"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here I am. Send me!'" Isaiah 6:8 Since Frontline Fellowship launched the first Great Commission Camp, in Franschoek, January 1998, the GCC has attracted interest from around the world. This year's GCC again started in the beautiful Franschoek valley surrounded by mountains and forests. Participants came from as far afield as Arizona and Zambia, Canada and the Congo, California and New Zealand. The seminars were held in a beautiful church venue and numerous of the people we met on the streets of Franschoek during the Saturday afternoon outreach joined in for the special Reformation programme on Saturday evening. Despite a very rainy week, the planned outdoor Sunday morning worship service at the Huguenot Monument was blessed with magnificent weather, clear skies and sunshine.
The camp was followed by the Great Commission Course which involved a gruelling programme of daily PT, Bible studies, lectures, outreaches and practicals often ending with midnight hikes on the mountain, in the forest and in the rivers. The evangelistic programme in Khayelitsha included a soccer match between the missionaries and a local team. After a close match on a muddy field, and overtime, the missionaries won. Ann, a participant in the first GCC in 1998, testified how the Lord since led her into Muslim evangelism and of how the Lord had blessed her educational ministry in the Muslim Middle East despite an earthquake, sand storms and sickness. Other participants of previous GCC's were also involved as leaders and lecturers in this GCC which has involved prison ministry, film evangelism, radio ministry, mass literature distribution, door-to-door and one-on-one personal evangelism. "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field." Luke 10:2 DISCIPLESHIP HANDBOOK "…entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others." 2 Timothy 2:2 Shortly before the start of the Great Commission Course, Peter Hammond completed his third book in the Discipleship series. The first was Faith In Action (1989), the second Putting Feet To Your Faith (1998) and now this Discipleship Handbook. The Discipleship Handbook is an invaluable resource including studies on the cross, the Fear of God, the Holy Spirit, God's Law, Restitution, Prayer, Evangelism, Conflict, Time Management, Hospitality, Videos, Games and TV, Animals, Revival, and How To Change The World. The Discipleship Handbook deals with the most important issues possible. There is nothing more important than God and our relationship with Him. This is what really, ultimately matters - that we know God and that we make Him known. With 29 chapters and 150 pages, the Discipleship Handbook is packed full of great insights, practical instruction and Biblical inspiration - to equip us to love God more wholeheartedly, to serve Him more effectively, to obey Him more constantly, and to worship Him more acceptably. The Discipleship Handbook is available for $10 overseas (or R58 in South Africa). "If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me." Luke 9.23 WILLIAM CAREY BIBLE INSTITUTE "Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God" Frontline Fellowship has launched a new leadership training programme which is thoroughly Biblical and uniquely practical. There is a tremendous need and hunger for literature and leadership training in Africa and over the last decades Frontline Fellowship has been taking short term leadership training programmes to remote rural areas. Now Frontline's Biblical Wordview Seminars, Great Commission Courses, Reformation and Revival Seminars, Muslim Evangelism Workshops, Teacher Training Courses, and other great programmes are being offered in a distance learning programme to pastors, teachers and evangelists. The William Carey Bible Institute is a Reformed, Evangelistic, Biblical and practical leadership training programme which seeks to be character changing, nation building and culture transforming. The college is named after William Carey, the father of modern missions who although he was deprived of secondary schooling, was so well read, dedicated and disciplined, that through reading he became one of the finest linguists, Bible translators and social Reformers in history. The WCBI will not only be offering its students excellent textbooks, lecture manuals and audio tapes from Frontline Fellowship's decades of leadership training programmes, but also from several outstanding church and mission leaders who are making their materials available for this programme as well. "The discerning heart seeks knowledge…" Proverbs 15:14 For more information e-mail [email protected]; visit the website: www.williamcareybi.com or write to WCBI, P O Box 74, Newlands, 7725, Cape Town, South Africa. THE BIBLE AND ANIMALS "How long will the land lie partched and the grass in every field be withered? Because those who live in it are wicked, ther animals and the birds have perished." Jeremiah 12:4 In the course of their outreaches, Frontline missionaries have come across some horific abuses and cruelty to animals. On numerous occasions they have had the opportunity to rescue, care for and adopt numerous of God's creatures. In order to teach schoolchildren the importance of conservation and stewardship of God's creation, Peter Hammond wrote The Bible and Animals, and produced a PowerPoint presentation which has been well received in numerous schools and churches. Now Frontline Fellowship has launched a new website: The Bible and Animals. This unique website also provides links to various animal welfare organisations such as Wetnose who are rescueing animals from the devastated farms in Zimbabwe and organising for new homes to adopt them. Visit www.thebibleandanimals.org or write to Frontline Fellowship for The Bible and Animals PowerPoint presentation on CD or for quantities of The Bible and Animals leaflet for distribution. "A good man is kind to his animals, but the wicked are cruel to theirs." Proverbs 12:10 Frontline Fellowship P O Box 74 Newlands, 7725 Cape Town South Africa E-Mail: [email protected]
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December 2024