Briefings From the Battlefronts By God’s grace Frontline Missionaries have safely returned from the Congo, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Intercessors and supporters in Cape Town will have a unique opportunity to receive firsthand eyewitness testimonies from some of the battlefronts of the World War of Worldviews raging in Central Africa. This Thursday evening, 7:30 pm 17 April, a Frontline Fellowship Missions Rally will be held in the Pinelands Town Hall in Cape Town. Bringing the Light of the Gospel Into the Heart of Darkness
Johan who has just returned from a month in the Congo will report back on the challenges and developments of the Congo River Mission. Collen will report back on the tumultuous elections in Zimbabwe and the effective military coup which is keeping the legitimately elected MDC government from power, and seeking to prop up the disgraced dictatorship of Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF. Reformation for Africa Peter, John and Calvin will report back on their mission to Zambia and lay out a practical strategy for rebuilding Africa on Biblical foundations. Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us that we ought always to pray and not give up. Even an unjust judge will be compelled to do what is right in response to persistent prayer and pressure (Luke 18:1-7). A Time for Action We need to urgently mobilise Christians worldwide to prayer and action in support of our long-suffering brethren in Zimbabwe. It is imperative that Christians worldwide unite in prayer and action to ensure that the people of Zimbabwe are freed from the oppressive tyranny of the Marxist Mugabe and his ZANU-PF thugs. Freedom for Zimbabwe We need to pray and act now to ensure that Zimbabweans attain the freedom that they have been praying and working for for so many years, and we need to be prepared to support them in rebuilding their country on Biblical principles. Of the highest priority will be laying Biblical foundations for the new nation. Mugabe’s Marxist regime has destroyed the Rule of Law and devastated the economy. Of high priority for the new government of Zimbabwe will be to restore respect for life and property and for the Rule of Law. Hope for Africa Mission teams of Frontline Fellowship are now preparing for conducting Biblical Worldview Seminars, God and Government Seminars, Reformation and Revival Seminars in order to assist Zimbabweans in the reconstruction of their country. By God’s grace, we have reprinted 10,000 copies of the new Biblical Principles for Africa book in preparation for this Leadership Training in Africa. Do You Want to Help Rebuild Zimbabwe? If you want to be part of this nation transforming team, apply now for the next Great Commission Course starting in Cape Town 27 June. A Turning Point in History We are facing a critical turning point in history, similar to that of Eastern Europe in 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down and communist dictator Ceaucescu was shot by his own army on Christmas Day. At that time my wife, Lenora and I, and her parents, were able to travel into Romania and assist in Leadership Training in the newly liberated country. From Communism to Christianity Similarly, in 1991, when Kaunda Socialist UNIP regime was swept from power in Zambia, the new MMD administration declared it’s commitment to establish Zambia as a Christian nation. Frontline Fellowship has had the privilege of going into Zambia regularly since then, conducting many Biblical Worldview Seminars for teachers, chaplains, pastors, evangelists and government officials. Mission Rally 17 April Please pray for this Reformation for Africa rally in Cape Town on Thursday 17 April. Reforming Our Families on Radio 15 April If you are in the Cape Town area you may want to tune in to our Salt & Light radio programme on Radio Tygerberg 104fm 9pm on Tuesday 15 April. Lenora and I will be discussing our new book: Reforming the Family with Africa Christian Action’s Director Charl van Wyk. The family really is the basic building block of society. The battle for the family is in the very frontline of the World War of World Views. Tygervalley Expo 18-19 April Please also pray for our Christian Liberty Books display and table at the Christian Life Expo in Tygervalley this Friday and Saturday (18-19 April) in Cape Town. The organizers estimate that 300,000 people will visit the Expo during the weekend. Please pray for our mission workers as we interact with mostly secular people in a shopping centre environment. This will be a tremendous opportunity for personal and literature evangelism. Eastern Cape Ministry Please also pray for the mission and ministry teams that will be sent out next week, including Rev. Bill and Harriett Bathman for school ministry to the Eastern Cape. Taryn and I will be joining them to conduct a Biblical Worldview Seminar in East London (24-25 April). We will also be conducting a Reformation and Revival Seminar in Queenstown (26 April). Other teams will be sent out even further afield. National Initiative for Reformation in South Africa Before joining the team in the Eastern Cape I’ve been invited to the National Initiative for Reformation in South Africa in Boksburg (22-23 April). New Book on Slavery We will also appreciate your prayers for our new book project: a completely revised and much expanded edition of Slavery, Terrorism and Islam – The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat. This book was first published in 2005 and was quickly sold out. It earned me a death threat Fatwa from some Islamic radicals. (The demand for the Slavery, Terrorism and Islam book has been so intense that has even been advertising secondhand copies of STI for $92 plus postage!) Now, with numerous other chapters added, and many more pictures, this much improved and expanded handbook for understanding Islam and manual for evangelising Muslims will soon be available again. Thank You We are very grateful for all of your prayers, encouragement and support. May the Lord continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfillment of The Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P O Box 74 Newlands, 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: (021) 689-4480 Fax: (021) 685-5884 [email protected]
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