![]() Pray for the Upcoming Congo River Mission An estimated 18 million people are spread out in often very isolated villages in the Congo River basin. Their daily existence is desolate there are no roads to their villages and they can only be reached by boat via the river. The Congo River is very deep at places. It is a fast-flowing river which can swell up to 16 km wide in the rainy season. Our missionary, Johan, who served for many years as an officer in the South African Navy, has travelled the full length of the Congo River and after intensive research developed a comprehensive strategy to fulfil the Great Commission in this large and neglected mission field. Communist revolution and terrorism in the 1960s wrecked havoc amongst the Christian communities in the Congo. ![]() Many missionaries, pastors and evangelists were martyred during those upheavels. God’s Great Commission work along the Congo River is far from complete. Establishing sustainable missions in central Africa regions is logistically very challenging. However, at Frontline any challenge, especially a neglected or restricted access area in war torn regions of Southern and central Africa, cannot remain untackled. These obstacles must be overcome, the unreached tribes evangelised and remote communities served with the Gospel of Christ. “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.” Isaiah 43:2-4 ![]() To learn more about Johan’s ministry: here To support this upcoming Mission to the Congo: here Rapidly escalating Conflict erupts in Sudan Is this another Proxy War between America and Russia? ![]() Apparently in reaction to the announcement that Sudan had agreed to Russia establishing a naval base on the Red Sea, Hostilities have broken out between the Sudan Armed Forces and a large paramilitary group, Rapid Support Forces. Embassies have scrambled to evacuate all their personnel and citizens from the North African country, apparently convinced that everything is going to deteriorate rapidly into a full-scale Civil War. There is a real danger that this conflict will spill over into neighbouring states. After years of peace, what has led to the new outbreak of hostilities in this North African country? “From beyond the rivers of Cush My worshippers, My scattered people will bring Me offerings.” Zephaniah 3:10 See article with pictures: here Listen to the From the Frontline interview here ![]() Lenora's Last Project: Resistance in Romania: Refusal to Conform to Communist Coercion during the Cold War: Book by Bill Bathman Bill Bathman dedicated 67 years of his life to Missions, mostly in Eastern Europe serving persecuted Christians in communist countries. His youngest daughter, Lenora Hammond discovered this unpublished manuscript Shepherding in a Dog Society amongst her father's files and determined to type it up and prepare it for publication. This was Lenora's last Project which her untimely death due to cancer cut short. Now, by God's grace, we can make available this most important and inspiring book which is not only very historically important, giving us extraordinary insights into the courage and tenacity of Christians suffering fearful persecution at the hands of Communist tyrants, but it is also most timely and relevant to this time of increasing government overreach and state intrusion into matters of religious freedom and conscience. The radical revolutionary cancel culture, hostility to Christian convictions and civilised standards needs to be resisted with the same tenacity and courage as the Romanian Christians in this book. ![]() If you want to understand what was like to live under Communist persecution behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War, this book will take you on an unforgettable journey. You will meet Christian leaders such as Josef Tson who was targeted by the brutal Ceausescu regime, yet not only did he survive, but he thrived, against all odds. If you want inspiration and insights as to how you can stand firm for your Faith against overwhelming opposition, here you will find examples of excellence which stood the test, under fire, and came through the flames victoriously. As soon as we have the necessary funds, it will be a joy to have Bill Bathman's last book printed and made available. https://www.givesendgo.com/ResistanceinRomania ![]() Missions to Mpumalanga Frontline missionaries, Ryan and Peter have been invited to minister in Mpumalanga. This includes conducting special seminars and services at the local prison and Ryan lecturing on Greek and Hebrew and Peter on African Church History to Back to the Bible Mission, which has students and staff from over 20 nations across Africa. Transportation costs have increased and our accounts are depleted. If you would like to contribute towards making this mission possible, please contribute to: https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/donate.html ![]() Celebrating the Life and Legacy of George Verwer Mission Mobiliser Extraordinary The extraordinary life and legacy of missionary Mobiliser George Verwer, the Founder of Operation Mobilisation finished his race at 84 years old and entered eternity 14 April. As a friend of this mission and of our family, we have many great memories of this extraordinary servant of God. ‘Therefore, my beloved brothers be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain’ 1 Corinthians 15:58 To see a screen capture video of this presentation, click here To listen to an audio of this message, click here To read the Tribute to George Verwer, with pictures: here ![]() The Great Commission Handbook has been revised and expanded and is ready for publication. As soon as funds allow we will have it printed and published. We want to donate quantities to Bible colleges for textbooks for students of missions. To view the Great Commission Course 2023 video, click here The Coronation and The Kingdom of God The upcoming Coronation at Westminster Abbey in London, the Biblical and historic roots of the ceremony and where this fits in to the Kingdom of God. How are we to understand the times and respond to the controversies and conflicts surrounding the Coronation? How can we best use this opportunity to remind people of the far greater King, far greater Kingdom and far more important Coronation prophesied in the Bible? “Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a Kingdom that all peoples, nations and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away and His Kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed.” Daniel 7:14. ![]() To read the article with pictures, click here To see a screen capture video of this presentation, click here To listen to an audio of this message, click here Literature for Africa - Quartermaster Store for Missions Throughout Africa Article: here Audio: here https://fromthefrontline.podbean.com/e/from-the-frontline-episode-254-you-can-use-literature-to-win-africa-forchrist/ ![]() To see our Give send go for L4A Click here Click here to see the latest Frontline News You can view the presentation: The Worship of True Repentance - in English & Zulu as presented to the Ministers Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission in KwaZulu: https://vimeo.com/808335195 https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=315231451144394 To view the Great Commission Course 2023 video, click here Stretching Minds and Muscles at the Biblical Worldview Summit 2023 To read this article on the web with pictures of the camp click here You can view a video on the Biblical Worldview Summit Variety Concert here You can read MAKING DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS - GREAT COMMISSION COURSE 2023, with some of the GCC pictures, uploaded on our website here You can view the new video March For Life in Cape Town 2023 here To see the latest Frontline News: here The Worst Miscarriage of Justice and Greatest Crime in History here See the special photographic celebration of Christian Action magazine online: Celebrating 30 Years of Africa Christian Action ![]() A Case for Secession - a Handbook for Self-determination, Freedom, Productivity and Prosperity: Power failures! Corruption! Crime! Racial quotas! Economic decline! There are many reasons why a region may choose to secede, to escape from oppression and from the chaos caused by a failed state. Is there hope for the future? Are there solutions for the many crises that confront us? What is secession? What is the Biblical, historic and legal basis for secession? What examples can we learn from history? Why is centralisation always inherently inefficient and counter-productive? Why is decentralisation and privatisation so much better economically? Are there recent contemporary examples of successful seccessions? What is involved in secession? What can we practically do to work for self-determination, secession, independence and freedom? Where do we start? Where can we learn more from those who are involved in working for a free and independent Cape of Good Hope? Cape independence is not just a good idea, it is absolutely essential for survival. Either we go down with the ANC run SA Titanic or we launch out in a free and independent Cape of Good Hope lifeboat. https://www.givesendgo.com/CaseforSecession You can see the Frontline Annual Reports 2022 with pictures here To view our Frontline PRIORITY PROJECTS for PRAYER and ACTION with pictures, click here Dr. Peter Hammond See also other Prayer and Praise Updates: https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/prayer--praise-updates/prayer-and-praise-update-mountain-marathon-mission https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/prayer--praise-updates/missions-to-mpumalanga-and-kwazulu God's Grace and Guidance, Provision and Protection Prayer & Praise Update - Africa For Christ Multigenerational Ministries of Multiplication Steadfast in the Storm Let the Whole World Hear His Word Working for Reformation and Praying for Revival in Africa Applying the Lordship of Christ to All Areas of Life Surgery, Scorpions and Scripture Evangelism, Education and Edification Bad Times Are Good for Spiritual Work Bibles, Films and Outreaches Resources for Redemption and Reformation, Remembrance and Rescues Responding to Ramadan with Digital Evangelism Perseverance and Productivity Despite Pandemic Panic Equipping and Empowering Evangelists Mountain Climbing Marathon For those who want to prayerfully and financially partner with us in ministry: Our banking details: For South African supporters: Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ (for overseas supporters) Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for. For overseas supporters wishing to donate into our South African account: Bank Name/Credit Institution: First Rand Bank Bank Street Address: Bank City, floor 2 Place: 4 First Place, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2000 Account Number: 50170589260 Account Name: Frontline Fellowship Street Address: 28 Park Road Rondebosch Place: Cape Town, 7700, South Africa Swift No: FIRNZAJJ (for overseas supporters) Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for You can see the Frontline Annual Reports with pictures here To view our Frontline PRIORITY PROJECTS for PRAYER and ACTION with pictures, click here
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Prayer & Praise Articles
December 2024