![]() Reclaiming the Nations for Christ 27 th August to 29 th August 2010 KwaSizabantu Mission, Pelindaba HOW DID YOU COME TO HEAR OF THE BWS? Church: 41 Family 7 Friends 7 Internet 6 Mission 4 Radio 1 WHY DID YOU COME TO THE BWS? “To gain a greater understanding”; “To learn more about our God”; “The Great Commission”; “To learn more”; “To be empowered by Him”; “For the teaching and fellowship”; “For fellowship with other Christians”; “To be better equipped at campus”; “Obtain better focus”; “Needed a refresher course”; “To learn more about a Biblical Worldview”; “To learn more about Christian History”; “To get more knowledge”; “I want to grow spiritually”; “To learn more about Biblical truths”; “To be informed”; “To learn more and be equipped and to rest”; To discuss contemporary subjects and related issues”; “To learn how to live Biblically”; “To get tools and ammunition to fight”; “To learn and be inspired”. WERE YOUR EXPECTATIONS MET?
The majority answered “YES”. Other comments included: “Oh yes and more”; “Absolutely”; “More than met”; “Yes I have enlarged my thinking”; “Yes thanks!”; “Very much so”. WHAT HAVE BEEN YOUR IMPRESSIONS OF THE BWS? “A vast amount of useful information is available on the topics discussed”; “Good, a Godly Blessing to me”; “Very necessary for the drying and dying church today”; “I have so much more to learn”; “Very interesting and informative”; “Positive”; “A revitalizing, inspiring and teaching experience”; “Informative with regards of unknown history. Leant more things about my heritage”; “It was very well organised, I would like to attend again”; “Good”; “Very good way to evangelise people from all walks of life and to defend one’s faith”; “Informative, a challenge to be well informed messengers to society”; “Presented very clearly and builds assurance”; “Well organised, very inspiring and informative, very relevant topics”; “Would like more teaching”; “The sessions were very informative and were full of Scriptures that will help me better understand and defend my worldview”; “Passionate but humble!”; “The Lord’s Name honoured”; “I enjoyed every session”; “Challenging and informative”; “Have learnt a lot, the pics were relevant and interesting”; “Well prepared”; “To the point”; “It was extraordinary”; “Large amount of knowledge that I didn’t know”; “It was wonderful to be able to get books and CDs to take home. Wonderful food and accommodation, thank you”. IN WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU BENEFITTED FROM THE BWS? “Information useful in discussions with others”; “Learned more – Blessed out of my socks”; “Inspiration! Motivation! Revitilation! Education! All this is needed for people who love God and want to work for Him”; “Desire has been stirred more for missions”; “Better understanding and interest in Christian pioneers in SA and eager to learn more”; “Learned a lot about history”; “Last year I was saved here, convicted of the truth. This year my decision has been re-affirmed and I feel refreshed”; “I have learnt more about discernment”; “Appreciated the history of missionaries”; “Encouraged”; “Gained better understanding on some Biblical issues”; “Better equipped to defend my faith”; “It was a blessing to attend as a family and receive so much information and motivation, above all to go and do something of worth”; “It allowed me to see where I had compromised especially popular misconceptions of history”; “The Bible study is a must!”; “Hearing wise and mature Christians talk about the issues and history of South Africa”; “Learned more about the Christian perspective regarding SA History”; “It was insightful and helpful to listen to Dr. Hammond who has so much experience in the areas he gave lectures on”; “A brilliant history of the church of our forefathers. Put many things into perspective for me”; “It has motivated me into becoming an instrument in His hands”; “Revising the EEIII evangelising course. Thank you for adding commitment which was absent years ago when I was introduced to it”; “I have had my thinking changed and found my faith challenged”; “Developed deeper understanding on various topics”; “Improved my knowledge on Christian history and motivated me to get involved in Evangelism”; “Broadened my information, overcoming objections”; “To read and understand the Bible more”; “Knowledge with a punch!”; “Discernment, wariness and readiness was awakened”; “Given me more tools to use”; “Fuller knowledge of Christian life styles and tools to fight the good fight”; “To get the real, full facts of different subjects that Christians are challenged with regularly”. WHICH WERE THE MOST USEFUL/HELPFUL LECTURES/PRESENTATIONS TO YOU? Andrew Murray & 1860 Revival: 25 The Crusades vs Jihad 20 Discerning Between True & False Guidance 11 God & Government 7 WHICH WERE THE MOST USEFUL/HELFUL FILMS/WORKSHOPS TO YOU? The Final Frontier 13 ACA Workshop 10 Evangelism Workshop 7 What if Jesus Had Never Been Born? 6 WERE THERE ANY PRESENTATIONS, FILMS OR WORKSHOPS WHICH YOU THINK WE SHOULD NOT SCHEDLUE FOR FUTURE SEMINARS? Of the few who answered this question the answer was “NO”. HOW CAN WE IMPROVE OUR PROGRAMMES OR PRESENTATIONS? “Add one or two more days”; “Keep it like it is”; “Too much info, too little time”; “Focus on the Media Deception”; “It’s fine”; “Allow people to say what the expectations are before and after what they have achieved”; “Present attendees with written Manual of conference material. Short break between sessions, move speakers to front for those hard of hearing”; “More about our present position in SA”; “More on how to reach Moslems, etc”; “Would like more teaching on Islam and communism and their influence in Africa”; “More participation”; “Break up into discussion groups”; “It was perfect”; “Shorter presentations”; “Good to get children involved in meetings”; “More physical practice like the physical demonstration on how to share the Gospel”; WHAT WERE THE HIGHLIGHTS (BEST ASPECTS) OF THE BWS FOR YOU? “Info on the Crusades”; “All were highlights to me”; “Action Groups presentation”; “Realising the need and how it is not too difficult to get involved”; “Wide range of topics”; “Fellowship and presence of God”; “The history of Andrew Murray”; “1860 Revival presentation”; “The movie Final Frontier”; “Everything”; “Question and Answer time”; “How Christianity Changed the World”; “The Lectures”; “Powerpoint presentations”; “All were interesting”; “I enjoyed the whole BWS”; “Media presentation excellent”; “Lecture on Reformation”; “Movies, PT and Bible Drill”; “Revival in History”; “Summarised information”; “Muslims and Jihad”; “To learn how Guilt Manipulation works and how I can defend myself against it. It is a great weapon against Christians and brings much strife”; WHAT ACTION WOULD YOU RECOMMEND TO RECLAIM AFRICA FOR CHRIST? “Pray for Christians to burn for Christ”; “Pray, pray, pray”, “Focus on the character of God”; “First get our own life and relationship in order with Jesus then speak up”; “To become actively involved in the politics of the country”; “Not to compromise with the world”; “Organise and get involved in outreaches”; “Prayer and practical involvement”; “Prayer and testimony”; “Every church member should turn from nominal Christianity and become born again and disciple”; “Evangelism and literature distribution”; “Prayer, action groups and informative literature distribution”; “Evangelism”; “Pray regularly for revival”; “Preach seriously on sin and repentance”; “Teaching on what one can do to become a missionary”; “Action in terms of obeying all that Christ teaches – do what He says”; “Actions put to Word”. HAS THIS COURSE LED YOU TO MAKE ANY COMMITMENTS OR DECISIONS? Study the Word of God more regularly 26 Pray more for our country 25 Read more good Christian literature 20 Disciple at least one person per year 18 Fully surrender to the Lordship of Christ 16 Offer your time to a Christian Action Group 15 Financially support a ministry involved in working for Reformation 11 Help distribute CA literature and recruit subscribers 11 Join and get involved in a local church 10 Commit yourself to joining the Reformation Society 10 Start a Transformation Team in your school, college or community 9 OTHER DECISIONS “Do more mission work than just locally. May God show us as a family, where and when!”; “Would like to get involved in missions”; “Seek His will in little things – know His will in all things!”; “To witness more effectively, to continue praying for the lost and for those who preach to them”; “Watch more Christian DVD’s and possibly distribute some of them in the future”; “To re-commit to what I am already involved in for the furtherance of God’s work”; “To be hands on in church matters”; “Confirmed re going to Turkey long term”; “Distribution of literature, recruitment subject to God’s guidance”; “There’s much to do and not many workers – I need to go deeper”.
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December 2024