Dear Friends By God’s grace, 2009 has been a tremendous year of mission trips on three continents, new mission vehicles purchased, numerous cross-border emergency relief missions to Zimbabwe, Biblical Worldview Seminars conducted in different parts of South Africa and massive shipments of Bibles and books received from overseas and distributed widely throughout Southern Africa. Our audiovisual materials have mushroomed. We published The Ten Commandments – God’s Perfect Law of Liberty and The Apostles Creed – Firm Foundations for Your Faith. This has been a year of special anniversaries: 20 Years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the opening up of the Iron Curtain and the collapse of communist dictatorships in Eastern Europe. After many years of preparation, the Calvin 500 Celebrations in Geneva became a reality. Lenora and I also had the opportunity of visiting many of the sites connected with the 1859 Ulster Revival, during the 150 th anniversary of this tremendous move of God in Northern Ireland.
Missions to Zimbabwe To increase our missionary outreaches into communist Zimbabwe, we purchased a large truck and another four-wheel drive field vehicle. A supporter of the mission donated to us a large and tough trailer to double the carrying capacity of the field vehicle. The Frontline Fellowship Mission HQ was frequently a hive of activity late into the night as we have assembled Boxes with Love and loaded tonnes of books, Bibles, food and medicines for Zimbabwe. John has led numerous teams through ominous difficulties, frustrating delays and inevitable complications at border posts. Yet these teams have, by God’s grace, ultimately succeeded in overcoming all obstacles to deliver desperately needed food and life-saving medicines to pastors, pensioners and prisoners in Zimbabwe. Many lives have been saved in the volatile, unstable and dangerous situation prevailing in Marxist Zimbabwe. Zambia Missions Bibles, books, Gospel booklets, evangelistic materials, including the new Gospel Recordings MP3 Sabers were delivered to evangelists in Zambia. Boxes of books were donated to Christian schools and Bible colleges. Seminars, services and outreaches were conducted and lives were changed as a result! Malawi Missions John has led missions to remote areas of Malawi, conducting Leadership Training for missionaries and evangelists, and evangelistic outreaches in remote parts of the Shire Valley. Mozambique Missions Johan has conducted two mission trips into Mozambique conducting services in isolated villages of rural Mozambique, delivering and distributing Bibles in their local languages. John and Joshua conducted another mission in the far North of Mozambique, visiting, encouraging and equipping missionaries in remote areas, supplying churches with desperately needed Gospel literature and the new Gospel Recordings MP3 Saber. Congo Missions The Congo must be one of the most difficult mission fields in Africa. The logistical complications, vast distances, endemic lawlessness and corruption frustrate travelers. Approximately 55 million, in an estimated 450 ethno-linguistic groups, live in the Congo. Civil wars, assassinations and incredible brutality and cruelty have devastated this longsuffering nation with literally millions slaughtered in the violence over the last decade. Yet, bad times can be good for Spiritual work. Despite the upsurge in fighting in Congo’s North Kivu Province, Johan, Charl and John have conducted extensive mission trips throughout this vast central African state, ministering as far afield as Kinshasa, Lubumbashi and Kisangani. Charl was received at Lubumbashi airport, in Katanga Province by a television crew. He was the plenary speaker for the REDTCO Congress. The Congress was especially dedicated to training youth and his subjects were: Is Christianity Compatible with Secular Thought?Can Women Change the Congo and The World?The Place of Youth in Nation Building; Biblical Governance and Prayer as a Launching Pad for Action. South Africa Missions By God’s grace, my 10 year old son, Calvin, and I conducted two South Africa missions. In March we ministered in KwaZulu/Natal, conducting over fourty meetings. In August/September we drove over 4500 km and conducted seventy meetings. This included conducting two Biblical Worldview Seminars, two Muslim Evangelism Workshops, ministering at three mission stations, six churches, six schools, on two radio stations, a teacher training college, a university and at a Christian Motorcycle Association club. Europe Mission By God’s grace, Lenora and I had a rare privilege of travelling together for a month of ministry in Europe. One of our hosts, in England, very generously covered Lenora’s travel expenses as well. The first leg of this Europe mission to Northern Ireland coincided with the 150 th anniversary celebrations of the 1859 Ulster Revival. We were guests of Dr. Ian Paisley, who is the longest serving Member of Parliament in Great Britain. Now in his 80’s Dr. Paisley has been a Member of Parliament in the House of Commons for over 40 years. His wife, Baroness Eileen Paisley, is a Member of the House of Lords. Over 50 years ago Dr. Paisley launched the Free Presbyterian Churches, which now have 100 congregations. I had the privilege of ministering in historic churches and areas, which have been tremendously impacted by the Spiritual Awakening. We also had the privilege of ministering at the dynamic KwaSizabantu Mission stations in Belgium and Switzerland. The fellowship was most enjoyable and I managed to visit the battlefields of Ypres and Waterloo, where some of my relatives fought. It was tremendous to be part of the international celebration of the 500 th anniversary of the birth of the Reformer John Calvin. Hundreds of delegates came from all over the world to St. Pierre Cathedral in Geneva where John Calvin ministered for 26 years. St. Pierre resounded with over a thousand believers singing A Mighty Fortress is our God. In England I was a speaker at the From the Ends of the Earth Conference. Delegates came from as far afield as New Zealand, Australia, Iceland, Canada and the USA. This conference was close to Lutterworth and the parish church where Professor John Wycliffe translated the Latin Bible into English and sent out the Lollards as field workers for the Reformation. We were also able to visit the battlefield of Nasby, where, on 14 June 1645, Oliver Cromwell’s New Model Army won the decisive battle of the English civil war, routing King Charles I’s royalists. En route to the far North we managed to locate William Carey House in Kettering, from where the modern missionary movement was launched. Between preaching at church services at Carlisle, we explored the historic Carlisle Castle, which had frequently been besieged and changed hands during its turbulent history. Before leaving England we had the opportunity of exploring a seventh century Saxon chapel, still in use, the ancient Norman Cathedral of Durham and the missionary base at Lindesfarne, from where England was evangelised. As I generally try to combine ministry with historical research on such mission trips, I came back with a vast amount of photographs and documentation to integrate into many new historical PowerPoint presentations. The Reformation Society and William Carey Bible Institute are already benefiting from these many new presentations. USA Missions By God’s grace, my 16 year old daughter, Daniela, was able to join me for my three week speaking tour throughout the USA in May. Invitations for ministry took us to Arizona, California, Florida, Colorado, Tennessee and Georgia. I had the opportunity to present sermons at eight church meetings, six hours of radio interviews and five TV programmes. There were also many other opportunities to present PowerPoint slide presentations on missions in Africa, and on Reformation character studies. In October I was invited by the Maranatha Christian Fellowship to conduct lectures at three different university campuses in Minnesota. Coinciding with the 60 th anniversary of the communist take-over of China, and the 20 anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the opening up of the Iron Curtain, I was to speak on The Consequences of Socialism, The Cost of Communism and The Failure of the Soviet Union. This was the sixth series of meetings that I was invited to speak at, at these state universities. Previously I had been invited to speak on The Persecution of Christians in Sudan, Slavery – The Untold Story, The Crusades vs Jihad and other persecutions of the Church. On this occasion the advertised subjects on Socialism and Communism drew out individuals who sought to defend atheism, evolutionism, Marxism and socialism. The discussions after the presentations were often interesting. Film Projects Award winning filmmaker, Eric Holmberg, producer of such films as Hells Bells, Amazing Grace and The Final Frontier, flew up to film some of these presentations. He also interviewed me at length for a number of other films in production at this time. On one Sunday in Minnesota I had six speaking engagements, including at four church services and two adult Sunday schools. The whole afternoon was taken up ministering to a Sudanese congregation. In Arkansas I spoke on The End of Islam and Serving the Persecuted at two evening rallies to which some participants travelled from as far afield as Kansas and Oklahoma. In Arizona I lectured at a Christian college, addressed a missions rally on The Cold War and the Iron Curtain and preached at three churches on Sunday. All in all, this two week ministry trip to the USA included thirty meetings, in three states, to seven congregations, at three universities and at one Christian college. Mpumalanga Mission General Shai Mulder, the Principal of Back to the Bible Training College near Barberton, invited me to conduct a three day Biblical Worldview Seminar for the students of the Bible college, and then to be the main speaker for their graduation service. As the students at BBTC come from fourteen countries in Africa, the question and answer discussion times were intense. Numerous of the students from Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Angola, Rwanda and Malawi reiterated and enforced much of what I was communicating concerning animism, communism and Islam. One man from Rwanda told me that he never knew that any white person understood their history and what their people had gone through. He and many others encouraged me to keep on speaking up for the persecuted in Africa. Bible and Book Shipments By God’s grace, and through the generosity of Christians in America, a ten tonne container of Bibles and books was delivered to our mission amidst much praise and thanksgiving. This was followed by several other deliveries of three tonne pallets of books donated by Christian authors. Shipments of such size entail an enormous amount of work, organization and expense. We pray that the Lord may abundantly bless and reward each one involved for their magnificent missionary vision and foresight in providing us with such generous quantities of God’s Word, and the evangelistic and discipleship materials that we, and those whom we serve, so desperately need and appreciate. In preparation for receiving these shipments, we extended our storage area and had our garage re-sealed to ensure the protection of all literature from any dampness. We also purchased more pallets to ensure that all boxes were kept off the ground and dry. (Cape Town can have some incredibly wet and stormy winters, and this year was much wetter than most!). By God’s grace, most of the 20 tonnes of Bibles and books which we have received have already been distributed throughout South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique. We are most grateful to authors Dr. David Noebel, Dr. Robert Morey, Mark Cahill and Robert McNeill who have very generously donated tonnes of their excellent books for our Libraries for Pastors, donations to Bible colleges, William Carey Bible Institute programme, and to entrust to pastors, evangelists, chaplains, teachers and students throughout Southern and Central Africa. Campus Harvest In April, we had the opportunity of donating 1,100 Biblical Principles for Africa books to Christian university students from all over Africa gathered at the Campus Harvest in Bloemfontein. Organiser Wayne Sandeman, wrote: “This is how we are going to change Africa – sending missionaries to campuses. Africa Christian Action donated 1,100 books called ‘Biblical Principles for Africa’. I couldn’t think of a better book to get into the hands of Africa’s future leaders!” New Books With all the travelling I have done this year it was quite an accomplishment to complete The Ten Commandments – God’s Perfect Law of Liberty and see it through to printing. There has been a tremendous response to our audio CD series on The Ten Commandments and many requests over the years for such a study. It received enthusiastic endorsements from Ray Comfort of Way of the Master and Todd Friel of Wretched TV. We printed 5,000 copies of The Ten Commandments book. Another much anticipated book project was: The Apostles Creed – Firm Foundations for Your Faith. We printed 10,000 copies of this pocket-sized booklet – a first for us. It is being widely distributed to pastors, Bible college students and evangelists throughout Africa. It is a dynamic summary of foundational teachings of Scripture to enable Believers to succinctly define the essentials of the Faith, to know what they believe, why they believe it and how to “give a defence to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you …” 1 Peter 3:15 Reformation Society By God’s grace, The Reformation Society now has over 90 lectures available on audio CD, as well as 6 different boxsets including: Understanding History; South African History; Hunger for Revival; and The Great Reformation. There are two separate volumes of Reformation lectures available on MP3s. Some of the new PowerPoint presentations and lectures, which I have presented during this year to The Reformation Society, and which have been added to our audio visual resources, include: The Anglo Zulu War; Blaise Pascal; Johan Sebastian Bach; George Frederic Handel; The Five Part Series of 2000 Years of Church History Overview; Queen Elizabeth I; The New Paganism; Steps to Reclaiming South Africa for Christ; Mobilizing Missions by Hymns; John Knox and The Reformation In Scotland; Reformed Evangelists; The Battle for Africa; The Life and Legacy of John Calvin; Changing the Course of History by Prayer; Calvinism in Africa; The Ulster Revival of 1859; The Ends of the Earth; The Cold War and the Iron Curtain; Revival in the Bible and in History, Courageous Christian Martyrs and Anne of Bohemia. The Reformation Society also had the opportunity of presenting a preview of two new films during this year: Fireproof and The Final Frontier. One of the highlights for The Reformation Society this year was organising the Reformation Celebration events at the end of October. On Friday, 30 October, my son, Calvin, and I gave presentations to students and teachers at the Huguenot Monument in Franschoek. Evangelist Paul Young gave a chalk talk on Salvation by Grace Alone, Received by Faith Alone. This was followed by me giving students and teachers a guided tour through the Huguenot Museum. On Reformation Day, Saturday, 31 October, Rev. Erlo Stegen was our special guest speaker and he challenged all who attended the Preparing for a New Reformation Conference in Cape Town. Many people came from near and far. The programme was packed and productive with practical discussions on what we can do to work for Reformation and times of earnest prayer. Livingstone Fellowship Some of the sermons which I preached during this year at Livingstone Fellowship, and which are now available through our audio visual ministry, include: The Apostles Creed Series, Judges, Deborah, Samson, Ruth, Esther, Andrew, Moses, Mary, The Beatitudes, The Fear of God, Courage to Overcome Temptation, Revival, Daily Discipleship, Pride and Foolishness, The Presence and Power of God, Spiritual Warfare, Freedom in Christ, Caring for the Persecuted, Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out, Judas, Job, Joshua and Matthew. We now have 120 Livingstone Fellowship sermon titles available throughout our Audio Visual Ministry. This includes four different boxsets including: The Bible Character Studies, The Ten Commandments, The Adventure of Discipleship and four volumes of Life Changing Sermons from Livingstone Fellowship in MP3s, and a Heroes of the Faith MP3. JOY! Magazine As Contributing Editor of JOY! Magazine, I regularly drove to Somerset West to conduct Staff Training and present Devotions for JOY! Magazine staff, including: Worldviews in Conflict, Biblical Principles for the Elections, Reviving the Christian Work Ethic, The New Paganism, Reviving our Churches, The Day of the Covenant, and Revival Amidst Persecution in Sudan. I also wrote 28 articles and news items, which were published in JOY! Magazines during 2009, including: Celebrating the Scientific Heritage of Christianity – A Tour of the Creation Museum; an interview with Graham Yoko of Accelerated Christian Education; The Will of God; The Value of a Christian Education; Putting God First; Idols for Destruction; A Heart Aflame – 500 Years of John Calvin; I'm Not Ashamed of the Gospel; What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Crusades; What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Spanish Inquisition; The Fall of the Iron Curtain – 20 Years Ago; The Berlin Wall; The Gulag; Honouring the Lord’s Name; Keep The Sabbath Day Holy; Honouring Your Parents; You Shall Not Murder; You Shall Not Commit Adultery; The Day of the Covenant; and The Greatest Gift. With the launch of the new Afrikaans sister magazine of JOY!-JUIG!, numerous of my articles have been translated into Afrikaans and published in that magazine. We have particularly received much positive feedback from the translation of The Battle of Blood River published in JUIG! Editing an over 100 page magazine every month is quite an intense experience and gives many opportunities for inserting key Scriptures, corrections and important additions to inform, inspire and involve readers in making a positive difference, applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. F E-Updates Over 100 E-updates were sent out throughout 2009. This included: Stealth Jihad; Understand Islam – Evangelise Muslims; The Will of God; Solomon’s Search for Meaning and Purpose; I'm Not Ashamed of the Gospel; Repentance; Full Salvation; Missions to Zimbabwe and the Congo; That’s Entertainment!; The 500 th Anniversary of John Calvin; Reformation Celebration; Bibles, KwaZulu Mission, Anniversaries and Fire; Time Acknowledges That the New Calvinism is Changing the World; Christ is Risen – Evidences for the Resurrection; An Expose of the Nature of Islam; Can The New Zimbabwean Government Succeed?; The Centrality of the Cross; Who Killed Jesus?; 18 April – Luther’s Date with Destiny; Andrew; Ruth; Esther; Blasphemy Debate at University; Reforming our Churches; Pentecost Sunday and the Fire of God; Zimbabwe, Congo, USA and Europe; The Greatest Century of Reformation; Do You Want To Change Your World?; Celebrating the Reformation Roots of Western Civilisation; Calvinism in Africa; The Church Needs a New Reformation; Debating Polygamy; Missions to Zimbabwe, Zambia and Europe; The Red Cross, The Bible and War Wounded Sudanese; The Ulster Revival of 1859; Attacked at Home; New Resources and New Fields; South Africa Mission; 20 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall; The Cold War and the Iron Curtain; Confronting Communism on Campus; The Final Frontier, Reformation, Persecution and Missions; The Battle for the Bible in English; The Need for Reformation Today; Serving the Persecuted; The Urgent Need for Revival; Remember the Persecuted; Zimbabwe Mission; Pride and Foolishness; Serving the Suffering, Working for Reformation and Praying for Revival; Why Do So Many Fail and Give Up?; Missions to Mozambique and Mpumalanga; and The Greatest Gift. As well as the quarterly Gospel Defence League letters and regular Prayer and Praise Updates. We have over 1,800 on the FF E-mailing list. Preaching and Teaching During 2009 I conducted over 300 meetings in six countries on three continents during six mission trips, including: 77 church services, 85 lectures, 103 radio and TV interviews, 21 school and college assemblies or chapel services, 28 Bible studies and Devotions and conducted three Biblical Worldview Seminars. Libraries for Pastors One of our goals is that each Pastor, Chaplain, Teacher and Evangelist who attends our Leadership Training courses receive at least one new book at each course that they participate in. Readers make Leaders. A reading Christian is a growing Christian. That is why we give high priority to Leadership Training and Literature Distribution. Library Programme Aside from those who attended Frontline seminars and conferences, 421 postings were made under our Library Programme, to prisons inmates and to pastors in Zambia, Nigeria and Zimbabwe. Other nations participating in the Library Programme include Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Cameron and Liberia. 21 Participants received Certificates of completion of all the Book Reports required for the Library Programme 1. Another 8 received Certificates of completion for Library programme 2. Prison Ministry There has been a great thirst in the prisons for Spiritual books and we have received very positive feedback from pastors throughout Africa and a continual request for more books. This year we increased our prison inmate’s membership. We received many letters of appreciation with testimonies of transformed lives and revitalised ministries in prison. Frontline Fellowship News During 2009 Frontline Fellowship News has dealt with: Reclaiming Zimbabwe for Christ; Cries for Help from Zimbabwe; To Zimbabwe with Love; Africa for Christ; Reports from the Field; Do You Want to Change Your World?; Blasphemy Debate at University; 20 Years After the Fall of the Iron Curtain; The Cold War and the Iron Curtain; 20 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall; Zimbabwe Mission; South Africa Mission; The Red Cross, The Bible and War Wounded Sudanese; and Europe Mission. We have over 2,100 addresses on our FF News mailing list who receive hard copies of the printed Newsletter. As our print runs vary from 3,000 to 5,000 copies for each Newsletter, many more people receive the FF News at church services, conferences and other meetings than through the mail. Christian Action Christian Action magazines in 2009 have included the following articles: Christian Compassion in a Broken World; Biblical Principles for Using Your Vote; Practical Steps to Reclaiming South Africa for Christ; Blaise Pascal – An Evangelistic Scientist; Film Review on Fireproof; How to Run a Book Table at Your Church; The Battle for the Mind in the News Media; Calvin 500; Biblical Issues Voters Guide; How to Organise Your Own Womens Day Outreach; Obamamania and the Political Messiah; The New Calvinism is Changing the World; Film Review on Tornado; The Ulster Revival of 1859; Attacked at Home; Missions at the Mall; Debating Polygamy; Life Chains Expose Lies of Abortionists; Prostitution Destroys – God Restores; Reformation Against Perversion; Save Lives – Stop Abortion; Revival; The Urgent Need for Revival; Confronting Communists on Campus; Life Chains Confront Abortionists; Nation Transforming Teams; National Day of Repentance; The Need for Reformation Today; and The Myth of Tolerance. Between 3,000 to 4,000 copies of each edition of the Christian Action magazine were printed and distributed. Christian Action sent out 200 different e-mailings in 2009. There are over 1,400 different addresses on the CA E-mailing list. ACA has continued to establish new Christian Action groups throughout the country, organising the National Day of Repentance Funeral Procession to Parliament, Prayer Vigils and placard protests throughout the country, promoting Sanctity Life Sunday, co-ordinating National Women’s Day Outreaches in shopping malls throughout the country, Life Chains throughout South Africa, submissions to parliament and numerous other initiatives to speak up those who cannot speak for themselves, to rescue those being led away to death, promoting pro-life, pro-family and pro-moral, Biblical principles. Leaflets Throughout 2009 we have printed and re-printed many of our leaflets in-house with our Risograph machine, including:First Things First; Is the Doctrine of the Trinity Taught in the Bible? ; The Greatest Book in the World; The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived; Christ is Risen Indeed! : Evidences For the Resurrection; Where Will You Spend Eternity? ; Facts of the Faith; The Greatest; Transformations in the Bible; Body Piercing – A Return to Paganism; Reclaiming Surrendered Ground; Communist Liberation: Myth and Reality; The Heart of Communism; Glamourising a Mass Murderer; The World’s Greatest Revolutionary; Shattered Hopes, Broken Dreams; Come Back!; That’s Entertainment!; How to Fail in Life; The Christian Liberation of Women; Halloween and the Bible; and The Bible and Animals. Tens of thousands of these leaflets were delivered and distributed throughout Southern Africa by Frontline mission teams and even further afield by post. Salt and Light For over 14 years, Africa Christian Action has run Salt and Light radio programme every Tuesday night on Radio Tygerberg 104FM in Cape Town. Those outside of the Cape Town reception area are able to listen in on website at 8:30pm on Tuesday nights. Christian Liberty Books By God’s grace, the ministry of Christian Liberty Books has greatly increased in 2009, particularly in providing Christian textbooks to Home Schoolers and Christian Schools. CLB has over 1,400 clients, a mailing list of over 1,200 and an e-mailing list of over 1,600. Best sellers during 2009 were: Biblical Principles for Africa, The Apostle’s Creed and The Ten Commandments. Amongst the Audio Visual materials, best sellers were: The Ten Commandments, South African History and Understanding History audio CD Boxsets and God’s Miracle of Life DVD. Christian Action Network The Christian Action Network welcomed 13 new affiliate members during this year. The Network now includes 72 member organisations from 14 different African nations (including: Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.) The members of the Christian Action Network now represent well over 2,000 congregations and over 500,000 Christians committed to working for Reformation and praying for Revival throughout Africa. Frontline Fellowship – USA Anna Marie reports from FF-USA that the website received over 23,000 visitors so far this year. FF-USA’s best sellers were the New Edition of Slavery, Terrorism and Islam – The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat followed by Reforming our Families. Before we reprinted the Slavery, Terrorism and Islam book, was advertising second hand copies for up to $4500 a copy!!! We continue to receive very enthusiastic responses to the STI book. Websites Our mission maintains, and continually updates, expands and improves, a wide range of websites, including:;;;;;;;; as well as maintaining the websites for Gospel Defence League; Excellence Christian Academy; Zimbabwe Hope and World Baptist Evangelistic Association. Our mission receives an average of 6,000 emails each month. You will see in: From the Mailbag – Answer to Prayer some of the encouraging letters we have received in response to these websites and to our other ministries over the last year. Writing Projects During 2009, by God’s grace, we have published: The Apostles Creed – Firm Foundations for Your Faith and The Ten Commandments – God’s Perfect Law of Liberty. Significant progress was also made on the Afrikaans translation of The Greatest Century of Reformation. In addition I have been making progress on a completely new revision and update of our best selling Faith Under Fire in Sudan. This will be entitled Faith Through the Fire in Sudan. We are almost finished War Against God and Practical Discipleship. I plan to complete A Christian History of Africa, Victorious Christians and Frontline this coming year. Thank You We are very grateful for your prayers, encouragement and support. There is so much that we have to praise God for. He has provided for our every need, protected us against all danger and blessed and multiplied our humble, inadequate efforts for the extension of His Kingdom. It is a privilege to be His sons and daughters, His servants and soldiers, involved in strengthening His people in winning the lost to Christ. By God’s grace, we trust Him for an even more productive and effective year of ministry in 2010. The Vision of Our Mission Frontline Fellowship exists to glorify God by working for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We seek to serve suffering Christians, to speak up for the persecuted, exposing the persecutors, concentrating on neglected areas, evangelising in restricted access areas, working for Biblical Reformation and praying for Spiritual Revival throughout Africa. It is our fervent prayer and earnest hope that we may see a Biblical Reformation and Spiritual Revival transform Africa. The Great Commission is our supreme ambition. We pray and work to see lives changed, families strengthened, churches revived and communities transformed by the Grace of God and through the Power of His Word. We are praying and working for a time when Marxist mass murderers and Muslim dictators are no longer able to persecute our brothers and sisters in Christ. When the deceptions of atheism, evolutionism, secular humanism and Islam are exposed and thwarted. When babies will be protected from the violence of abortion. When women will not be exploited by the industry of pornography. When people can walk the streets in safety, without fear of violence. When criminals will live in fear of the police and of armed and vigilant citizens. When corruption has been eradicated. When God’s Name is not blasphemed on national television and in the cinemas. When children are not indoctrinated in homosexual perversions and the practices of fornication in both high school and primary school. We work and pray for a continent where God’s Name is honoured and God’s Law obeyed. In these difficult and dangerous days on this volatile continent we pray that the Lord God may enable us to be faithful to His Word and be effective in His service. May each one of us be brave and bold for God. Yours for the complete and utter destruction of Communism, Islam and Humanism and for the fulfillment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P O Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021 689-4480 Email: [email protected] Website: Those in North American can obtain resources from: Frontline Fellowship – USA P.O. Box 728 Manitou Springs CO 80829 Tel: 719-685-2899 Fax: 719-685-9330 Email: [email protected]
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