For the glory of Almighty God, and for the fulfillment of the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, Frontline Fellowship is dedicated to working for Reformation and praying for Revival in Africa. Faith in Action We need to give all praise and honour to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Everything that has been accomplished in and through our mission over the last twenty eight years has been entirely due to God's grace alone. From the beginning we determined that this would be a Faith Mission. We have never had a fundraiser, nor have we ever taken up an offering, or engaged in high pressure emotional appeals, etc. And by God's grace, we are determined never to do so. Unprecedented Opportunities
The needs are great and the opportunities are unprecedented. Despite the recession and declining mission support, this year we have already managed to launch a series of intensive mission outreaches into Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique and the Congo. One of our missionaries is engaged in a five month mission to the Congo at this time. On an almost daily basis I am confronted with desperate needs, pleas and requests from mission workers, pastors and partners of our mission requesting more resources, equipment, workers and volunteers. The Fields are Ready for Harvest The Lord has set before us a wide open door into so many parts of Africa to serve the suffering, support persecuted Christians in Communist and Islamic states and mobilise missionaries, evangelists and teachers. Come Over and Help Us We receive calls and invitations for us to come and conduct Leadership Training Courses and Evangelistic Outreaches in far more parts of Africa than we have the manpower or money with which to respond. Regularly I am receiving correspondence from the Congo, Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Sudan. With the limited means at our disposal we are attempting to do our very best to respond to these challenges and opportunities to fulfill the Great Commission in Africa. Spiritual Ammunition We have already processed over thirty tonnes of Bibles, Christian books, audio visual materials and Sunday school textbooks for missions, churches, Christian schools and colleges throughout Southern Africa. New shipments are en route and will arrive as soon as these are fully distributed. New Resources We have also produced a completely new Great Commission Manual, Chaplains Handbook and Chaplains Prayerbook. Our new, much expanded third edition of the best selling Faith Under Fire in Sudan book has been launched amidst much excitement and we are trying to get quantities of these books up to our friends in Sudan to encourage them and to incorporate in their training colleges. Our new Practical Discipleship book has been ready for printing for a couple of months and is just awaiting funding. Discipling Nations by Training Leaders Our week long Biblical Worldview Summit and three week Great Commission Course earlier this year were very well attended by a record number of participants from countries throughout Africa. I had the opportunity of conducting God and Government Seminars in Zambia. Charl had over a thousand pastors and Christian leaders participate in the God and Government Seminar in the Congo. We have other Biblical Worldview Seminars planned for the Transvaal, Eastern Cape, Malawi and the Congo. New Fields We also have major outreaches planned throughout Southern and Central Africa, and in July I have been invited to conduct Leadership Training courses, services and outreaches in Belgium, Denmark and Sweden. Challenges Now, of course, all of these projects, and many more besides, are completely dependent on the support of God's people. We do not believe in harassing our friends and prayer supporters with financial appeals. We believe our priority is to concentrate on the mission God has given us. As Hudson Taylor said: "God's work done God's way will never lack God's supply." "God's servant is God's responsibility." "The Will of God will never lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you." Mission Projects Undermined We are continually doing everything we can to cut costs and save money without compromising the integrity and effectiveness of the mission. Our reluctance to mention financial needs has led some to believe that we have none. There are many time sensitive opportunities open to us just now which we are unable to respond to and urgent needs we're loath to ignore. However, we believe that it is necessary to inform our prayer supporters that the work is seriously suffering for lack of adequate resources. Unnecessary Risks Our missionary to the Congo is on his own, and without the essential materials and funds needed in order to acquire and operate a suitable boat on the Congo River Mission. Opportunities are being missed, unnecessary risks are being taken, for no other reason than that there is a continual shortage of funds. If present trends continue we will be forced to cancel most of our projects and lay off half our staff. Considering how hard it is to recruit and train suitable mission personnel that would be a tragedy and seriously set back the cause of missions. A Call to Prayer As the Mission Director, I would so much like to be able to respond positively to most of the field requests put to me by our missionaries. Please join with me in earnest, concerted prayer as I'm sure this is primarily spiritual warfare. Action Needed Also, anything that you could do to help us make our new missions and discipleship resources, books, MP3s, DVDs and audio visual materials better known, and more widely available, would also go a long way towards helping to bring in more orders that can help fund our outreaches and the tonnes of books and Bibles that we need to deliver and distribute throughout Africa. We are not deterred by the dangers, diseases and risks involved. We are trusting in God alone for His provision, protection, guidance and blessing. Thank You Thank you very much for all your prayers, encouragement and support. May the Lord continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfillment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Director Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: (021) 689-4480 Fax: (021) 685-5884 Email: [email protected]
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Prayer & Praise Articles
December 2024