“We will not hide them from their children, telling to the generations to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.” Psalm 78:4 Reformation and the Great Commission By God’s grace, 2008 has been a record-breaking year for publications and projects, laying solid foundations for Biblical Reformation, and in effective mission outreaches to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have enjoyed some tremendous ministry trips and outreaches where we have had the joy of seeing people brought to conviction of sin, souls saved and lives transformed by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Changing Lives to Transform Nations
On aircraft, on the road, in schools, in conference centres, on university campuses, on the streets, in hospitals, outside dens of iniquity, in prisons and in remote areas, we have had the joy of bringing the life-changing Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to young and old, rich and poor, from a wide variety of social and cultural backgrounds. Frontline Fellowship’s mission HQ, Livingstone House, in Cape Town, has often been a hive of activity with many thousands of Gospel leaflets being printed for outreaches, boxes of Bibles, Christian books, teachers manuals and other resources for evangelism and discipleship sent out to Zambia, Zimbabwe and the Congo. Couriers have been supplied with materials for outreaches in Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya and Nigeria. We enjoyed visits and report backs from missionaries to Burma, Turkey, Iraq, Congo and Zimbabwe. The Great Commission is our Supreme Ambition The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing, and our main priority here on earth is to seek first the Kingdom of God by fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, making disciples of all nations, teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded. Zambia Mission In February/March I had the privilege of leading a mission to Zambia with a Co-worker (who was one of the participants in the original Frontline prayer fellowship in the Army out of which our mission developed) and my youngest son, Calvin, (who was only eight years old at the time). This very packed and productive overland mission trip took us over 9,000 kilometres, across four borders, to conduct more than 50 public meetings, including lecturing at 5 Bible colleges, presenting sermons at 4 churches, supplying 3 mission bases with Gospel and discipleship literature and audio visual materials, conducting assemblies and classroom presentations at 2 schools, and ministering at a pastor’s fraternal. We also conducted 2 conferences in Lusaka: the Christian Action Network Fire of God Conference with over 240 participants, and the Reformation and Revival Seminar with over 440 participants. Life Transforming Literature Many boxes of Gospel and discipleship literature were provided for Congolese and Angolan refugees and vital supplies were delivered to desperate and starving Zimbabweans. Police and Army chaplains participated in our Frontline Fellowship Leadership Training Courses and were supplied with boxes of Hymnbooks, discipleship materials, Gospel literature and audio-visual materials. Through Flood and Mud We frequently drove through torrential rains and electric thunderstorms. Muddy conditions and bad roads complicated travel in some areas and our tents were soaked and muddy. Young Calvin was an invaluable member of the team helping to train schools and colleges in Way of the Master and Evangelism Explosion Gospel presentations. Eastern Cape Ministry Tour In April, Rev. Bill and Harriett Bathman, and Taryn, travelled up to East London to minister at a Christian school. I flew in from participating in the National Initiative for Reformation in South Africa (NIRSA) conference, near Johannesburg, to conduct a Biblical Worldview Seminar in East London. All the teachers and the Principal of the Christian school participated in the BWS. They were joined by other participants from the area, including a pastor, a missionary, the previous Head of Ciskei, and numerous other visitors. After the ministry in East London, Taryn and I travelled up to Queenstown to conduct a Reformation and Revival Seminar. Our host has a dynamic ministry to the local prisons, and the local school, and has mobilised his congregation in door-to-door and street evangelism. USA Ministry In May I conducted over 40 meetings in the USA. This included 8 TV interviews, 9 hours of radio interviews, 6 church services, 5 house meetings and 3 conferences. During this ministry tour I was a speaker at the Providential History Festival and the Biblical Blueprints Conference on Islamic Jihad. Sudanese Christians in America In Omaha, Nebraska, I spoke to a Sunday service of Sudanese Christians. After presenting an inspiring report back on what God is doing in this troubled land, I challenged the Sudanese Christians to consider returning to help rebuild Sudan on Biblical principles. Many of congregation had come from Sudan for study years ago. There were numerous doctors, teachers, technicians and engineers amongst them. I reminded them why they had come to America and undertaken these studies, and how much they were needed back in Sudan. There was a vigorous discussion, many tears and numerous Sudanese men and women stood up to reinforce what I had said and to acknowledge that God had spoken to them concerning their responsibility to take their skills and training back to the land of their birth. Many mentioned the Scriptures - Isaiah 18 and Zephaniah 3 - concerning God’s prophecies for their nation. There was a very strong sense of the Lord’s presence in this extraordinary meeting. Educators Conference Lenora and I were invited to minister at the Accelerated Christian Education Administrators’ Seminar in the Drakensberg Mountains. Over 400 school principals and teachers attended this seminar, some from as far afield as Russia, Denmark, Kenya, Malawi and Nigeria. ACE has over 700 schools in Africa using their curriculum. I was invited to speak on: Reforming our Families – Reforming our Nation and Being Relevant and Compassionate in a Broken World. South Africa Mission In September nine-year-old Calvin joined me for a 4,000 kilometre mission trip around South Africa by road. In just under three weeks we ministered in 4 provinces, speaking at 9 different schools, 5 churches, 2 mission stations, on 2 radio stations, at a teacher training college, a university, 2 conferences and 3 Christian Action groups. All in all I conducted over 50 meetings. Calvin assisted with training in Evangelism Explosion and Way of the Master. Sometimes Calvin took Sunday schools and primary school classes on his own, while I was busy with radio interviews, school lectures or church services. KwaSizabantu Mission I was a plenary speaker at the Christians for Truth Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission. The subject they gave me was The Battle for the Mind in the News Media. Despite the devastating fire which destroyed the auditorium at KwaSizabantu, the CFT Conference went well, with almost 2,000 people cramming in and around the school hall. Delegates to the CFT Conference came from as far afield as Canada, Belgium, Holland, France, Germany, Romania and Switzerland. Teacher Training College I was also invited to lecture at the Cedar College of Education on The Reformation and Science, and English Literature – a Treasure of Western Civilisation. At the Domino Servite School I was invited to conduct the assembly and to lecture in senior classes on The French Revolution, World War II and on Our Reformation Heritage. Jivannadi Mission Calvin and I had the privilege of ministering at Jivannadi Mission, a mission to Hindus with a dynamic counselling and deliverance ministry. Many of the mission staff are also involved in the Good News Community Radio, which for over twelve years has broadcast the Gospel and discipleship programmes to the greater Durban area. I recorded eight sermons for GNCR and had five interviews, including two live radio phone-in programmes. During the mission to KwaZulu/Natal I was also invited to minister at the University of Natal in Durban on The Battle for the Mind. Let the Earth Hear His Voice Calvin and I travelled through to conduct a Missions Conference under the theme Let the Earth Hear His Voice. This road mission around South Africa also included ministering in Kokstad, a Christian Action rally in East London, taking assemblies at several Christian schools. Bibles to Mozambique By God’s grace, Johan succeeded in delivering and distributing hundreds of Bibles to a remote and needy area of Mozambique. Much has changed in this country since Frontline Fellowship was launched across the border into war-torn Marxist Mozambique in 1982. Mozambique is no longer the least evangelised country in the Southern Hemisphere. In fact, the number of Evangelical Christians has risen from 4% of the total population in 1982 to over 34% today. Evidently the thousands of Bibles which we smuggled across the border into Mozambique in the 1980s, and the screenings of the Jesus film in Portuguese throughout that Marxist land have borne a rich harvest as numerous missions followed us into Mozambique and millions have turned to Christ. Bringing the Light of the Gospel into the Heart of Darkness Despite an upsurge in fighting in the Congo’s north Kivu Province, where hundreds of thousands of people have been driven from their homes and displaced in the recent waves of violence, Frontline Fellowship succeeded in conducting four mission trips to the Congo this year. Johan conducted two long ministry trips which took him as far north as Kisangani, and as far west as Kinshasa. John also conducted Leadership Training for 100 businessmen in the Congo, and Charl continued his ministry in Lubumbashi, Kinshasa and Kisangani. Putting Wheels Under the Word Charl oversaw the provision of more than 30 bicycles for evangelists and pastors in the Congo. Johan provided another 12 Congolese evangelists with bicycles and Bibles. I equipped another 12 evangelists in Zambia with Bibles and Bicycles. Serving the Suffering in Zimbabwe Since Marxist dictator Robert Mugabe, and his ZANU-PF party, unleashed a wave of destruction and confiscation upon the once productive white commercial farms, starvation was inevitable. Having destroyed the productive agricultural economy of Zimbabwe, ZANU achieved the highest unemployment (90%), the highest rate of inflation (230 million %) and the lowest life expectancy (30 years) in the world today. Approximately half of the total population of Zimbabwe have fled across the borders. The national suicide, initiated by the destruction of the productive white farms, has not only led to the economic meltdown and medical crisis, but also an educational catastrophe. One primary school has had no water for five years. Boarders at hundreds of rural schools were sent home because there was no food for them. Numerous teachers have been murdered and thousands brutally beaten by government thugs. Schools have been ransacked and some used as torture centres. Four of Zimbabwe’s leading universities have failed to open. Since January 2008 there has been a total of only 23 days of education for the 4.5 million students in Zimbabwe. Now the government has cancelled the academic year completely declaring that there will be no examinations this year. Doctors in Zimbabwe have sounded the alert that patients are dying unnecessarily because of a lack of medical supplies: “Half the admissions end up in the mortuary.” Rampant power failures, the collapse of plumbing services, and the breakdown of all basic services, has led to outbreaks of cholera and typhoid. In the light of the colossal humanitarian catastrophe occurring just north of our border in Zimbabwe, our mission has undertaken numerous field trips to deliver life saving medicines and supplies to doctors and nurses, pensioners and pastors, widows and orphans – who are praying for the desperately needed materials which we are delivering. It has been our earnest prayer that the Lord would multiply the impact of the Boxes With Love, medical supplies and sacks of food as He multiplied the loaves and the fishes to feed the thousands. Even in the last days of this busy year we are sending another mission team to Zimbabwe. Investing in Eternity We praise God for authors and ministries who so generously and thoughtfully donate great resources for missions in Africa. With our Libraries for Pastors, and Textbooks for Teachers programmes, such books are our spiritual ammunition in this World War of Worldviews. Literature for Leadership Training These much anticipated books are the strategic messages that are most needed to galvanise, inspire and equip Christians to be more effective evangelists. As part of our William Carey Bible Institute these books are providing textbooks for pastors, chaplains and evangelists. They are also being carefully and strategically placed in key Bible college libraries wherever Frontline teams minister. Libraries for Pastors We try to ensure that those pastors, chaplains, teachers and evangelists who attend our Leadership Training courses receive at least one new book at each course of ours that they participate in. Readers make leaders. If you want to lead you must read. A reading Christian is a growing Christian. That is why we give high priority to leadership training and literature. Aside from those who attended Frontline seminars and conferences, 315 postings were made under the Library Programme, mostly to Zambia, Nigeria and Zimbabwe. Other nations participating in our library programme include: Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Cameroon and Liberia. This year 12 were awarded certificates for completing Library Programme 1 and 7 received certificates for completing Library Programme 2 book reports. There has been great enthusiasm over the programmes and many letters of appreciation have been received with testimonies of transformed lives and revitalized ministries. William Carey Bible Institute The William Carey Bible Institute is providing Leadership Training programmes for ministry candidates within Africa. WCBI offers a thoroughly Reformed, Evangelical, Biblical and practical distance learning programme, which provides pastors, teachers and evangelists with excellent textbooks, lecture manuals, lectures in audio CDs, and a programme of requiring Book Reports, Assignments and Exams. Supplementing the correspondence programme are shortterm leadership training programmes in remote rural areas and our Libraries for Pastors programme. We have also donated many books and audio CD lecture series to Bible colleges and mission bases which serve as Study Centres for pastors and evangelists. Audio Visual Leadership Training Materials We are providing data CD ROMS with notes and PowerPoints, MP3s and textbooks for Discipleship, Biblical Worldview, Great Commission, Mission History, Church History, Reformation and Revival, Muslim Evangelism, Ministering to the Persecuted, God and Government, Christian Action, Biblical Law, Apologetics, Children’s Ministry, Conflict Resolution, Eschatology, Leadership and Evangelism Courses of WCBI. We now have produced 77 Biblical Worldview Summit lecture audio CDs (and 2 MP3s and 4 different BWS Boxsets); 37 Great Commission Course lecture CDs (and an MP3 and 2 GCC Boxsets); 12 Muslim Evangelism Workshop lecture CDs (and an MP3 and 2 MEW Boxsets); 60 Reformation lectures (with an MP3 and 4 Reformation and History Boxsets); 90 Life changing sermons from Livingstone Fellowship (and 2 MP3s and 2 Boxsets); and 13 audio documentaries. Reclaiming Africa for Christ The Reclaiming Africa for ChristBiblical Worldview Summit (27 June – 4 July) at Mizpah was a tremendous time of blessing and challenge. Over 80 participants (and 18 lecturers) registered from as far afield as Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, from all around South Africa and from France and the USA. The programme was varied, including numerous discussion groups, Bible Drill, inspiring lectures and PowerPoint presentations, worship services, sports, hikes, Science and Scripture Workshops, Evangelism Workshops, a Christian Action workshop, films, a Bible Exam, and outreaches into the local town and townships of Grabouw. Every morning, except Sunday, began with vigorous P.T., with women and men training separately. Many took part in the kloofing mountain hike, others in soccer and volleyball. Repentance and Conversions Participants of the BWS had the joy of leading repentant individuals to Christ in prayer on the streets of Grabouw and in the townships. There was a tremendous spirit of worship and expectancy at the BWS. There was a dramatic response to the first presentation of the course. Friday night 27 June, two men stood up after my presentation on God’s Law vs Paganism, took out their earrings and said that they wanted to repent of body piercing. They came to the front, knelt on the ground and poured out their hearts to the Lord in prayer, with many tears. So much of what we do on a daily basis, through teaching and one-on-one counselling, including with staff members and volunteers, is for ongoing discipleship training. Many who have gone through our mission have gone on to launch their own ministries. The Mizpah Declaration Delegates of the BWS endorsed TheMizpah Declaration – 42 Articles of the Essentials of a Christian Worldview. This document is based on many years work by the Coalition on Revival, a network of Evangelical leaders who share a vision for, and a commitment to, Revival, Renewal and Reformation in both Church and society. The Christian Action Network now consists of 60-member organisations in 12 countries throughout Africa. Great Commission Course The three-week Great Commission Course was a balance of ministering to spirit, mind and body. It aimed to stretch minds and muscles, exposing participants to a wide range of stressful situations, ministry opportunities, practical challenges and inspiring lectures, films and presentations on some of the greatest missionaries in history (including Columba, Boniface, William Carey and David Livingstone), in depth presentations on various neglected and needy fields in Africa (including: Angola, Sudan and Zimbabwe). There were workshops on Evangelism, First Aid, Public Speaking, Hinduism and Islam. In total, the Great Commission Course included 67 lectures, 17 outreaches, 16 P.T. sessions, 15 films, 13 Devotions, 6 exams, 5 hikes and 4 workshops. Understanding Islam – Evangelising Muslims One major project was producing a new, expanded edition ofSlavery, Terrorism and Islam – the Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat. This book was first published in 2005 and was quickly sold out. It earned me a death threat “Fatwa” from some Islamic radicals. The demand for the Slavery, Terrorism and Islam book has been so intense that Amazon.com has been advertising secondhand copies of STI for $92 plus postage. Recently we were told that Amazon was advertising copies of STI for $350 each! Obviously I needed to produce a new edition of STI. The new, expanded edition now consists of 192 pages, over 200 pictures and 15 maps and charts. The new edition now includes expanded chapters on The Crusades and Jihad, Muslim Evangelism in Universities, Women in Islam, Churchill on Islam, Islamic Attacks on Christ and the Bible, Death Threats from Muslim Extremists, The Battle Over History and The End of Islam. American Edition of Islam Book We have already gone through three printings and a fourth edition is about to be published in the USA. We have received very positive reviews on the Islam book from as far afield as the Middle East and America. I even received a two-hour radio interview from Alaska on it. At a Businessmen’s Prayer Breakfast where I was invited to speak on The End of Islam, the 80 men who participated responded in intensive prayer and bought out a whole box of our Slavery, Terrorism and Islam books and related CDs and DVDs. Reforming our Families The family is the basic building block of society. The battle for the family is in the very frontline of the World War of Worldviews. Producing this book was a longstanding project, which, in the end, was a compendium including contributions from eight different authors from a wide variety of backgrounds. Contributors included two young home schooled teenagers, one from America and the other from Africa. And parents from both sides of the Atlantic. The 128-page book includes 24 beautiful and inspiring pictures. It is a powerful new resource for families, packed with positive and practical insights and strategies that fathers and mothers can use to raise God-fearing children. The Foreword is by Home School Legal Defence Association Senior Counsel Christopher Klicka and the Introduction is written by Rev. Kjell Olsen, a Co-worker of KwaSizabantu Mission and the Deputy President of Christians for Truth. Chapters include: Raising God-fearing Children; What Shapes a Family?; Discipline; Modesty; Bullying – a Biblical Perspective; Responsible Education; Why Boys Fight and Compete; Hospitality; The Lord’s Day; Videos, Games and TV; Minds, Morals and Movies; Reforming Music; Teenagers – Respite or Rebellion?; and A Heart for God – the Greatest Gift. Appendixes deal with A Critique of Modern Youth Ministries; Teen Church: Beneficial or Destructive?; A Teenager Looks at Modesty and True Love Waits. Reforming Our Families also includes useful addresses and websites and other recommended books. We continue to receive positive letters from all over the world in response to Reforming Our Families. Christian Lifestyle Expo In April our whole family was involved in literature distribution and personal evangelism at the Christian Lifestyle Expo in Tygervalley shopping mall. One of the parents passing by asked me: “How do you get your children to get involved in evangelism? About all I can get my children to do is attend youth group!” I explained that that was what motivated us to write the Reforming our Families book. We have been involving our children in Great Commission Courses and outreaches from the time they were toddlers. Reformation and Revival By God’s grace, over 100 people, including numerous pastors, teachers and ministry leaders, participated in the Reformation and Revival Conference in Cape Town, Saturday 25 October. This involved 10 different speakers, the Luther film, vigorous group discussions and prayer times and triumphant Hymns sung with enthusiasm. On Reformation Day, 31 October, I had the privilege of leading the Reformation Celebration Service at the Huguenot Monument in Franschhoek. Numerous ministry leaders, joined in with missionaries and ministers in celebrating our Reformation heritage and praying for a new Back-to-the-Bible Revival. The Reformation Society By God’s grace, in just three years, the Reformation Society has produced a series of books, audio CDs, PowerPoints and MP3s which are enriching schools, colleges, churches and missions throughout the world. Books produced included: The Greatest Century of Reformation, The Power of Prayer Handbook and Reforming our Families. Along with the Biblical Principles for Africabook, these publications provide a tremendous resource for anyone serious about Reformation and Revival. In addition, my presentations to The Reformation Society Thursday evening meetings have provided over 60 audio CDs and PowerPoint lectures, 2 Understanding History audio Boxsets, 2 Great Reformation audio CD Boxsets, an MP3, a data CD-ROM, and numerous leaflets, lecture notes and a How to Start a Reformation Society in Your Area Manual. Audio Visual Resources for Reformation Some of the new presentations designed and produced this year include: Gustavus Adolphus – the Lion From the North; Adoniram Judson – America’s First Foreign Missionary; Boniface – the Apostle to the Germans; Columba – Missionary to Scotland; The Battle of Blood River; Heroines of the Faith; Jonathan Edwards and the Great Evangelical Awakening; The Reformation in England; Oliver Cromwell and the English Civil War; The Eschatology of Victory in the Greatest Century of Missions; Biblical Foundations for the Eschatology of Victory; David Livingstone – Pioneer Missionary and Explorer; The Battle for the Mind in the News Media; Charles Spurgeon – the Prince of Preachers; Reforming our Families – Reforming our Nation; Being Relevant and Compassionate in a Broken World; The Battle for South Africa; The First Anglo-Boer War; The Second Anglo-Boer War; An Overview of Church History; English Literature – a Treasure of Western Civilisation; The Reformation in Switzerland; Perpetua; Reformation Today; Battlefields for Reformation. Each of these presentations are available on audio CD with the PowerPoint presentation. The lecture notes are also accessible on www.ReformationSA.org. Numerous inspiring films were also shown, including: Behind the Big News; Count Nicholas van Zinzendorf; Christian History Institute’s Reformation Overview series; A Tale of Two Cities; and the new Expelled! – No Intelligence Allowed film. Livingstone Fellowship Rev. Bill Bathman and I launched this church planting project three years ago. After numerous requests to establish a congregation which would take God’s Law seriously, see all nations in God’s purpose, support Christian schooling and home schooling, support ministries to the persecuted Church, restore Hymns to Sunday worship, give due emphasis to the Psalms and promote the Puritan vision of victory, Rev. Bill Bathman and I approached Rev. Erlo Stegen of KwaSizabantu Mission, seeking his counsel. He encouraged us to go ahead and establish such a congregation at our mission house. From the beginning Livingstone Fellowship has been affiliated to KwaSizabantu Mission. We recently also affiliated to the Coalition on Revival and to the World Reformed Fellowship. The Sunday morning service at Livingstone Fellowship gives emphasis to prayer and the Word, Hymns and Worship, holding to the inerrancy of Scripture and the sovereignty of God, Livingstone Fellowship adheres to Psalm reading, Hymn singing and Biblical exposition. The ministries of Livingstone Fellowship have been extended worldwide through the audio-visual ministry with over 80 audio CDs of Livingstone Fellowship sermons available. Now with the launch of www.livingstonefellowship.co.za website the Bible studies and sermons of Livingstone Fellowship will provide resources for ministers and missionaries worldwide. The Ten Commandments series is now available in audio CD Boxset and is being prepared for publication as a book. Several sermons and Bible studies from Livingstone Fellowship have ended up as articles in JOY! magazine, or as subjects for Salt and Light radio programmes on Radio Tygerberg. Livingstone Fellowship seeks to balance Reformation doctrine and Puritan devotion, head and heart. Our goal is to see the Biblical truths on fire – with practical application. We give high priority to teaching – through Sunday sermons, Reformation lectures, audio CDs and books. The library, audiovisual ministry and literature tables form a vital part of our educational and evangelistic ministry. Priority is given to Psalms, Hymns and Imprecatory Prayers. Livingstone Fellowship observes Sanctity Life Sunday , The National Day of Repentance , Ascension Day, Life-Chains, Reformation Day Celebrations, The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church and fully participates in the Biblical Worldview Summit and Great Commission Course . Despite the small size of Livingstone Fellowship, our members and adherents tend to have the largest representation of any congregation at Life Chains, National Days of Repentance, Biblical Worldview Seminars and National Women’s Day outreaches. During the last three years, Livingstone Fellowship members have conducted missions to the Congo, Namibia, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Europe. Members have also taken part in numerous work parties at the KwaSizabantu Mission, Moreson - digging, planting, building and painting mission extensions. The Way of the Master and Evangelism Explosion have been integrated into our services, lectures and courses. We have been involved in mass literature distribution and personal evangelism in shopping malls. We have also undertaken some door-to-door evangelism. For the glory of God, Livingstone Fellowship exists to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ and to obey the Cultural Mandate, applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. We pray that through the new www.livingstonefellowship.co.za website, and through our books and CDs, that other ministries and missions worldwide will be inspired and equipped with Reformation doctrine and Puritan devotion. Frontline Fellowship News During 2008 Frontline Fellowship News has dealt with: Evangelism – the Lifeblood of the Church ; A Tribute to Ian Douglas Smith ; How to be Effective in Missions Without Becoming a Victim ; Central Africa for Christ ; Rebuilding Zimbabwe ; Congo Mission ; Frontline Missionaries Attacked ; Leaders for Africa ; Remember the Persecuted and Why Talks with ZANU-PF Have Failed to Resolve the Crisis in Zimbabwe . FF E-Updates Over 100 E-Updates were sent out throughout 2008. This included: Sudan in the Scriptures ; Indian Christians Under Attack; Pray for Kenya; National Repentance; Persistent Persecution of the Church Continues in Zimbabwe; Christophobia on Radio; Zimbabweans Reject Mugabe; Muslims Turn to Christ; An Urgent Call for Prayer and Action on Zimbabwe; Leaders for Africa; Frontline Missionaries Attacked; The Mizpah Declaration; Reviving the Church Prayer Meeting; Confronting Crisis With Christian Confidence; Chaos in Zimbabwe; Praying for the Persecuted; A Macedonian Call; Cries For Help From Zimbabwe ; several Prayer and Praise Updates and numerous character studies and Reformation and missions articles. Christian Liberty Books By God’s grace, the mail order ministry of Christian Liberty Books greatly increased throughout 2008, particularly in providing Christian textbooks to home schoolers and Christian schools. Our bestsellers for 2008 were: Biblical Principles for Africa, Power of Prayer Handbook, Reforming our Families, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam and The Greatest Century of Reformation. JOY! Magazine As Contributing Editor to JOY! magazine I have written over 30 articles for the 11 editions of JOY! in 2008. This includes: What is a Christian? ; Suffering ; Heaven ; The Mountains of God ; The Battle for the Mind in the News Media ; Soul Winning in Iraq ; One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven ; I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You ; and Celebrating the Scientific Heritage of Christianity . JOY! is a full-colour, 100-page magazine, with an average print run of 33,000 copies each edition, marketed on shelves throughout the country. Aside from contributing news items and articles, I’ve also been involved in conducting Devotions and training sessions for JOY! staff members. At the JOY! Thanksgiving Supper, 7 December, I had the privilege of baptising a husband and wife from the JOY! team. Movieguide and Tabletalk I was asked to write a film review on Hansie for Dr. Ted Baehr’s Movieguide magazine and an article Missions In Africa for Dr. R.C. Sproul’s Tabletalk magazine. Websites The various websites maintained from our mission were regularly updated, expanded and improved upon throughout the year. The websites, which we maintain include: Frontline.org.za ; Christianaction.org.za; ReformationSA.org; Christianlibertybooks.co.za; Thebibleandanimals.org.; Williamcareybi.com; SAvotersguide.com; Livingstonefellowship.co.za as well as websites for Gospel Defence League, Excellence Christian Academy, Zimbabwe Hope and World Baptist Evangelistic Association. You will see from the: From the Mailbag – Answers to Prayer some of the encouraging letters we have received in response to these websites and to our other ministries. Our mission receives an average of 6,000 e-mails every month. Writing Projects This year by God’s grace we have seen the publication of Reforming our Families; the new, expanded and updated editions of Biblical Principles for Africa and Slavery, Terrorism and Islam. We have also been able to publish the Afrikaans translation of Biblical Principles for Africa – Bybelse Beginsels vir Afrika. In addition I have been making progress on a completely new revision and update of our best selling Faith Under Fire in Sudan. This will be entitled Faith Through the Fire in Sudan as it has so much new material since the 1998 edition. We have almost completed TheTen Commandmentsand War Against God. Significant progress has been made on Practical Discipleship; A Christian History of AfricaandFrontline. Thank You Thank you so very much for your prayers, encouragement and for your support. We have so much to praise the Lord for. He has provided for our every need, protected us against all danger, and blessed and multiplied our humble, inadequate efforts for the extension of His Kingdom. It is a privilege to be His sons and daughters, His servants and soldiers, involved in strengthening His people and winning the lost to Christ. By God’s grace, we must trust Him for an even more productive and effective year of ministry in 2009. Our Vision Frontline Fellowship exists to glorify God by working for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We seek to assist suffering Christians, speak up for the persecuted, expose the persecutors, concentrate on neglected areas, evangelise in restricted access areas, working for Reformation and praying for Revival throughout Africa. It is our fervent prayer and earnest hope that we may see a Biblical Reformation and Spiritual Revival transform Africa. The Great Commission is our supreme ambition. We pray and work to see lives changed, families strengthened, churches revived and communities transformed by the grace of God and through the power of His Word. We are praying and working for a time when babies will be protected from the violence of abortion, when women will not be exploited by the industry of pornography, when people can walk the streets in safety, and without fear of violence, when criminals live in fear of the police and of armed and vigilant citizens, when corruption has been eradicated, when God’s Name is not blasphemed on national television and in the cinemas, when children are not indoctrinated in homosexual perversions and the practices of fornication in both high school and primary school, when Marxist mass murderers and Muslim dictators are no longer able to persecute our brothers and sisters in Christ, and when the deceptions of Atheism, Evolutionism, Secular Humanism and Islam are exposed and thwarted. We work and pray for a continent where God’s Name is honoured and God’s Law obeyed. In these difficult and dangerous days on this volatile continent, we pray that the Lord God may enable us to be faithful to His Word and effective in His service. May we be brave and bold for God. Yours for the complete and utter destruction of communism, Islam and Humanism, and for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Dr. Peter Hammond Director
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