![]() Back to the Bible Mission This year, Back to the Bible Mission celebrates 29 years. The Principal, Professor Shai Mulder and his wife Dr. Elreza Mulder, have been leading Back to the Bible Mission for the last 19 years. With over 110 students from over 20 countries, including: Ghana, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Benin, Tanzania, Somalia, Malawi, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe, there are something like 50 denominations and up to 60 languages represented at the Mission at any given time. Since 1990, Back to the Bible Mission has sought to fulfill the Great Commission by training pastors, evangelists and missionaries in a balanced, Biblical, body, mind and spirit programme of discipleship and evangelism. The Message of the Cross As one approaches Back to the Bible Mission the large white Cross dominates the valley and, lit up at night, can be seen from a great distance. The huge white Cross is symbolic of the Christian witness and missionary vision which radiates out from this strategic leadership training mission. Africa for Christ The artwork of the chapel also emphasises the Christ-centered, Bible-based and Mission-centered focus. At the front of the chapel, above the pulpit, artwork depicting the crucifixion of Christ confronts one with the challenge: “Jesus died for you, what are you doing for Him?” There is also the prayer: “Lord, step out through me into Africa.” The vision of Africa for Christ is reinforced in many pictures and posters, including with framed oil on canvass portraits of pioneer missionaries and Reformers, including Professor Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, George Whitefield, Andrew Murray, David Livingstone, Mary Slessor and Francis Grim. Commencement Service The commencement service began with the flags of 30 nations being brought within the chapel. Each of the 47 new first-year students gave a short testimony, including their name, country, life Bible text and why they had come to Back to the Bible Mission for training. I was asked to speak on Servant Leadership in the Mission Field. The Great Commission is our Supreme Ambition On Sunday, I preached at a congregation in Malalane on The Greatness of The Great Commission and on Sunday evening, presented Sudan: The Hidden Holocaust to the students and staff. There was much concern, many questions and heartfelt prayers for our brethren suffering in Sudan and for the Frontline Mission team heading out soon, to serve the Church in Sudan. Your Walk with God is Even More Important than Your Work for God Each weekday morning at Back to the Bible Mission begins with the bell being rung at 6am. Devotions at the top of the hill at the chapel involve all students, faculty and staff and sometimes guests from the surrounding community. As the Principal, Professor Shai Mulder, regularly reminds us: “Your walk with God is even more important than your work for God!” Each morning, the students and staff share prayer request and praise items, with Bible memory verses and focus on a different country from Operation World for intercession. Back to the Bible Mission is truly “a house of prayer for all nations.” Missions and Revival History Through the next week I had over 30 meetings, including presenting Devotions in the chapel on: The Fear of God; Idolatry Today; The Most Condemned Sin in Scripture; Demolishing Idols in our Life and How to Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude in All Circumstances. Lectures to all three years of students included: North African Church Fathers; The Church in Egypt; The Church in Ethiopia and Sudan; Missions in the Old Testament; Missions in Acts; The Family, Faith and Upbringing of Dr. David Livingstone; Mary Slessor – Missionary to Nigeria; Making Disciples of All Nations; The Greatest Century of Missions; William Wilberforce and the War Against Slavery; Revival in the Bible and in History and Revival Among the Zulus. There was much productive discussion and plainly students were encouraged, inspired and equipped for the field. International Insights Question and Answer open discussions could last for hours at a time. The insights from students who have experienced severe persecution in Ethiopia and Somalia were sobering and most helpful. Discussion times after the evening services, such as after films on Sudan, Abortion and Rwanda, lasted often till late at night. Thundershowers, Monkeys and Hippos Several nights the sky was lit up with spectacular Eastern Transvaal low-veld thundershowers. Often, in the morning, even before the bell was rung for Morning Prayer, we would be woken by large troops of Vervet monkeys scampering over the roof. Sometimes one could hear the sound of a hippo in the nearby river. Physical Training, Practicals and Exams I also had the opportunity to take Staff Devotions on 1 Peter 5: Motives for Shepherds in Ministry and an hour-long discussion with the Student Council. On Wednesday afternoon led a Sports Parade, including Fire Drill and Self-Defence Drills. On Friday, the students completed the Missions History Exams and I began a through the afternoon and night exam marking marathon. Book Donations By God's grace, we were able to donate to each student and staff member, their own copy of the New Testament Survey book. Each first-year student also received a copy of the Greatest Century of Missions.” Biblical Preaching Workshops and Creation Seminar We praise God for the FIRE (Fellowship for International Reformation and Evangelism) Biblical Preaching Workshops held at our Mission HQ in Cape Town. In February, we focused on the Book of Genesis, in March, on the historical books, particularly on Book of Judges. In the last week of March, we hosted Creation Scientist, Dr. Philip Stott, who gave us the inside story of how the massive 10,000-seater auditorium at KwaSizabantu Mission was designed and built. He also conducted a Creation vs. Evolution Rally at the University of Cape Town and on Thursday night at the Reformation Society, he gave an inspiring testimony on his Creation Ministry in Russia. When the Iron Curtain collapsed the way was made open for him to minister and lecture at universities across Russia to expose the scientific fallacies of Evolution and to present scientific evidence for the worldwide Flood of Noah, the age of the earth, scientific evidence for Creation and much more. You can view videos of these presentations and listen to audios of their lectures on our www.FrontlineMissionSA.org website. Reaching Muslims for Christ This weekend we will have Walter Eric, Head of SIM Life Challenge Africa ministry to Muslims, as our guest speaker for our Muslim Evangelism Workshop at our Mission headquarters in Cape Town. Islamic Evangelist and Apologist, John Gilchrist will also be presenting a lecture on Apologetics. All of these workshops are recorded and we will be uploading the videos and audios onto our www.FrontlineMissionSA.org website soon. Please continue to pray for our mission team as they prepare for a Bible distribution and Bible teaching mission to Sudan. We are continuing to trust the Lord for the resources to cover all these expenses and continue to donate Bibles and books to neglected and needy Christians in some of the most strategic mission fields across Africa. We have important Missions being planned, including to Islamic Sudan. There are beleaguered and besieged communities of Christians in a sea of Islam who need our prayers, encouragement and practical support. We are planning on sending another Mission team into this war-devastated area to deliver and distribute tens-of-thousands of Bibles and Christian schoolbooks to over 100 remote schools in need. There are expenses that need to be met to make this mission possible. Please pray that the Lord will provide what is needed for our teams to serve the persecuted and work to fulfil the Great Commission within the 10-40 window in the Muslim Middle East.
“So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 Thank You Thank you for all your prayers, encouragement and support. May the Lord continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfillment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 [email protected] www.FrontlineMissionSA.org www.ReformationSA.org www.livingstonefellowship.co.za www.christianaction.org.za www.hmsschoolofchristianjournalism.org Recent Prayer and Praise Updates: God’s Word Above All Things Back to the Bible for Reformation and Revival Missions to Mpumalanga Winning Africa for Christ Ministry, Manuals and Missions South African Mission Bibles Bless the Nuba Mountains Mission to Australia Every Knee Shall Bow and Every Tongue Confess Would you prayerfully consider financially partnering with us in ministry? Our banking details are: (For South African supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for. (For overseas supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for
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December 2024