![]() Dear Friends Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. “That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in Heaven and of those on earth and of those under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:10-11 ![]() Latest Frontline News Available The latest Frontline Fellowship News is available online. It includes John’s report on our Mission to the Nuba Mountains, my analysis: Zimbabwe Celebrates as Mugabe Falls, photo collages on the Biblical Worldview Summit and Great Commission Course, the Extraordinary Testimony of Michiah Lancaster and Frontline resources, including of our new book: Security and Survival Handbook. ![]() Biblical Worldview Summit We began our year with the Biblical Worldview Summit, with over 130 participants, some coming from as far afield as Canada, the Congo, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, the United States and from all over South Africa. The five day Biblical Worldview Summit programme included 20 presentations, 5 films, 4 devotions, 4 outreaches, 5 sports and team building activity sessions, a number of workshops, 5 Discussion Group sessions, Bible Drill, Just-a-Minute debating skills game, a hike, a Variety Concert, a Bible Exam and a series of Revival prayer meetings. Some of the written responses that we received from participants included: “Wonderful!”; “Amazing!”; “Awesome!”; “Definitely for every person who wants to know the truth. I have learnt a lot!”; “Excellent – enjoyed the lectures and fellowship and seeing unity in Christ across race, culture, denomination backgrounds”; “I have learnt to come back to my Bible”; “I’ve learnt to walk closer with God”; “God gave me clear answers”; “Outstanding!”; “Well organised and run and amazingly insightful”; “My faith and trust in God has grown”; “I have been encouraged to be confident in my Faith and live the Christian life with no compromise with the world”; “Even though this is my ninth time, I have enjoyed it and always will. I still learn something new every time. My body has been trained better and my mind has been taught how to think more clearly”; “It has been one of the best camps I have ever been on”; “Even better than I have hoped”. ![]() Great Commission Course Following the Biblical Worldview Summit, about twenty participants continued for the three-week Great Commission Course. The GCC included 58 presentations, 12 Devotions, 12 films, the whole 8 Way of the Master episodes of the Basic Evangelism Training Programme, 14 Church Services, 4 Workshops, 5 educational outings and practicals, 12 outreaches, 6 hikes and mountain climbs and a Baptismal Service, 7 exams and a work party at a local Mission base. Some of the written responses of the GCC participants included: “All my expectations were exceeded for this boot camp for the Mission field”; “The GCC impressed me with the disciplined use of all our time productively and balanced to the glory of God. I loved how we used every possible moment to learn and act”; “The outreaches gave me more confidence in Evangelism”; “A brilliant opportunity”; “Absolutely life changing! I have surrendered my life to the Lord”; “All very enlightening and useful”; “My walk with the Lord has grown closer and more meaningful. I gained an important skill set for fulfilling the Great Commission and have made life-long friendships”; “Thought provoking material; very well structured”; “Awesome and challenging course, physically, mentally and spiritually”; “A jam-packed three weeks that will change your outlook on the world, drive you to take action and equip you for the work”. ![]() Outreaches During the Great Commission Course participants were involved in Child Evangelism, Open Air Preaching, Door to Door ministry, Literature Evangelism, Personal Evangelism, Muslim Evangelism, Film Evangelism, ministering outside an abortuary, at busy shopping centres, in the streets of Cape Town, at the Waterfront and at townships. Several testified of the joy of leading people to Christ. The last night of the course the participants climbed to the top of Table Mountain and we conducted a Worship Service and Prayer Meeting at the highest point, Maclear’s Beacon, descending in the dark. ![]() Tragic Drowning All involved in the GCC and in our Mission were shocked by the tragic drowning of American Missionary volunteer, Michiah Lancaster, on Sunday 14 January, in the Newlands dam. The Extraordinary Testimony of Michiah Lancaster is included in the latest Frontline Fellowship News. However, no one sought to cut short their time of Missions training and outreaches with the GCC. Michiah’s 19-year-old brother, Isaac, determined to complete the course and his Mission to Mozambique following the GCC. Our team bonded together with even greater intensity and we reached out to the police, fire and rescue services and divers involved in the search and rescue attempt. We have already delivered hundreds of Bibles and New Testaments to the emergency services personnel affected. You can read more of the extraordinary circumstances surrounding this event on our www.FrontlineMissionSA.org website. Our In Memorium page includes Michiah’s testimony, photo collages, videos of the Memorial Service, of the testimonies and Sermon. “Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your sting? O hades, where is your victory? The sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the Law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:54-58 ![]() March for Life Immediately after completing the intensive Great Commission Course we were organising and leading the March for Life to Parliament on 1 February, to mark the 21st Anniversary of the legalisation of abortion on demand in South Africa. Lead by a hearse, followed by marchers dressed in black, carrying small white coffins, crosses, flowers, placards, Scriptural banners and Christian flags and with other members distributing pro-life leaflets to passers-by and to motorists stopped at traffic lights, we marched through centre of Cape Town, past the Castle, the City Hall, down Adderley Street, past the statue of Dr. Andrew Murray at the Groote Kerk, to the main gates of Parliament. There we conducted a National Day of Repentance Prayer Vigil, praying responsive prayers of national repentance and a Scriptural Imprecatory Prayer Proclamation. Thereafter some of us went on to protest outside the Marie Stopes abortuary. Stand for Life In Deuteronomy 21:1-9 the Scriptures tell us that when an innocent person is killed, the elders of the city should come to the gates and declare: “Our hands did not shed this blood, nor did our eyes see it, accept atonement for Your people whom You have redeemed, O Lord and do not hold Your people guilty of the blood of an innocent man.” It is vital that we mobilise spiritual and civil leaders of the city to respond to the abortion holocaust by taking a prophetic stand and asking God to have mercy on our nation for the blood of thousands of innocent babies killed by abortion every month. Every protest is used as an evangelistic outreach, not only to passers-by, but also to the media and to government officials. ![]() Over 22 Years of Salt & Light on Radio Tygerberg For over 22 years our Salt & Light radio programme has been broadcasted every Tuesday night on Radio Tygerberg 104fm in Cape Town. We are informed that this makes Salt & Light the longest running Christian community radio programme in South Africa. You can read about the momentous events that lead to the launch of Salt & Light in 1995, when we marched 30,000 people to Parliament to protest the paganisation of the nation by the ANC. Over the years complaints from government departments have led to increasing restrictions on what we could say on the air and 30 January was our last broadcast on a Tuesday night on Radio Tygerberg. As of 5 February Salt & Light has been moved to 10pm on Monday nights and must be pre-recorded. You can listen to previous programmes of Salt & Light on our Soundcloud archive. Volumes of timeless programmes broadcasted on Salt & Light are also available on audio MP3s from Christian Liberty Books. ![]() From the Frontline In response to those wanting us to maintain our Tuesday evening broadcast, we have launched a new radio podcast: From the Frontline. Every Tuesday night at 9pm, starting 6 February. It can be accessed through our www.FrontlineMissionSA.org website. You can access our From the Frontline archives for the uncensored politically incorrect facts behind the fiction, giving the real story behind the news headlines and focusing especially on the persecuted Church and on what God is doing in these difficult and challenging times. ![]() New Missionaries After completing her two-year-in-service Missionary Apprenticeship Training through our Livingstone Missionary School, Francis was awarded her certificate and prayed for by Frontline Board Member, Dr. Shai Mulder, at the Biblical Worldview Summit Sunday Service. Last year Joseph also completed his Missionary Apprenticeship programme and has returned to the USA for further preparation for future Missions. We have a number of new Missionary Apprentices joining us this year. We praise God that my daughter, Andrea, and her husband, Hunter Combs, who graduated with honours from Phoenix Seminary with his Masters of Divinity last year, have finally relocated to Cape Town. John and I are most grateful to have a Theologian of Hunter’s calibre on our team for our leadership training programmes for the coming months and years. ![]() Henry Morton Stanley School of Christian Journalism Since the completion of our Great Commission Course, I have launched a new initiative to train up effective Christian writers for the variety of media platforms available to us today, including social media, letters to the editor, desktop publishing, community radio programmes, church bulletins and school magazines, with effective Christian communications that will work for Reformation and inspire many to pray for Revival. The Henry Morton Stanley School of Christian Journalism lectures are being presented at Reformation Society meetings on Thursday nights. These lectures will be expanded into manuals. Audios and videos of the presentations are being uploaded to our new Henry Morton Stanley School of Christian Journalism website and the Henry Morton Stanley School of Christian Journalism Facebook page, which is already receiving much interest and traffic. I will be lining up a selection of writers to assist as guest speakers for this year’s programme. We have already dealt with the need for critical investigative journalism, tackling some of the idols of the New World Order: Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Winston Churchill. My film review on Darkest Hour – The Legend of Winston Churchill is available online as an article and the audio and video of the presentations at HMS can be viewed on our website. “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbour…” Ephesians 4:25 ![]() Mission to Australia Soon I will be flying to Australia where the City Tabernacle Baptist Church in Brisbane has invited me for a series of services, seminars and outreaches. This historic church dates back to the 1850’s and was established by a missionary sent out by Charles Spurgeon. Frontline Annual Report for 2017 The Mission’s Annual Report for 2017 is available on our www.FrontlineMissionSA.org website. By God’s grace last year we completed 7 new books, ministered in 20 countries, conducting over 1400 meetings. Our websites received 587,881 page views from 207,909 new users. Our social media pages had over 10 million page impressions/hits/visits during the last year. We now have over 100 videos uploaded on our Video Gallery and over 155 radio programmes and presentations on our Soundcloud. Our SermonAudio has over 450 lectures and sermons available online and 222 of my PowerPoint presentations are now available on SlideShare. We have 28 of our books available as E-books and the Christian Action Network now has 140 members representing over 7000 congregations and 5 million Christians in 19 different African countries. ![]() Literature 4 Africa We have already shipped out many tonnes of Bibles and books to Missions and ministries far and wide. Next week we are receiving another container shipment of Bibles and books. Couriers are busy delivering vital leadership training resources far and wide. If you can help with delivering or distributing Bibles, books and audio visual resources, digital libraries and other needed materials, particularly to restricted access areas, please do contact us. If you would like to invite any of our Missionaries to minister in your church, school or college, please let us know. “Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your Name? For You alone are Holy. For all nations shall come and worship before You, for Your judgments have been manifested.” Revelation 15:4 Thank you for all your prayers, encouragement and support. May God continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 [email protected] www.frontlinemissionsa.org www.ReformationSA.org www.livingstonefellowship.co.za See also:
Spiritual Warfare and Serving the Persecuted Reformation 500 Mission to America and Europe Your support is needed and much appreciated. Our banking details are: (For South African supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for. (For overseas supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for.
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December 2024