Biblical Worldview Seminar Despite incredibly cold weather (for South Africa), including snow blocking the national roads and mountain passes and torrential rain, which caused flooding and rock falls which blocked our return route, our Biblical Worldview Seminar in Riversdale was well attended and blessed with warm fellowship. Snow and Icy Conditions Fail to Dampen Enthusiasm Coming in the midst of the coldest and wettest week in a very cold and wet winter, we drove through pouring rain and past snow capped mountains to the venue 300km East of Cape Town. I had expected that the torrential rain and freezing cold conditions would drastically diminish participation on the course. However, I was pleasantly surprised that, from early in the morning until late at night, the participants came promptly and enthusiastically, often with their blankets to wrap around during what sometimes seemed like an arctic survival course. (Indeed we have received reports of thousands of vehicles stuck in snow on our national roads, homes flooded and people frozen to death and drowned on this freezing weekend.) Participants
Many of the participants came from farms and communities near and far. Participants included dairy farmers, horse farmers, school teachers, engineers, technicians, businessmen, university students, homemakers, electricians, accountants, a pharmacist and a game ranger. The Frontline Fellowship team included our missionaries, Michael and John; Africa Christian Action Co-ordinator, Taryn; Reneé; Daniela and Calvin. Programme Michael and Reneé led the Worship in the evenings. John trained the participants in Bible Drill and the Just a Minute debating skills game. John also presented The Message in the Music, which normally is reacted to by many protests and arguments by those who want to defend rock, rap and hip-hop noise masquerading as music. On this occasion, however, it was evident that the participants were far more conservative than the average group that we have encountered. Most were in full agreement and expressed their appreciation for his exposé. Applying the Lordship of Christ to All Areas of Life Our special guest speakers were George Oesch from KwaSizabantu Mission, who dealt with Biblical Repentance and Restitution, and Pieter Pelser who dealt with The Evolution Illusion. Taryn conducted a Christian Action Workshop and I presented: The Battle for the Mind in the News Media, A World War of Worldviews, an Evangelism Workshop, Dealing With Guilt Manipulation, The Greatness of the Great Commission and How the Cape Came to Christ - Andrew Murray and the 1860 Revival. We also showed the Truth in Action Ministries film of Dr. James Kennedy: What If Jesus Had Never Been Born; and Islam Rising. Children's Programme With the help of Daniela and Calvin, John trained the children in Evangelism Explosion. The children presented the Kids EE Gospel presentation to the congregation on the Sunday morning service. I also presented Animals in the Bible in the parallel children's programme. The children were also taken through the Kids Evangelism Explosion film and The Ten Commandments. Practicals On the Saturday afternoon, Mike led the participants in a variety of team-building, problem solving practicals and sports. Others wrote the Bible Exam. Resources to Reclaim Communities for Christ At the conclusion of the Biblical Worldview Seminar, each participant was given a copy of Todd Friel's DVD: The Biggest Question and a Biblical Worldview Seminar data disc which includes the full Biblical Worldview Manual and Discipleship Training Manual along with 27 supplementary lecture notes, 81 audio MP3 lectures and 32 PowerPoints. What the Participants Had to Say Some of the written responses received from participants in the BWS included: "No compromise! One Truth! One Way!"; "The love for God and the passion to make a difference!"; "All of the presentations were great and inspiring!"; "Great work, well done!"; "On fire for God and His work!"; "Very relevant issues that we deal with every day."; "It was fantastic!"; "I recognise the need to measure everything according to God's Word."; "I must give Christ the Lordship over every area of my life."; "What an impact one life can make!"; "Very complete! A wake up call to everything threatening Christianity! A war cry!"; "Very well organised and the truth of God's Word was proclaimed."; "It was great and blessed!"; "Very informative history – wise as well as spiritually refreshing."; "I was very amazed."; "All of the presentations left an everlasting impression."; "Wonderful!"; "Very well prepared and presented. All the facts were correct and well thought through. The presenters are all full of fire for the truth. Thank you!"; "My eyes and ears were opened to the evil going on in the world and the need for us Christians to be salt and light in every aspect of life."; "Well organised and excellent material."; "I've gained a new perspective over history."; "Challenged and inspired!"; "Totally committed." Discernment Seminars In June we helped host a nation-wide series of Discernment Seminars conducted by Evangelist Justin Peters. These were most successful, with many hundreds attending the Discernment Seminars in Pretoria, KwaZulu Natal, East London, Port Elizabeth, George and Cape Town. Frequently the venues were packed beyond capacity. If you did not have the opportunity to attend any of these seminars, we have the new, much updated, four-part Call For Discernment DVD Boxset (over 5 hours of polished documentary with all the video clips and documentation included). An audio MP3 is also available on Justin Peters' lectures and messages. Mission to Zimbabwe By God's grace, a Frontline Mission team succeeding in delivering desperately needed Boxes with Love to destitute Christians suffering in Zimbabwe. Pensioners were ministered to and Evangelistic and Discipleship materials delivered to churches. Mission to Zambia David, John and Daniel safely returned from a Mission to Zambia where they conducted Discipleship Seminars, lectured at Christian schools, conducted film evangelism and held a Christian Action Network Seminar in Lusaka. Ministry in Cape Town Recent ministry opportunities in and around Cape Town have included: presentations on Revival and Missions at the Old Mutual Christian Fellowship, interviews on Radio Pulpit on The Family and on CCFM on Victorious Christians - Who Changed the World, an interview with S.A.T.V. on Spirituality and Education, and dealing with the extraordinary campaign against Christianity on our University Campuses and How We Can Reclaim our Universities for Christ, on various radio programmes. On Radio Tygerberg, we have dealt with The Persecution of Christians in Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Northern Nigeria, and The Nuba Mountains. The Threat to Further Secularise South Africa and The Importance of a Christian Calendar. We've also received report backs from Missionaries from Northern Sudan. Reformation Society Over the last month, I have presented lectures on Facts You Never Knew About World War 2, Effective Solutions to Crime and Corruption, an update on the Increase of Persecution Throughout the Middle East, The Battle for the Soul of Europe, The Battle for the Soul of Nigeria and The Battle for the Soul of South Africa. Bibles and Books for Africa Frank reports that our Literature Ministry stores have distributed over 70 tonnes of Bibles and Christian books in the first half of this year. We are awaiting re-supply from World Missionary Press and a further shipment of a 20 tonne container of Bibles and books from America. On the Frontlines for Christ The July edition of JOY! Magazine incudes a five page article on our Mission, On the Frontlines for Christ. This can also be viewed on our completely revamped and new website. Mission to Nigeria Please pray for the upcoming Mission to Nigeria. Hundreds of churches in Northern Nigeria have been bombed and burned in the last seven months. Christian villages and homes have been attacked by Muslim mobs and many of the Believers are traumatized from the ongoing campaign of Jihad being unleashed upon them. Upcoming Missions We have a number of upcoming Missions which are in jeopardy for lack of funds. We have requests and invitations from numerous countries in Africa and we are trusting the Lord for the resources to be able to respond positively and send suitable teams to conduct Evangelistic campaigns, Leadership Training courses, Discipleship Seminars and Biblical Worldview Seminars throughout Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, the Congo and Sudan. Social Media Please visit our new and improved Frontline website at Your comments and suggestions would be appreciated. You will also find more of our PowerPoint presentations on slideshare. Our website has also been completely revamped. You will find more Mission Report Back clips and interviews with Sudanese church leaders on our website link to YouTube. Some of our books are being made available as e-books. If you have not yet visited our Frontline Fellowship Facebook page, you will find regular updates and opportunities to respond. Thank You We are very grateful for your prayers and support, without which our ministries would not be possible. We appreciate the sacrifices that you make to enable this work to advance throughout Africa. May the Lord continue to be your strength and shield. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 Email: [email protected] As several supporters have requested our banking details, they are: (For local supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for (For overseas supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: ZA201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for (For USA supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship USA Bank: JP Morgan Chase Routing Number: 102 001 017 Acc. No: 910 341 692 Swift No: CHASUS33 Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for
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Prayer & Praise Articles
December 2024