MISSIONS to KWAZULU, MPUMALANGA, ZAMBIA and MALAWI "Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples. For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all…" 1 Chronicles 16:24-25 Mission to KwaZulu By God's grace I have safely returned from Missions to KwaZulu and Mpumalanga. This involved speaking at two conferences, preaching at two churches, ministry at two Mission bases, at two schools and at two colleges and a radio station. All in all it involved 52 speaking engagements including two assemblies, two sermons, five conference presentations, 20 lectures and 23 radio programmes. KwaSizabantu Mission It is always a tremendous joy to visit KwaSizabantu Mission. This is, without doubt, the most blessed and productive Mission station in the whole continent of Africa. It is always a hive of activity, and most importantly, a place where God's blessings flow. Cedar College of Education
My first ministry opportunity was assembly at the Cedar College of Education. CCE is a Christian based teacher training college, affiliated with North West University. For over 15 years, CCE has been dedicated to academic excellence and spiritual growth, producing dedicated teachers. Students come from all over the world. Graduates of CCE are ministering as far afield as Germany and South Korea. Radio Khwezi After chapel, I walked across to Radio Khwezi for a number of interviews on the Reformation and to record a series of Devotions. Radio Khwezi has won the National Department of Communications Best Community Station in KwaZulu/Natal Award, the Vodacom Journalism of the Year Award, (five years in a row), and the World Association of Community Broadcasters Best Community Radio Station in Africa Award. Radio Khwezi broadcasts 24 hours a day in 4 languages, 80% in Zulu, and the remainder in English, Afrikaans and German. Its broadcast footprint covers the whole of KwaZulu/Natal Midlands and North Coast areas. Radio Khwezi averages 140,000 listeners a day. Khwezi has been broadcasting throughout KwaZulu since 1995. Domino Servite School The next day began with me taking chapel at Domino Servite School. This Christian Mission School provides academic excellence and Bible-based moral values. Its motto is: Serving with Integrity and since 1986, it has been doing just that. I presented my Will Animals be in Heaven? PowerPoint presentation at their chapel and this provoked much discussion and interest. Christians For Truth Conference More radio programmes followed at Khwezi and then there was preparation needed for the Christian For Truth Conference. Taryn arrived and helped me sort through our boxes of books, audio-visual materials and tracts and Gospel booklets for distribution at the conference. On Friday evening, 31 August, the Christians For Truth Conference began with the theme: Sound the Gospel Trumpet. Watchmen on the Walls Rev. Erlo Stegen preached from Ezekiel 33 that we are watchmen on the walls and responsible to blow the trumpet to warn the people of danger. "When he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning will save his life. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned; and the sword comes and takes any person away from among them, he was taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand. So you, son of man; I have made you a watchman…" Ezekiel 33:3-7 Titanic Tragedy One of the examples used was of how many warnings of icebergs were reported to the Titanic on its maiden voyage, as it steamed at full speed through the North Atlantic. The captain ignored 8 separate warnings before the Titanic struck the iceberg that spelled the doom of what had been proclaimed a ship that not even God could sink! Victory and Defeat In the Devotions on Saturday morning, Rev. Friedel Stegen taught that absolute obedience to God resulted in stunning victory for God's people at Jericho. However, disobedience led to a crushing defeat at Ai. Our walk with the Lord, and our obedience to the Lord are absolutely essential for spiritual victory. Sounding the Trumpet I had the first lecture of the conference. The subject I had been given was: The Christian and Secular Humanist Worldviews in Conflict. After tea, Marc Hardwick gave a disturbing presentation on The Dangers of Social Networking. As an ex-policeman who had been involved in the Child Protection Unit, he provided shocking true stories of how paedophiles use mix-it, bbm, sms' and chat lounges to groom their victims. The cell phone has become a new recruiting tool in the hands of paedophiles. He warned pastors, parents and teachers to be vigilant and pro-active in protecting children from the deceptive tactics of paedophiles using social media. Jenny Christmas gave a presentation on Deception in Music. Evangelism and Counselling The President of Christians for Truth, South Africa, Danie Bosman, gave an inspiring report on the Years Activities. He incorporated many young people who gave powerful testimonies of how the Lord had used them in sharing the Gospel through one-on-one witnessing and audio visual materials. Joseph Greyling of The Naked Truth About Alcohol and Drugs, reported on the Daily Counselling through TMT's Helpline of people whose lives have been devastated by drug and alcohol addictions. Standing for the Truth On Saturday evening Jürg Läederach, the President of Christians For Truth International, gave a tremendous presentation of protests, outreaches and conferences conducted by CFT committees throughout Europe. On Sunday morning, Danie Bosman presented a challenging vision and called to action for Christians to be more innovative and energetic in proclaiming the Gospel and standing for the Truth of God's Word in an increasing secular world. Rev. Erlo Stegen concluded the CFT conference with a powerful message from Ezekiel 33, on the wisdom we need to be Biblically faithful and culturally relevant. Throughout the conference various choirs of KwaSizabantu Mission and Cedar College of Education students inspired the delegates with great hymns of the Faith. Arab Spring – Christian Winter On Sunday evening, I presented the evening service in the KSB auditorium with a presentation on the Arab Spring - Christian Winter. This focused on the escalation of persecution of Christians throughout the Muslim Middle East, particularly in Egypt, Iraq and Syria, as well as Eritrea, Somalia and Northern Nigeria. The next morning, before departing from KwaSizabantu Mission, I was interviewed on the Increase of Persecution of Christians in the Middle East and recorded some devotional messages for Radio Khwezi. Africa School of Missions Africa School of Missions is a non-denominational Missionary centre dedicated to preparing men and women for Christian missions throughout the world. Over the years I have visited ASM, since it began in 1985. ASM's motto is: Equipping a New Generation of World Changers. Situated in Mpumalanga, in the Lowveld, close to the Kruger National Park, ASM is surrounded by spectacular mountain views. Currently ASM graduates are serving in the field in 56 countries, as far afield as Cambodia, China, India, Russia, throughout the Middle East and Africa. A Message from China While I was ministering at ASM, we had a visit from a delegation from China. One of the women in the group had been imprisoned for 6 years in China for her faith. She expressed her amazement at how openly we could worship in South Africa, that we could sing praises to the Lord out loud without fear of the authorities. She was astounded to see such a large Missionary training facility with its name able to be painted at the gate. They live in constant fear of the communist authorities in China and were amazed by the freedoms that we enjoy here in South Africa. "We are jealous of your freedoms", she said. Missionary Training I had been invited to conduct a week of lectures at ASM on Understanding Animism, Hinduism, Islam and Secular Humanism, and teaching principles and effective strategies for reaching animists, Hindus, Muslims and humanists for Christ. My lectures included: But Aren't All Religions the Same?; Understanding Animism; Ancestor Worship; Evangelising Animists; Missionary Examples of Excellence; Dr. David Livingstone; Samuel Ajai Crowther; Mary Slessor of Calabar; C.T. Studd; Understanding Hinduism; Evangelising Hindus; Spiritual Warfare; Reclaiming Surrendered Ground; Dealing with Demon Possession; The Challenge of Islam; Comparing Christ and Muhammad; Comparing the Qur'an and the Bible; Effective Evangelism of Muslims; Understanding Secular Humanism; Worldviews in Conflict; What Causes Poverty?; Ministering to the Poor and Needy and Effective Evangelism in a Secular Environment. Under Siege While in White River, I was disturbed by persistent reports by a number of ministries in the area who have been under siege from gangs of thieves, who have looted vast amounts of valuable equipment. Some of these Mission bases have endured up to 11 break-ins in a single month! More recently people have been held up, cars have been shot at, vehicles have been stoned and some missionaries have escaped attempted hijackings. Home Invasions There have also been home invasions. Some foreign volunteers at a ministry dealing with Aids orphans and hospices woke up with criminals in their bedroom pointing guns at their head. These girls bravely resisted and sounded the alarm. Ad a married man ran to their assistance and was fired upon. He dropped to the ground and lay still. For five minutes his wife thought that he had been shot. As is so happens, he had not been hit, but it was traumatic for his wife until she knew he was unharmed. Another man ran to their support and these armed attackers fled. By God's grace, none of the women were hurt, but understandably they were emotionally traumatized by the incident. A Reign of Terror There are numerous testimonies of close calls and answered prayer. It is something of a reign of terror. The people in the valley are living on edge. It is Condition Orange and Red every night. They're in spiritual warfare against forces of wickedness. It is known that the local witchdoctors are targeting them. The local communist party is also hostile to these dynamic spiritual ministries. One of the ministries are positioned on top of a mountain which had been used by Shangaan witchdoctors in the past, to fling human sacrifices to their death. Security and Survival I addressed a two hour security session with the staff discussing various options and strategies that they can implement to improve the safety of their staff and students and to protect the property. They have regular night patrols and emergency procedures. It is something like the Rhodesian farms at night during the war. Every night they brace themselves for attack. Sometimes there are multiple false alarms triggered at the electric fence surrounding the property in one night. They know that they are being tested by the thieves to see whether they will slacken their vigilance. It is an ongoing battle to replace light bulbs and repair and restore the electric fence from every attempt at sabotage. There are so many ministries around the country that are under some kind of siege like this, enduring systematic thieving and looting. "Brethren, pray for us that the Word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have Faith." 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 Equipping Youth Beyond After the week of lectures at Africa School of Missions, I was off to Kriel for a Fishers of Men Conference. My hosts have a dynamic Equipping Youth Beyond programme. This Missions Conference is one of a series of programmes that they have organised in order to disciple the mostly Zulu young men in their community. After ice-breakers, games, a missions quiz and enthusiastic worship, I presented An Adventure of Discipleship. In the morning I presented The Challenge of Missions. This was followed by a sports time, including soccer, netball, cricket and volleyball. Fishers of Men I then presented an Evangelism Workshop, which was followed by practical outreaches into the community. Many of the young people came back with enthusiastic testimonies of challenging situations, tough questions people would ask on the streets and at the shops, and of people who were brought under conviction of sin and surrendered their lives to Christ. Remember the Persecuted In the evening a special rally was held in the local high school hall for me to present Faith Under Fire in Sudan. It was most touching how many were gripped with love and concern for our brothers and sisters in Christ who have gone through so much suffering in Sudan. Sowing and Reaping On Sunday morning, after Sunday school and worship, I preached on The Greatness of the Great Commission. This concluded my Missions to KwaZulu and Mpumalanga. Almost a tonne of Gospel booklets, Bibles, leaflets, Christian books, discipleship materials and audio-visual materials were distributed to churches, schools, colleges, missions and students during this time, and books and DVDs donated to libraries. 52 meetings in total. Please continue to pray that lives may be impacted, Christians strengthened and challenged, missionaries mobilised and communities transformed through the seeds sown and the resources distributed. Mission to Zambia Mike and Tian report from the field that they have succeeded in conducting three Great Commission Seminars in three different areas in Zambia, ministering at a variety of churches, showing the Jesus film to hundreds of people each evening and distributing a tonne of World Missionary Press Gospel booklets, and Discipleship books and audio-visual materials from Frontline Fellowship. Mission to Malawi In Malawi, Mike and Tian conducted three Great Commission Seminars and spoke at an annual Church Conference. They preached at 8 church services, presented 40 lectures, screened the Jesus film on 5 occasions and equipped hundreds of pastors, evangelists and church leaders with our Practical Discipleship and Answering Skeptics books. They have also had the privilege of conducting baptism services in Lake Malawi. Many hundreds attended the Jesus films showings in the evening. Attendance has varied from 300 to 500 to 800 to 1,000 attending different film showings. Many have made public commitments to Christ at these film evangelism outreaches. Please pray for the health of our team as they have both been plagued with insect bites and have stayed in refugee camps alive with rats and a variety of crawling, flying, biting insects. Upcoming Events Today we are off loading a 17 tonne container of Bibles and Christian books for free distribution throughout Africa. On Friday I am scheduled to speak at a Hospital Christian Fellowship Conference. HCF was my first Mission. I had the privilege of being mentored by the Founder of HCF International, Francis Grim. This Saturday and Sunday I am speaking at a Church Missions conference in Blouberg and at the end of this month I am speaking at the Convergence 2012 conference at the University of Stellenbosch. Thank You We are very grateful for your prayers and support. May God abundantly bless and reward you for your faithfulness. May the Lord continue to be your strength and shield. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Director Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 Email: [email protected] As several supporters have requested our banking details, they are: (For local supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for (For overseas supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: ZA201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for (For USA supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship USA Bank: JP Morgan Chase Routing Number: 102 001 017 Acc. No: 910 341 692 Swift No: CHASUS33 Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for
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December 2024