Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi By God’s grace, Frontline mission teams are completing a complex series of mission outreaches to Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi. This has involved pioneering ministry into neglected and remote regions. Going literally off the map, the team crossed rivers by ferries and pontoons and visited and mapped 55 villages, many of whom said that this was the first time they had ever seen any white people. The team conducted thorough Creation evangelism in 26 of these villages, laying solid foundations teaching on Creation, the Fall, the Law and the need for a Saviour. As villagers came to Repentance and Faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, there was much rejoicing. Vehicle Breakdowns and Malaria
There were the inevitable vehicle problems on the challenging roads, and Mike has come down with a serious bout of malaria. However the team has continued to persevere and have succeeded in delivering wheelchairs, medicines, Boxes with Love, Gospel booklets, Bibles, audio-visual materials and much leadership training materials to those who most need and appreciate them. Congo River Mission Despite many frustrations, and very inadequate resources, Johan set out on another pioneer mission to the Congo River. Despite having no missionary co-worker available to go with him, nor any suitable boat, Johan launched out in a dugout canoe and paddled to remote villages to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. By God’s grace he had the joy of seeing villagers respond with enthusiasm and surrender their lives to the Lord. Despite malaria and other afflictions, Johan persevered in reaching even more villages along the Congo River. Lausanne Congress on World Evangelisation 200 Years after William Carey had actually proposed the first world mission conference, back in 1810, recommending Cape Town as the ideal venue, a most historic world missions congress was hosted in Cape Town. Scheduled to mark the centenary of the first world missions conference (held in Edinburgh in 1910) the Cape Town 2010 Congress on World Evangelisation is reputed to be the largest and most represented missions congress in history. With over 4,200 participants, from 198 countries, and extending through Global Link sites to another 700 venues across 95 countries, over 100,000 people were involved. It was a tremendous privilege to be part of such a historic missions event. Encouragement and Networking Daily people would come up to me and tell me how they had been called into missions at one of our Great Commission Courses, at the Commission 2000 Conference that I spoke at in Kenya, and at various missions rallies around the world. Several people told me of how the Lord had used my book: The Greatest Century of Missions, to galvanize them into the harvest field. Networking with missionary friends and partners from around the world came thick and fast. The Sudanese delegates were all most excited about our Faith Under Fire in Sudan book and all needed copies. New Operation World Launched A major highlight in the congress was the launch of the 7 th edition of Operation World – The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation . Operation World was first launched in South Africa. Patrick Johnstone compiled the first editions while an itinerant tent evangelist in war-torn Rhodesia. It was while praying through the 1978 edition of Operation World, during all night prayer meetings in the Army, that the Lord inspired me to launch Frontline Fellowship into war-torn Mozambique and Angola. During these early missions, I began corresponding with Patrick Johnstone and became part of the Operation World team of field researchers, regularly consulted on an increasing number of countries where we were involved, for each new edition. Congress Articles I wrote 14 articles on the Cape Town 2010 Congress (you may view on www.frontline.org.za website). Mission leaders in 4 continents have written to me, or phoned me, in response to these articles. Many of them have been published widely. Each night I would return after a long day at the congress, frequently only getting to bed long after midnight. So many discussions, presentations, networking and planning sessions were experienced and so much was learnt during this intensive week, that it will take a very long time to fully process, but never have I had to travel such a short distance to attend a missions conference! Working for a New Reformation In the lead up to our Reformation Celebration events, I gave special presentations to Christian schools, a guided tour of the Huguenot Monument and Museum to Home schoolers, presented a Reformation and Revival Seminar on Saturday, 30 October, and led a Reformation Day service at the Huguenot Monument on Sunday, 31 October. KwaSizabantu Ministers’ Conference For over 20 years it has been a privilege to participate in KwaSizabantu Ministers’ Conferences in Zululand. For the first time we had the privilege of a KSB Ministers’ Conference being hosted in the Cape. Rev. Erlo Stegen and the KwaSizabantu choir travelled down from KwaZulu to minister to pastors in the Western Cape. I was invited to give a presentation on The Power of the Holy Spirit for World Missions. Radio and Rallies Amongst all of these special leadership training events, I have juggled a whirlwind of radio ministry, school meetings, editing and printing deadlines, missions rallies and foreign guests. Book and Bible Shipments Our mission is frequently a hive of activity. We have pastors and teachers coming to collect boxes of books, Bibles and Gospel literature. So far, this year, we have received, processed and distributed approximately 50 tonnes of Bibles, books and Gospel literature. Much of this has been delivered and distributed across the borders into Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi. Mission stations, schools and churches throughout South Africa have also benefited from the containers of great Christian resources which have been donated to us. Book Projects Completed There has also been a great response to the new resources which we have produced this year, including: the Great Commission Manual, the Chaplains Hand Book and Chaplains Prayer Book and the third edition of Faith Under Fire in Sudan. Understand Islam – Evangelise Muslims Due to tremendous demand, we have completely revised and expanded our Slavery, Terrorism and Islam book. The fourth edition is ready to be published. Practical Discipleship The latest in our popular series on Discipleship: Practical Discipleship has been ready for printing for most of this year. We are just awaiting sufficient funds to be able to have it printed. New Book Projects We are also very close to finalising a complete revision of the Biblical Worldview Manual, in time for our Biblical Worldview Summit in January. Another book almost ready for printing is: Victorious Christians. A number of other books are in the pipeline, including: Frontline - Behind Enemy Lines for Christ; Bible Character Studies; War Against God; The Greatest Century of Persecution; and From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe. Biblical Worldview Summit Next year, Summit ministries in the USA will be celebrating its 50 th anniversary. In South Africa we will be able to celebrate 20 years of conducting Biblical Worldview Summits in Africa. Our next BWS - Reclaiming Campuses for Christ, will be held in the mountains, in a forest by a lake, with a tremendous variety of obstacle courses for team building and problem-solving practicals. As we seek to prepare students for the pressures, temptations and opportunities of ministering on campus, we stretch minds and muscles. These Summits are always a tremendous opportunity of inputting in the lives of students and leaders from all over Africa. If your family, or congregation, would like to sponsor a student, it will enable the Summit to impact lives that would not otherwise be able to afford to participate in this unique worldview training programme. Vital Projects We are receiving calls and invitations for us to come and conduct Leadership Training courses and Evangelistic outreaches in far more parts of Africa than we have the resources to respond to. I have invitations for ministry to the Congo, Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda and Sudan. With the very limited means at our disposal we are attempting to do our very best to respond to these challenges and opportunities to fulfill the Great Commission in Africa. We have major outreaches and leadership training programmes planned throughout Southern and Central Africa early next year. We are also wanting to acquire and drive up a suitable motorized boat for the Congo River Mission and establish a forward base on the Congo River. The situation in many of these areas is desperate. The needs are urgent and the opportunities unprecedented. For Prayer and Action Please join with us in earnest, concerted prayer that we will be able to continue to operate effectively in these conflict areas. Anything that you can do to help make our missions and discipleship resources, books, CDs, MP3s, DVDs and other audio-visual materials better known, and more widely available, would also go a long way towards helping to bring in more orders, that can help fund our outreaches and the many tonnes of Bibles and books that we need to deliver and distribute throughout Africa. We are not deterred by the dangers, diseases and difficulties involved. We are trusting in God alone for His provision, protection, guidance and blessing. Thank You We are very grateful for your intercession, encouragement and practical support. May God continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfillment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Director
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December 2024