“ Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples. For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all…” 1 Chronicles 16:24-25 25 Years in the Frontline This last year we celebrated 25 years in the frontline. Friends from far and wide gathered at the Pinelands Town Hall, 29 March 2007, to celebrate God’s grace and prayer answering power. More than an hour before the rally was to start the hall was already so full with mission supporters that the programme started half an hour early, with a screening of a special new 25 Years on the Frontline DVD with selected highlights of professional films made on Frontline Mission trips over the years. This included film clips from the arrest in Zambia, the capture and imprisonment in Mozambique, ministry and bombardments in Sudan, and rare footage of the earlier years of the mission and its military prayer fellowship. The Power of Prayer Handbook
As Frontline Fellowship was born in prayer, it was appropriate to mark this milestone with the publication of The Power of Prayer Handbook. The vision for our mission – to assist persecuted churches, evangelise in war zones and serve in restricted access areas - grew out of the daily Bible study and prayer meeting which I led during my time of military service. For two years we met, almost every night, around the Word of God, spending extended times in prayer. Sometimes we prayed through the night in prayer chains. Often our Bible study and prayer lasted for three, four or five hours at a time. It was while praying through the Operation World Intercessory Handbook during an all-night prayer chain that the Lord impressed Mozambique upon my heart. Mozambique was the least evangelised country in the Southern Hemisphere and there was less than one Bible for every thousand people in that communist country. There on my knees, at the front of the Chapel at my military base, I knew that God was calling me to take Bibles and the Jesus film into Marxist Mozambique. By God’s grace, over the last 25 years, we have experienced God’s gracious provisions, guidance and protection. Where God guides – He provides. Nothing is beyond the reach of prayer – except that which is beyond the will of God. Prayer is the foundation for all Spiritual work. The will of God will never lead you – where the grace of God cannot keep you. And God gives the very best to those who leave the choice to Him. We continue to receive very encouraging and enthusiastic responses to The Power of Prayer Handbook, from all over the world, including from church and mission leaders. Just this week we have received an invitation from a secular national TV station wanting to do an interview on The Power of Prayer Handbook. Outreaches January 2007 started with the Teen Challenge camp at KwaSizabantu Mission, Moreson. I was invited to conduct a number of the presentations there including on Islam, Humanism and The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. One prominent individual who was most vocal in his critical questions and opposition to much of what I was speaking about was a tall Rastafarian with beard and long hair in dreadlocks. By God’s grace, this man came to the Lord and I didn’t recognise him when he recently turned up at one of our Reformation Society meetings! He was so neat and clean cut that I would never have guessed that this was the same dirty and dishevelled individual who had been regularly standing up to oppose the Gospel presentations. Throughout the year I’ve had the joy of leading our missionaries and staff on numerous outreaches throughout Cape Town. This has involved personal one-on-one evangelism in the shopping malls in Somerset West and Canal Walk, mass Gospel literature distribution at bus stations, taxi ranks and railway stations in Claremont, Cape Town, Khayelitsha and Rondebosch. We have undertaken personal evangelism at Gateway in Durban, door-to-door evangelism in Rondebosch, prison ministry, evangelism outside mosques, and joining American evangelist, Paul Young for an outreach at Muizenberg beachfront on New Years Day. While Paul gathered a crowd with his gifted artwork and preaching through the Parables on a PA system, we distributed Gospel literature to the tens of thousands of Xhosa people who had poured into Muizenberg for New Years Day. During this last year we have conducted personal and literature evangelism in KwaZulu, the Eastern Cape, the Congo, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and even as far afield as on university campuses in America. Using The Way of the Master emphasis on the Ten Commandments (as the schoolmaster who leads us to Christ) and Evangelism Explosion, along with a tremendous array of evangelistic literature, we have had the joy and privilege of praying with numerous responsive and repentant people on the streets, in shopping malls, in classrooms and in homes. Leadership Training In 2007 I had the privilege of ministering at nine different Leadership Training courses, including the week-long Biblical Worldview Summit which we hosted in Franschhoek, and the three-week Great Commission Course in Cape Town. In March Jivannadi Mission invited me to conduct a Reformation Seminar at their mission base in Natal. In September we were invited to conduct a Biblical Worldview Seminar in a converted Hindu temple in Durban. I was invited to be a speaker at the Christians for Truth Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission in KwaZulu and at The Horn of Africa Mission Symposium in San Jose. It was also a joy to minister at The Summit in Colorado, and at the His People Bible School at the University of Durban-Westville. Africa for Christ Biblical Worldview Summit Over a hundred delegates from as far afield as America, Australia, Ghana, Nigeria, Romania, England, Zambia, Zimbabwe and from all over South Africa, participated in the Reclaiming Africa for Christ Biblical Worldview Summit (BWS) in Franschhoek. By God’s grace several participants of the BWS had the privilege of leading people to Christ in the streets during outreaches. The Franschhoek Declaration Tuesday 3 July included a conference within a conference with the Christian Action Network Conference overlapping as part of the BWS. Under the conference theme of For Reformation and Revival the CAN delegates prayerfully considered The Franschhoek Declaration which was discussed and, with adaptations and additions, was unanimously adopted. This Declaration has gone through numerous printings, and was distributed both by mail and electronically worldwide with positive responses from church leaders throughout Africa and overseas. (It can be viewed on our www.frontline.org.za website). The Christian Action Network now represents 46 ministries, missions and denominations (including from the Congo, Burundi, Cameroon, Nigeria, Malawi, Kenya, Zambia, Uganda and South Africa.) Great Commission Course This year’s GCC participants came from America, Australia, England, Romania, Ghana and Zambia. The GCC included four hikes, including night hikes up and over Lions Head and Table Mountain (with backpacks filled with Arabic Scriptures) and other night hikes in the forest including wading downstream in rivers. Outreaches included Muslim evangelism, mass literature distribution and one-on-one personal evangelism at railway stations, bus stops, in shopping centres, in streets and in prison. There was also the annual soccer match between the missionaries and the Khayelitsha church team. There were day trips to numerous historical sights, mission bases and a wildlife rehabilitation centre with eagles and cheetahs, a work party to a local mission station, workshops on vehicle maintenance, first aid, tools and technology, 6 written exams, 10 written assignments, Bible drills, situational preaching and daily PT. At one point Charl organized an ex-terrorist (from APLA – the same group responsible for the terrorist attack on the St James Church in 1993) to come and interact with our participants to help us understand the worldview and thinking of a communist insurgent. Since then this man has come to Christ. The Great Commission Course has been designed as an intensive introduction to cross-cultural missions, stretching minds and muscles, with a blend of physical challenges, academic tests, Spiritual disciplines, challenging and informative instruction, strenuous hikes, demanding assignments, practical workshops and numerous outreach opportunities. (Our next GCC is planned for 27 June – 16 July 2008). KwaZulu Missions On both of my missions to KwaZulu this year (March and September) I was accompanied by my eight year-old son, Calvin. Calvin has demonstrated great enthusiasm for evangelism and has memorized a large amount of Scripture, the Ten Commandments, the Apostles Creed, and the Evangelism Explosion Gospel presentation. On numerous occasions he trained teachers and students at Christian schools in EE. Calvin has also gone out of his way to share the Gospel with passengers and flight crew on aircraft, frequently even going into the cockpit to share the Gospel with the pilots. He has taken part in many of our outreaches this year including at Gateway, Canal Walk, Somerset Mall, Khayelitsha, and Muizenberg. Calvin has also presented EE to Domino Servite School, Jivannadi Christian School, Alexandria Christian Academy, Advance For Life, at the Summit in Colorado, and at many other schools and churches, including at Dr. R.C. Sproul’s St. Andrews Chapel, in Orlando. Just in the September mission to KwaZulu I presented 25 sermons or lectures and 30 radio programmes. We were greatly inspired and encouraged by the tremendous ministry being carried out by Jivannadi Mission, Good News Community Radio, the Cedar College of Education, Domino Servite School, Jivannadi Christian School, Christians For Truth, Radio Kwezi, Doctors for Life, True Love Waits and KwaSizabantu Mission. Eastern Cape Mission Calvin also joined me for a ministry trip to the Eastern Cape. We travelled by road, often through torrential rain, through flood-damaged coastal areas, to conduct school and church meetings. We drove nearly 3,000 kilometers, delivering boxes of literature to 11 different Christian Action groups and ministries, and conducting 9 public meetings, including Christian Action rallies in East London and Port Alfred, school assemblies in East London and Alexandria, an interview on Trinity Broadcasting Network in Bisho, and on Link FM Radio in East London. I was also able to take Calvin to Grahamstown Military Base and show him the chapel where Frontline Fellowship was born in nightly Bible studies and prayer meetings. It was encouraging to see the resurgence of Christian Action groups throughout the country, in particularly for the dynamic Christian activists in the Eastern Cape. Many of the people who we visited and re-supplied are involved in a wide variety of ministries. One pastor in Queenstown, who drove through to East London to collect the boxes of Bibles, Christians books and Gospel booklets brought up for him is involved in prison ministry, school outreaches and street evangelism. Our hosts in Port Alfred had attended the Biblical Worldview Summit in Franschhoek in July, and had since then started their Christian Action group, impacting their town through literature distribution, Letters to the Editor and personal ministry. Over 150 people attended their Christian Action rally where we spoke on the Tuesday night. In Grahamstown we were able to hand over evangelistic literature and book donations for the student library of a dynamic ministry which is impacting university students and sending out missionary church planters as far afield as Germany. Our host in East London, although confined to a wheelchair, carries out a vigorous Christian Action ministry of Letters to the Editor, promoting Life Chains, Sanctity Life Sunday and other ACA events and causes. USA Ministry Tours The previous year, 2006, in May, for the first time in many years, I did not undertake a speaking tour of the USA, accepting rather invitations to minister in Switzerland and Nigeria. This last year, for the first time, I was able to travel with my family, ministering in 7 states throughout the USA. Due to the generosity of a number of friends who specifically designated funds to make this possible, I was able to take my wife, Lenora, and children: Andrea, Daniela, Christopher and Calvin, on a trip that took us across the Atlantic and across the continent of America to the Pacific Ocean. This US tour was multi-faceted, with lots of home schooling, extramural education opportunities, visiting monuments, museums and battle sites, as well as meeting family and friends and participating in many services and meetings. Each of our children took part in some Sunday school meetings, and our youngest, Calvin, presented the EE Gospel challenge at numerous church services from Florida to California and at The Summit in Colorado. This ministry trip for the Hammond family to the USA would have not have been possible without Lenora’s parents, Rev. Bill & Harriett Bathman, taking over many of our responsibilities here in Cape Town, including preaching at Livingstone Fellowship, looking after the Hammond home and cat colony, and Gerhard Le Roux taking over my Thursday night Reformation Society meetings. In October I returned to the USA for a packed and productive ministry tour which included speaking at The Horn of Africa Mission Symposium in San Jose and public meetings at three universities in Minnesota. Previously I had been invited to speak at these universities on Sudan, and on Slavery - The Rest of the Story. This time the topic assigned to me was: The Crusades and Jihad. All of the public outreaches at the three universities went well. At two of the venues there was standing room only, and at the University of Mankato there were people sitting on the floor. Many Muslims came to participate in the question and answer session afterwards. These discussion times were lively, often highly emotional, and volatile. After many Muslims had insulted and threatened me, numerous black Christian students from Sudan stood up and defended my presentations with testimonies from Sudan and their personal experience of suffering under Islamic Jihad. At one meeting a young woman from Azerbaijan presented her dynamic testimony. Nara had been raised a Muslim in this 99% Islamic state. She testified how the Lord had saved her and healed her and brought twenty other Muslims to Christ through her testimony in Azerbaijan. She also testified of persecution and being imprisoned and threatened for her faith. The tension in the lecture hall was absolutely electric. When the meeting closed, numerous evangelistic discussions ensued with Christian students, including the Sudanese believers, interacting with Muslim visitors and sharing the Gospel with them passionately. In Indiana I was the key-note speaker at the World Missionary Press anniversary celebration dinner. I challenged the 750 people attending the WMP supper with a 300-picture PowerPoint slide presentation on the impact of Gospel literature and personal evangelism in Angola, Congo, Mozambique, Sudan, Nigeria, Zambia and Zimbabwe. There was tremendous interest in the Frontline literature, book and CD table and display after the meeting, with conversations going on for hours. I was also a guest at the new Creation Museum in Kentucky. I enjoyed a couple of hours with Ken Ham, the Founder of Answers In Genesis, and spent two days exploring, examining and experiencing the Creation Museum. It is absolutely magnificent, one of the very best museums in the world. Bible-based, Christ-centred, God honouring and powerfully effective in inspiring and equipping Christians to give a reasoned, logical defense of the Scriptures in a hostile and secular society. The museum is very well designed to bring the Gospel of Christ to an unsaved enquirer and skeptic. I brought back to South Africa boxes of great Creation Evangelism resource materials from Answers in Genesis. This October ministry trip to the US also included six church services, seven radio and TV interviews, including on The Harvest Show which is broadcast to over 42 million people worldwide, including throughout the Middle East where there is a wide viewership. I conducted 21 other meetings including teaching in Sunday Schools, lecturing at universities, conducting chapel services, missions rallies and a men’s camp. Literature Leadership Training and evangelism involved me in over 450 meetings this year. I also wrote a record number of articles and tracts. Our rizograph has been kept busy printing new tracts and reprinting old titles which are still in demand. The evangelistic tracts, or teaching leaflets, produced this year include: Christ is Risen!Evidences for The Resurrection; Supernatural Power for World Missions; Secrets of Success…and Failure; A Message to Roman Catholics; The Heart of Communism; The Christian Liberation of Women; Reclaiming Surrendered Ground – Freedom in Christ; and Where Will You Spend Eternity? (If you would like copies of these please let us know). Thousands of each of these leaflets, along with tens of thousands of other of our popular titles (including The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived; The Bible and Animals; Halloween and the Bible; Body Piercing – A Return to Paganism; Abortion – The Facts; It’s My Body; Milestones of Life; The Joshua Generation; That’s Entertainment!; The World’s Greatest Revolutionary; and Samson and Delilah) were distributed at traffic lights, in townships, in shopping malls and schools. In 2007 I wrote four editions of Frontline Fellowship News. Titles included: 25 Years on the Frontline; Zimbabwe – A Lesson in How to Destroy Christian Civilization; Congo River Mission; Sudan in the Scriptures; Mobilise Prayer for the Persecuted; Zimbabwe Sells Ivory to China; Missionaries Robbed in Zimbabwe; and Muslim Evangelism in Minnesota. We also produced four editions of the Christian Action Magazine including: Amazing Grace – Wilberforce’s War Against Slavery; Forty Years of Revival at KwaSizabantu; Africa For Christ – Laying Foundations for a New Reformation; and The Crusades vs Jihad. We also sent out 89 E-updates which included Prayer and Praise Updates, Reformation articles such as on George Whitfield and the Great Evangelical Awakening, King Alfred the Great, The Waldensians, Johannes Gutenberg, Girolamo Savonarola, Anne Askew, Albert Durer, William Wilberforce and the Campaign to End Slavery, many news updates on Zimbabwe, prayer items and Upcoming Events, such as The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, insightful articles such as Churchill on Islam, and Chinese Arms in Africa and Tributes to Dr. James Kennedy and Ian Douglas Smith. From the many responses we receive to the E-updates these are generally well received and many are forwarded to entire networks and mailing lists of others. Numerous of them were reprinted or quoted in magazines and newsletters. Others reported back to us how they distributed copies of our E-updates to members of their congregation, or prayer fellowship, or incorporated the material in sermons, Bible studies, and even speeches in Parliament. Joy! Magazine As Contributing Editor to JOY! magazine, I wrote 26 articles for the 8 editions of JOY! in 2007. This included cover articles such as: God, Government and the Ten Commandments; Canned Lion Hunting – A National Disgrace; Scoffers and Mockers; Who Killed Jesus?; Failing to do Good; The Heart of the Gospel; The Christian Liberation of Women; Zimbabwe – How Should the Church Respond?; The Battle for Your Bible; A Tribute to Dr. James Kennedy; Brainwashing in our Universities and How Great is Our God! Joy! – a full colour, 100 hundred page magazine, with an average print run of 30,000 copies each edition, is marketed on shelves throughout the country. Some editions this year have been 128 pages. Aside from contributing some news items, other articles of mine that were printed in JOY! magazine during 2007 included: What Hope For the Future? A film review on Facing the Giants ; John, Jesus’ Trusted Disciple; Praying for the Persecuted Church- You Can Change the World; Bill Bathman: Missionary to the Persecuted; and Come Back! Websites The Frontline Fellowship website was regularly updated, expanded and improved upon throughout the year. Frontline Fellowship maintains 11 websites, including: Frontline.org.za; Christianaction.org.za; ReformationSA.org; Christianlibertybooks.co.za; Globalterrorismanalysis.com; Thebibleandanimals.org.; SAvotersguide.com; Williamcareybi.com; as well as websites for Gospel Defence League, Excellence Christian Academy and World Baptist Evangelistic Association. Love in Action By God’s grace, Frontline Fellowship teams and affiliates have succeeded in smuggling in tons of food, medicines, Boxes With Love and Gospel literature to Zimbabwe. The situation in Zimbabwe is beyond desperate, it is catastrophic. People have been literally starving and dying from lack of medicines and food in this Marxist country. Through evangelists that we support and supply, and through our own teams, we have sought to particularly help the destitute pensioners who are suffering the most. This can only be done at great risk. We need to continue to mobilise prayer and action for Zimbabwe as a matter of great urgency and priority. The Reformation Society During 2007 the Reformation Society has gone through the ten-part How Shall We Then Live? film series by Francis Schaefer; The eight-part Way of the Master Evangelistic Training Programme; the four-part Christian History Overview; and studies and slide presentations on George Whitefield and the Great Evangelical Awakening; Gustavus Adolphus – the Lion From the North; Florence Nightingale – The Lady With the Lamp; Anne Askew – A Daughter of the Reformation; The Waldensians – Firm and Faithful Alpine Fighters for the Faith; Girolamo Savonarola; Johannes Gutenberg – The Inventor of the Printing Press; Albert Durer – Evangelist and Reformer in Art; Adoniram and Anne Judson – America’s First Foreign Missionaries; Livingstone- The Liberator; Understanding Recent History; Women in Islam; Muslim Evangelism; The Reformers and Islam; Andrew Murray and the Revival in South Africa; The Reformation in England; The Heritage of Rhodesia; The Crisis in Zimbabwe; and the eight-part series of Amazing Grace – The History and Theology of Calvinism series. The Thursday evening Reformation Society meetings have also included films from Answers in Genesis, and presentations by various guest speakers. Many of these studies are available on audio CD (with the PowerPoints) and many of the lecture notes and studies are also accessible through the www.ReformationSA.org website. Library Programme Throughout the year, Gill has mailed out hundreds of books for the Library Programmes 1 & 2 (including 141 to participants who are in prison. There has been a steady increase in prison participants). There is a great interest in the Library Programme where pastors, and evangelists, can build up their library by writing in for book donations. Once they have written up a Book Report on the first book, they are then sent a second, and then once that report is received they are sent a third book, and so on. This year 11 participants received certificates for completing the whole reading programme and submitting suitable book reports. Especially high in demand, and now out of print, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam, Biblical Principles for Africa and Discipleship Handbooks are being expanded, updated and reprinted as a matter of priority. William Carey Bible Institute The WCBI resources have been expanded this year with many more books and CDs added. Many hundreds of high-quality books have been donated to Bible college, school and mission libraries in South Africa, Congo, Nigeria and Zambia. Ten students are enrolled in the correspondence programme. The website has also been improved and expanded. Lectures from the Reformation Society and Sermons from Livingstone Fellowship have greatly helped provide WCBI with resources for leadership training throughout Africa. Audio Visual Ministry This year the audio visual ministry has edited and produced a total of 138 new CDs including: 37 Sermons from Livingstone Fellowship, 36 Biblical Worldview Summit lectures, 34 Great Commission Course lectures, 18 Reformation Society lectures, 8 Audio documentaries, 5 Muslim Evangelism Workshop lectures, as well as a GCC MP3 and MEW MP3. There are several hundred other audio files still to be edited and produced in CD and MP3 format. 130 new covers have been designed. 5 Box Sets and 2 MP3s have been produced. 4 audio visual promos have also been designed and printed. A complete Audio Visual Catalogue is now available on the www.christianlibertybooks.co.za website, as well as limited AV lists on the www.ReformationSA.org and www.frontline.org.za websites. Guests Throughout the year we have had the joy of hosting guests from all over the world including John Michael who was a Frontline Fellowship field worker back in the 80’s. He is now fighting in the Iraq War. John Michael gave us a detailed report back, with many slides, on the war against terrorism in Iraq, and the growth of churches and evangelism of soldiers in this Muslim Middle Eastern country. We also hosted and organized a speaking tour for missionary and Biblical Creation scientist Dr Grady McMurty in June. A missionary from the Balkans gave a report back in December. As always it was a joy to have Phillip Stott as our Creation Science lecturer at the Biblical Worldview Summit in Franschhoek. Many participants specified his Creation Science presentations as a highlight of the BWS. We also had the privilege of hosting Dr. Vincent Price, of Northern Ireland, from the European Christian Mission. During our midweek Devotions, he gave a most enlightening report on the progress of the Gospel in Eastern Europe, and the desperate need for missions to Western Europe. It was also a tremendous joy to welcome our long-time friends, John and Tanya Boyd, and their three children, to Livingstone House. John Boyd has served as pilot of Missionary Aviation Fellowship serving in the Congo, Haiti and Lesotho. He has now been appointed the President of Missionary Aviation Fellowship International. His inspiring accounts of the Lord’s protection in the often difficult and dangerous work of being jungle pilots was enthralling. In Memory This year we lost two great mentors with the passing into Glory of Dr. James Kennedy and the previous Prime Minister of Rhodesia Ian Douglas Smith. Dr James Kennedy was a member of Frontline Fellowship’s Advisory Board, and an enthusiastic supporter of this mission. Ian Douglas Smith had shown interest in Frontline Fellowship for the last 20 years, since he first summoned me to brief him on our work in Mozambique. My saddest duty of this year was to conduct the Memorial Service for my eldest sister Kathleen Kirsch. My father-in-law, Rev. Bill Bathman travelled up to Zambia to take my services and seminars there to enable me to concentrate on my family in the Transvaal. You can view the tributes to Kath, to Dr. James Kennedy, and to Ian Smith on our Memorial Page on the www.frontline.org.za website. Congo Both Johan and Charl made separate mission trips to the Congo, Johan to Kinshasa and Kisangani, Charl to Lubumbashi. Charl’s ministry in Katanga Province included, praying for the sick, Gospel tract distribution, preaching, teaching, leadership training, training business people how to reach others with the Gospel in the business arena, a radio and TV interview, and equipping pastors with bicycles. Charl also continued to distribute French copies of Biblical Principles for Africa. These are almost all out of stock, and needing to be reprinted again soon. Johan spent three and a half months in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. His research and ministry took him along the massive Congo River (which inspired the original Heart of Darkness novel.) Johan is preparing to return to the Congo and establish a mission riverboat ministry to the isolated and remote villages and homesteads along the banks of the Congo and its tributaries. Zimbabwe and Zambia Timothy reported travelling over 32,000 kilometres by road across 8 countries. He distributed over 350 Bibles, 74,000 Gospel booklets, bulk quantities of stationery and school supplies, large quantities of CDs, DVDs and Frontline publications and over 1,000 Christian books. He also distributed 17 bicycles and 2 computers in Zambia and delivered over 120 Boxes With Love in Zimbabwe. Timothy conducted 109 meetings, including celebrating Excellence Christian Academy’s 10 th anniversary in Kabwe, ministering with the chaplains, and conducting Evangelism Training seminars in Zambia. Livingstone Fellowship Assisted by my father-in-law, the Chairman of the Board of Frontline Fellowship, Rev. Bill Bathman, we continued to develop our Church Planting project. Livingstone Fellowship has grown this past year with our first baptism service, and with our first baby born into the fellowship, and another on the way. We’ve had numerous visitors throughout the year, outreaches in shopping centres, and door-to-door, and this year we began celebrating the Lord’s Supper on the last Sunday of every month. Livingstone Fellowship is rooted in the Historic Creeds and Confessions of the Church, inspired by the great Reformation doctrines, committed to fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ and dedicated to applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. Livingstone Fellowship takes the Lord’s Day seriously, gives central focus to the reading and expounding of God’s Word, is missionary-minded and evangelistic, sings the great Hymns of the Faith, prays for the persecuted church and encourages every member to be practically involved in The World War of Worldviews, confronting sin and satan, working to transform our communities for Christ. 8 members of Livingstone Fellowship are missionaries, or involved in fulltime Christian service, and 4 of our families are involved in home schooling. This year we began a separate Sunday School which meets an hour before the Service. Audio sermons from Livingstone Fellowship are being used by WCBI for training pastors, chaplains and evangelists throughout Africa. Writing Projects Lenora and I have almost finished the Reforming Our Families book. This will go to the printers soon. Along with Brian Abshire I have been working on War Against God. I’ve also been working on a completely new revision and update of our bestselling: Faith Under Fire in Sudan book. This will be entitled Faith Through the Fire in Sudan as it has so much new material since that 1998 edition. Some progress has been made on my long-term writing project: A Christian History of Africa and Frontline. Our much in demand, and out of print, Discipleship Handbook, Biblical Principles for Africa and Slavery, Terrorism and Islam books have had to be completely revised, updated and expanded. They will be ready for printing soon in this New Year. So too will the Afrikaans translation: Bybelse Beginsels Vir Suider Africa. Thank You Thank you so very much for your prayers, encouragement and for your support. We have so much to praise the Lord for, how He has provided for our every need, protected us against all danger, and blessed and multiplied our humble, inadequate efforts for the extension of His Kingdom, for the strengthening of His people, and for the glory of His Name. By God’s grace, we must trust Him for an even more productive and effective year of ministry in 2008. Our Vision Frontline Fellowship exists to glorify God by working for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We seek to assist suffering Christians, speak up for the persecuted, expose the persecutors, concentrate on neglected areas, evangelise in restricted access areas, working for Reformation and praying for Revival throughout Africa. It is our fervent prayer and earnest hope that we may see a Biblical Reformation and Spiritual Revival transform Africa. The Great Commission is our supreme ambition. We pray and work to see lives changed, families strengthened, churches revived and communities transformed. We pray and work for a time when babies will be protected from the violence of abortion, when women will not be exploited by the industry of pornography, where people can walk the streets in safety, and without fear of rape and violence, where criminals live in fear of the police and of armed and vigilant citizens, where corruption has been eradicated, where God’s Name is not blasphemed on national television and in cinemas, where children are not indoctrinated in homosexual perversions and the practices of fornication in both high school and primary school, where Marxist mass murderers and Muslim dictators are no longer able to persecute our brothers and sisters in Christ, and where the deceptions of Atheism, Evolutionism, Secular Humanism and Islam are exposed and thwarted. We work and pray for a continent where God’s Name is honoured and God’s Law obeyed. In these difficult and dangerous days we pray that the Lord God may enable us to be faithful to His Word and effective in His service. May we be brave and bold for God. Yours for the complete and utter destruction of communism, Islam and Humanism, and for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Dr Peter Hammond Director
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December 2024