![]() Despite Lockdown restrictions, our Mission has continued to be productive and innovative in making the most of difficult circumstances, to seek first God’s Kingdom, making disciples and teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded. Back to the Bible Biblical Interpretation Course Hunter is hosting a series of Biblical Interpretation Workshops at our Mission House with a dedicated group of pastors, teachers and Evangelists, who are completing homework assignments and being equipped with basic tools for rightly interpreting the Scriptures, understanding the historical back ground, the importance of context and how to compile exegetical sermons. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the Word of Truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 Sudan for Christ In the last month we have published articles on Floods in Sudan; Promising Prospects for Peace in Sudan and Priority Projects for Prayer and Action. Large quantities of Bibles, Study Bibles and Christian textbooks have been prepositioned for our next mission into Sudan. Dramatic developments have been taking place with the transitional government abolishing the Sharia laws against apostacy and blasphemy, which have often been used to persecute Christians. There are promising developments towards religious freedom in Sudan! It remains to be seen how consistently this will be applied, but there is widespread hope and excitement that the culminative prayers of many Christians over decades are being answered at this time. “…Cush will submit herself to God.” Psalm 68:31 Frontline News The latest Frontline News is available online. It includes over 50 pictures, including a photo collage of Literature4Africa’s dynamic and far-reaching ministry. Articles include: Resistance to Revolution; Sudan’s Former Dictator Omar Al Bashir on Trial; Stalwart Sudanese Servant of the Saviour; How to Respond to Marxist Bullying Tactics; 40 Years Ago - The Grahamstown Evangelistic Mission and Resources to Resist Revolution. Several of these articles can also be viewed as PowerPoints and videos, or listened to on our Sermon Audio page. You will find these links on www.FrontlineMissionSA.org. German Translation of Missions to the Nuba Mountains of Sudan Film Now Available By God’s grace and through the translation work of my sister-in-law, Deborah, in Salzburg, Austria, the narration of my wife, Lenora and editing of my son, Christopher, the German translation of our Missions to the Nuba Mountains of Sudan film is now available online. You can view the French translation, here. Please pray for upcoming missions and projects in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan. “From beyond the rivers of Cush my worshipers, My scattered people, will bring Me offerings.” Zephaniah 3:10 International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted For 30 years, Frontline Fellowship has been working, along with other missions to the persecuted worldwide, to promote IDOP. This is the largest prayer movement for the persecuted focused on mobilising congregations to observe a day of prayer for the Persecuted, on the second Sunday in November each year. Frontline Fellowship runs the IDOP-Africa website and we invite you to join Christians throughout the world in praying with and for, the persecuted on Sunday, 8 November. www.idop-africa.org provides you with news, articles, resources, PowerPoints, links, videos and contacts, to enable you to mobilise your friends, family, co-workers, congregations and communities to prayer and action, on behalf of those who are persecuted for the Faith. Over 400 million Christians live in the 67 countries of the world which severely restrict, or persecute, believers. "Remember the prisoners as if chained with them - those who are mistreated - since you yourselves are in the body also." Hebrews 13:3 ![]() The Battle Over History There has been a spate of attacks on historic monuments. On Heritage Day, in South Africa, 24 September, the ANC president, Ramaphosa, announced his intention to campaign to change the names of streets and cities in South Africa and to remove all monuments from the “colonial” era. As Karl Marx declared: "The first battlefield is the rewriting of history." The French Revolution of 1789 showed the way and the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 took this battle over history to destructive new levels. As Karl Marx declared: “New gods need to be installed!” George Orwell summarised this well as he warned in his prophetic 1984 novel: “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered… history has stopped. Nothing exists, except the endless present, in which the party is always right.” You can listen to our From the Frontline radio podcast on this subject, Why Communists Strive to Rename Cities and Streets. ![]() Monuments Under Attack The Frankfurt School of cultural Marxism declared their intention to break every tie of blood, soil, nation, race, religion and allegiance, through the Gramsci Strategy, the termite strategy, of eroding the heart and soul of Christian civilisation in preparation for Marxist Revolution. This is plainly what is behind the Cancel Culture targeting of historic monuments. Listen to War on History – Monuments Under Attack. ![]() The Battle Over Rhodes Memorial When vandals decapitated the bust of Cecil John Rhodes at Rhodes Memorial in Cape Town, I took it as an opportunity to expose the Marxist agenda and teach on The Importance of Monuments, the legacy of Cecil John Rhodes and how much he had benefited the people of Cape Town with his far-sighted gifts of Newlands Forest, Kirstenbosch Gardens, the University of Cape Town and the Groote Schuur Estate. Through letters to the Editor, on radio programmes, at public meetings and on social media, the battle raged and I was able to reach far more people by spring-boarding off this outrageous act of vandalism than one could possibly reach through normal means. ![]() Friends of Rhodes Memorial When a friend found the head of Cecil John Rhodes concealed in the bushes on the slopes of Devils Peak, we formed the Friends of Rhodes Memorial (FORM) and began negotiations with the South African National Parks (SANP) to, at our own expense, restore the monument. When we met with intransigence by a political appointee, we launched Friends of Rhodes Memorial Website and Facebook page and a Petition. ![]() Prayer, Pressure and Persistence Pressure built and the head was returned to FORM. We received authorisation from SANP to, at our own expense, restore the monument. Reportedly, an official expressed his doubt that we would be able to do so. Within the week, just in time for Heritage Day, the monument was completely restored and a team of volunteers arrived to give a spring clean to this popular tourist attraction and imposing monument with its eight imperial lions and the powerful energy horse monument. We sang the Hymn: He Who would Valiant Be and prayed. We also engaged in open-air preaching to visitors to the monument. ![]() Restoring Rondebosch Fountain Also, just in time for Heritage Day, the historic Rondebosch Fountain was, at last, restored to the community. This ornamental Victorian Rondebosch Fountain/Horse and Dog Watering Trough was donated to the community by surveyor and railway pioneer, George Pigot-Moodie, on 25 September 1891. Made of cast iron and consisting of a large circular drinking trough supported on horses’ legs, with the central post topped with a hexagonal lantern. Four decorated brackets suspended metal cups on chains for people to drink from the spouting water, while horses drank from the trough and dogs from smaller basins at ground level. The original fountain lamppost was South Africa’s first electric street light and was first turned on 25 April 1892. Initially it was powered by George Pigot-Moodie’s private Power plant, until a municipal Power plant on the Liesbeck River was completed. The Rondebosch Fountain was badly damaged by a drunken driver in 2015. For 4 years the City Council failed to repair, or restore, the fountain. So, now it has been restored by private initiative and enterprise. Residents were excited to see this iconic landmark back to its former state. The fountain has great historic value and is cherished by all Rondebosch residents. Frontline Mission workers used the occasion as an opportunity for evangelism amongst those who came to see the iconic fountain restored. ![]() Capexit Conference Support for secession for a free and independent Cape of Good Hope has been growing steadily. On 19th and 20th September, I was invited to speak at the Capexit event at a hotel in Cape Town. You can view videos of my presentations: Successful Secessions – Capexit Conference and Be Strong and of Good Courage, the Sunday morning worship message. These can also be viewed as PowerPoints on SlideShare, or as audios on our Sermon Audio page. The Cape Independence Handbook is freely available online, click here. ![]() Adopt a Tree My family had the joy of being part of the Elsiesriverkraal Adopt a Tree project. Over 40 trees were planted in this latest community initiative. It was all very well organised and again demonstrated how community initiative and good neighbourliness can fill the gap when municipalities and governments fail to do what they are raising rates and taxes for. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. It is better to be part of the solution, than part of the problem. There are those who make excuses and those who make a plan. We need to be those who make a positive plan to make a practical difference as we reclaim our communities for Christ. ![]() Rhodesian Pioneers Lunch As Chairman of the local Flame Lily Foundation – Cape Peninsula, I spoke at the 130-year anniversary of the Pioneers raising the flag over Fort Salisbury in 1890. We gather on the second Tuesday of every month and our annual Remembrance Service this year, will be held on Sunday, 1 November in Fish Hoek. You can visit the Flame Lily Foundation – Cape Peninsula Facebook page to see a variety of historic pictures, films and links. Home Education Fair On Reformation Day, Saturday, 31 October, we will be hosting a Home Education Fair where home educators will be setting up displays and tables to sell homemade arts, crafts, food and resources. There will also be a Reformation Day Celebration service and a Variety Concert. Prizes will be awarded to the winners of the Reformation Art and Essay Competition 2020. Radio Programmes Every week I have multiple radio programmes. This year, we mark 30 years of hosting Salt and Light Radio programmes on Radio Tygerberg, every week, since 1995. You can listen to archives of our Salt and Light radio programmes here. You can also access our From the Frontline weekly radio broadcasts here. On the www.FrontlineMissionSA.org Audio Gallery, you will find links to a range of other radio programmes which I regularly participate in, including ACH, Reel Talk, Christian Perspective on the News, Redeemer Broadcasting and many more. ![]() Life Chain Africa Christian Action has been organising Life Chains throughout Southern Africa since 1992. Please pray for our upcoming Life Chain, this Sunday, 4 October from 14:00 to 16:00, Buitengracht Street, Cape Town, between the Entrance to the Waterfront and the Cape Town International Conference Centre. You can view a video of this event, here. ![]() Christian Action You can read the latest Christian Action magazine online, click here. It includes over 80 pictures, including photo collages of the March for Life and Women’s Day Outreaches in Cape Town. Articles include: Understanding Psychological Warfare; Responding to Revolution with Reformation; 1984 Seems Ominously Relevant Today and 20 Years Ago – African Penguin Rescue Operation. Please print out, or share digitally with others concerned for our Faith, families and future, as we seek to apply the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life, working for a Back to the Bible Reformation and praying for Spiritual Revival. Livingstone House Building Project Please continue to pray for our ongoing building project, converting the attic of our Mission headquarters into a multi-purpose hall and extra accommodation. The work is expanding fast and we desperately need more accommodation for volunteers and a recording studio for our rapidly growing radio and TV ministry. ![]() Biblical Worldview Summit Please pray for our upcoming Biblical Worldview Summit camp, 4-11 January 2021. Printing Projects We have numerous tracts, booklets, books and translations ready for printing, awaiting funds. Thank You Thank you very much for all your prayers, encouragement and support, without which none of our ministries would be possible. May God continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa [email protected] www.FrontlineMissionSA.org www.WilliamCareyBI.com See also recent Prayer and Praise Updates: Bibles, Films and Outreaches Resources for Redemption and Reformation, Remembrance and Rescues Responding to Ramadan with Digital Evangelism Perseverance and Productivity Despite Pandemic Panic Equipping and Empowering Evangelists Mountain Climbing Marathon For those who want to prayerfully and financially partner with us in ministry: Our banking details: For South African supporters: Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ (for overseas supporters) Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for. For overseas supporters wishing to donate into our South African account: Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ First Rand Bank - 2nd Floor No 4 First Place, Bank City Johannesburg, South Africa, 2000 Branch Code ZA201509 Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for For supporters donating from the USA: You can go to www.FrontlineFellowship.net/support, or click here.
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Prayer & Praise Articles
December 2024