The Great Commission is our Supreme Ambition We are only a week away from the commencement of our Great Commission Course. Participants from as far afield as Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe and the USA are registered for this intense, uniquely practical hands-on missionary course. Transforming Nations by Changing Lives The first week of the three-week GCC will be the Reclaiming Africa for Christ Biblical Worldview Summit (27 June – 4 July). The Biblical Worldview Summit (BWS) seeks to transform nations by changing lives – applying the Lordship of Christ to every area of life. Biblical Worldview Summit
Guest Speakers at the BWS will include: engineer, author and international speaker Philip Stott, who has presented the scientific case for Creation, and against Evolutionism internationally, including throughout Russia; Rev. Bill Bathman, pioneer missionary behind the Iron Curtain; George Oesche, missionary of KwaSizabantu; John Leach, missionary leader of Waymakers who has served in Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania and Zambia; Jerusha Olsen, Co-ordinator of True Love Waits; Cheryllyn Dudley, Member of Parliament for the ACDP; Collen Makumbirofa, of the Foundation for Reason and Justice in Zimbabwe, and many others. Atheist Debate The programme will include a debate with UCT atheist professor Jacques Roussouw, Is Belief in God Rational? on Sunday night 29 June. Evangelism and debating workshops, outreaches into a local township, practicals, sports, great films, and daily discussion groups and times of prayer. Please Pray for these Courses Please continue to pray for these Leadership Training programmes, for all the lecturers, participants and outreaches. Fire at KwaSizabantu Mission Please also continue to pray for our friends at KwaSizabantu Mission in Zululand. On Saturday 14 June they suffered an electrical fire, which gutted their 10,000 seater auditorium. This auditorium took ten years to build, and has been used for conferences and services for over 18 years. In just 20 minutes the entire structure was wrecked and the central roof collapsed. In just over a week they are expecting several thousand young people to arrive for their Youth Conference. This fire at KwaSizabantu reminds us of the devastating fire of 1812, which destroyed William Carey’s mission warehouse in Serampore, India. As we continued to lift up our brethren at KwaSizabantu Mission in earnest, daily prayer, we ran a refresher course on fire fighting, with a live fire exercise, at the Frontline Fellowship mission house in Cape Town. Live in the Light of Eternity All physical things are temporary, and very vulnerable. We need to be prepared at all times for that which may happen at any time. Yet, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Our duty is to do everything we can, and then to trust God with what we cannot. Everyday provides precious, unique opportunities to serve the Lord. We do not know what tomorrow will hold. We need to be dedicated and effective each day in His service. Update on Christopher Thank you very much for the many letters of concern and assurances of prayer that we received concerning Christopher. Both Christopher and I have been going through a battery of blood tests, X-rays, scans, and other medical tests. At the moment the doctors are talking about a kidney transplant for Christopher possibly by October. I am apparently a good match to donate one of my kidneys to Christopher. We clearly see God’s hand on Christopher and are convinced that the Lord will bless him and use him in a mighty and special way for the advancement of His Kingdom. Please Keep Praying for Christopher Since he was born with total kidney failure 11 August 1995, Christopher has confounded the predictions of the medical professionals. After we were informed that he had no chance of survival, and mobilised our prayer networks, Christopher miraculously recovered kidney function in one kidney. He has been heavily involved in sporting activities, and recently won a bronze medal at a Provincial Tournament. He regularly climbs mountains, hikes in forests and enjoys soccer, rugby, biking and other outdoor activities. However, Christopher is quite small for his age and has little appetite. We are very concerned about his lack of growth, and at 12½ he is involved in his adolescent growth spurt. His kidney function is now less than 20% and declining. Please do continue to pray for the Lord’s healing hand and intervention. Charl in the Congo By God’s grace, the Deputy Director of Frontline Fellowship, Charl van Wyk, returned from a successful mission to the Congo. He ministered in Kinshasa, Kisangani and Lubumbashi. His flight to the capital was hair-raising as a storm threw the aircraft around, and all the passengers were praying and singing Hymns in terror. Charl had the opportunity of ministering at the REDTCO Youth Leaders meeting, preaching at numerous churches and at Gospel Crusade meetings. He also rode into the jungle on a motorbike to visit a military base. Charl was interviewed on television in the Congo, and ensured that the evangelists and leaders received Bibles and bikes, and discipleship and evangelistic materials in French, including the French edition of our Biblical Principles for Africa books. Mission to America I completed a packed and productive ministry trip to the USA. In less than three weeks I conducted over 40 meetings, including 8 TV interviews, 9 hours of radio interviews, 6 church services, 5 house meetings and 3 conferences. This included a Providential History Festival, a Biblical Blueprints Conference on Islamic Jihad and the Summit. Sudanese Christians in America In Omaha, Nebraska, I spoke to a Sudanese Christian Fellowship. Many of this congregation had come from Sudan to study many years ago. There were numerous doctors, teachers, technicians and engineers amongst them. They informed me that there were over 30,000 Sudanese just in the city of Omaha. I presented an inspiring slide presentation on what God is doing in Sudan and challenged the Sudanese Christians to seriously consider returning home to help rebuild Sudan on Biblical principles. I reminded them why they had come to America and undertaken their studies in the first place and how much they were needed back in Sudan. The Land of Cush We discussed the prophesies in Isaiah 18 and Zephaniah 3. There was a vigorous discussion, many tears and numerous Sudanese men and women stood up to reinforce what I had said and to acknowledge that God had spoken to them concerning their responsibility to take their skills and training back to the land of their birth. There was a very strong sense of the Lord’s presence in this extraordinary meeting. Potential Missionaries to Mobilise There are literally hundreds of thousands, actually millions, of African Christians in Europe and America. Many of them came for leadership training, intending to return to their countries of origin. However, one of the ongoing problems is that most of those who leave rural areas for urban training institutions, tend to stay in the urban areas and be lost to the rural communities who sent them for further training. Similarly, most of those who go to First World nations for further training tend not to return to their Third World countries of origin. In this way the Church is hemoerrhaging in Africa. Some of our most promising leadership candidates are failing to return to their communities. The rapid urbanization and mass movement to First World countries is devastating to local congregations. Leaders for Africa Every year Africa loses 23,000 university graduates. This includes the very teachers, doctors, engineers and other qualified professionals that Africa most desperately needs. This does not include the many hundreds of thousands of others who left for training overseas and never returned. Most of the pastors of rural areas where we work have no tertiary education at all. Numerous provincial hospitals are paralyzed for the lack of a single doctor. Not that the community has not produced doctors, but most of them have moved to the city, or emigrated overseas. Strategic Resources to Fulfill the Great Commission in Africa We believe that the time has come for churches throughout Europe and North America to mobilize these qualified Christians to go back as missionaries to their own countries. They already know the language(s) and culture, they have skills and training that are desperately needed back in their own country, and now with their new contacts, friends and congregations behind them in North America and Europe, they would be able to return with greater support, prayer backing and practical help. Such congregations with African Christians will be uniquely equipped to invest in the fulfillment of the Great Commission in Africa. The potential impact of mobilizing these African Christians as missionaries back to their own areas would be tremendous. William Carey Bible Institute On another level, our William Carey Bible Institute is attempting to provide Leadership Training programmes for ministry candidates within Africa. WCBI offers a thoroughly Reformed, Evangelistic, Biblical and practical distance learning programme, which provides pastors, teachers and evangelists with excellent textbooks, lecture manuals, lectures on audio CDs and a programme of requiring book reports, assignments and exams. Supplementing the Correspondence Programme are short-term Leadership Training programmes in remote rural areas and our Libraries for Pastors Programme. We are providing data CD-ROMs with notes and PowerPoints, MP3s and textbooks for Discipleship, Biblical Worldview, Great Commission, Missions History, Church History, Reformation and Revival, Muslim Evangelism, Ministering to the Persecuted, God and Government, Christian Action, Biblical Law, Apologetics, Children’s Ministry, Conflict Resolution, Eschatology, Leadership and Evangelism courses of WCBI. Pro-Life Premiere By God’s grace, we were invited to set up an Africa Christian Action Pro-Life literature display and table at the cinema complex in Cavendish Square. This was for the premiere of “Bella” – a big screen film with a strong Pro-Life message. The premiere began with a documentary on the Pro-Life movement in South Africa, which included interviews with us filmed at Livingstone House, as well as the Pro-Choice ramblings of a Mary Stopes clinic abortionist – which provided a good contrast. The theatre was packed out, with some people sitting on the floor, and much interest in our message. Slavery, Terrorism and Islam The new, expanded edition of Slavery, Terrorism and Islam – the Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat book has now been republished. The first edition in 2005 quickly sold out and earned me a death threat “Fatwa” from some Islamic radicals. This edition of Slavery, Terrorism and Islam now consists of 192 pages, over 200 pictures and 15 maps and charts. Complementing this book is an Muslim Evangelism MP3, with 13 lectures and PowerPoints, and a Muslim Evangelism 6-CD Box Set and a number of supplementary DVDs. The Muslim World Must be Reached for Christ It is our earnest prayer that the Lord will use this book to alert Christians to the real threats, the urgent needs and unprecedented opportunities before us to reach Muslims with the life-changing Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. May God be pleased to inspire, energise and equip us to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ in Muslim countries, in our neighbourhoods, and throughout the Middle East in the 10/40 Window. Whatever you can do to help us make this book, and the supplementary Muslim Evangelism Workshop audio CDs and MP3, better known and more widely available would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so very much for all your prayers and support. We are very conscious of the Spiritual warfare we are engaged in. By God’s grace, souls are being saved and lives transformed. We praise God for your partnership in this mission. May the Lord continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfillment of the Great Commission Dr Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands, 7725 Cape Town, South Africa Tel: (021) 689-4480 Fax: (021) 685-5884 Email: [email protected]
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December 2024