In response to several requests for our priority projects for prayer and action: 1. Serving the Suffering in Zimbabwe - Emergency Relief Aid, medicines and food are desparately needed by destitute and starving Christians, especially pensioners, oppressed and persecuted in Communist Zimbabwe. Any support, practical or financial, for our Boxes with Love and ongoing missions of mercy to starving and suffering Christians in Zimbabwe will be greatly appreciated and much needed. 2. Bibles and Bikes – to put Wheels under the Word by providing tough bicycles for pastors, chaplains and evangelists in the field. Many rural pastors are responsible for multiple congregations – sometimes with great distances between them. Bicycles multiply their abilities to meet the needs of more people, more often. Frontline missionaries have provided hundreds of bicycles for pastors, evangelists and chaplains in Sudan, the Congo, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. 3. Libraries for Pastors and Library Donations for Bible Colleges. Any donations of quality Christian books, or study Bibles for our Bibles for Africa and Libraries for Pastors project will enable us to equip and train more pastors, chaplains and evangelists with the books they need to disciple their people, applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. 4. The William Carey Bible Institute is a Reformed, Evangelistic, Biblical and practical leadership training programme that seeks to meet the tremendous need and hunger for literature and leadership training in Africa. WCBI is a thoroughly Reformed distance learning programme that offers pastors, teachers and evangelists excellent textbooks, lecture manuals, audio CDs and a training programme requiring book reports, exams and assignments. The college is named after William Carey, the Father of Modern Missions, who although he was deprived of secondary schooling, was so well read, dedicated and disciplined that through reading he became one of the finest linguists, Bible translators and social Reformers in history. WCBI provides a uniquely practical missionary training programme that is character changing, nation building and culture transforming.
5. We have a number of books, which either have been translated, or are in the process of being translated, into Portuguese, French, Chichewa, Afrikaans and Moru. These include Biblical Principles for Africa; The Discipleship Handbook ; Slavery, Terrorism and Islam and The Greatest Century of Reformation. As these books are distributed freely to pastors, teachers and evangelists throughout the countries that we minister amongst in Africa, and are donated to school and college libraries, we need sponsorships for the printing of these books. 6. Sponsoring Leadership Training Courses. Every year Frontline Fellowship conducts Biblical Worldview Summits, Muslim Evangelism Workshops, Reformation Seminars, the Great Commission Course, and Teacher Training Seminars for thousands of pastors, teachers, chaplains, evangelists and young leaders. Your support will help us provide life-changing training to even more leaders in Africa. 7. CHURCH PROPERTY. A church building close to our mission headquarters in Cape Town has come onto the market. From our perspective there is tremendous potential to this property. It is a well-built structure and very well placed with excellent exposure on a busy road. There are many advantages to acquiring this property including sufficient facilities to accommodate our Christian Liberty Books ministry which has long since grown beyond the area allocated to it at Livingstone House. Security concerns at our mission HQ preclude us making open invitations or having a listed address. However, this facility could be openly advertised and could accommodate home school events, mission rallies and leadership training courses. Moving Livingstone Fellowship, the Reformation Society and Christian Liberty Books out of the present mission headquarters would free up much of the present space for Frontline Fellowship, Africa Christian Action and William Carey Bible Institute priorities. We have been informed that numerous other religions are interested in taking over this facility, including Hindus, Bahais and Muslims. It would be a tragedy to allow those false religions to get such a prominent church facility in the heart of Rondebosch. With the death threats that I have incurred for writing the Slavery, Terrorism and Islam book, and with numerous other threats of the years that our mission has received from homosexual groups, (for the publishing of The Pink Agenda), from the Sudan government (for our work in exposing the atrocities of the government of Sudan in, amongst other things the Faith Under Fire In Sudan book and Sudan the Hidden Holocaust film), and the many threats from Muslims (for our Muslim Evangelism Workshops), we have never been able to advertise our present mission house. Our telephone numbers and physical address are unlisted for obvious reasons. This does undermine some of the more public aspects of our ministry where we would like to encourage people to come, such as for church services and for the bookshop. Separating out the book ministry, and the Sunday services and seminars in a separate facility from the mission headquarters would solve numerous problems. It would free up more space at the mission and enable us to get out of gridlock in some areas where we are simply just bursting at the seams. It would also greatly increase the exposure of Christian Liberty Books and Livingstone Fellowship, enabling us to openly invite the public, particularly home schoolers, to the bookshop and to special events at this church building. Banking Details: Bank Name: First National Bank Account Name: Livingstone Fellowship Account number: 62229657476 Branch Code: 260-209 Branch Name: Pinelands Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ Please visit our websites:, or for more background information or pictures. “He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:6 – 8 Frontline Fellowship P O Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa E-Mail: [email protected]
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Prayer & Praise Articles
December 2024