![]() Dear Intercessors and Supporters "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His Name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting and His truth endures to all generations."Psalm 100:4-5 We are most grateful to Almighty God for His mercy, provision, guidance and protection throughout this last year. Among the many highlights were Missions to Kenya, Zimbabwe and Egypt, hosting the Eurochor during the Reformation events in Cape Town, invitations to participate in the KwaSizabantu Youth Conference, the Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship Family Conference at Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia and a record number of new publications completed. ![]() Great Commission Course Our Great Commission Camp began on New Year's Day, 1 Jan, with 76 participants from as far afield as Germany, Malawi, Botswana, Zimbabwe and the United States of America. We were privileged to have three excellent guest speakers, including Don McAlvaney, Rev. Al Baker and George Ochse. Our three week Great Commission Course included: 16 P.T. sessions, 8 hikes, 5 adventure activities, 12 Devotions, 13 Bible Drills, 5 discussion groups, 58 lectures, 21 films, 10 outreaches and 12 church services. The GCC concluded with palletising and loading 24 tonnes of Bibles, New Testaments, Sunday school materials and Bible Study materials to donate to a ministry working throughout Africa. ![]() Putting Feet to Your Faith Just in time for our Great Commission Camp, we received back from the printer our new, completely revised, re-designed and updated, Putting Feet to Your Faith book (144 pages). Every participant was given a copy of this foundational Discipleship book. Going On Before the end of the course, we received the new book from the Chairman of the Board of Frontline Fellowship, Rev. Bill Bathman: Going On - With a Nod from God book (320 pages, 160 pictures). This fascinating book takes us on an unforgettable journey behind enemy lines, presenting remarkable interviews with courageous Christians under persecution and on the frontlines of Faith and freedom. ![]() The Greatest Century of Missions Our good friend, Walter (who I have known since he and his wife first came out as Missionaries to Africa in 1981) requested permission to reprint 10,000 copies of The Greatest Century of Missionsbook. I knew that I had to do a complete revision, expansion and update of this, one of our most popular books. The original 6,000 print run of our 2002 edition had sold out some time ago. This request from our Missionary friends in East Africa provided the catalyst needed. Now expanded to 224 pages with over 200 pictures, photographs, maps and charts, the Greatest Century of Missions is a treasure trove of the incredible adventures, inspiring exploits and unbelievable achievements of some of the most extraordinary people in the most momentous era of Christian advance. Walter also wanted me to fly out to be their guest speaker at a series of conferences in Kenya to introduce the Youth Workers Toolkit as they described a selection of books they were seeking to provide to pastors, teachers and youth leaders throughout East Africa. ![]() East Africa Christian Teachers Conference Over 250 delegates from all over Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and South Sudan gathered at Kabarak University for the East Africa Christian Teachers Conference. They responded enthusiastically to The Challenge of Dr. David Livingstone Today. In less than two weeks, I ministered at four conferences, four churches and one university, 22 meetings in all. Old Testament Survey Sola Scriptura! was the battle cry of the Reformation. Scripture alone is our ultimate authority. However, while all Christians claim to believe the Bible, few seem to have actually read the whole Bible. Few Christians can articulate the central message, or clear distinctives, of each Book of the Bible. This Old Testament Survey is the first part of our Bible Survey. It has taken more three years to produce. The messages summarising each Book of the Old Testament, as presented to Livingstone Fellowship, are now available in an audio and data MP3 boxset. The Old Testament Survey book consists of 288 pages, including 37 pictures, maps, charts and chronologies. The Old Testament Survey Audio and Data MP3 boxset includes 42 audio sermons, over 28hrs of preaching and teaching and 39 PDF sermon notes. Several Bible Colleges have requested this The Old Testament Survey to use as textbooks and we were able to deliver and donate copies to Bible Colleges, Christian schools and churching during our South Africa Mission and cross-border Missions to Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Kenya and Egypt. New Tracts Produced By God's grace we produced a series of new tracts last year including: The Hard Words of Jesus, How Can I Know That Jesus is the Messiah?,Vocation Provides Purpose and Direction, Stamina, The Return of the Judaizers, The Heart and Soul of Karl Marx (also available in Afrikaans), Luke Warm Christians Make God Sick, Risen, God's Not Dead 2 - Faith on Trial and two new Afrikaans tracts: Die Mees Invloedryke Boek Ter Wêreld and Die Mees Invloedrykende Mens Wat Ooit Geleef Het. These have all been placed on our websites for anyone to download and print, for outreaches in their neighbourhoods. We now have over 70 Evangelistic and Discipleship tracts and leaflets available for download on www.frontline.org.za and www.livingstonefellowship.co.za. Library Programme Gill reports 207 mailings of free books from our Library Programme to pastors and prisoners last year. Most of the participants are prisoners, 16 of which received certificates for completing the book reports on the provided materials. ![]() Literature 4 Africa In 2016 we received 12 container shipments of Bibles and books, a total of 174 tonnes. Jonathan reports that these included 71,000 Bibles and books,180,000 Sunday school booklets and manuals, 105,000 Bible study books and 11,000 Student Handbooks, 280,000 Group and Personal study books, 50,000 Devotional booklets and magazines and 24,800 audio and visual resources. We received over 721,000 Scriptural, Evangelistic or Discipleship materials, which we freely distributed throughout Africa, as far North as Egypt. To save the cost of hiring a forklift when pallets need to be either offloaded, or loaded, we purchased a hand-operated, high-lift pallet jack. This has enabled us to, on occasions, prepare and load, or offload, up to 20 pallets a day of Bibles and books needed for Missions outreaches and College Library donations. "So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11 Christian Action Network Seven new members were added during 2016. We now have 130 members of the Christian Action Network representing over 7,000 congregations and 5 million Christians in 19 different African countries (Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe). ![]() Field Worker Reports We praise God for the ordination by their congregations of two of our long-serving Missionaries: David Frew and John Clifford, upon completion of their Theological Training. John Clifford had a most packed year, conducting Missions to Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Egypt, America and throughout South Africa. On 10 September, he was married to Rachel during his first Mission to America. During 2016, John presented 14 sermons, 66 lectures, 7 Bible Studies, led 40 Prayer meetings, conducted 4 Leadership Training Seminars, 35 outreaches and participated in 27 radio programmes, in addition to 44 other meetings. That is a total of 240 meetings in one year, along with working on 6 Bachelor of Theology subjects by correspondence and preparing for the Africa Reformation Mission. At the end of the year, he and Rachel were also delighted to learn that they are parents, expecting their firstborn child, mid-year 2017. David Frew completed 3 Missions, led 95 Bible studies, 98 Prayer meetings, presented 60 lectures, 20 Sermons. He conducted 4 Leadership Training Seminars, 2 Radio programmes and 19 outreaches, a total of 212 meetings in 2016. David participated in the successful planting of a congregation and focussed on teaching Hermeneutics and Expository Preaching. Abrie Lourens conducted Missions throughout South Africa and Zimbabwe and spoke at a total of 114 meetings, many at schools and university outreaches. With the universities aflame with riots and communist inspired chaos, Taryn and Abrie's ministry on campuses is even more vital than ever before. ![]() University Outreaches Even before the riots began on campus, our Missionaries, Taryn and Abrie were involved in a variety of regular outreaches to university students, supplying Bibles, New Testaments, Gospel booklets, Discipleship and Evangelistic materials to campus ministries. They have been there through thick and thin during the unstable and volatile #RhodesMustFall and #FeesMustFall Chaos. It is vital to have an Evangelical presence on campus and seek to offer comprehensive Biblical solutions to contemporary problems and communist controversies. Taryn Lourens, the Co-ordinator of the Christian Action Network, conducted 123 meetings, including 44 radio programmes and many school and university outreaches, presenting the 7 C's of History, The Truth about Abortion, Traffick Proof and Fight the New Drug presentations. Every year, for 11 years, Taryn has organised the National Day of Repentance, March for Life to Parliament, outreaches, Prayer Vigils and protests outside Marie Stopes Abortuary, Sanctity Life Sundays on the First Sundays of October and National Women's DayOutreaches in shopping malls across the country. Missions in the Mall Last year on 9 August, Taryn mobilised 83 volunteers who distributed over 6,500 tracts, leaflets and Gospel booklets and over 1,300 balloons with Scripture messages on them in 5 shopping malls. ![]() Joseph Cave completed cross-border Missions to Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswana and a South Africa Mission. He also participated in Missions to Genadendal and Ceres, completing 84 meetings and outreaches. Joseph has proved invaluable in repairing vehicles in the field and solving problems with innovation and industry. Francis Momberg completed the South Africa Mission and 84 meetings and outreaches, focussing particularly in Children's Ministry in schools and townships, literature ministry and lots of organising books, literature and audio visual materials. ![]() Colleges, Conferences and Courses Last year I drove long distances, and had 26 flights, speaking at over 380meetings, including the Great Commission Course, the KwaSizabantu Youth Conference, which had over 7,000 young people participating, the Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship Family Conference at Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia, the Healthcare Christian Fellowship Consultation, which we hosted at Livingstone House, the Bible College Consultation, a Summit, hosted by Christ the King Congregation in Tennessee, the East Africa Christian Teachers Conference at Kabarak University, Youth Worker Toolkit Seminars held at Nakuru and Nairobi, the Old Paths Christian History Conference in Idaho, a History Seminar in Nebraska, the Awake Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, and the Reformation Celebration events in Cape Town with the Eurochor. I was also invited to conduct the Rhodesia Remembrance Sunday Service for the Rhodesia Association on 6 November in Fishhoek. Representatives from the MOTHs, BSAP, RLI, SAS, Rhodesia Regiment and Air Force participated Articles, Sermons and Correspondence My secretary, Marion, informs me that last year she typed 536 of my letters, 38 sermons, 43 articles, 8 Prayer and Praise Updates, 9 Memos, 6 Answers to Critical Questions, 24 Articles for JOY! Magazine, 2 Articles for JUIG! Tydskrif, 4 articles for JOY! Digital, 3 articles for Covenant Nations, 7 Gospel Defence League articles, 44 emails for the Reformation Society and 177 Frontline Fellowship e-updates were sent out. There were also 13 Receipt Letters produced to update supporters and 45 Staff Devotions held. Research and Writing Projects Some of the articles I produced last year included: Resisting the Islamic Invasion Trojan Horse, 10 Steps to Revival, What Can Go Wrong on a Mission, The 007 Disconnect with Reality, How Civilisations Commit Suicide, Communist Chaos on Campus, Racism, Xenophobia and Hate Speech, Racism - Rhetoric and Reality, Promoting Racism and Intolerance in the Name of Combatting Racism and Intolerance, Jesus is the Fulfilment of Messianic Prophecies, Through the Looking Glass - An Insight into the Racist Agenda of those who Claim to Oppose Racism, Risen - Evidences for the Resurrection, Historic Inaccuracies in Vikings, The Holocaust in Rwanda - 22 Years Later, Mozambique Revisited, The Heart and Soul of Karl Marx, The Current Political Climate in South Africa and What We Can Do About It, Hijacking Civilisation, Perseverance in Missions, Why Does History Matter?, Restoring our Municipalities, Africa Reformation Overland Mission, Do We Want the State to Interfere in Religious Freedom? Understanding the Times, Missionary Murdered in Malawi, How to be Effective in Missions Without Becoming a Victim, Comparing the Remake of Ben Hur with the Book and 1959 Classic Film, American Elections and Foreign Policy Affects the Persecuted Church, Communist Chaos in Cape Town, Freedom of Religion at Risk in South Africa, Called to Courage, Blindsided by Bias and Celebrating 40 Years of SAAWE. Sermons Produced Some of the new sermons produced in this last year included: Biblical Faith and Modern Counterfeits, Spiritual Stamina, Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Roman, 1 Corinthians, Rescue Those Being Led Away to Death, Spiritual Diseases, In Unity is Strength, The Sin Most Condemned in the Bible, Revive Us O Lord, Called to Courage and Lies We Must Refuse to Accept. ![]() Frontline News In 2016 Frontline News dealt with Perseverance in Missions, Missions to Zimbabwe - Borders, Bribery and Blessings, Mission to Zambia - Police, Preachers and Perseverance, Botswana Mission - Be Reconciled to God, Boxes with Love, Literature for Africa, Making Disciples - Mobilising Missionaries, Let the Earth Hear His Voice, Mission to Kenya, Civil War in South Sudan, Under Fire in the Nuba Mountains, Arrested in Sudan, Congo Christians Targeted, South Africa for Christ, Mission to America, Mobilise Prayer and Action for the Persecuted, Africa Reformation Overland Mission, Pray for Christians in Egypt, America for Christ, Mission to Zimbabwe, Renewing Minds for Reformation and Resources for Reformation and Revival. In addition, of those who read the Frontline Fellowship News online through ISSUU, there were 88,665 impressions and 8,712 reads. We have 709 Intercessors. Christian Action Magazine During 2016 the Christian Action Magazine included: Ten Steps to Revival, Racism - Rhetoric and Reality, Sketches from South African History, Faith in Action, Campus Outreaches, March for Life, Racism and Intolerance, Revolutionaries on Campus, Understanding South African History, Making Disciples of All Nations, Why Does History Matter?, Examples of Excellence, Missions in the Mall, Understanding the Times, KwaSizabantu Youth Conference, Reformation Celebrations with the Eurochor, Freedom of Religion at Risk, South Africa Mission and Communist Chaos on Campus. In addition, of those who read the Christian Action Magazine online through ISSUU, we had 35,807 impressions with 1,875 total reads. 21 Years of Salt and Light Last year marked 21 years of Africa Christian Action's Salt and Light radio programme broadcast every Tuesday night on Radio Tygerberg 104FM in Cape Town. It can be listened to on www.104fm.org.za through live streaming worldwide. Some of the subjects we have tackled during the year have included: Revival, Missions, The Right to Life, Freedom of Religion, Indoctrination in the Classroom, Biblical Solutions to Racism, Biblical Principles for Productivity and Prosperity, A Biblical Response to Crime, Why Was the Cross Necessary?, Biblical Principles for True Freedom, What Can we Do to Restore our Communities?, Women at Risk, Setting Captives Free, Reformation vs. Revolution, Our Calling as the Church of Christ Militant, Pearl Harbour, Castro, Cuba and Communism and The Christmas Truce. Guests included: George Verwer, Founder of Operation Mobilisation, Professor Henry Krabbendam, of Covenant College, Dr. Albie van Eeden, the CEO of Doctors for Life, John Boyd, President of Missionary Aviation Fellowship, Members of Operation Mobilisation's Mission Ship, the Logos Hope, South African Historian, Cuan Elgin, Economist and Author Stephen Mitford Goodson, Nadine Badenhorst of FORSA, Sandy Shoshani, Director of B'ed Chaim, a Pro-life Ministry in Israel, American Evangelist, Paul Young, Theresa Basson, of The Exceptional Nurse Campaign and Christian film producer, Frans Cronje. ![]() Information Technology Despite being very short staffed last year, our IT Department has made great strides in upgrading all aspects of our network, improving support processes and project managing to streamline operations. We have upgraded to Fibre Optic lines, which has saved much time for uploading sermons, lectures and radio interviews to SermonAudio.com and Soundcloud. Our Wifi security was fully tested when we faced hacking on all our computer sites, simultaneously. Christopher was the only one in the Comms office at the time of the critical attack and he stayed at his post all day and night until all was rectified and back on line. Closed circuit security cameras were upgraded and expanded throughout the Mission and additional security measures were established at key points. Digital Evangelism and Discipleship Many of the websites have been upgraded and adapted to accommodate the great increase in mobile devices and tablets accessing our websites. As the Mission rapidly moves into the digital market place this has greatly increased our ministry capacity for Evangelism and Discipleship online. Digital Libraries are also being produced to enable Christians in Restricted Access Areas to obtain Bibles and Bible teaching, both digital and audio, as well as films, in literally hundreds of languages. Mailing Lists The Mission produced 812 Email campaigns in 2016. With 23,198 total subscribers and 12,717 unique email subscribers, we added 5,694 new unique subscribers during the last year. Websites Frontline Fellowship maintains 15 websites, which have over 3,500 articles. The most frequently visited site is www.frontline.org.za with 248,970 page views (a 66% increase from last year - 93,464 were mobile and tablet traffic). www.ReformationSA.org received 150,190 page views (of which 49,167 were from mobile traffic). www.ChristianAction.org.za received 76,562 page views. www.LivingstoneFellowship.co.za received 13,383 page views (2,521 from mobile traffic). www.theBibleandAnimals.org received 9,582 page views (of which 4,519 were from mobile traffic). www.christianlibertybooks.co.za received 68,986 page views. The main interest in our websites come from the United States, South Africa, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Kenya, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Malawi and the Philippines. Social Media Frontline Fellowship actively manages 17 Facebook pages with a combined 4,787,885 page impressions over the last year. New Facebook pages launched last year included: Christian Liberty Books, Livingstone Fellowship, Greatest Century of Missions, Going On, Great Commission Camp and Course and Vikings4Christ. Frontline Fellowship had 1,018,126 impressions/hits in the last year, reaching 479,297 unique users. Total people engaged were 39,464, commenting on, liking and sharing our posts. Reformation500 had 1,781,102 total impressions/hits, reaching 959,813 unique users with 77,402 people engaged. William Carey Bible Institute had 434,845 total impressions/hits, reaching 244,043 unique users with 15,931 people engaged. Young Reformers Out To Change the World had 166,257 total impressions/hits, reaching 91,420 users with 6,979 people engaged. The Great Commission Camp and Course had 160,635 impressions/hits, reaching 93,378 unique users with 11,484 people engaged. Africa Christian Action had 656,964 impressions/hits, reaching 393,149 unique users with 25,193 people engaged. Dr. David Livingstone had 47,612 impressions/hits, reaching 25,408 unique users with 1,706 people engaged. Literature 4 Africa had 252,674 impressions/hits, reaching 147,054 unique users with 10,037 people engaged. Victorious Christians Who Changed the World had 39,924 impressions/hits, reaching 22,424 unique users with 1,284 people engaged. We Love God's Animalshad 90,962 impressions/hits, reaching 43,876 unique users with 3,104 people engaged. Muslim Evangelism had 15,739 impressions/hits, reaching 8,263 unique users with 587 people engaged. This Facebook activity generated occurred naturally, using no paid advertising. ![]() Videos Online Frontline is using YouTube and Vimeo as online distribution channels. The Frontline channel on Vimeo had a total of 2,022 plays from the channel's library. The Christmas Truce being the most popular in the last year. Our YouTube channel's top video watched during the last year: The Effects of Jimmy Carter's Foreign Policy on Rhodesia. The age group mostly viewing our videos are between 25 and 34 years of age. Most of those watching our videos are male (81%). Total viewing time of our videos in this last year was 7,918 minutes. Berdine and Christopher have edited and uploaded numerous videos on the Eurochor in Cape Town since these statistics were compiled. Audio Visual Ministry Christopher reports that during the last year, 1,026 new resources were produced. 60 new Livingstone Fellowship sermons were uploaded onto Sermon Audio in the last year. We now have 345 sermons, or lectures, on our www.sermonaudio.com page. During the last year: 17,334 sermons were downloaded and listened to online. The total sermons downloaded to date is 63,928. Downloads via mobile devices are 25,894. Our most popular audio downloads last year were: Poverty - Its Causes and Cure, The Failure of Atheism and the Triumph of Faith, Castro, Cuba and Communism, Was the Attack on Pearl Harbour an Unprecedented Surprise?, Brexit - Resisting the New World Order, Bible Survey - Mark, the Beatitudes - God's Pathway to Blessings, Living in the Light of Eternity, Bible Survey - Malachi, Historic Inaccuracies in Vikings, Lessons Learned from the Old Testament Survey and Remember Rhodesia Service. SermonAudio.com Some of our most popular downloads overall, include: Islamic Persecution of Christians (3,460), Revival Amidst Persecution (2,620), Christophobia (1,180), Errors and Contradictions in the Quran (1,120), The Myth of Neutrality (1,080), The Crusades and Jihad (980), Persecution and Martyrdom (920), A Modern Idol - The Truth About MLK (860), Understanding the Crisis in the Ukraine (860), The Five Points of Calvinism in the Teachings of Christ (740), Animals in Heaven (660) and Christian Courage (640). Soundcloud Last year we launched Soundcloud which already has 82 tracks, including numerous Radio interviews and Mission Reports. The most popular so far, has been The Victorious Gospel in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana and Uganda and Reformation vs. Revolution. New Resources New Audio Visual resources produced during the last year included: The Great Commission Course 2016 Boxset with 65 audio lectures on two audio MP3s and a Data DVD with 34 lecture notes, 50 PowerPoints and 22 PDF Books and Manuals; Old Testament Survey Audio and Data Boxset with over 28 hours of preaching and teaching - 42 messages and 39 lecture notes; and The South African History Audio and Data MP3 Boxset, including 20 audio lectures, 15 PowerPoint presentations and PDF notes from the book in both English and Afrikaans. E-Books We now have 27 books available as E-Books, including: Sketches from South African History, Bybelse Beginsels vir Afrika, Holocaust in Rwanda, Firm Foundations for your Faith Boxset, including: The Apostles Creed, The Authority of Christ and the First Day Sabbathand Biblical Faith and Modern Counterfeits. The Discipleship Boxset, including: Putting Feet To Your Faith, Discipleship HandbookandPractical Discipleship. As well as Bill Bathman'sGoing Through – Even If the Door is Closed and Going On – with A Nod From God. Other books available in E-Book format include: Answering Skeptics, The Power of Prayer Handbook, Biblical Principles for Africa, Reforming Our Families, Victorious Christians - Who Changed the World, The Ten Commandments – God's Perfect Law of Liberty, Character Assassins – Dealing With Ecclesiastical Tyrants and Terrorists, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam – The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat, Faith Under Fire In Sudan, South Africa – Renaissance or Reformation?, Church History Manual, Livingstone 200 Missions Manual, as well asTaryn's book: Porndemic – How the Pornography Plague Affects You and What You Can Do About Itand The Pink Agenda – Sexual Revolution in South Africa and the Ruin of the Family. SlideShare 187 of my PowerPoint presentations are available on SlideShare, which you can access through our www.frontline.org.za website. Some of the most popular of these PowerPoint presentations are: The Causes, Consequences and Catastrophe of World War I (19,989 views), Corruption and Greed – A Christian Response (14,007 views), The Bombing of Cities in WW2 (11,690 views), Ancestor Worship, Animism and the ANC (11,220 views), Body Piercing - A Return to Paganism (10,584 views), The St. James Massacre (9,980 views), The Katyn Forest Massacre (9,126 views), Andrew Murray and the 1860 Revival(8,841 views), The Best of Enemies (8,689 views). Some of our recent additions to Slideshare have included: Christ is Risen Indeed! - Evidences for the Resurrection, Biblical Faith and Modern Counterfeits, How Civilisations Commit Suicide, Versailles - The Poisonous Spirit of Vengeance, Ascension Day and Its Implications For Today, Communist Chaos on Campus, Racism - Rhetoric and Reality, General James Barry Hertzog, The Heart and Soul of Karl Marx, William Wilberforce and the War Against Slavery, William Carey - The Father of Modern Missions, Livingstone Fellowship Hymns, Was Pearl Harbour an Unprecedented Surprise Attack? and Cuba, Castro and Communism. There were 186,675 views of our PowerPoints on Slideshare, just in the last year. ![]() Christian Liberty Books By God's grace, at the beginning of March we were able to welcome Nick as new Manager of CLB. In the interim, over December, January and February when CLB had no manager, Colin, Tershia and later Francis filled the gap. They all worked long and hard to re-organise the book shop while providing textbooks ordered by Home Educators and others dependent on the ministry, while juggling other duties and ministry. CLB has a mailing list of 2,744 customers on the data base and over 6,000 titles in stock. Bestselling books in 2016 were Sketches from South African History, The Greatest Century of Missions, The Old Testament Survey, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam, Biblical Principles for AfricaandVictorious Christians Who Changed the World.Bestselling DVDs were Agenda 2andAudacity. Most popular MP3 audio boxset were South African History, Old Testament Survey and Slavery, Terrorism and Islam. The most popular combos were Old Testament Survey book and audio visual Boxsets and Sketches from South African History, book and audio and data boxset. ![]() Design Last year it was a joy to welcome my daughter, Daniela, onto our full-time staff as the Mission's new Designer. You will have noticed her distinct style and professionalism which has greatly improved all of our publications, websites, adverts, posters and leaflets. Daniela designed 12 book covers, 3 editions of Frontline Fellowship News, 3 editions of Christian Action News, 3 editions of Christian Liberty Books promos, 7 logos, 6 letterheads, 7 business cards, 14 leaflets, 15 adverts for JOY! Magazine, 7 adverts for JUIG! Tydskrif, many disc designs for audio visual MP3s and CDs, as well as 19 book posters, 16 event posters, 10 special offer adverts, 9 posters in Afrikaans and 9 posters for protests and outreaches. Mozambique Earlier in the year, Daniela had the opportunity to visit Mozambique. She reported on a vibrant country of friendly people delighted to receive Gospel literature in their language. When Frontline Fellowship was launched (last year marked the 35th anniversary of our first Mission across the border into Mozambique), Operation World described Mozambique as the least Evangelised country in the Southern Hemisphere, with less than one Bible for a thousand people. Barely 4% of the country could be described as Protestant at that time. Today over 30% of the population of Mozambique are Protestant, Evangelical and Bible-believing Christians. I wrote Mozambique Revisited to reflect on the tremendous answers to prayer in this our first Mission field. Ministry Milestones This April will mark 40 years since I first heard the Gospel and was converted to Christ, 3 April 1977. Our Mission launched its first cross-border Mission to Mozambique in April 1982, 35 years ago. ![]() Chairman of the Board, Rev. Bill Bathman Enters Eternity On Sunday, 11 December 2016, Rev. Bill Bathman ended his earthly ministry and entered eternity. For 65 years, Rev. Bill Bathman served as an Evangelist and Missionary, especially to the persecuted Church behind the Iron Curtain. For 14 years, Bill Bathman served as Chairman of the Board of Frontline Fellowship. We praise God for His faithful servant and for the very productive Missionary service of Bill Bathman. Our Son-in-law, Hunter Combs, officiated at the military funeral of Bill Bathman on 20 December. The Memorial Service will be held at 2pm, Friday, 27 January at the Auditorium used by Village Chapel at Sunland Village East, Arizona. Livingstone House Building Extensions To cope with continued growth of the Mission and to maximise our facilities, architectural plans have been approved to build onto the Mission House, converting our loft area and building a second floor to accommodate a multi-purpose hall and 3 more dormitories and a bookstore. We are trusting the Lord for funds to go up into our roof area this year. Livingstone Missionary School For several years Frontline Fellowship has been praying over acquiring a farm to establish Livingstone Missionary School. With the increasing demands for our camps and courses, we are seeking to establish Livingstone Farm, which will be a site for Wilderness Bush Camps, Leadership Training Courses, youth camps, school and Church camps, Biblical Worldview Seminars and Summits, Great Commission Courses, Security and Survival Training Programmes and the Livingstone Missionary School (LMS). We have identified a suitable remote and mountainous location and are now trusting the Lord for the funds needed to purchase the farm and adapt it to these ministry needs. Ministry to Museums During South Africa Missions, we visited numerous museums, monuments and battle sites, offering our new Sketches from South African History book and South African History audio and data MP3 boxset. With so many attacks on monuments and attempts to distort history, it is more important and urgent than ever that Christians are engaged in public debates and contribute to understanding the times from a Biblical perspective (1 Chronicles 12:32). Civil War in South Sudan 9 July this year marked the 5th anniversary of the Independence of South Sudan. Yet there was little to celebrate as intertribal violence has continued to break out between the Nuer followers of Riek Machar and the government of South Sudan and President Salva Kiir. During the long war, Riek Machar's forces served as surrogates for the Arab government of Sudan, who armed and aided them while they waged scorched earth campaigns against the neighbouring Dinka tribe, destroying vast amounts of cattle and looting livestock. Corruption and treachery by Riek Machar let to his dismissal as vice president of South Sudan and the violence between Dinka and Nuer elements of the presidential guard and army. Despite the volatile and dangerous situation, we are continuing to seek to aid the church and supply Bibles and Chaplains Handbooks for the armed forces in South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains, who are under relentless attack from the Arab government. "Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." Psalm 127:1 ![]() Eurochor in Cape Town We praise God for a most blessed, inspiring and empowering series of Reformation Celebration events and outreaches in Cape Town with the 140-voice Eurochor from Europe. We negotiated with the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront to use the Amphitheatre to introduce the Eurochor to Cape Town. In brilliant sunshine, on a busy Saturday afternoon, the Eurochor made a bold stand for Christ, singing: "His Name is Wonderful, Let us Praise God Together, Speak to my Soul, O It is Wonderful to be a Christian, Make Me a Channel of Your Peace, Take My Life and Let it Be Consecrated Lord to Thee, Wachet Auf, C'est vers Toi que je me tourne,SurelyandI Will Serve Thee". When the choir began singing "Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me…" many in the audience joined in the singing. On Reformation Sunday, Eurochor was a vital part of the celebrations in the historic Lutheran Church, Cape Town, the oldest Protestant Church still in operation in the Southern Hemisphere. On Reformation Day, 31 October, the Eurochor made our Reformation Celebration service at the Huguenot Monument in Franschhoek unforgettable as we sang "A Mighty Fortress is Our God." Africa Reformation Overland Mission One of the many significant events of our Reformation Day Celebration service at Franschhoek was setting aside and commissioning the first of our Africa Reformation Overland Mission teams who will conduct Reformation Seminars throughout Southern, Central and East Africa, God willing, in the first half of the year as we approach the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther's, launching of the Reformation. Let the Earth Hear His Voice As we enter into the 500th anniversary year of the Reformation and seek to educate and evangelise, equip and empower families, congregations, communities and countries, to return to the Bible, pray for our teams and our members throughout Africa and Europe as we conduct Soul-Winning Seminars, Discipleship Seminars, Evangelism Workshops, Reformation Conferences and establish Revival Prayer groups, Bible Study groups, Reformation Societies and Christian Action Groups that will initiate Back to the Bible movements throughout our countries and continents. "Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?" Psalm 85:6 ![]() Thank you The Missionaries and Staff of Frontline Fellowship join me in expressing our deep gratitude for your prayers, encouragement and support. We have so very much to praise and thank God for. He has protected us from all danger, blessed and multiplied our humble, inadequate efforts for the extension of His Kingdom and to serve the suffering Church. We are deeply grateful for all His provisions and magnificent answers to so many prayers. It is a privilege to be His sons and daughters, His servants and soldiers, serving the suffering, training and mobilising Evangelists and educators, soul-winners and nation transformers. By God's mercy, we trust our Lord Jesus Christ for an even more productive and effective year of ministry ahead. "Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith." 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 May God continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for Reformation, Revival and the fulfilment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Director
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December 2024