Participants From Africa, Europe and the USA By God’s grace, our Reclaiming Africa for Christ Biblical Worldview Summit at Mizpah was a tremendous week of blessing and challenge. Over 80 participants registered from afar afield as Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, from all over South Africa, and from France and the USA. Speakers for Africa The BWS included 18 speakers, including veteran missionary, Rev. Bill Bathman, Mrs Dorothea Scarborough of the Gospel Defence League, Gerhard Le Roux and George Oesche of KwaSizabantu Mission, Jerusha Olsen of True Love Waits, Creation Scientist Philip Stott, John Leach of Waymakers, American Chalk Talk Evangelist Paul Young, Zimbabwe Human Rights Activist Collen Makumbirofa of the Foundation of Reason and Justice, ACDP Member of Parliament Cheryllyn Dudley, Music and Art critic Carl Fourie, the Co-ordinator of Africa Christian Action, Taryn Hodgson, the Director of Africa Christian Action, Charl van Wyk, the Director of the Christian Action Network, Dr. Peter Hammond, and his wife, Lenora Hammond. Ministering to Body, Mind and Spirit
The dynamic programme included numerous discussion groups, Bible Drill, inspiring lectures and PowerPoint presentations, Worship services, sports, hikes, Science and Scripture Workshops, an Evangelism Workshop, a Christian Action Workshop, films, a Bible exam and outreaches into the local town and townships of Grabouw. By God’s grace, several participants had the joy of leading people to Christ in prayer on the streets of Grabouw. Stretching Minds and Muscles Every morning, except Sunday, began with vigorous P.T., with the men and women training separately. Many took part in the kloofing mountain hike, others in soccer and volleyball. Afternoon day trips were made to Monkey Town, Eagle Encounter and the Cheetah Outreach. The BWS also included a parallel children’s programme led by the dynamic Lizelle van Amstel. As part of her Full Armour of God teaching, the children also had instruction in archery and target shooting with air rifles, carefully monitored by Peter and John. Life Changing Lectures Some of the presentations at the BWS included: God’s Law vs Paganism; Science and Scripture; The Battle for the Mind in the News Media; Reviving Our Churches; Noah’s Flood; Evangelism and Apologetics; Foundations for Freedom; Home Schooling; Servanthood; Liberation Theology and the Ecumenical Movement; The Crusades vs Jihad; The Greatest Book in the World; The Zimbabwe Crisis; Humanism is Self-Destructive; How to Ruin Your Life; Biblical Holiness; and Reclaiming Young People for Christ. All of these lectures were recorded and will be available on audio CD, or in MP3 format. The BWS Textbooks are also available: The Battle for Truth, Biblical Principles for Africa, Reforming Our Families, The Power of Prayer Handbook and Biblical Worldview Manual. Enthusiastic Responses Some of the written responses which we received from the participants of the BWS included: “The Personal Holiness and Relationship With God lectures at the beginning and at the end of the Summit were absolutely essential for me”; “I am more encouraged to live a pure life for God and to share my faith with others. I leave astounded at God’s faithfulness”; “Excellent teaching and focus”; “Excellent! Brilliantly put together, well organised”; “Well organised, informative, stimulating and challenging”; “Well prepared presentations”; “My eyes have been opened”; “I have been completely transformed in my Worldview”; “By God’s grace this is exactly where I needed to be – now!”; “It has been great, beyond what I expected…it is the best thing that has happened in my entire life”; “A mind-altering experience!” The Mizpah Declaration Delegates of the Biblical Worldview Summit signed the Coalition on Revival 42 Essentials of the Christian Worldview document. This has been adopted as the Mizpah Declaration and is being distributed widely. It can also be viewed on the website. BWS Speakers Ambushed During the BWS, the Director of Africa Christian Action, Charl van Wyk, and our Creation Science lecturer Philip Stott, were held up in an attempted hijacking while en-route to record a radio programme. While two thugs pointed their automatic pistols at Uncle Philip, threatening and man-handling him, Charl drew his pistol and opened fire – sending the assailants scurrying for cover. Charl then came under fire from a third assailant who was concealed by the side of the road. By God’s grace, our speakers and vehicle escaped the attempted hijacked, unharmed. We praise the Lord for His protection. Protest Outside Abortuary The day after the BWS, Taryn led a prayer vigil, literature outreach and placard demonstration outside the Marie Stopes abortuary in Bree Street, Cape Town. By God’s grace numerous evangelistic discussions ensued and we were able to lead someone to the Lord on the street. “Oh give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His Name; make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing Psalms to Him; talk of all His wondrous works!…Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.” 1 Chronicles 16: 8, 9, 24 If you don’t want to be conformed to this world, but want to change your world for Christ, obtain the BWS books and CDs that provided a great survival course for the Christian mind and soul, and effective resources for Apologetics and Evangelism. Biblical Principles for Africa Understanding the Times The Battle For Truth The Culture Wise Family The Power of Prayer Handbook The Biblical Worldview Manual Biblical Worldview Summit audio CDs or MP3s Mind Siege Available from Christian Liberty Books: 021 - 6897478, [email protected], Africa Christian Action P.O. Box 23632 Claremont, 7735 Cape Town Tel: (021) 689-4481 E-mail: [email protected] Website:
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December 2024