangelism Explosion. Taryn conducted a Christian Action Workshop, and after my presentation on Discerning Between True and False Revival in the evening, Mike screened Dr. James Kennedy’s excellent film: What if Jesus Had Never Been Born? The next day the BWS concluded with Discerning Between True and False Guidance and Revival Amidst Persecution in Sudan. School of African Reformation At Rhodes University in Grahamstown, for His People’s School of African Reformation, I presented The Battle for the Soul of a Continent and that evening spoke at a Ministers Fraternal in the Eastern Cape. The Battlefield of Education After challenging the ministers concerning the priority of raising Godly children and giving the full support of our local churches to Christian education, we received some shocking insights. Numerous pastors expressed their frustration at the state schools and at the state of their own churches: “The schools are failing our children.”; “Our children can’t even think.”; “Even when the teachers aren’t striking, our children aren’t getting much of an education.”; “Many of our children cannot even read and write, despite years in school.” Failing to Disciple Children Another pastor confessed: “Our parents are failing to disciple their children. Even we pastors are failing to disciple our children. We are raising pagans!” Several pastors admitted that not even they had any time for their own children. The television set was effectively the electronic baby sitter. They were too tired to interact with their own children. They realised that what their children were getting at school was not good for them, but they sent them there anyway. They realised that T.V. is a negative influence, but they just found it more convenient to have their children sit in front of the T.V. – so that they could get some rest! Youth Group Failures One pastor reported on their attempt to attract youth to their Friday night youth group by launching a Christian night club. “Soon we were told that we had to drop the Christian music and have racier, secular music. We allowed the youth to go outside the church buildings to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. Soon we had hundreds of young people at our Christian night club, but we soon realised that there was nothing Christian about it. Our youth got into serious sin. After one of our youth camps, we found lots of empty bottles of alcohol, packets of cigarettes and many condoms.” The pastor admitted that he had to finally close down the youth group and Christian night club. He had to admit to the church leaders that he was wrong and that they should never have allowed the youth group to become so secular and sinful. Swamped by Worldliness It was evident that we were not only confronted with corruption in society, but also in the church. Many churches are so secularized and geared to entertainment that the world has invaded and swamped the church. Disturbing Trends During such a wide ranging cross-country mission we saw a cross section of society, we had the privilege of ministering in some of the finest churches, colleges and schools with some of the highest standards. But one also gets to see other ministries with disturbing practices. Some Christian bookshops seemed to have their shelves filled with questionable material, unbiblical doctrines and lightweight popcorn theology. The spiritual temperature and pulse of many of the churches is disturbing. It is evident that the need for Reformation and Revival is even more urgent than we may have previously thought. We desperately need to get our churches back to the Bible for Biblical Reformation and Spiritual Revival. Confronting Compromise The importance and urgency for our literature and Leadership Training ministry became even more obvious. The discussion with the Ministers Fraternal lasted for hours. At the end we entrusted some of these pastors with Biblical Principles for Africa, The Power of Prayer Handbook and Reforming our Families books. Investing in Education The next morning each of us gave presentations to Alexandria Christian Academy. That evening we were in Port Elizabeth enjoying fellowship with a pastor with whom I had studied at Baptist Theological College. I spoke at Westend Baptist, while Mike conducted another service in town. This was another great opportunity of distributing key Bible study and Sunday school material to a strategic pastor who would ensure that they would distribute it at ministers’ fraternals in town. The next morning we toured Harvest Christian School, a very large and successful private Christian School in Port Elizabeth. Here I presented The Drama of the Reformation to a combined assembly of high school seniors. Plettenberg Bay The final meeting of our South Africa mission was at Plettenberg Bay Christian Academy and then we drove straight through to Cape Town in time to take the Reformation Society meeting that evening. Upcoming Outreaches For myself there is a very short turnaround in order to catch up on the backlog of correspondence, writing, proofing and printing deadlines and to get ready for my next overseas speaking tour - to Canada and the USA. Taryn immediately had to gear up for co-ordinating the Life Chains, 3 rd October. A few days after I head off on my next speaking tour Mike will depart on a cross-border mission trip. Upcoming Courses When I return from overseas we will be in the countdown for our Reformation Celebration Conference and Reformation Day service. We have a number of book projects in the pipeline needing completion and then we will be hosting the Summit in January. Thank You Thank you so very much for your prayers, support and encouragement. May God continue to be your strength and shield. Yours for the fulfillment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Director
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December 2024