"And you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spoke concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one Word of them has failed." Joshua 23:14 Africa for Christ We praise God for the successful completion of a whole series of Mission endeavours. Our Missionaries, Michael and Renee Watson, have safely returned from their Africa Overland Mission. This involved driving 29,000km, across 14 international borders, ministering in 12 countries, conducting over 390 meetings and distributing almost 3 tonnes of Bibles, Gospels, Discipleship Manuals and audio-visual equipment to pastors, teachers, chaplains and Evangelists throughout South Africa, Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, the Congo, Zambia and Namibia. Mission to Zambia
Our Mission team to Zambia, David and John, have safely returned from conducting Leadership Training courses and outreaches in Zambia in preparation for our Livingstone 200 outreaches there in November. Mission to America I have safely returned from a four-week Mission to America, which included 13 flights, ministry in 6 states, at 10 churches, 3 conferences, 18 lectures, 12 TV interviews, 5 radio programmes and 15 home fellowships: a total of 60 meetings throughout Nebraska, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, Arizona and California. Literature 4 Africa The day after my return from this Mission to America, we received another container shipment of 18 tonnes of Bibles and books to offload and sort out at our Mission. This was the fourth container shipment received so far this year (70 tonnes). So far this year, our Literature4Africa ministry has distributed 53 tonnes of Bibles and books freely, to Missions, ministries and churches as far North as South Sudan. This has included more than 16 tonnes of Bibles, 30 tonnes of Sunday school materials, 4 tonnes of Devotional literature and 3 tonnes of Gospel tracts. This latest consignment included: 3 tonnes of Bibles, 11 tonnes of Bible studies, 2 tonnes of Sunday school materials and 2 tonnes of Devotional and audio visual materials. Way of the Master Evangelism Training Course During the six weeks that I was involved in the Mission to Mpumalanga and to America, our Mission staff hosted a Way of the Master Evangelism Training Course with 30 participants going through Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron's eight-part DVD series and Basic Training Manual. The programme also involved outreaches on three Saturdays, involving door-to-door Evangelism and street ministry. Some of the written responses from participants included: "Excellent"; "An excellent course, very well presented"; "Empowering"; "an eye-opener."; "Loved it! Will do it again anytime!";"Very practical."; "One of, if not the best, Evangelism course available"; "Great, so simple, but so effective"; "It was a God appointment."; "It broke my fear of speaking to people while I learn how to put Jesus and His heart for the lost first."; "Overcoming fear of talking to strangers"; "I have had the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone."; "Fired up!" Life Chains Our Missionaries returned back from the field just in time to take part in the Africa Christian Action-organised annual Life Chain. Thousands of Gospel leaflets and pro-life tracts were distributed to motorists and pedestrians passing by at the entrance to the Waterfront and outside the Cape Town International Conference Centre, as Christians displayed banners and posters proclaiming the sanctity of life and opposing the evil of abortion. Africa Christian Action has been organising Life Chains in South Africa for 21 years. "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves." Proverbs 31:8 Reformation FIRE Conference We are now preparing for the Reformation FIRE Conference in Franschhoek, 30 October. The theme is: Reclaiming Africa for Christ. There has been a tremendous response to the 95 Theses for Reformation Today, launched at last years' Reformation Celebration. Our Mission teams have distributed Reformation FIRE Manuals to Christian Action Network members throughout Africa. Reformation FIRE Seminars have already been held at 20 venues in 7 different countries in Africa this year. This is part of a Back to the Bible for Reformation and Revival movement. Resources for Reformation Our Mission has been producing books and audio-visual materials to empower churches dedicated to working for Reformation and praying for Revival. These strategic resources include: The Greatest Century of Reformation; The Power of Prayer Handbook; Reforming Our Families; Biblical Principles for Africa; Practical Discipleship; Discipleship Training Manual; Reformation FIRE Manual; Victorious Christians – Who Changed the World, and War Against God. IDOP Sunday, 10 November is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted. Over 400 Million Christians live in the 66 countries of the world which severely restrict, or persecute, believers. www.idop-africa.org provides you with news, articles, resources, links and contacts to help you mobilise your family, friends, co-workers, congregation and community to prayer and action on behalf of our brethren who are persecuted for the Faith. The Battle for the Family One of the new books which will be launched at the upcoming Reformation FIRE Conference, is: Porndemic - How the Pornography Plague Affects You and What You Can Do About It. The first book published by Africa Christian Action in 1991, was The Pornography Plague. This was later expanded in 1994 into Finding Freedom from the Pornography Plague. Over 10,000 copies of these two editions were completely sold out, as was the Afrikaans translation. Finding Freedom from the Pornography Plague helped launch a country-wide grass roots campaign to remove pornographic magazines from supermarkets and other retails shops. Over 9,000 stores were persuaded to no longer stock pornography, and Scope and Playboy SA magazine went bankrupt. New Weapon Now Taryn Hodgson and Christine McCafferty have expanded, updated and completed this important project, which exposes how the pornography plague affects you and equips you, your family and community to fight back. We need to get this book into the hands of the members of parliament, municipal councillors, pastors, teachers and parents across Africa. We also have an opportunity to meet with the Ministers of Home Affairs in Zambia and Malawi, to warn them of the plague that will be unleashed in their countries, if they do not put effective measures in place to block this moral sewage. Printing Project The book is already at the printers. At this time we only have sufficient funds to print 1,000 copies. We believe we need to print at least 4,000 copies, which would be more cost effective. But we need designated funding to make this possible. We believe that this will be an effective weapon, a guided missile, that will empower God's people in this winnable war against this clear and present danger, to our families and future. Human Trafficking and Pornography It is quite fashionable to oppose human trafficking. However, for some strange reason, few of those who speak out against human trafficking say anything against the pornography which fuels human trafficking. Pornography is propaganda for a rape culture. Pornography is marketing and advertising for human trafficking. Many of those in pornography are actually victims of human trafficking. Fire Fighting In fire fighting, we were taught that a fire consists of a triangle: fuel, oxygen and heat. To fight fires, one needs to knock out at least one side of that triangle, starve the fire of fuel, smother it and deprive it of oxygen, and cool it through water, or foam. In the same way we need to persuade retailers not to make it available, pressure politicians to pass legislation limiting its exposure and warn consumers of its risks. Livingstone 200 Missions Conference 2013 is the Livingstone bicentennial. To celebrate the anniversary of Dr. David Livingstone's sighting, mapping and naming Victoria Falls, 16 November 1855, Frontline Fellowship is organising a Livingstone 200 Missions Conference on the banks of the Zambezi River in the town of Livingstone, in Zambia. This Missions Conference will be unique. Victoria Falls is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. It is the largest waterfall in the world. On the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, it is one of the most breath-taking and spectacular sights in Africa. To stand before the thundering, panoramic view of a massive wall of water amidst the smoke that thunders, in the midst of a splendid nature reserve, is an awe-inspiring, never to be forgotten, experience. The Livingstone 200 Missions Conference (13 – 18 November 2013) will be the most historically significant time, at the most visually spectacular venue, to celebrate the Life and Legacy of the best friend Africa ever had, Dr. David Livingstone. Visit www.livingstone200.org website for more details and find us on Facebook: Dr. David Livingstone. Evangelists Conference The Association of Evangelists in South Africa have invited me to speak at their national conference 10 – 12 December at Graaff Reinet. David Livingstone described Graaff Reinet as the prettiest town in Africa. He was hosted by Andrew Murray's family on his first journey into the hinterland of Africa, walking from Delagoa Bay to Kuruman. Great Commission Course Since 1998, Frontline Fellowship's Great Commission Courses have been attracting participants from as far afield as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA, Northern Ireland, Switzerland, Germany, Nigeria, Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Malawi, Namibia, the Congo, Zambia and Zimbabwe. If you are serious about Missions the Great Commission Course is a uniquely practical Missionary Training Programme for all those who desire to be more effective and innovative in cross-cultural Evangelism and Discipleship. Join other Christians who are dedicated to making Christ's Great Commission our supreme ambition – at the foot of Africa, in Cape Town (3 – 22 January 2014). Thank You We are very grateful for your prayers and support. May God abundantly bless and reward your faithfulness and thoughtfulness. "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8 May the Lord continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 Email: [email protected] Website: www.frontline.org.za Your support is needed and much appreciated. Our banking details are: (For South African supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for (For overseas supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: ZA201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for
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December 2024