![]() Literature4Africa This week, on Tuesday, we offloaded another container of 18 tonnes of Bibles and books, in pouring rain and freezing cold. Strikes in the harbour had delayed the offloading of our container for over a week and when it was finally delivered at 6am on Tuesday morning, it was in the middle of a storm. Our team had to improvise a tent over the container to enable us to keep the literature dry while offloading in the middle of wind and rain. Today, pastors, teachers and evangelists from far and wide are descending on the Mission stores to re-supply their various outreaches and ministries. ![]() Classical Conversations for Children On Monday, Emma, Tobie, Ray, Alpha, Dylan and Rozanne ran a packed programme for 67 children, all home educated, in Somerset West. The theme was Missions and it involved action songs, presentations and practicals, focusing on the Great Commission, the Apostle Paul, Perpetua, Martin Luther and David Livingstone. ![]() Global Reformation Conference Broadcast and Livestream Last week, we broadcast and livestreamed the Global Reformation Conference every day from Monday, 15th, to Saturday, 20th July, without any technical hitches. Our IT man, Angelo, excelled himself by doing the necessary research and organising a much better platform and programme than we had dared hope for. We received emails from as far afield as Japan, Burma, Lichtenstein, Austria, from around Africa, North America and even Australia. Now all 22-hours of the broadcast and livestream are uploaded on our Video archive, so that any church, college, or midweek cell group, home school family, or mission, can screen the full conference, including: Eurochor worship in some of the most spectacular venues. Lectures, history, videos of historic sites in Wittenberg and discussions from the Coalition on Revival Back to the Bible Conference in Cape Town and the livestream interaction with questions and answers and participation by Coalition on Revival contacts in England and America. This landmark event shows that we can organise international conferences with interaction on online platforms, so that even those who cannot afford either the time or travel expenses can participate in such a programme. ![]() Mission to Mpumalanga During his mission to Mpumalanga, Hunter lectured on New Testament Greek, to all three years of students of Back to the Bible Mission. There was much enthusiasm as how this enabled them to better understand the Scriptures. Back to the Bible Mission is one of the most strategic and effective Bible colleges that we know of in Africa. It is run by General Shai Mulder, who was the youngest Brigadier General in the South African Defence Force, Commander of the Military Academy and Head of the Engineers. After “retiring” at age 60, General and Mrs Mulder accepted the call to lead and oversee Back to the Bible Training College and have greatly expanded it. There are now over 110 students from 20 countries throughout Africa. They have had the privilege of training many thousands of pastors and missionaries who are working throughout the continent. Both General and Mrs Mulder earned Bachelors, Masters and Doctorates in Theology since their “retirement,” while working full time in this very intensive and demanding Mission. During Academic Recesses, they head off to the mission field and have planted Bible colleges in Ethiopia and ministered in Malawi and Madagascar. I have been part of the Faculty of Back to the Bible Mission since 2007 and lecture there every year on Missiology, Biblical Worldview and History. Mission to Mozambique After his mission to Mpumalanga, Hunter drove into Mozambique with a friend of the mission, Isak, who has participated in the Great Commission Course and runs a Mission school. Hunter was able to report back on the tremendous growth and opportunities for ministry in this once closed country. ![]() Mozambique Was Our First Mission Field Mozambique was our first mission field. Frontline Fellowship has been involved in Mozambique since 1982. When we began our work in Mozambique, in 1982, it was the least evangelised country in the Southern Hemisphere with barely 4% of the population being Protestant. Bibles were banned. There were no missionaries allowed in the country. There was no religious freedom. Nobody under 18 was allowed in a church building. As documented in my book: In the Killing Fields of Mozambique, vast areas of the country were subjected to scorched earth campaigns by the Soviet-led FRELIMO communist dictatorship. Answers to Prayer 30 Years ago, this October, I and a team of American paramedics were captured and imprisoned in communist Mozambique. We praise God for the tremendous changes that have taken place in this troubled country over the last three decades. Now over 30% of the population claim to be Protestants, Evangelicals and Bible-believing Christians. There is now religious freedom in the country. Missionaries are able to establish schools with independent Christian curriculums and the church is growing dramatically. However, there is still a desperate need for more Bible teaching, Bibles in the local languages and Christian textbooks, particularly in Portuguese. Please pray for our missionary intern, Alieske, who is serving at a mission base in Mozambique at this time. ![]() Childrens Holiday Bible Mission John, Emma, Alpha, Rozanne, Ray, Daniela, Calvin and Dylan conducted a Children’s Holiday Mission at a nearby church in Parow, which included children from several countries throughout Africa, who participated. The theme was The Armour of God. Each day, the team taught the children about two pieces of God’s Armour. They ensured that there were many strong calls to obey the Gospel throughout the Holiday Bible Mission. The church was very grateful to have our team bless the children of Parow with the Word of God, daily lessons, team-building activities, songs and simply connecting with the children. They have invited us to run another Bible Mission during the next school holidays. ![]() Science vs. Naturalism Seminar By God's grace, we had over 70 guests for our Science vs. Naturalism seminar and Childrens programme hosted at our Mission. Our guest speaker was Hendrik Basson, Founder of the Truth and Science Forum and author of Evolusie – Wetenskap of Geloof. He was also the presenter of the TV series, “Evolusie en die Lang Oorlog Teen God.” Our IT department completed the Creation vs. Atheism Seminar Audiovisual Boxset with 7 hours of video lectures by Dr. Philip Stott at an earlier Atheism vs. Science Seminar. The AV Boxset also includes 22 hours of audio lectures, available in a 6-disc boxset from Christian Liberty Books. We will also be producing an audiovisual boxset from the latest Science seminar with Hendrik Basson. ![]() Back to the Bible for Reformation and Revival Conference On 24 May, we hosted a Back to the Bible for Reformation and Revival Conference in Cape Town. The Coalition on Revival documents, the 95 Theses for Reformation Today and Franschhoek Declaration Strategy documents were discussed, endorsed and supported. Many of these presentations and discussions have been edited and are available on our www.FrontlineMissionSA.org website. A number of them were incorporated in the Global Reformation Conference Broadcast. So far, Frontline Fellowship has conducted Back to the Bible Conferences in Zambia, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, Congo, Sudan and South Africa. We have also conducted Back to the Bible events in Belgium, the Netherlands, Australia, United States of America and in Germany. ![]() Back to the Bible Preaching Workshop on Psalms This Saturday, we will be hosting another preaching workshop, this time on preaching from poetic books, particularly focusing on The Psalms. This will be the third FIRE Preaching Workshop for this year. Church leaders have already communicated that these Workshops have convicted them to proclaim God’s Word more faithfully and begin expository preaching in their churches. ![]() Missions in the Mall Please pray for our upcoming national Women’s Day missions in the mall, planned for 9 August. Every year, since 1995, we have been organising outreaches in numerous shopping malls around the country, setting up literature tables and displays and distributing literature and balloons with Scripture messages on them. “Wisdom calls aloud outside; she raises her voice in the open squares. She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the gates in the city she speaks her words.” Proverbs 1:20-21. So, every Women’s Day, 9 August, for the last 25 years, we have distributed thousands of tracts, leaflets, Gospel booklets and engaged in hundreds of evangelistic conversations and counselling, praying with people in the malls and entrusting New Testaments to those that we counsel. ![]() Childrens Ministry Leadership Summit We have been invited to be part of the Childrens Ministry Leadership Summit (16-17 August) at the Global School of Theology. I have been invited to speak on Biblical Worldview and our Literature4Africa ministry will be setting up tables to distribute much needed Sunday school material to participants. Equipping Home Educators Please pray for upcoming historic tours and our next Home Educators Open Day, which will focus on Classical English Literature and Latin. We will also be organising a guided tour of the Huguenot Museum and Monument and conducting a Reformation Celebration Service on Thursday, 31 October in Franschhoek. ![]() William Carey Bible Institute Our new www.WilliamCareyBI.com website is live with a treasure trove of books, manuals, lecture notes, video documentaries, audio lectures, Bible studies, links, tests, assignments and projects, designed to guide home educated students, pastors, chaplains, evangelists and missionaries in the field, with everything necessary to become a well-read, effective servant of God, committed to fulfilling the Great Commission, making disciples, teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded. We have had numerous authors donate their materials for WCBI. ![]() Over the last 15 years, WCBI has been steadily growing. We now offer 26 courses. Many tonnes of Study Bibles and library and textbooks have been donated to Bible colleges across Africa. We praise God for authors, missionaries and lecturers who have freely donated their materials for us to upload and make available to students. As a result, we are able to make the essential textbooks, lecture notes, audio and video lectures, available, completely free. WCBI does not charge students, but depends upon the free will offerings of God's people to provide this service to Christians worldwide, especially focused on those in Restricted Access Areas. May God be pleased to use these resources for equipping and empowering God's people to be more effective in His service. Please Pray for Lenora and her Mother Lenora is at this time flying to assist her mother, Harriett Bathman, who has been hospitalised and is needing to be moved into an assisted living arrangement. Lenora is also battling her own cancer, third time around, now stage-4 in the bone. Just yesterday, she was at the hospital receiving treatment and physio. Lenora had planned to visit her mother later in the year, but this crisis has forced her to leave at very short notice. ![]() Thank You We are most grateful for all your prayers, encouragement and support, without which none of our ministries would be possible. Bad times are good for spiritual work. The needs are urgent. We have more invitations for ministry and requests for teams to conduct Leadership Training Courses across Africa, than we have resources to respond with. ![]() We desperately need more prayer, more trained missionary volunteers, more vehicles, more resources and still need more support to adequately respond to the urgent day-to-day needs and tremendous opportunities before us. Africa for Christ! May God continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfillment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 [email protected] www.FrontlineMissionSA.org www.ReformationSA.org www.livingstonefellowship.co.za www.christianaction.org.za www.WilliamCareyBI.com www.hmsschoolofchristianjournalism.org Recent Prayer and Praise Updates: Bibles and Books to Sudan with Love Back to the Bible Mpumalanga Mission God's Word Above All Things Back to the Bible for Reformation and Revival Missions to Mpumalanga Winning Africa for Christ Ministry, Manuals and Missions South African Mission Bibles Bless the Nuba Mountains Would you prayerfully consider financially partnering with us in ministry? Our banking details: For South African supporters: Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ (for overseas supporters) Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for. For overseas supporters wishing to donate into our South African account: Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for For supporters donating from the USA: Go to www.frontlinefellowship.net/support, or click here.
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Prayer & Praise Articles
December 2024