![]() Great Commission Course 2021 By God’s grace and despite the disruptions caused by the ANC government imposing a level 4 lockdown on the country, we have completed a successful three-week Great Commission Course. We were just three days into the Course when the Level 4 Lockdown was declared, making many of the scheduled day trips and services in different Churches difficult and in some cases impossible. We had to be very adaptable to rearrange our program and schedule new aspects of the GCC. ![]() Comprehensive, Intensive and Practical Our intensive, boots-on-the-ground, body, mind and spirit practical training course for prospective missionaries involved: 55 lectures/presentations; 5 workshops, 10 practicals, 15 vigorous PT sessions, 7 hikes, 6 outreaches, including 8 teams to Canalwalk, 8 teams to the Waterfront, 13 teams to a Muslim community, two church services in neighbouring communities and a radio interview with many of the participants of the GCC for Salt and Light on Radio Tygerberg. The program also included 17 films, a number of day trips and 8 exams and a series of 10 assignments, including completing the 50 page Discipleship Training Manual. The program also included 14 Bible Drill sessions and 6 Just a Minute debating skill games. All hikes and mountain climbs included participants carrying backpacks of Arabic Scriptures. PT sessions were completed in the dark, hours before dawn. At one sunset hike up Lion’s Head, we read through the whole of the Sermon on the Mount, sung hymns of worship and had an enthusiastic time of intercession overlooking the lights of the city. ![]() EE, Discernment and Muslim Evangelism This year’s Great Commission Course included the Evangelism Explosion Program, the Call for Discernment Seminar and Kingdom Conversations focused on Muslim Evangelism. Encouraging Written Responses from Participants Some of the written responses, which we have received from participants, includes: “One of the best courses I’ve ever been to! Loved how it was focused on prayer, devotional life, missions, Scripture memorization and practical implementation”; “Very Good training for my mind, body and spirit”; “Hard but very well managed, very educational and challenging”; “Intensive and useful”; “A much needed course for young Christians and young leaders, especially in these days”; “Very Versatile to adapt to the lockdown lunacy – perseverance despite obstacles”; “Well organized and thoroughly planned.”; “Pushed out of my comfort zone, learned to share the Gospel, speak publicly and much more”; “Gave me a greater desire to grow deeper in my relationship with the Lord Jesus”; “Renewed my zeal for commitment to God’s Kingdom”; “Spiritually helped me to draw nearer to the Lord and it was a great encouragement seeing brothers and sisters get excited and equipped to reach Muslim for Christ”; “I learnt aspects of life and ministry that I have not learnt elsewhere.”; “Grateful for the good habits that I learned from this course”; “Spiritual Revival, physical and mental fitness!” Please pray for our participants as they seek to apply in their daily life and implement in their congregations and communities what they have learned and experienced during this intensive missions training program. You can view some of the Pictures of the GCC on our Great Commission Camp and Course Facebook page. ![]() Audio Visual Presentations of the GCC Available You will be able to listen to many of the lectures, devotions and sermons given during the Great Commission Course on our sermon audio page, click here. You will be able to view many of the lectures and presentations of the recent GCC on our video page, click here. To view some of the PowerPoint presentations prepared for the Great Commission Course, click here. Over the next weeks more of these presentations will be uploaded onto our website. ![]() Responding to Riots and Looting in South Africa We were still busy with the Great Commission Course, climbing mountains, conducting work parties, beach clean-ups, literature distribution, completing assignments and marking exams when the brazen looting and most destructive riots in history of South Africa erupted across KwaZulu/Natal and Gauteng. This led to numerous radio and television interviews, internationally, to give A Christian Response to the Catastrophic Criminality and Communist Chaos. You can view the presentation I gave to the Reformation Society as video, click here. To view A Christian Response to Catastrophic Criminality and Communist Chaos as a PowerPoint, click here. To listen to Confronting Catastrophic Criminality and Communist Chaos, click here. To listen to the From the Frontline Chaos Ensues When the Church Becomes “Non-Essential”, click here. To listen to a British radio interview on The Real Story of the Worst Riots in South Africa That are Happening as We Speak!, click here. You can also read the article: Communist Chaos and Criminal Opportunism Fuels Riots in South Africa, click here. And When the State Fails to Protect Lives and Property, click here. “Destructive forces are at work in the city; threats and lies never leaves its streets.” Psalm 55:11 ![]() The Heart of the Problem is the Problem of the Heart To address the deeper issues behind the Communist inspired chaos which cost over 50 Billion Rands in damages and stolen items and over 370 lives lost, I presented the sermon: The Heart of the Problem is the Problem of the Heart at Livingstone Fellowship. You can listen to this sermon, click here, or read it on the www.LivingstoneFellowship.co.za website, click here. “I will put My Law in their minds and write it on their hearts and I will be their God and they shall be My people.” Jeremiah 31:33 ![]() South Sudan Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Successful Struggle for Secession While we were climbing mountains on the GCC, South Sudan celebrated the 10th anniversary of their successful struggle for self determination and secession from the Arab North. It was a major victory against the oppressive Sharia Law of the National Islamic Front government of Sudan. You can read my article with pictures, click here. To see how South Sudan became an independent country, click here. To listen to the From the Frontline podcast on Celebrating 10 Years of South Sudan’s Independence, click here. To read my article Astounding Answers to Prayer in Sudan, click here. “Cush will submit herself to God.” Psalm 68:31 ![]() Evaluating the Legacy of Kenneth Kaunda The death of Kenneth Kaunda, the first president of Zambia, on 17 June, led to numerous radio interviews internationally as I sought to give perspective on the legacy of this dictator, under whom I was imprisoned, as a presidential detainee, without charge, or trial, in Lusaka Central Prison back in 1987. You can read my article Evaluating the Legacy of Kenneth Kaunda here or view the presentation as a video, click here. To view it as a PowerPoint, on SlideShare, click here. The testimony of how Zambia was transformed from a One-Party socialist dictatorship to a Multi-Party and Free Market country committed to being a Christian country is an inspiring testimony. Frontline Books Now Available Through Print on Demand By God’s grace, some of our mission’s most popular books are now available through Print on Demand. This includes: Victorious Christians Who Changed the World; The Greatest Century of Reformation; The Greatest Century of Missions; Slavery, Terrorism and Islam – The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat;and Security and Survival Handbook. You can access the information about each of these books through our www.ChristianLibertyBooks.co.za website, which also includes the links for eBooks on each of these titles. Or you can order directly through lulu.com. ![]() The Great Commission Handbook Our Great Commission Manual has gone through eight editions over the years and has now been updated and expanded into the Great Commission Handbook. When funds allow, we will have this printed and made available to Bible colleges and missions throughout Africa. For the moment, we have printed a limited number, just for participants of the GCC. ![]() Digital Libraries for Restricted Access Areas For many years we have been smuggling hundreds of thousands of Bibles, New Testaments and Christian books into North Africa, to Restricted Access Areas in Muslim world. We have now also designed Digital Libraries, incorporating the Bible in Arabic and other local languages, both written and audio, the Jesus Film in Arabic and other African languages, hundreds of Bible studies, including surveys of every Book of the Bible, many more hundreds of lectures and discipleship resources in audio, video and PowerPoint, manuals, handbooks and much more. It is extraordinary how many films, audios, Bibles in various languages and other resources can fit onto a 32 Gigabyte SD card or Flash Drive! While these Flash Drives and SD cards are a very cost-effective means of providing Digital Libraries for Restricted Access Areas, they are a significant expense and we do need designated sponsorship to enable these new technological resources to be mass produced and made available widely throughout the Muslim world, particularly in North Africa. ![]() William Carey Bible Institute This Digital Library project has also been inspired by the success of our William Carey Bible Institute (WCBI) distance learning program for Christians in Restricted Access Areas. By God’s grace, six WCBI students graduated in an Arabic speaking, Muslim country in North Africa recently. Using the guidance of pastors and missionaries in these persecuted church areas, we have designed the most powerful Digital Library resources available to equip evangelists, pastors, teachers and chaplains and empower their ministry to win North Africa for Christ. ![]() Africa Overland Mission We have many ministry invitations from numerous countries throughout Africa. The needs are great and the opportunities to serve and strengthen churches under severe pressure are urgent. To respond to these opportunities effectively, we need an urgent infusion of funds. The mission bank account is depleted and to continue to advance the many ministry programs of Frontline Fellowship we need urgent prayer and support to rise to the challenge and meet the needs before us. ![]() Effective Resource for Muslim Evangelism Our good friend, veteran missionary, Gerhard Nehls, has crafted a video presentation and follow up materials to make the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ clear for Muslims. We have set up a website under the direction of Gerhard Nehls to help evangelise Muslims online. Please visit: The Message of Nabi Isa website: www.TheMessageOfNabiIsa.org and share it with Muslims you are in contact with, as well as with Christians who you know are involved in Muslim evangelism. ![]() Pray for Lenora Please also continue to pray for Lenora Hammond as she battles Cancer, pain and frequent nausea. This has not stopped her ongoing ministry and she continues to work on a number of book projects including an unpublished book of her father, Rev. Bill Bathman, on Reformation and Revival in Romania, which we hope to bring to print as soon as funds allow. ![]() Frontline: Behind Enemy Lines for Christ I have made much progress on my Biography which covers many of the behind-the-scenes events involved in the epic saga of Frontline Fellowship serving Persecuted Churches and evangelizing in war zones throughout Africa. By God’s grace we plan to be able to have it printed and available by the end of this year in time for the 40th anniversary of Frontline Fellowship next year. May it inspire a new generation to make Christ’s Great Commission their supreme ambition, even behind enemy lines in Restricted Access Areas. ![]() Thank You Thank you very much for all your prayers, encouragement and support, without which none of our ministries would be possible. May God continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 [email protected] www.FrontlineMissionSA.org See also other Prayer and Praise Updates: Working for Reformation and Praying for Revival in Africa Applying the Lordship of Christ to All Areas of Life Surgery, Scorpions and Scripture Evangelism, Education and Edification Bad Times Are Good for Spiritual Work Bibles, Films and Outreaches Resources for Redemption and Reformation, Remembrance and Rescues Responding to Ramadan with Digital Evangelism Perseverance and Productivity Despite Pandemic Panic Equipping and Empowering Evangelists Mountain Climbing Marathon For those who want to prayerfully and financially partner with us in ministry: Our banking details: For South African supporters: Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ (for overseas supporters) Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for. For overseas supporters wishing to donate into our South African account: Bank Name/Credit Institution: First Rand Bank Bank Street Address: Bank City, floor 2 Place: 4 First Place, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2000 Account Number: 50170589260 Account Name: Frontline Fellowship Street Address: 28 Park Road Rondebosch Place: Cape Town, 7700, South Africa Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for For supporters donating from the USA: You can go to www.FrontlineFellowship.net/support, or click here.
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Prayer & Praise Articles
December 2024