By God’s grace, we have enjoyed some tremendous ministry trips and outreaches where we have had the joy of seeing people brought to conviction of sin, souls saved and lives transformed by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Changing Lives On aircraft, on the road, in conference centres, on the streets, outside dens of inequity, and in remote areas we have had the joy of bringing the life-changing Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to young and old, rich and poor, from a wide variety of social and cultural backgrounds. Bibles and Books to the Congo, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Frontline Fellowship’s mission HQ in Cape Town has been a hive of activity with many thousands of Gospel leaflets being printed for our outreaches on the streets of Cape Town, boxes of Bibles, Christian books and other resources for evangelism and discipleship sent out to Zimbabwe, Zambia, and the Congo. Report Backs from Burma, Turkey and the Congo Just in the last week we have had the joy of receiving firsthand report backs from missionaries to Burma at our midweek Devotions, receiving three Congo pastors (two of whom had completed a previous Great Commission Course in Cape Town) and a report back on Turkey from Murray Louw, the Director of South African Action for World Evangelism. Spiritual Ammunition for the Battle for Souls in Africa There was much rejoicing when 63 boxes of Mark Cahill’s excellent books: One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven and One Heartbeat Away – Your Journey into Eternity, arrived. These much anticipated books are the strategic messages that are most needed to galvanise, inspire and equip Christians to be more effective evangelists. The author, Mark Cahill, is a good friend of our mission, and has donated these books for our Leadership Training courses throughout Africa. As part of our William Carey Bible Institute these books will provide textbooks for pastors, chaplains and evangelists, and be carefully and strategically placed in key Bible college libraries wherever Frontline teams minister. The Great Commission is our Supreme Ambition The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing and our main priority here on earth is to seek first the Kingdom of God by fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, making disciples, teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded. Investing in Eternity We praise God for authors and ministries who so generously and thoughtfully donate such great resources for missions such as ours in Africa. With our Libraries for Pastors and Textbooks for Teachers programmes, such books are our Spiritual ammunition in this World War of Worldviews. The Power of the Printed Page We try to ensure that those pastors, chaplains, teachers and evangelists who attend our Leadership Training courses receive at least one new book at each course of ours that they participate in. Readers make leaders. If you want to lead, you must read. A reading Christian is a growing Christian. That is why we give high priority to Leadership Training and Literature. Leadership Training in the Eastern Cape In the last month I have had the joy of conducting a Biblical Worldview Seminar for teachers in East London, and a Reformation and Revival Seminar in Queenstown. New Slavery, Terrorism and Islam Book Now Available With several invitations to conduct Muslim Evangelism Workshops overseas, I have been racing to complete a new, revised, much expanded edition of Slavery, Terrorism and Islam – The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat. This book was first published in 2005 and was quickly sold out. It earned me a death threat “Fatwa” from some Islamic radicals. The demand for the Slavery, Terrorism and Islam book has been so intense that has been advertising secondhand copies of STI for US$92 + postage! We are now expecting advance copies of the new expanded edition back from the printers next week. The book now consists of 192 pages, over 200 pictures and 15 maps and charts. The new edition now includes expanded chapters on The Crusades and Jihad, Muslim Evangelism in Universities, Women in Islam, Churchill on Islam, Islamic Attacks on Christ and the Bible, Death Threats from Muslim Extremists, The Battle Over History, and The End of Islam. New Audio Visual Resources Our audio-visual department continues to produce many more great new resources including 12-CD Box Set selections on some of the best presentations of The Biblical Worldview Summit; Great Commission Course; Reformation and Revival; and Livingstone Fellowship Sermons. MP3s We also now have MP3s available for Muslim Evangelism, The Reformation Society; Biblical Worldview Summit, Great Commission Course and Livingstone Fellowship. Expo Outreach and NIRSA If you would like to see our report back on the placard protest, prayer vigil, literature distribution and personal evangelism outreach at the “Expo” in Cape Town, or my report back on the National Initiative for Reformation in South Africa consultation in Boksburg, please contact [email protected] Pray for Mission Teams and GCC Please continue to lift up in prayer our teams in the field at this time, and our upcoming Great Commission Course (27 June – 16 July) in Cape Town when we will be training nation-transforming teams for missions to assist Zimbabweans in the reconstruction of their country on Biblical principles. “Those from among you shall build the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the Repairer of the breach, Restorer of streets to dwell in.” Isaiah 58:12 Thank You We are most grateful for your partnership in the Gospel. May the Lord continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfillment of the Great Commission Dr Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P O Box 74 Newlands, 7725 Cape Town, South Africa Tel: (021) 689-4480 Fax: (021) 685-5884 [email protected]
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Prayer & Praise Articles
December 2024