​Prayer and Praise Update from the Cape of Storms
A Break in the Storm
During July, after enduring a level 8 Storm, with pouring rain, freezing cold and snow on the mountains around the Cape peninsula, we were blessed with one clear day without rain on the very day that we needed to receive a 20-foot container shipment with over17 tonnes of Bibles and Gospel literature to offload, sort through, categorize and organize. We had been praying for a break in the downpour and some dry weather for the upcoming Bible and book shipment. Providentially, the ship was delayed in docking by the bad weather and finally arrived during a rare break in the wet weather. On average we freely distribute over 100 tonnes of Bibles and books throughout Africa every year.
Guests from Near and Far
We have recently received a number of guests at the mission, including Andrew and Jacqui Strom, missionaries from New Zealand who had been serving in Uganda, Nigeria & South Africa. Andrew Strom is an international author and speaker, founder of RevivalSchool.com and the international Revival List. ​He is the author of ten books including 'True & False Revival', 'Secrets of the Early Church' and 'The Coming Great Reformation'.
We also had long-time friend Dr Frikkie Kellerman from Hospital Christian Fellowship who is a missionary to India.
We also received Mariaan who has been working as a teacher in Free China/Taiwan. Mariaan was one of our missionary field workers in the 1980s. It was a real trip down memory lane interviewing her on our Salt and Light radio program concerning those early years when we had no office, and almost no resources. We spoke of the Frontline camp when we were closed down on the Friday night by the camp manager because we were a multiracial group. Mariaan volunteered her parents’ home as an alternative venue. Being 1984, this was long before cell phones, so we had no way of pre warning her parents, but they were happy to host our group in their garage, lounge and lawn. Mariaan reminisced about how she had been pushed out of her comfort zone, undertaking her first parachuting experience, hitchhiking into the field, swimming into communist Angola during the war, despite crocodiles in the river and land mines on the other side, ministering amongst refugees and to soldiers and her mission to Zimbabwe.
Through Fire and Flood in Sudan.
Then we received Delia, who served as a field worker of the Mission in the 1990s, becoming, what the locals described as, the first female missionary into the war-torn Nuba Mountains of Sudan since all missionaries had been expelled by the Islamic government in 1964. This was during a mission in 1999 which is described in chapter 35 of the Frontline - Behind Enemy Lines for Christ book, Through Fire and Flood in Sudan. Delia also served in Zambia. We look forward to interviewing her and learning from her insights and experiences soon. Sailing on a yacht across the Atlantic from Cape Town to North America Also remarkable was that, on a recent mission to America, I met a previous Frontline secretary, Tracy. Along with her husband and daughter, Tracy had sailed on a yacht from Cape Town to North America. She had many Atlantic adventures to relate including storms that their family had survived.
The latest FRONTLINE NEWS is now available online
It includes Frontline Soldier Colonel Jan Breytenbach has been called by his Commander in Chief to Higher Service.
Celebrating 50 years of Youth Conferences at KwaSizabantu Mission. Bibles in indigenous African languages. Seminars and Services across The United States, England and South Africa. Pray for the Muslim world poster. Priority Projects for Prayer and Action. Frontline Resources. Stop the Traffick Outreaches.
Please pray for our outreaches. For the last 29 years, we have organized nationwide outreaches every National Women's Day. We have several teams prepared for this Women’s Day, when we will be conducting Stop the Traffick outreaches at several locations across the Cape peninsula.
We have just received back from the printers a consignment of the new and revised version of Stop the Traffic and a new pull up banner for our missions in the mall. In preparation for these outreaches, we conducted a recent Evangelism workshop, and we have screened the Sound of Freedom film & Trade of Innocents film.
Jesus Messiah Outreaches
By God's grace, we are being entrusted with 50,000 copies of the Jesus Messiah book, which is 66 pages full colour, fully illustrated presentation of the Gospel in Afrikaans, which is the primary language in the Cape of Good Hope. For this we are organizing school assemblies where we can present the Gospel and then hand out these books as gifts to all students and staff, we are also seeking opportunities to also present these in prisons, at police stations and military barracks. By the way, 50,000 copies of Jesus Messiah books translate to 10 tonnes, or 10 pallets, of Books. This represents quite a logistical challenge for distribution, but a magnificent Evangelistic tool/ammunition for outreaches. School Evangelism These well illustrated full colour books make excellent evangelistic tools. These precious gifts are not only valuable in terms of quality printing and excellent artwork, but as Good News offer the Message of Eternal Life. We need to organise as many assemblies at schools as possible, where Dutch missionary, Leo Baan, or one of our Evangelistic teams, can present the Gospel and distribute these Jesus Messiah illustrated books to the scholars/learners/students and staff. We are also seeking to contact chaplains who can organise for distribution to military units, fire stations, police stations and prisons. If you can help organize a school assembly, please coordinate through Frank Slabbert of Literature4Africa who will be organising sufficient Jesus Messiah books for the various outreaches and events.
Operation World informs us that there are now over 680 million people in Africa who claim to be Christians. The number of Christians in Africa is set to double by 2050 when, if present trends continue, our continent is expected to be home to 1.2 billion Christians!
There is phenomenal church growth in Africa, but the challenge is that researchers calculate that there are only 150 million Bibles that have been distributed in Africa over the last 20 years. As the general life expectancy of a Bible is less than 20 years, they calculate that over 500 million Christians in Africa do not have their own copy of the Bible. Most of the pastors in Africa have no formal Bible college training. Most pastors have no access to a library. Study Bibles are rare, and some pastors do not even have a full Bible. Africa's greatest and most urgent need is Bibles and Bible teaching. The need for Literature4Africa and Frontline Fellowship’s leadership training programmes is vital and urgent.
"For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes…"
​Romans 1:16
Fire Brigade Evangelism
I was able to distribute these Jesus Messiah books, along with special New Testaments designed for firefighters, at Epping Fire Station where I served back in the early 1980s, midnight shifts, while I was studying at Baptist Theological Seminary. The commander allowed my 3 grandsons to accompany me and explore the fire station and fire engines, handle the equipment, including the fire axes, jaws of life and a fire hose. They dropped the bells, sounded the siren and patiently answered all of our questions. It was impressive to see all the new equipment which we never had access to when I was working in the fire brigade. It was a trip down memory lane. Epping is one of the busiest fire stations in the Cape peninsula. They tackle everything from vehicle accidents, factory fires, house fires, informal settlements and wildfires. Sometimes they have come under fire from gangsters and been subjected to rock throwing mobs, especially during the Taxi War! They also have to administer First Aid frequently. One of the medics described how, in addition to treating burns, sometimes he has had to also deliver babies and sew up injured patients who have been delivered to the fire station in wheelbarrows! Pray for our Firefighters. They do a phenomenal job under very difficult conditions.
Back to the Bible Evangelists Workshop
In Memoriam - Colonel Jan Breytenbach ACH: The Real Story of How Assassinations are used in Politics and Wars The Assassination which sparked a World War ACH: The Real Story of Conspiracies and Cover-Ups The David Knight Show: Taking the Gospel to Marxist Rebels and Islamic Jihadis Confronting President Mandela, the Marxist Terrorist Recent YouTube interview concerning Confrontations with President Mandela and Ramaphosa We have hosted a number of Evangelistic training workshops and outreach opportunities. Effective Evangelism Workshop (Incorporating Way of the Master and Evangelism Explosion). South African History Home Educators workshop. See our response to the Olympic Blasphemy: WHY are the OLYMPIC GAMES Promoting PAGANISM, PERVERSION & BLASPHEMY Please also pray for Zimbabweans who are suffering under severe Marxist mismanagement and cruel oppression under ZANU(PF). SUPPORT THIS PROJECT
We praise God for our true friends, prayer warriors, co-workers, supporters and allies who stand with us in difficult times. Bad times are good for spiritual work. You do not actually lose friends; you just learn who your real friends are!
Through our God we shall do valiantly, it is He who will tread down our enemies. No weapon formed against us shall stand. God has sent His angels to encamp around us. Thanks be to Almighty God, our rock-solid foundation, our fortress, our Redeemer and Deliverer We are very grateful for your prayers, encouragement and support, without which none of our ministries would be possible.
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Prayer & Praise Articles
December 2024