International Summit By God’s grace our Biblical Worldview Summit was greatly blessed. Participants came from as far afield as Uganda, Namibia, Zimbabwe, United States of America and from all over South Africa. The venue was beautifully situated on the slopes of a mountain overlooking the ocean. A Close up View of Wildlife Our participants got a close up look at nature, as, within minutes of arriving, a large baboon came charging into the dining area, went straight to the fridge, opened it and pulled out a jug of milk which he proceeded to drink. He then went and helped himself to the sugar bowl on the coffee table! On a number of other occasions the baboon came back to help himself to people’s lunch. Nobody was hurt, but it did create quite a lot of excitement every time Jimmy came to visit! Far more delightful were the penguins and bontebok , which some of our participants saw. Twenty Years of Worldview Training
This year Frontline Fellowship celebrates 20 years of conducting Biblical Worldview Seminars in Africa. The BWS teaches and equips Christians to critically analyse competing ideas and to stand firm in the Faith. The Summit trains participants to know what they believe, why they believe it, how to defend it in argument, and most importantly how to win friends, neighbours , fellow students and co-workers to Christ. Leadership Training for Spirit, Mind and Body The programme included a wide range of lectures and activities including Bible Drill, Just a Minute debating skills games, adventure activities, team building exercises, Public Speaking and Debating Workshops, self-defence classes, archery and air rifle training, discussion groups, P.T. every morning (except Sundays), problem solving skills, survival skills, and outreaches in local communities. This included door-to-door evangelism, mass literature distribution, one-on-one personal evangelism, spiritual surveys and assisting chalk talk Evangelist Paul Young, in open air evangelism in nearby Fishhoek . Teams also conducted outreaches in Simonstown , Red Hill and Masiphumelele . Enthusiastic Participants Participants of the BWS wrote: “Very well organised with excellent, thought provoking lectures and fun activities”; “A very thorough presentation of practical issues that Christians must confront and deal with”; “An active, interactive total immersion into the importance of the need for missions”; “Highly challenging and highly informative”; “Packed, time well filled, challenging and intriguing lectures”; “My faith has grown, my outlook has changed, my attitude has changed and my goals have changed”; “I have learnt an amazing amount from every lecture and made great friendships”; “Excellent!! Very intense, fun and uplifting.” Life Changing Lectures The Director of Frontline Fellowship, Dr. Peter Hammond, presented lectures on: Worldviews of Destruction; The Battle for the Mind; Revolution!; Marvels of God’s Creation; Discerning Between True and False Guidance; How Can a Loving God Condemn Anyone to Hell?; The Greatest Killer; How Can You Know That God Exists?; The Eschatology of Victory; Poverty – The Causes and Cure; Revival!; Hollywood, Humanism and History; The Law of God in Evangelism; You Can Change Your World and the Sunday sermon, Whatever Happened to Sin? Dynamic Guest Speakers Jackie Georgiou of JOY! Magazine presented Media and the Christian. Dr. Angela Stott gave five lectures on Origins, using her workbook on How Turtle Got His Shell, to involve everyone in fascinating discussions and energetic debates. Frontline Field Director, John Leach, dealt with Discipleship, What Does it Mean to be a Christian, as well as Biblical Masculinity. George Oesch of KwaSizabantu Mission dealt with Holiness and Restitution. Gerhard Le Roux from Christians For Truth dealt with Idols for Destruction. Joshua Leach presented The Message in the Music. Christian Action Co -ordinator , Taryn Hodgson presented the Christian Action Workshop. Frontline Missionary, Mike Watson dealt with Victory in Christ. Evangelist Paul Young presented an Evangelism Workshop and everyone participated in the Variety Concert. (All of these lectures are available on Audio CD and MP3). Eye-Opening Films Evening programmes were concluded with excellent films including: The Big Question; The Ultimate Gift; Return of the Daughters; What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?; Pop Culture and Paganism; Hells Best Kept Secret and Not Without My Daughter. Commitments Despite some cold weather and occasional rain, the fellowship was warm and it was clear that the participants greatly enjoyed the whole experience. From the Response Forms: 16 fully surrendered to the Lordship of Christ; 26 committed themselves to studying the Word of God more regularly; 23 to spending more time in prayer for our country; 20 to reading more good Christian books; and 14 to discipling at least one person per year. 12 committed themselves to starting a Transformation Team or Reformation Society in their school, college or community. Mountain Climbing As participants of the Biblical Worldview Summit headed back for their homes, those who were part of the Great Commission Course moved into the second phase of the three-week Great Commission Course with a mountain climb up Lion’s Head. Most of this was undertaken at night. Great Commission Course The next day the GCC participants were conducting a Prayer Vigil, placard protest and side walk counselling outreach outside the Marie Stopes Abortuary in Cape Town. Numerous “customers” were urged to choose life and several evangelistic discussions ensued. Taryn was able to pray with one person on the street. Several interactions with security personnel and the bio-hazard waste disposal truck driver that came to remove aborted babies in red bags. This was followed up by outreaches in an overwhelmingly Muslim area. On Sundays GCC participants were ministering in different churches on the Cape Flats. Along with missions’ lectures, each day participants were involved in outreaches, including at railway stations, at traffic lights, in shopping malls and in a local prison. Each of the GCC participants also took part in night hikes, night time street outreaches and ministry on a Christian Community radio station. Please pray for those reached during the daily outreaches during the Great Commission Course. (The Lectures, Manuals and textbooks of the BWS and GCC are available from Christian Liberty Books, Tel: 021-689-7478, [email protected]) Celebrating South Sudan’s Independence Among the many highlights of the Great Commission Course was the celebration of South Sudan’s successful struggle for secession. On Saturday, 9 July, Sudanese Christians in Cape Town joined us for a special supper and evening meeting to praise God for this wonderful victory and monumental Answer to Prayer. Mission Outreaches Please pray for our mission teams in the field. Immediately after the Great Commission Course, two mission vehicles were loaded up and sent out for outreaches across the border. Thank you for your prayers and partnership. Frontline Fellowship Frontline Fellowship PO Box 74 Newlands, 7725, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 E-mail: [email protected]
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December 2024