![]() “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Biblical Worldview Summit We began our year with the Biblical Worldview Summit (BWS) with over 100 participants, some coming from as far afield as Germany, Nigeria, the Congo, Mozambique, the United States of America and from all over South Africa. The six-day BWS programme included: 12 speakers, 20 lectures/presentations, 13 hours of practicals, including 15 different activities, Bushcraft and Survival Skills, obstacle crossing, problem solving, team building. Also Bible Drill, Just a Minute Debating skills, games, 4 Devotions, 4 films, 4 outreaches and a night hike, a Variety Concert, a Bible Exam and 5 hours of discussion and prayer group activities. Each morning (expect Sunday) began with energetic Physical Training (P.T.). ![]() Transforming Nations by Changing Lives Some of the written responses that we received from BWS participants included: “Practical, intense, Bible-based and God-centered.”; “Refreshing!”; “Powerful!”; “I have grown closer to Christ, to live an obedient and surrendered life.”; “Experienced and learned the solid Word and teamwork – body, soul and spirit.”; “Encouraged and strengthened in the Faith to persevere to God's glory and to advance His Kingdom.”; “The joy of the Lord was experienced throughout the week.”; “It has changed my way of thinking.”; “A very good God-fearing camp with lovely people.”; “Enjoyed that Jesus was the core of everything.”; “Excellent!”; “Packed and productive.”; “A brilliant camp full of the truth from God's Word.”; “Inspirational!”; “Strengthened in the Faith and inspired to share the Gospel.”; Encouraged and equipped to share the light of the Gospel and to thrive in college.”; “One of the greatest Summits you can ever go to and be informed.”; “Incredibly eye-opening and inspiring!”; “Most definitely exceeded all expectations.”; “Excellent presentations.”; “The BWS has rekindled a fire that had died down and showed me the Christian I ought to be.”; “I want to come back!” ![]() Great Commission Course Following the BWS, over 20 participants continued with the three-week Great Commission Course, which included outreaches throughout Cape Town and a prayer vigil placard protest with outreach and sidewalk counselling ministry outside the Marie Stopes abortuary in Bree Street. All in all, the 3 weeks included: 16 Outreaches, 6 hikes, 9 Sunday services, a Providential History Tour of the Castle of Good Hope, interaction with eagles, owls, snakes, foxes and cheetahs, 54 lectures/presentations, 13 devotions, 7 workshops, 14 films, 12 P.T. sessions’ 7 Exams, 10 Assignments and climbing to the top of Table Mountain. ![]() The Great Commission is our Supreme Ambition Some of the written responses to the Great Commission Course included: “The most intense, informative, practical course on Christian living”; “My worldview has been utterly transformed by this course.”; “Very informative and uplifting.”; “A great experience!”; “Very informative and action packed.”; “Learned more about God's Kingdom and made life-long Christian friends.”; “I finally, fully realised that no matter what I do, it should be to the Glory of God.”; “Thank you for leading by example in your boldness in proclaiming the Gospel and living each day for God.”; “It is a comfort knowing that there are fellow Christian who fight for the same cause, for the same goal.”; “Challenging, wonderful, fantastic and very informative.” Mission to Uganda Please continue to pray for our Missionary, Abrie, who has been involved in a month-long Mission to Uganda. This has involved participating in a School of Evangelism with Dr. Henry Krabbendam and Dr. Al Baker, ministering at multiple services every Sunday, daily outreaches in different villages, prison ministry, Discipleship Seminars and much more. Sanctity Life Sunday To mark the 22nd anniversary of the legalisation of abortion on demand in South Africa, Africa Christian Action promoted Sanctity Life Sunday and organised the National Day of Repentance and March for Life to Parliament, in Cape Town, 31 January. You can hear the sermon I preached on Sanctity Life Sunday at Livingstone Fellowship: Rescue the Perishing, on our Sermon Audio page, click here. National Day of Repentance Deuteronomy 21:1-9 declares that when a person is killed, the elders of the city should come to the gates and declare “our hands did not shed this blood, nor did our eyes see it, accept atonement for Your people who You have redeemed, O Lord and do not hold Your people guilty of the blood of an innocent.” It is vital that we mobilise spiritual and civil leaders of the city to respond to the abortion holocaust by taking a prophetic stand and pleading with God to have mercy on our wicked nation for the blood of thousands of innocent babies killed by abortion every month. ![]() March for Life Every protest is used as an Evangelistic outreach and not only to passers-by, but also to the media, to police and government officials. In the run up to the March for Life, I had numerous radio programmes and also dealt with the threats to religious freedom with the so-called “Hate Speech” bill and attempts to “register religious practitioners.” To dramatize the fact that over 1.6 million babies have been killed in South Africa, legally, officially, since 1 February 1997, our protest took the form of a Funeral procession led by a hearse, followed by three men carrying small coffins and 150 participants, mostly wearing black, carrying Christian flags, crosses, flowers, posters and banners. These declared: ‘Abortion Kills Babies’; ‘Abortion is murder’, ‘Abortion stops a beating heart’, ‘Abortion does not make you unpregnant, but only the mother of a dead baby’, ‘In God's court abortion is murder’, ‘Abortion is our national sin. God will not bless a nation that destroys its children.’ ‘A person is a person, no matter how small’, ‘The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood’, ‘Stop abortion, it is not a human right, but a human sacrifice’ and ‘Now choose Life so that you and your children may live. Deuteronomy 30:19.’ Prayer at the Gates of Parliament Participants at the hour-long prayer rally outside the main gates of parliament prayed a Scriptural Imprecatory Prayer, calling on the nation and government leaders to repent of the national sin of abortion and warning of God's judgement if they do not repent. Obituary notices were placed on Social Media in memory of all the babies killed by abortion since 1997. Other pro-life demonstrations and prayer rallies took place in East London, near Durban and in Pretoria. A number of us went on from parliament for a prayer and protest outside Marie Stopes abortuary. “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31:8-9 ![]() New Testament Survey By God's grace our New Testament Survey has arrived back from the printer. This is the culmination of a six-year project to preach and teach through every Book of the Bible. The audio MP3’s of the sermons preached, summarising the key messages of every Book of the Bible are already available through Christian Liberty Books, for both the Old Testament Survey and New Testament Survey. These audio MP3’s are over 54 hours of audio lectures, summarising the central messages of every Book of the Bible. They provide a practical resource to encourage and equip pastors throughout Africa, from Cape to Cairo, to return to studying and preaching through every Book of the Bible. To this end we have also published the Biblical Preaching Handbook. ![]() Sponsoring Books to Donate to Pastors, Students and Lecturers throughout Africa We are trusting the Lord for the resources to be able to donate Old Testament Survey and New Testament Survey books and the accompanying Biblical Preaching Handbook with Audio-Visual boxsets, to Bible colleges, Mission stations, pastors, missionaries, evangelists and students throughout Africa. “So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 ![]() Christian Action Network We want to donate copies of the Old Testament Survey and New Testament Survey, along with Biblical Preaching Handbook to all the 145 member organisations and denominations in the Christian Action Network across 20 countries. We also want to provide these books as textbooks for Sola Scriptura Bible College students and for Back to the Bible Mission, which has over 100 students from more than 20 countries in Africa engaged in a 3-year Bible curriculum. Ministers Conference and Bible College Consultation Also coming up is the KwaSizabantu Ministers Conference with over 1,500 participants anticipated from over 30 countries gathering early March in KwaZulu/Natal. There is also a Bible College Consultation coming up with an anticipated 100 lecturers and principals from over 25 colleges in 7 countries of Africa. At each of these events, it would be most strategic to donate copies of our Bible Survey books and Audio-Visual boxsets. ![]() Bibles and Textbooks to the Nuba Mountains of Sudan Providing Bibles, Bible teaching materials and other Leadership training resources are some of the most strategic ways we can help persecuted churches in Restricted Access Areas throughout Africa, along with trained teams to train trainers in the ministry of multiplication in the field. We are trusting the Lord for the resources to print, deliver and distribute tens-of-thousands of Bibles, textbooks and other Discipleship Audio-Visual materials to beleaguered Christians in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan. Help Us Put Wheels Under the Word Our ageing fleet of field vehicles desperately needs replacing. The last new vehicles (not that they were that new, but purchased second-hand) were obtained in 2011 because of the dedicated vision of the Chairman of the Board, Rev. Bill Bathman. All of these vehicles have since driven hundreds-of-thousands of kilometres and are becoming dangerously unreliable and are needing constant mechanical attention. We are earnestly praying for the designated support needed to replace these vital missionary vehicles essential for the Africa Reformation Overland Missions throughout Africa. With the high cost of postage and unreliability of most postal services throughout Africa, most of our literature distribution needs to be done through Overland Missions, through vehicles such as these, alongside our Leadership Training programmes in the field. “The Lord gave the Word; great was the company that published it.” Psalm 68:11 Back to the Bible Conferences As part of our Reformation 500 Back to the Bible movement, we are arranging a series of Biblical Preaching Workshops, Reformation Conferences and Seminars throughout Africa. This is all part of the Coalition on Revival initiative culminating in the Global Church Council which is scheduled to gather in Zürich, Switzerland, 15-20 July. “Content earnestly for the Faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” Jude 3 ![]() Bibles and Books for Literature4Africa We praise God for another 20-foot container shipment of Bibles, books, Sunday school materials and Gospel literature received at our Mission in Cape Town. These included valuable Reformation Study Bibles and home education curriculum textbooks from Western Conservatory, posters and audiovisual materials and tens-of-thousands of Gospel of John and Epistle of Romans booklets in English and Portuguese. (Portuguese is the official language of 5 countries in Africa and English, the official language in 26 countries in Africa.) We praise God for those who donate these valuable Bibles and books to enable us to equip pastors, teachers, chaplains, Evangelists and Bible college students, throughout Africa, to work for Biblical Reformation and to pray for spiritual Revival. Africa for Christ! “Those from among you shall build the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of streets to dwell in.” Isaiah 58:12 ![]() From the Frontline Please be sure to listen to our regular From the Frontline podcasts, which are uploaded every week and include up-to-date Report Backs from Frontline Missionaries and commentary on current events and challenges, such as the ongoing crisis in Zimbabwe, resisting the second phase of the Revolution in South Africa, missions to Uganda and Sudan and much more. Thank you for all your prayers, encouragement and support, without which none of our ministries would be possible. May the Lord continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfillment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 [email protected] www.FrontlineMissionSA.org www.ReformationSA.org www.livingstonefellowship.co.za www.christianaction.org.za www.hmsschoolofchristianjournalism.org Would you prayerfully consider financially partnering with us in ministry? Our banking details are: (For South African supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for. (For overseas supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for.
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December 2024