Seminars and Services across The United States, England and South Africa
Ministry in Arizona
By God’s grace, in Arizona, I enjoyed a tremendous time of worship and ministry at Heritage Baptist Church where I gave a presentation on the Greatness of the Great Commission. The time of Fellowship with this congregation was intense and encouraging. I was busy answering questions and counselling for hours after the service. The service began at 10:00 AM and concluded at about noon, but I was only able to leave after 5:00 PM.
Honouring Bill Bathman
While in Arizona, I had the opportunity to drive through to the National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona where My father-in-law and previous Chairman of the Board of Frontline Fellowship, Rev Bill Bathman is buried. A very moving and emotional experience. I stood at attention and saluted this great man of God. Then I knelt and prayed that his Faith and legacy would live on in the lives of each of his children, 10 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. I prayed for them each by name that they may carry the Torch of Faith and dedication to Christ that he so faithfully carried for 67 incredible years of ministry. Then I sang When the Roll is called up Yonder.
A Trip down Memory Lane
This was my first visit to Arizona without either Lenora or Bill Bathman. So many precious memories. I had the privilege to travel with Bill Bathman and minister in 27 countries, including throughout Eastern Europe, even during the dark days of the Cold War, when it was behind the Iron Curtain. Rev Bill Bathman was one of the most powerful Gospel preachers and effective Evangelists it has been my privilege to hear. If you have not read his books: Going Through and Going On, you have been missing out. When I was privileged to accompany my Father-in-law, Rev. Bill Bathman, on missions to Eastern Europe (both before and after the Iron Curtain collapsed) – I was struck by how much the people there love him. In Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Romania, it was inspiring to see with what overwhelming joy he was welcomed by the pastors, and to observe the sea of devoted, shining faces of the members of each congregation as they stood or sat in rapt attention, riveted and hanging on every word of their beloved "Brother Bill." Time and again, the precious believers in Eastern Europe eagerly related to me how Bill Bathman had been the first Christian from the West to visit them, how he had visited them the most, stayed the longest, given the most, and had come back again and again. He came through when their need was the greatest, during the darkest years, when it was the most dangerous, when few others seemed to care or to dare - Bill Bathman was there for them. In his book Going On, Veteran Missionary Bill Bathman takes us on an unforgettable journey across four continents during the tumultuous events of the Cold War. Starting with the Rhodesian War in 1977, Going On presents us with behind-the-scenes interviews with remarkable people, in extraordinary times. Revolutions in Central America. Repression in Red China. Resistance to communism in Eastern Europe and Africa. Revival in Zululand. Revival amidst persecution in Sudan. Fervent faith under fire in the war zones of Africa. Triumph amidst tragedies and tremendous testimonies of God's grace, provision, protection and guidance. If you want to understand the turbulent times of the Cold War and the rise of Islamic terrorism threatening Faith and freedom today, Going On will take you behind the lines and beyond the news headlines to what has really been happening in these conflict and restricted access areas.
Evangelizing the Nations Through Scripture
After concluding my time in Arizona, I flew to Indiana, to visit World Missionary Press, Inc. WMP is Inspiring! They have 60 full time staff & over 300 volunteers a month producing over 11 million Gospel booklets a month, sending out 6 container shipments a month. WMP have 86 national coordinators worldwide, of which our Literature4Africa is one. WMP have produced over 2.6 billion Gospel booklets in 251 languages so far! It was also a privilege to join WMP staff and volunteers in observing the National Day of Prayer.
Spiritual Quartermaster Store and Armourer
World Missionary Press, Inc. has been a spiritual quartermaster store and armourer for our Mission from our very first cross-border mission to Mozambique in 1982. Millions of WMP Gospel booklets in over 100 languages have been a vital part of our Mission over the last 42 years. WMP informs us that, since 1991, they have supplied Frontline with over 10 million Gospel booklets! We praise God that His Word will never return void. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. The Gospel is the power of God for the Salvation of everyone who believes.
The Great Challenge of Africa
Operation World informs us that there are now over 680 million people in Africa who claim to be Christians. The number of Christians in Africa is set to double by 2050 when, if present trends continue, our continent is expected to be home to 1.2 billion Christians! Most of the pastors and Africa have no formal Bible college training. Most pastors have no access to a library. Study Bibles are rare, and some pastors do not even have a full Bible! Africa's greatest needs are Bibles and Bible teaching. Quartermaster store for Missions throughout Africa | Liteature4Africa Article You can view the presentation I gave at World Missionary Press: The Best Missionary is the Bible
Seminar on Resisting the Marxist New World Disorder
By God's grace, I had blessed services and seminar in Georgia, great book sales, hours of Q & A discussions after presentations & productive times of ministry. Lots of wildlife was around, including rattlesnakes, copperheads, wild hogs, Deer, Alligators in the river nearby (Sadly they took out one of the dogs there recently), owls, Bobcats, and Panthers. Amongst the presentations given at a seminar at Freedom Baptist Church in Georgia: 1666 and the Sabbatean Roots of the New World Order How to Resist Marxist Bullying Tactics.
Reformation, Resistance and Revival in London
After a packed and productive couple of weeks of ministry in the United States of America, I flew through to London, England. Feeling a bit jet lagged and exhausted, I looked forward to ministry on Saturday & Sunday at a very historic church, the over 300-year-old congregation: Orange Street Covenant Church, which is where the hymn, Rock of Ages, was first sung. Rev. Augustus Toplady (1740–1778) who wrote & composed the famous Hymn, was the pastor at Orange Street at the time. Next door was the House of Sir Isaac Newton who visited and worshipped with the congregation. This is near Leicester Square. Sunday, 12 May was also the Birthday of Florence Nightingale and therefore was observed as International Nurses Day. On Saturday I presented: Transforming Terrorists into Evangelists On Sunday my message was: Reformation, Resistance and Revival
In the Land of my Father
Travelling around England, I was thinking about my father, F. C. Robert Hammond, who was born in Kent, Friday 13, 1919. He fought all 6 years in the Second World War, in the Eight Army, mostly in North Africa & Italy, mostly under Field Marshall Montgomery. My Dad served as a Bombardier in the Royal Artillery, operating a 25 pounder. He was involved in the battle of El Alamein. After the war, he catered for the Royal family at Victoria Falls Hotel, when they visited Rhodesia. My Father ran the Bulawayo Club when I was growing up in Rhodesia. Audio video links to Recent Presentations
Reformation, Resistance and Revival
The Greatness of the Great Commission Livingstone Fellowship sermon: The Power of Pentecost Fire AV Links to the Back to the Bible Evangelism Workshop: The Gospel in Mark Evangelism in the Book of Acts Win the Lost at Any Cost Weapons of our Warfare
“Preach the Word!
Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching” 2 Timothy 4:2 AV Links to the English Literature Home Education Workshop:
“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.”
Philippians 4:8–9
Please pray for upcoming missions, printing projects and outreaches.
I will be in the Transvaal this coming week and ministering at the upcoming KwaSizabantu Mission Youth Conference in KwaZulu 19 - 25 June 2024. Join us in thanking the Lord as we commemorate 50 years of Youth Conferences at KwaSizabantu Mission.
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Prayer & Praise Articles
December 2024