BIBLICAL WORDVIEW SEMINAR IN A CONVERTED HINDU TEMPLE By God’s Grace, our mission to KwaZulu was packed and productive. Taryn Hodgson, the Co-ordinator of Africa Christian Action, and I were invited to conduct a Biblical Worldview Seminar for Indian Christians in a converted Hindu temple in Chatsworth. Nearly a hundred Christians participated in this day-long seminar which included lectures on: A World War of Worldviews; The Fight For Life; Humanism is Self-destructive; God’s Law or Chaos; God and Government; A Christian Action Workshop and an Evangelism Workshop. Some participants drove from far away, including three ladies from Richards Bay. Many of the participants are already planning to conduct Life-Chains in their area for 7 October. The discussion times were vigorous and discussion groups reported back on practical programmes for action. Many books and CDs were sold and large quantities of Christian literature taken for distribution to the various churches represented. JIVANNADI MISSION
We were then invited for ministry at Jivannadi Mission. This dynamic mission to Indians consists of many Christians from a Hindu background. Jivannadi has Worship services and the preaching of the Gospel every night of the year. They also have a dynamic Christian school using the ACE curriculum. Good News Community Radio also broadcasts from this mission station. AIRCRAFT EVANGELISM My youngest son, 8 year-old Calvin, was able to join me for this trip. As he had been with me to Jivannadi before, Calvin was most enthusiastic. Even on the aircraft over to Durban, Calvin was walking up and down the aisle sharing the Ten Commandments and the Gospel with both passengers and crew. After being gone a long time he reported back to me that he had been able to lead an Indian lady to the Lord and requested more literature to give her. By the time we had finished the two-hour flight, Calvin had made several friends, and numerous people commented to me what a delightful young man he was. I had to wait for him outside the plane as he was invited by the pilot up into the cockpit. TUNNELS No sooner had we arrived at Jivannadi, than GNCR was interviewing Taryn and I. Suddenly, Calvin and Juan, his friend from Jivannadi, appeared through the ventilation shafts that ran under the floor of the radio studio. They had been following the underground tunnels and were most pleased with themselves, despite being covered in dust and mud. SCRIPTURE MEMORISATION At each evening service at Jivannadi, Calvin presented Scripture passages from memory, the Ten Commandments, The Apostles Creed and the Evangelism Explosion Gospel presentation. INSPIRATION FOR REFORMATION I gave presentations on Anne Askew – a Daughter of the Reformation; Florence Nightingale – The Lady with the Lamp; Our Churches Need Revival; The Power of the Holy Spirit; The Fire of God; and The Bible’s Teachings on Animals. SCHOOL MINISTRY Taryn and I also addressed the Jivannadi Christian School assembly, teaching on TheTen Commandments, An Overview of History, We Are Called To Be Salt & Light, and An Overview of the Reformation. WITH GNCR BACK ON THE AIR We rejoiced that Good News Community Radio is back on the air. After a six-year legal battle with the government airwaves controller, ICASA, GNCR was ordered to cease broadcasting a year ago. By God’s grace and in response to international prayer and pressure, GNCR has been awarded a new four-year broadcasting licence and since 1 August has been broadcasting 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Taryn and I recorded over 20 interviews and programmes with GNCR during our visit covering subjects as wide-ranging as Purity, Youth in Missions, The Crisis in Zimbabwe, How We Can Help Christians Suffering in Zimbabwe, Teen Church and Youth Ministry, Halloween and The Bible, and even Calvin was interviewed concerning home schooling and Scripture memorisation. Although this was his first time on radio, he was fluent and confident. UNIVERSITY BIBLE SCHOOL On the Tuesday night I was invited to lecture at His People Bible School at the University of Durban Westville campus. Our friends, Wayne and Trish Sanderman, have done a tremendous work there, building up a strong Bible Study and Prayer fellowship of students eager for winning their nation to Christ and transforming all of society with Reformation principles. They showed us their Reformation Room, which has a 24-hour prayer chain on the weekend. Prayer requests and Scriptures decorated the walls, a dynamic library is been started, and many items for prayer and praise and answered prayer were recorded and on display. I was invited to speak on The World War of Worldviews and Humanism is Self-Destructive. There was a vigorous time of discussion and very positive responses from the students, particularly from students from Zimbabwe. There was such an intense interest in our literature that we only had empty boxes to carry back. Wayne and Trish also introduced me to their new Graduate Club website project for helping to mobilise students to transform their communities with Reformation teaching and seeking God for Spiritual Revival in our land. TEACHER TRAINING The next day we were off to KwaSizabantu Mission where Cedar College of Education invited me to present The Reformation Roots of Western Civilization to their students and staff at assembly. Then numerous lectures on How To Succeed in Missions, The Roots of Education, The 5 Points of Calvinism, The Challenge of Islam and Comparing The Quran With The Bible lectures were presented. RADIO KWEZI Radio Kwezi, which is one of the largest Christian community radio stations in the country, had me record 12 devotionals and 2 sermons. CHRISTIANS FOR TRUTH CONFERENCE Then our team from Cape Town arrived and Taryn, Jessica and I set up our missions display, book tables and Africa Christian Action literature table for the Christians For Truth Conference. Delegates from as far afield as Holland, Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland participated in the conference. The theme was Running The Race. Rev. Erlo Stegen, the Founder and Director of KwaSizabantu Mission, gave the opening address calling us to put aside every weight, to not look to the left or the right, or to those behind us, but to keep our eyes fixed on the goal and to press onwards and upwards for the prize which God has called us to in Christ Jesus. FIRE FOR THE RACE I had the privilege of presenting the 11am message on Saturday morning: Fire For The Race. Report backs were heard from the various chapters of Christians For Truth throughout South African and Europe. Many inspirational musical and choir presentations from the school, the college and the mission co-workers were enjoyed. And the Sunday service was a magnificent conclusion to the inspiring CFT Conference weekend. EE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY We enjoyed great times of fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ, and co-workers from far afield. And on Monday morning, before heading out to the airport, Calvin and I had the joy of taking the Domino Servite School Assembly. Calvin boldly presented the Evangelism Explosion Gospel presentation and helped me teach the students and staff the EE presentation and the Romans 6:23 marching song. PRAY FOR KWAZULU All in all, I presented 25 sermons or lectures and 30 radio programmes during this KwaZulu mission. We were greatly inspired by the tremendous ministry being carried out by Jivannadi Mission and Jivannadi Christian School, Good News Community Radio, His People Bible School, Cedar College of Education, Domino Servite School, Christians For Truth, Radio Kwezi, Doctors For Life, True Love Waits, and KwaSizabantu Mission. Please continue to pray for these dynamic ministries and for the ongoing impact of the books, Gospel literature, CDs and DVDs strategically distributed and donated to libraries throughout KwaZulu Natal during this mission. “Declare His Glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples. For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised, He is to be feared above all.” 1 Chronicles 16:24-25 Dr Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: (021) 689-4480 Fax: (021) 685-5884 Email: [email protected]
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December 2024