Dear Friends, Intercessors and Supporters “That Your way may be known on earth, Your Salvation among all nations.” Psalm 67:2 We thank God for His provision, guidance and protection throughout 2010. We have completed many mission trips and outreaches and we have had the joy of seeing people brought to conviction of sin, to Repentance and Faith in Christ. By God’s grace we have seen lives transformed by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. On the road, in schools, in aircraft, in conference centres, on university campuses, on the streets, in hospitals, outside dens of iniquity, in prisons and in remote areas, we have experienced the joy of bringing the life changing Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to young and old, rich and poor, from a wide variety of social and cultural backgrounds. Livingstone House has frequently been a hive of activity with many tens of thousands of Gospel leaflets being printed for outreaches, over 57 tonnes of Bibles and books being unloaded from containers, processed and sent out to equip Christian ministries, schools, mission stations, colleges and university ministries throughout Southern and Central Africa. Writing Projects and Books Completed and Published
With all the travelling, missions, conferences and seminars, and with our medical crises, it took a lot of burning the midnight oil to complete 5 major writing projects and see them through to publication. In time for our Great Commission Course in January 2010, I finished a completely new 160 page Great Commission Manual. This large format Missions manual consists of 30 chapters and, along with our Great Commission Course MP3 audio Boxset, provides a vital textbook and resource for missions. Several Bible colleges have already adopted it as a textbook for their Missiology Departments. It has also been included in our William Carey Bible Institute programme. The next two writing projects were producing a Chaplains Prayer Book and Chaplains Hand Book . These were in response to requests from a number of African countries to produce hand books which can be used for military chaplains, prison chaplains, police chaplains and hospital chaplains. In response to increasingly urgent requests for reprinting our bestselling Faith Under Fire in Sudan book, I undertook a complete revision and expansion of Faith Under Fire in Sudan. This new, thoroughly revised third edition, at 320 pages and including over 200 pictures and maps, is three times larger than the first edition, which was published in 1996. With Sudan’s first elections taking place in 2010 and the historic Referendum on secession for Southern Sudan in January 2011, the urgency of producing this book, both in hard cover and in soft cover, pushed me to work around the clock until we had the most up-to-date and comprehensive book on Sudan, ever produced. Theocentric Christian Education immediately made it one of their set work books for matric students. Requests were received to forward copies of the book to the office of the President of Southern Sudan, Salva Kiir. Each of the bishops and other church leaders from Sudan at the Cape Town 2010 Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelisation received copies of the book. The first two editions of Faith Under Fire in Sudan were best sellers, with 10,000 copies being sold and distributed within 3 years. It received enthusiastic endorsements from prominent Christian leaders, such as Dr. James Kennedy, Patrick Johnstone, Dr. David Noebel, Dr. Paul Negrut, Dr. Tokunboh Adeyemo, Professor Francis Nigel Lee and Bishop Frank Retief. No Frontline Fellowship publication has engendered more controversy, and been in more demand worldwide, than: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam – The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat. The first 3 editions and 5 printings sold out so fast that we were almost continually out-of-stock. The first edition earned me a Muslim death threat Fatwa, and began offering second hand copies of the hard-to-find book for hundreds and then thousands of dollars a copy! It was clear that we needed to re-print, but I was determined to thoroughly revise, expand and produce a more reader-friendly copy with larger typestyle and bigger pictures. This fourth edition of Slavery, Terrorism and Islam was finally delivered to Xulon Press in November 2010. We received the first copies of this edition back from Milton Keynes Printers in the UK at the end of January 2011. This fourth edition is now three times the size of the first edition and promises to be one of our most successful publications, both in terms of educating and alerting Christians as to the dangers of Islam and mobilising Christians in effective evangelism of Muslims. I almost completed a sixth book writing project in 2010: Practical Discipleship. This, the latest in our popular series on Discipleship, began with Faith in Action, Putting Feet to Your Faith and the Discipleship Handbook. Ithas been typeset, proofread and polished with cover design and contents all ready for printing for the last half of 2010. However, lack of funds prevented us sending it off to the printers. We are just awaiting sufficient funds to be able to have Practical Discipleship printed. This will then become the primary book we will give to pastors, chaplains, teachers and evangelists who attend our Leadership Training courses throughout 2011. Other writing projects in the pipeline include: Victorious Christians, Answering Skeptics, Bible Character Studies, War Against God, From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, The Greatest Century of Persecution, Frontline – Behind Enemy Lines for Christ and A Christian History of Africa. Leadership Training Next year, Summit Ministries in the USA will be celebrating its 50 th anniversary. This year, in South Africa we are celebrating 20 years of conducting Biblical Worldview Summits. We began January 2010 with a most successful Biblical Worldview Summit – Reclaiming Africa for Christ. Over 90 participants registered, travelling from as far afield as Nigeria, Kenya, Malawi, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and from the USA. Of the nearly 50 who applied to our three week Great Commission Course, 25 were selected for this intensive, practical, hands-on missions training programme. The GCC involved daily practicals, outreaches, prison ministry, Muslim evangelism, night hikes up Table Mountain, a pro-life Prayer Vigil and outreach at an abortuary, church services in nearby townships and street evangelism. Mission to Zambia My mission to Zambia coincided with intense rainfall and flooding in many areas. I had to drive through muddy and potholed roads and rivers, swamp areas and lakes where thousands of homes, and many churches, were under water. However, none of this dampened the tremendous enthusiasm for the ministry and on numerous occasions large numbers of people made public commitments to Christ at the end of the service. I was received by the Minister of Home Affairs, Lameck Mangani. The minister expressed interest in Frontline Fellowship assisting with the training of police and prison chaplains and supplying evangelistic and discipleship materials for the prisons. This led me to produce the Chaplains Hand Book and Prayer Book for John to take up on a subsequent mission to Zambia. By God’s grace, I was able to equip hundreds of pastors and theological students in Zambia with copies of our new publications, including: The Ten Commandments – God’s Perfect Law of Liberty and The Apostles Creed - Firm Foundations for your Faith. I also distributed boxes of Power of Prayer Handbooks, Biblical Principles for Africa, The Greatest Century of Reformation and audio CDs, DVDs and MP3s to many ministries and Bible colleges. Aside from lecturing in Bible colleges, I was also able to conduct God and Government Seminars and a Reformation and Revival Seminar. Mission to Europe In July, Lenora and I had the privilege of ministering in Europe. It was the first opportunity that I have had to visit and minister in Denmark and Sweden. This Scandinavian mission began with conducting a Reformation Resurrection Conference in Denmark. Participants came from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, and even from Finland. After the Reformation Conference and ministering at the Back to the Bible Congregation in Denmark, we travelled by ferry to Sweden where I conducted a Back to the Bible for Reformation and Revival Conference. Participants included Christians from Holland, Nigeria and America. The ministry in Sweden was followed with conducting a Muslim Evangelism Workshop in Belgium and a Missions Rally near Oxford in England. After the mission to Europe our IT Department was able to put together a Europe for Christ MP3 boxset with 23 of my presentations given in Europe, including 12 translated into Danish, 2 into Flemish and 2 into German. South Africa Mission At the end of August into September I was able to lead a team on a 5,000km mission driving throughout South Africa. In three and a half weeks we conducted over 110 meetings, including to 10 churches, 8 Christian schools, 3 mission stations, 3 Christian radio stations, 2 universities, a Bible college, a Teachers training college and a Ministers fraternal. This South Africa mission also included conducting a Biblical Worldview Seminar in Gauteng Province, a Great Commission Seminar in Mpumalanga, speaking at the 20 th anniversary of Christians for Truth Conference in KwaZulu and conducting another Biblical Worldview Seminar in the Eastern Cape. We distributed over a tonne of Bibles, Christian books, audio-visual materials, Sunday school materials and evangelistic tracts to strategic ministries throughout the country. An audio MP3 Boxset of 37 of the key messages presented on this mission have been compiled in our South Africa for Christ MP3. Missions to Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi By God’s grace, Frontline missionaries John, David, Mike, and almost a dozen short-term volunteers, conducted numerous mission outreaches throughout Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi. This involved pioneering ministry into neglected and remote regions, going literally off the map, the team crossed rivers by ferries and pontoons and visited and mapped many villages who claimed that they had never seen any white people before. The team conducted thorough Creation Evangelism in remote villages, laying solid foundations, teaching on Creation, the Fall, the Law and the need for a Saviour. As villagers came to Repentance and Faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour there was much rejoicing. There were the inevitable vehicle problems on the challenging roads and some team members came down with malaria. However the teams continued to persevere and succeeded in delivering wheelchairs, medicines, Boxes with Love, Gospel booklets, Bibles, audio-visual materials and much leadership training materials to those who most need and appreciate them. Five short term volunteers from America delivered desperately needed medicines and materials to suffering Christians in Zimbabwe. The American team members rolled up their sleeves and got involved in hard physical work, cleaning, houghing and ploughing fields, fixing broken chairs, painting walls and, in various innovative ways, made the most of the limited facilities to serve pensioners, prisoners and orphans. Missions to the Congo In May, Charl ministered at a Leadership Training Conference in the Congo. Another reprint of my Biblical Principles for Africa book in French was completed to distribute to leaders in the Congo. Despite many frustrations and inadequate resources Johan set out on another pioneer mission to the Congo River. Despite having no missionary co-worker to go with him, nor any suitable boat, Johan launched out in a dugout canoe and paddled to remote villages to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. By God’s grace he had the joy of seeing villagers respond with enthusiasm and surrender their lives to the Lord. Despite malaria and other afflictions, Johan persevered in reaching even more villages along the Congo River. Cape Town 2010 Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelisation 200 Years ago William Carey had actually proposed the first world mission conference, back in 1810, recommending Cape Town as the ideal venue. This most historic world missions congress was finally held in Cape Town in October 2010. Scheduled to mark the centenary of the first world missions conference (held in Edinburgh in 1910), the Cape Town 2010 Congress on World Evangelisation is reputed to be the largest and most representative missions congress in history. With over 4,200 participants from 198 countries, and extending through global link sites to another 700 venues across 95 countries, over 100,000 people were involved. It was a tremendous privilege to be part of such an historic missions event. Certainly I have never had to travel a shorter distance to attend any missions conference! Daily people would come up to me and tell me how they had been called into missions at one of our Great Commission Courses, at the Commission 2000 Conference that I spoke at in Kenya, and at various missions rallies around the world. Several people told me of how the Lord had used my book The Greatest Century of Missions, to galvanize them into the harvest field. Networking with missionary friends and partners from around the world came thick and fast. The Sudanese delegates were all most excited about our new Faith Under Fire in Sudan book and all received copies. New Operation World Launch A major highlight in the congress was the launch of the seventh edition of Operation World – The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation. Operation World was first launched in South Africa. Patrick Johnstone compiled the first editions while an itinerant tent evangelist for the Dorothea Mission in war-torn Rhodesia. It was while praying through the 1978 edition of Operation World during all-night Prayer meetings in the Army, that the Lord inspired me to launch Frontline Fellowship into war-torn Mozambique and Angola. During these early missions I began corresponding with Patrick Johnstone and became part of the Operation World team of field researchers, regularly consulted, on an increasing number of countries where we were involved, for each new edition. Reporting on the Congress I wrote 14 articles on the Cape Town 2010 Congress (these can be viewed on Mission leaders on four continents wrote to me, or phoned me, in response to these articles. Many of these articles have been published widely. Each night I would return after a long day at the congress, frequently only after midnight. There were so many discussions, presentations, networking and planning sessions and so much was learnt during this intensive week, that it will take a very long time to fully process. We also had the privilege of hosting Prof. Peter Beyerhaus from Germany during the conference. Dr. Beyerhaus was one of the original Founders of the Lausanne Movement. KwaSizabantu Ministers Conference For over 20 years it has been a privilege to participate in KwaSizabantu Ministers Conferences in Zululand. For the first time we had the privilege of a KSB Ministers Conference being hosted in the Cape. Rev. Erlo Stegen travelled down from KwaZulu to minister to pastors in the Western Cape. I was invited to the conference in Wellington to give a presentation on the Power of the Holy Spirit for World Missions. Radio and Television Ministry August 2010 marked 15 years that our Christian Action ministry has been broadcasting Salt and Light programmes on Radio Tygerberg, the largest Christian Community radio station in the country. Every Tuesday night (9pm on 104FM in the Cape Peninsula, or online internationally at, we have dealt with applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. Most Tuesday nights that I was in Cape Town, I would be in the Radio Tygerberg studios for Salt and Light. In addition I would frequently have the opportunity, at short notice, to be interviewed on a wide range of subjects on Radio Pulpit, Radio 702, CCFM and others, even from Europe, on subjects as wide ranging as Polygamy, Women in Ministry, Homosexuality, Pornography, Abortion, Zimbabwe, Mugabe’s Blood Diamonds, Sudan, Traditional medicine, The Battle of Blood River and The Day of the Covenant. I also recorded scores of interviews, devotions and messages on Radio Kwezi, Good News Community Radio, Wretched Radio and Wretched T.V. World Cup 2010 Soccer Outreaches The World Cup Soccer being hosted in South Africa in June provided extraordinary opportunities for evangelism, which we threw ourselves into with enthusiasm. We had the privilege of supplying ministries with vast quantities of Gospel tracts and New Testaments, in scores of languages, for outreaches during the World Cup. We also joined with other ministries in mass literature evangelism and one-on-one evangelism at Fan Parks and outside the Stadium in Cape Town. Missions in the Mall Every year, since 1995, we have used National Women’s Day on 9 August as an opportunity for outreaches in shopping centres. This year we conducted outreaches in four different shopping centres in the Cape Town area and in six other towns throughout South Africa. Tens of thousands of leaflets and Gospel tracts were printed and 4,000 balloons with Scriptures and pro-family messages were produced for the event. This year, at both Somerset Mall and Canal Walk, we made New Testaments freely available to anyone who was willing to participate in our Spiritual Well Being Survey. Basically this survey took people through the Way of the Master and Evangelism Explosion questions inevitably confronting them with the Gospel of Christ. We completed 43 surveys with shoppers, having opportunities to pray with some of them who were very open and convicted. “Wisdom calls aloud outside, she raises her voice in the open squares. She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the gates in the city she speaks her word.” Proverbs 1:20-21 Campus Harvest Conference Book Donation Over 1,700 students from universities all over Southern Africa gathered for a weekend packed with powerful preaching, teaching, worship and fellowship. We were able to donate over 1,500 copies of One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven and One Heartbeat Away books from author and evangelist Mark Cahill. Most of the participants of this university conference were able to go away with this evangelism equipping book in their hand. Bibles and Books for Africa Our Mission received 57 tonnes of Bibles and books in container shipments. Of these, we have already distributed over 30 tonnes, including 7 tonnes of Bibles, 6 tonnes of Sunday school and youth materials, 7 tonnes of Bible study materials, 1 tonne of Hymnals and music books, 3 tonnes of Christian magazines, 2½ tonnes of Christian books and novels, 500kg of audio-visual materials, and 2 tonnes of Devotional books. This does not include the many tonnes of World Missionary Press Gospel booklets and our own in-house books, tracts and publications. Libraries for Pastors Readers make Leaders. A reading Christian is a growing Christian. Every pastor, chaplain, teacher and evangelist who attended one of our Leadership Training courses received at least one book at each course that they participated in. In 2002 it was The Greatest Century of Missions, in 2003 it was Biblical Principles for Africa, in 2004 the Discipleship Handbook, in 2005 Slavery Terrorism and Islam, in 2006 The Greatest Century of Reformation, in 2007 The Power of Prayer Handbook, in 2008 Reforming our Families, in 2009 The Ten Commandments – God’s Perfect Law of Liberty and The Apostles Creed – Firm Foundations for Your Faith. In 2010 it was the new editions of Biblical Principles for Africa and the Great Commission Manual. Library Programme Aside from those who attended Frontline seminars and conferences, hundreds of postings were made under our Library Programme, to prison inmates and to pastors in Zambia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia and Cameroon. 25 participants received Certificates for completing all the Book Reports for Library Programme 1 and Library Programme 2. We have received very positive feedback from pastors throughout Africa and continual requests for more books. We receive many letters of appreciation with testimonies of transformed lives and revitalised ministries. Prison Ministry Under the Library Programme, hundreds of prison inmates received postings, most of these in prisons, in South Africa. Gill reports that there has been a great thirst in the prisons for spiritual books and impatience over delays in sending up the next book in each series. Preaching and Teaching During 2010, I conducted over 400 meetings in 8 countries on 3 continents. This involved over 20,000km driving by road, 30 flights and 16 border crossings, including by ferry and train. I spoke at 18 conferences, seminars and courses, including Biblical Worldview Seminars in the Transvaal, the Eastern Cape and the Summit in Cape Town, the three week Great Commission Course, two God and Government Seminars and a Reformation and Revival Seminar in Zambia, the Harvest Gathering Missions Conference in California, the Psalm 119 Discernment Conference in Texas, two Reformation Conferences in Europe, a Great Commission Seminar at the Back to the Bible Training College in Mpumalanga, speaking at the 20 th anniversary Christians for Truth Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission, a History Conference in California, a Reformation and Revival Seminar, the KwaSizabantu Ministers Conference in Wellington, a Biblical Worldview Youth Camp in Paarl and the Cape Town 2010 Congress for World Evangelisation. Marion Newman, our secretary, informs me that she typed 30 new sermons and 76 new lectures and articles of mine, last year. She also typed almost 1,000 personal correspondence letters for me. Christian Action Network Eight new Affiliate Members and one new Associate Member were added to the Christian Network in 2010. The Christian Action Network now includes 77 member organisations from 14 different countries in Africa: Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The Christian Action Network members represent 3,467 full time staff, over 3,000 congregations and 700,000 members and adherents. Taryn Hodgson, the International Co-ordinator of the Christian Action Network, has ensured that these member organisations are kept up to date through our Christian Action and Frontline e-updates, and through Christian Action magazine mailings and Frontline Fellowship News mailings. She has also ensured that they receive copies of our books including: Biblical Principles for Africa, The Power of Prayer Handbook, The Ten Commandments – God’s Perfect Law of Liberty, The Apostles Creed – Firm Foundations for Your Faith, and other selected items. Our missionaries attempt to visit as many of these affiliates during scheduled mission outreaches, or invite them to participate in nearby Leadership Training Courses. Numerous of the member organisations in Zambia and Malawi also received deliveries of Christian books and evangelistic and discipleship materials to equip and empower their ministries to work for Biblical Reformation throughout Africa. Audio-Visual Ministry Our audio-visual ministry produced 98 new products in 2010. This included my sermon and/or lecture preparation and developing of PowerPoint presentations, and the AV departments editing, designing of disc covers and, in the case of Boxsets, cover designs. This included: 26 new lectures for the Reformation Society, 35 new sermons for Livingstone Fellowship, 13 new lectures for the Biblical Worldview Seminar, a new 10 disc Boxset: 2,000 Years Overview of Church History, and 13 new MP3 Boxsets, including: The Ten Commandments; Zulu Biblical Worldview Seminar; Biblical Worldview Seminar 2010; Great Commission Course 2010; The Reformation; Bible Character Studies; Evangelism and Discipleship; Revival; Salt and Light; Europe for Christ; Answering Skeptics; South Africa for Christ and 50 Devotional Messages for Radio. Some of the new lectures and audio PowerPoints for the Reformation Society this year have included: The Drama of the Reformation; The Life and Legacy of John Calvin; Courageous Christian Martyrs; Revival in the Bible and History; Anne of Bohemia; Hinduism and the New Age Movement; Biblical Principles that would Liberate Africa; Racism, Xenophobia and Hate Speech; The Collapse of Communism; Andrew Murray and the 1860 Revival; Discerning Between True and False Guidance; Discerning Between True and False Revival; Incredible Creation and Spectacular Science; Hollywood, Humanism and History; How the Vikings Came to Christ; General Charles Gordon; Mugabe’s Blood Diamonds; Dealing with Guilt Manipulation and South Africa and the Covenant. Some of the new sermons from Livingstone Fellowship that have been edited and produced with cover designs include: This One Thing – The Dangers of Distraction and Deviation; Abraham; Noah; The Trial of Jesus; We Serve a Risen Saviour!; Mountain Marathons; Jesus is the Messiah; If God is Good, Why is there Evil in the World?; Marathon Relay Race; What is the Difference Between Christianity and all other Religions?; How Can a Loving God Send Anyone to Hell?; Confronting Atheists; Responding to Judaizers; Soccer, Sport and Scripture; Effective Evangelism Needs the Law of God; Powerful Witness; The Cross and the Crown; Prophetic Proof that the Bible is the Word of God; The Law, the Psalms and the Reformation; Guilt Manipulation vs Real Repentance; Conviction and Courage; Recognising God’s Voice; The Great Commission must be our Supreme Ambition; Thanksgiving; Do Not Love the World; Return to the Lord and The Greatest Gift. Many of these CDs, MP3s and DVDs were donated to Bible College and Mission libraries throughout Southern and Central Africa. Frontline E-updates Over 106 e-updates were sent out throughout 2010. You will see from the: Answers to Prayer – From the Mailbagsome of the encouraging letters we have received in response to these articles sent out by email and published in our Newsletters. The mission receives an average of 6,000 emails every month. Websites Major overhauls were undertaken on several of the websites maintained from our mission: The website received 631,686 visits of which 222,942 were from North America, 87,302 from Europe, 21,574 from Africa, 16,655 from Asia, 13,433 from Australasia, 2,063 from South America. The Frontline website was visited from people from 200 different countries. The highest volume of traffic came from the USA, South Africa, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Russia, Switzerland, Mauritius, India and Sweden. Since adding translations of our articles into Danish the number of visitors from Scandinavia has dramatically increased. Our website received 450,242 visits from 197 countries. Most of these (78%) came from North America, 11% from Africa, 9% from Europe and the rest from Asia, Australasia and South America. The nations that we received the most visits from were the United States, South Africa, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Russia, Australia and the Netherlands. The website had over 101,940 visits from 164 countries. Most of these visits came from North America (76%); and Europe (16%). The countries that showed the most interest in our Reformation website were: United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, South Africa, The Ukraine, Netherlands, France, China, Australia, Sweden and Republic of South Korea. Our website received 15,690 visits. Most of these (67%) from North America, 17% from Europe and 12% from Africa. Sermons and articles from Livingstone Fellowship were accessed or downloaded 10,044 times. Most of the audio messages were downloaded in North America (11,295,720KB), the Netherlands (1,413,418KB), Denmark (498,823KB), South Africa (855,434KB), Mauritius (526,870KB), Canada (33,316KB). The website received 24,015 visits from 91 countries. Most of these (79%) came from North America and 14% from Europe. Most of the hits on The Bible and Animals website came from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa, Germany, France, Australia, Singapore, Sweden, India, Hong Kong, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Belgium, Italy, Finland, Poland, Thailand, and Brazil. The (William Carey Bible Institute) received over 13,000 visits. Most of this (65%) from North America, 15% from Africa, 11% from Europe and 9% from Asia. The countries showing the most interest in the William Carey Bible Institute website were: The United States, South Africa, China, Germany, Canada, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Ethiopia, Zambia, Tanzania, Ghana and Mauritius. Frontline Fellowship News During 2010 Frontline Fellowship News has dealt with: Mission to Zambia, Transforming Nations by Changing Lives, Mission to Mpumalanga, Zimbabwe Crisis, Violence in Nigeria; Faith Under Fire in Sudan; Mission to Zimbabwe, Mission to Zambia, Mission to Malawi, Mission to Congo, Electoral Jihad in Sudan, Discipling Nations, Congo River Mission, Europe Mission, Zimbabwe Report, Making Disciples – Teaching Obedience, World Evangelisation, Operation World, Bibles and Books for Africa, To Loziland with Love and Mugabe’s Blood Diamonds. Christian Action Christian Action Magazine articles in 2010 have included: When the Cape Came to Christ, Film Review – Invictus Idolatry, Nationwide National Day of Repentance Pro-life Demonstrations, A Tribute to Rev. Arthur Lewis, Only One Church of Christ, Anne of Bohemia, Marathon Relay Race, Racism, Xenophobia and Hate Speech, World Cup Soccer, Farm Murders and Prayer, Take Action to Protect Women From Exploitation and Abuse, Anti-Internet Pornography Bill, Dangerous New Legal Precedent in Prostitution, Discernment, Soccer, Sports and Scripture, The Return of the Judaizers?, Mall Missions, Resounding Support for Anti-Internet Pornography Bill, Biblical Feminity – Is it Relevant Today?, After the World Cup, You Can Change Your World!, Speak Up for the Pre-Born, Guilt Manipulation vs Real Repentance, Change the Campus – Change the World, The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelisation, Mobilise your Congregation and Hollywood, Humanism and History. An average of 3,000 copies of each edition of the Christian Action Magazine were printed and distributed. Christian Action sent out over 200 different e-mailings in 2010 in addition to regular press releases to media. ACA continues to establish new Christian Action groups, organise the National Day of Repentance funeral procession to Parliament, Prayer Vigils and placard protests throughout the country, promote Sanctity Life Sunday, co-ordinates National Women’s DayOutreaches in shopping malls throughout the country, Life Chains throughout South Africa, submissions to Parliament and numerous other initiatives to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, to rescue those being led away to death, promoting pro-life, pro-family and pro-moral, Biblical principles. JOY! Magazine As Contributing Editor of JOY! Magazine, I regularly drove to Somerset West to conduct staff training and present Devotions to JOY! Magazine staff. I also wrote 20 articles which were published in JOY! Magazine during 2010: The Eighth Commandment - You Shall Not Steal; The Ninth Commandment – You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbour; The Tenth Commandment – You Shall Not Covet; Easter is About Jesus; The Law of God and The Gospel of Christ; Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out; Skeptics Answered - How Can a Good God Allow Evil?; Marvels of Creation and Science; Skeptics Answered – Aren’t All Religions the Same?; How Can a Loving God Send Anyone to Hell?; Faith Under Fire in Sudan; Return of the Judaizers?; How Do You Know There Is a God?; Charles Spurgeon – The Prince of Preachers; Why is God Hidden?; The Mountain of God; What Proof Do You Have That the Bible is the Word of God? How Can I Know That Jesus is the Messiah? Lausanne Cape Town 2010, The Greatest Gift and Jesus on Trial. (Visit: JUIG! Numerous of my article have also been translated into Afrikaans and published in the sister magazine JUIG! This has included: Andrew Murray and the 1860 Revival; Suffering; Aren’t All Religions the Same?; The Heart of the Gospel; Come Back!; Why Does God Seem Hidden?; The Fire of God; Failing to do Good; How Can a Good God Allow Evil?; Full Salvation; Minds, Morals and Movies; The Day of the Covenant and the Battle of the Blood River; the Greatest Man, The Greatest Book and Heaven. All of these Afrikaans articles are now on our and websites. (Visit: Christian Liberty Books By God’s grace the ministry of Christian Liberty Books has grown throughout 2010, particularly in providing Christian textbooks to homeschoolers and Christian Schools. Best sellers during 2010 were: Biblical Principles for Africa; The Ten Commandments – God’s Perfect Law of Liberty; The Apostles Creed – Firm Foundations for Your Faith; Slavery, Terrorism and Islam and Faith Under Fire in Sudan. Best selling DVDs were: In Search of the Real Mount Sinai and The Three Films about Sudanon one DVD. Leading the audio resources, our best seller was the South African History Boxset, followed by The Ten Commandments 12 Disc Boxset, The Biblical Worldview Summit 2010 MP3, Heaven, When All Men Speak Well of YouandThe Crusades and Jihad. Called to Higher Service During this last year we lost three of our long-time friends, supporters and Advisory Board Members. Pioneer Missionary Rev. Arthur Lewis ended his most productive earthly life at age 89. Born in England, Arthur Lewis studied at Oxford University, where his lecturers included J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. Ordained at the youngest possible age, he joined the Church of England’s University Mission to Central Africa and in 1947 began his half century of missionary service on this continent. Rev. Arthur Lewis spent 11 years serving at various mission stations in Tanganyika and on the Islands of Zanzibar and Pemba. In 1958 Arthur Lewis was appointed to St. Faith’s Mission in Rusape in Rhodesia. In 1960 he was moved to St. Peters Mission, Mandea, in the Honde River Valley on Rhodesian Eastern frontier with Mozambique. Exposing WCC Support of Communism It was Rev. Arthur Lewis who first exposed the insidious spread of Liberation Theology and the devious work of the World Council of Churches in using church funds to advance Communist terrorist movements. His book, Christian Terror, created a sensation as it documented how missionaries, pastors and other Christians were being brutally murdered in Rhodesia by Robert Mugabe’s ZANU terrorists who were the recipients of generous World Council of Churches funding. The Battle for Rhodesia To help mobilise prayer and action on behalf of Christians suffering on the frontline of the battle for Christian civilisation against the advance of Soviet and Red Chinese backed Communism, Rev. Arthur Lewis launched the Rhodesia Christian Group. His regular RCG letters provided a unique insight to the war in Rhodesia and the strategies being employed by the Marxists to destroy this vibrant Christian civilisation. Arthur Lewis’s courage in using his writing and speaking skills to expose the duplicity and treachery of the Liberation Theologians and the World Council of Churches made him a major voice for Rhodesia. Honourary Member In 1983, Rev. Arthur Lewis was the first person to become an Honoury Member of Frontline Fellowship. Rev. Arthur Lewis was also a Founder Member of United Christian Action, which later became the Christian Action Network. For over 27 years Rev. Arthur Lewis was an encouragement, frequently communicating, correcting, rebuking and advising us as to how we could be more effective in serving suffering Christians and advancing the Kingdom of God in Africa. Soldier for Christ Dr. Fritz Haus was a dynamic missionary, chaplain, pastor, theological professor and Reformer who devoted 60 years to ministry in South Africa. It was Dr. Fritz Haus who first introduced me to the Imprecatory Psalms, to the teachings of the Reformers and to Dr. Martin Luther’s great hymn of the Faith: A Mighty Fortress is our God. When I was studying at Baptist Theological College, Cape Town, Rev. Fritz Haus was our Old Testament professor. Rev. Fritz Haus was born and raised in Germany and began his Theological studies before the Second World War. During World War 2, Fritz Haus served in the African Korps in the North African desert. On occasion, Field Marshall Erwin Rommel attended the Bible study and prayer meetings of Fritz Haus. When captured by the Americans, Fritz Haus served as a chaplain for the German prisoners of war in Texas. Later when the American unit held a reunion they invited him to be their main speaker for the event. Missionary to South Africa In 1950, Rev. Fritz Haus, his wife Liza and young son, Matthys, arrived as missionaries to the Eastern Cape. This began 60 years of distinguished ministry in South Africa where Rev. Fritz Haus served as pastor in Stutterheim, East London, Port Elizabeth, Berea, Milnerton, Stellenbosch and Kraaifontein. Frontline Mentor As our mission grew out of a Bible study and Prayer fellowship in the SA Army, it was natural that we requested Rev. Fritz Haus to be a Honourary Member of Frontline Fellowship and a Member of our Advisory Board. Dr. Haus spoke at numerous Frontline Fellowship rallies, book launches and Reformation Celebration conferences. He was a popular speaker at our Biblical Worldview Summits and Great Commission Courses. Dr. Haus was kind enough to write Forewords for my books: The Discipleship Handbook and The Greatest Century of Reformation. Three of the books I’ve written: The Ten Commandments – God’s Perfect Law of Liberty; The Power of Prayer Handbook and The Greatest Century of Reformation are fruit of the emphasis of Dr. Fritz Haus during a formative stage of my training for the ministry. His teachings on the Law of God, the Psalms of David and the Reformation inspired my life-long study of these treasures. Dr. Fritz Haus was a great friend an Honoured Advisory Board Member of Frontline Fellowship. He was a most important mentor for myself and many others. Fritz Haus was an example of dedication, discipline, determination, Christ-centeredness, Biblical faithfulness, Missionary vision and evangelistic zeal. We praise God for his long and fruitful life and faithful service to our Lord Jesus Christ. Sudanese Bishop Under Fire Bishop Bullen Dolli was the first Bishop to be enthroned in liberated Sudan. It was a joy and privilege to be part of this special occasion at the Fraser Cathedral in Lui. There were those who recommended that it be postponed out of fear of bombing. However the Lord sent low cloud cover and the 5 hour service went on under God’s sovereign protection. Bullen Dolli had been the Arch Deacon with Canon Ezra Lawiri when he was shot in an ambush, with the Arabs, on the way to Juba. Bullen Dolli sought to ensure that the Bible translation into Moru, which Ezra Lawiri had dedicated his life to, was published. It was our joy to ensure that the Bible in Moru was printed and delivered to the suffering Christians in Western Equatoria. Bishop Bullen and I conducted Mission outreaches together, including to Yei, in 2002, when we escaped and survived a plot to have us killed. Bishop Bullen Dolli was a courageous and precious brother, partner and co-worker in the Gospel. We praise God for his dynamic life and fruitful ministry. His Cathedral in Lui was bombed by the Sudan Air Force ten times. It wad destroyed three times, yet was rebuilt each time. It is the church that will not die. Financial Situation The Mission suffered a 40% drop in income during 2010. With the deteriorating financial situation in many parts of the world numerous supporters have found themselves out of work, or facing a dramatic decrease in their income. As a Faith Mission we have never held a fund raiser, nor taken up an offering. We are determined to not engage in high pressure emotional appeals. The needs are great and the opportunities are unprecedented. However, with declining support we were forced to cut back on a number of ministries. All of our mailing lists were trimmed and print runs seriously cut back. A major Leadership Training seminar that I was to speak at in the Congo needed to be postponed for lack of funds. Similarly a Biblical Worldview Seminar that I was to speak at in Malawi was shelved. We did not have the funds to respond to an invitation to conduct Leadership Training courses in Sudan. A number of new books such as Practical Discipleship have been awaiting funds for printing for over 8 months. On an almost daily basis I am confronted with desperate needs, pleas and requests from mission workers, pastors and partners of our mission requesting more resources, equipment, workers and volunteers. We receive calls and invitations for us to come and conduct Leadership Training courses, and Evangelistic outreaches in far more parts of Africa than we have the finances available for the necessary transport. With the limited means at our disposal we are attempting to do our very best to respond to the challenges and opportunities to fulfill the Great Commission in Africa. All of our projects are completely dependent on the support of God’s people. We do not believe in harassing our friends and prayer supporters with financial appeals. We believe our priority is to concentrate on the mission God has given us. As Hudson Taylor said: “God’s work, done God’s way, will never lack God’s supply.”; “God’s servant is God’s responsibility.” And “The Will of God will never lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you” We are continually doing everything we can to cut costs and save money, without compromising the integrity and effectiveness of our mission. We are aware that we are involved in Spiritual Warfare and need the earnest, concerted prayer support of God’s people. Anything that you could do to help us make our missions and discipleship resources, books, MP3s, DVDs and Audio-visual materials better known and more widely available, will go along way towards helping to bring in more orders that can help fund our outreaches and the tonnes of books and Bibles that we need to deliver and distribute throughout Africa. We are not deterred by the dangers, diseases and risks involved. We are trusting in God alone for His provision, protection, guidance and blessing. William Carey Bible Institute The William Carey Bible Institute is a Reformed, Evangelistic, Biblical and Practical Leadership Training programme. WCBI holds to the Bible as the inspired, infallible and inerrant Word of God. Scripture alone is our ultimate authority. For five years, WCBI has been providing a thoroughly Reformed distance learning programme for pastors, teachers and evangelists throughout Africa. We use excellent textbooks, lecture manuals, audio CDs and MP3 and a programme requiring book reports and assignments. The College is named after pioneer missionary William Carey, one of the finest linguists, Bible translators and social Reformers in history. The WCBI aims to provide a uniquely practical Missionary Training Programme that is character changing, nation building and culture transforming. In addition to the correspondence course, WCBI donates high quality Christian books to Bible colleges and Christian schools as far afield as Nigeria, Sudan, Zambia and Zimbabwe. New Property Venue for WCBI With our Mission house bursting at the seams, we have been seeking a suitable venue for WCBI and for the seminars and conferences which we regularly hold. An ideal property has come on the market which we believe the Lord would have us pursue. This is a Tudor style, double storey building with a conference room, three reception areas, which could easily be turned into lecture rooms or libraries, nine bedrooms, eight showers, two kitchens, good storage area and numerous other features that would make it suitable for a Bible College and conference centre. Ideally situated opposite a large field on a large corner plot, this venue would provide a venue for our Bible College, Worldview Weekends, conferences, seminars, Reformation Society events and Livingstone Fellowship church plant. This venue can only be acquired if we receive specific designations sufficient to purchase the property. Please contact us for further information. FF-USA Move to Colorado Our long-time friends at Summit Ministries have kindly offered to host our Frontline Fellowship-USA administrative office. The new address is: Frontline Fellowship-USA, P.O. Box 728, Manitou Springs, CO 80829, USA. Tel: 1-719-685-2899, Fax: 1-719-685-9330. The email address remains the same: [email protected] the website: Thank You All the missionaries and staff of Frontline Fellowship join me in expressing our deep gratitude for all your prayers, encouragement and support. There is so much that we have to praise God for. His grace and mercy, His gracious provisions and answers to so many prayers. God has protected us from all danger and He has blessed and multiplied our humble, inadequate efforts for the extension of His Kingdom. It is a privilege to be His sons and daughters, His servants and soldiers, involved in strengthening His suffering people and in training and mobilising soul winners and nation transformers. By God’s grace, we trust Christ for an even more productive and effective year of ministry in 2011. The Vision of our Mission Frontline Fellowship exists to glorify God by working for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We seek to serve suffering Christians, to speak up for the persecuted, exposing the persecutors, concentrating on neglected areas, evangelising in restricted access areas, working for Biblical Reformation and praying for Spiritual Revival throughout Africa. It is our fervent prayer and hope that we may see a Biblical Reformation and Spiritual Revival transform Africa. The Great Commission is our supreme ambition. We pray and work to see lives changed, families strengthened, churches revived and communities transformed by the grace of God and through the power of His Word. We work and pray for a continent where God’s Name is honoured and God’s Law obeyed. In these difficult and dangerous days on this volatile continent we pray that the Lord God may enable us to be faithful to His Word and be effective in His service. May each one of us be brave and bold for God. Yours for the complete and utter destruction of Communism, Islam and Humanism, and for the fulfillment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Director
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December 2024