![]() Thanksgiving for 40 years of God's Grace and Guidance, Provision and Protection As Frontline Fellowship celebrates 40 years of God's grace and guidance, provision and protection, we want to recognise those who sacrificed for, served and stood by this mission. The prayer warriors, supporters, volunteers, co-workers, interns and missionaries who went above and beyond the call of duty, whose labour of love has edified and empowered God's people as we strive to seek first God's Kingdom and His righteousness, making disciples and teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded. Those who had the stamina to remain steadfast and persevere against all odds will be rewarded by the Lord of the Harvest. "Give thanks to the Lord, call on His Name; make known among the nations what He has done... Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:8,34 Momentous Missionary Milestones To mark this momentous missionary milestone, I was interviewed by Loving Life TV on the 45th anniversary of my conversion and 40th anniversary of the launch of Frontline Fellowship's first cross-border mission into war-torn, communist Mozambique. You can view the programme here. Thanksgiving Service On 7 April, we held a Thanksgiving Service in the Upper Room at Livingstone House. Many friends and supporters, some going back 40 years and more, joined in this event which also included launching the Frontline - Behind Enemy Lines for Christ book. To view the video of this presentation click here. To view this presentation as a screen capture click here To listen to the audio of this presentation click here. ![]() First Hand Eyewitness History Frontline - Behind Enemy Lines for Christ, is a first hand, eyewitness account of war and persecution during tumultuous events. From the Bush War in Rhodesia to the Border war in South West Africa and Angola, to the killing fields of Mozambique, capture, interrogation, imprisonment, smuggling behind the Iron Curtain, the Seven year Jericho Prayer March that led to the Fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Iron Curtain, Revolution in Romania, Missions to Albania, the most atheist country in Europe, the Holocaust in Rwanda, under artillery and rocket fire and aerial bombardment in Sudan, to the successful struggle for secession of South Sudan, Frontline - Behind Enemy Lines for Christ covers 40 incredible years of Frontline Fellowship missions throughout 38 countries and eight wars in Africa and Eastern Europe. Check out this article for more information about the book. ![]() Perspective to Understand the Present Crises This book is very relevant to this time of war in Ukraine, critical race theory in the classroom, BLM riots in the streets, manipulative propaganda on the mainstream media, hypocrisy and double standards by politicians and sinister globalist intrigues to undermine Faith and freedom worldwide. Frontline - Behind Enemy Lines for Christ provides unique insights from recent history into a wide range of controversial issues, including communism, the abuse of relief aid, Islamic Jihad, the dangers of liberation theology, the catastrophic consequences of compromise and cowardice, the treachery of the United Nations in Angola, during the Rwandan genocide and in undermining freedom of religion in Sudan, along with inspiring stories of Christian courage and tenacity amidst intense conflict and tribulation. It will empower readers to recognise the tactics of Marxists and provide facts needed to counter the disinformation and guilt manipulation of globalists today. More importantly it will inspire greater resistance to revolution and to the nefarious agenda of those who are working for a one world government, one world economic system and one world interfaith religion. ![]() Behind the News Headlines Frontline - Behind Enemy Lines for Christ includes many behind-the-scenes and behind-the-news headlines events and dramatic confrontations with terrorists, false teachers and even heads of state. Including when Col Jan Breytenbach and I walked into Angola to confront communist forces with the Gospel of Christ, clashes with archbishop Desmond Tutu and president Nelson Mandela, international intrigues with Kenneth Kaunda, treachery and betrayal. It presents the epic saga of Frontline Fellowship missionaries serving persecuted Christians and evangelising in war-zones throughout Africa and Eastern Europe. It has a powerful message of hope, with many examples of successful initiatives that resulted in captives being set free, communists and jihadists converted to Christ, once closed countries now open to the Gospel, successful secessions and dramatic transformations of communities and countries. ![]() Resistance, Reformation and Revival It is our prayer that this book on the realities of communist terrorism and tyranny, Islamic Jihad, persecution of the church, globalist treachery, the infiltration and subversion of the church by false prophets and Marxists in religious disguise and the steadfast resistance of many courageous Christians, along with incredible answers to prayer, will inspire a new generation to fight the good fight of Faith and make Christ’s Great Commission their Supreme Ambition, even behind enemy lines, in Restricted Access Areas. We pray that those who read this book will be convinced of the importance of joining this Back to the Bible for Reformation and Revival movement. “ … And you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spoke concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one word of them has failed.” Joshua 23:14 ![]() Forewords and Introduction You can read the inspiring Forewords from Patrick Johnstone, Rev Erlo Stegen and Col John Eidsmoe and the Introduction by Gerhard Nehls here Available Now in both Hardcover and Softcover and through Print on Demand and as an E-book The book includes 46 chapters, 448 pages, with over 440 pictures. It is available, in both hardcover and softcover, from: Christian Liberty Books, Tel: 021-689-7478, Email: [email protected] and Website: www.christianlibertybooks.co.za. (The hardcover is: $28 and the softcover $22. The e-book is $7.) Find the Book here. It is also available through Print on Demand and as an e-book . Behind Enemy Lines for Christ video trailer See the video put together by Ndumiso to introduce Behind Enemy Lines here ![]() Readers Reviews “I am almost half-way through reading this astounding record of 'missions under fire' Frontline - Behind Enemy Lines for Christ and highly recommend it; not 'just' for Christians, but also for modern military history enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to know the truth of the dastardly communist attempts to subjugate the people of Southern Africa. A must-read!” Cuan Elgin, Author of Bulala & Return to the Covenant “Well done! Praise God! I’ve purchased Frontline - Behind Enemy Lines for Christ on smashwords. I’m excited it’s come to completion and am eager to read more.” DV, California, USA “I've started reading Frontline - Behind Enemy Lines for Christ and it's EXCELLENT. Very, very well and entertainingly written. You have a real talent for story-telling. I think every school library in Cape Town should be presented with a copy.” AM, SA Lessons Learned From 40 years in the Frontline You can listen to the From the Frontline podcast here, considering some of the lessons learned during these last four decades of cross-border missions into Restricted Access Areas throughout Africa and Eastern Europe. “I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them and crooked places straight. These things I will do for them and not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16 Radio and TV Interviews Please help us make this book known and more widely available. If you know of any radio or TV programmes that would be interested in interviewing the author, please forward this information to them. “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.” Isaiah 43:2 ![]() Prayer and Missions in Acts Workshop We have commenced a new series of workshops for pastors, teachers and evangelists: Prayer and Missions in Acts. You can view many of the lectures as videos or PowerPoints on the frontlinemissionsa.org website. You can also listen to many of the presentations on our sermon audio and SoundCloud pages. Genesis, the Ark and the Flood Home Education Workshop You can also view videos of our home education workshops here, or listen to the lectures through our sermon audio page. ![]() Great Commission Course Please pray for our ongoing outreaches and missions and for the inspiring and life-changing Great Commission Course (24 June – 13 July 2022). Over the last 24 years, participants of the GCC have come from as far afield as Australia and America, Britain and Botswana, Canada and Congo, Ghana and Germany, Namibia and New Zealand, Malawi and Mozambique, Sudan and South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. This is an intensive, practical, hands-on, three-week course, incorporating daily PT, intensive Bible study and lectures most mornings, outreaches and practicals every afternoon, including film Evangelism, Muslim Evangelism, mass literature distributions at railway stations and bus stations, personal, one-on-one Evangelism and either outreaches, or more training in the evenings and topped up with regular late-night hikes, culminating in a hike up and over Table Mountain. The GCC also includes numerous practical tests, evaluations and missionary assignments to stretch minds and muscles. "Expect great things from God! Attempt great things for God!" – William Carey (1792) ![]() A Macedonian Call Please also pray for more volunteers to join us in this incredible privilege and opportunity of serving persecuted churches, evangelising in Restricted Access Areas and working for Reformation throughout Africa. The needs are great and the opportunities to serve and strengthen churches under severe pressure, are urgent. “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the Harvest to send out labourers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38 We are very grateful for your prayers, encouragement and financial support, without which none of our ministries would be possible. May God continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond | Director Frontline Fellowship See also other Prayer and Praise Updates:
Prayer & Praise Update - Africa For Christ Multigenerational Ministries of Multiplication Steadfast in the Storm Let the Whole World Hear His Word Working for Reformation and Praying for Revival in Africa Applying the Lordship of Christ to All Areas of Life Surgery, Scorpions and Scripture Evangelism, Education and Edification Bad Times Are Good for Spiritual Work Bibles, Films and Outreaches Resources for Redemption and Reformation, Remembrance and Rescues Responding to Ramadan with Digital Evangelism Perseverance and Productivity Despite Pandemic Panic Equipping and Empowering Evangelists Mountain Climbing Marathon For those who want to prayerfully and financially partner with us in ministry: Our banking details: For South African supporters: Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ (for overseas supporters) Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for. For overseas supporters wishing to donate into our South African account: Bank Name/Credit Institution: First Rand Bank Bank Street Address: Bank City, floor 2 Place: 4 First Place, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2000 Account Number: 50170589260 Account Name: Frontline Fellowship Street Address: 28 Park Road Rondebosch Place: Cape Town, 7700, South Africa Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for For supporters donating from the USA: You can go to www.FrontlineFellowship.net/support, or click here.
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December 2024