![]() 30 Years of Biblical Worldview Summits Since 1991, we have been conducting Biblical Worldview Summits. This year, 2021, marks the 30th anniversary of the launch of our first BWS, which was held at Glenvar Bible College in Constantia. International Participation In the last three decades, participants have travelled through to our Biblical Worldview Summits (BWS) in Cape Town from as far afield as Australia, Botswana, Canada, the Congo, England, Germany, Ghana, Ireland, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Scotland, Sudan, Switzerland, Uganda, the United States of America, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The enthusiastic response of those who have participated in these life-changing courses have encouraged us to continue refining and updating the BWS as a Christian Leadership Training Course, designed to encourage, equip and empower believers to apply Biblical principles to every area of life. Solid Spiritual Foundation Our good friend and Board Member, Dr. James Kennedy, declared: “The Summit provides a solid spiritual foundation to help keep your child’s faith secure in the storms of godlessness and unbelief confronting him.” ![]() Stretching Minds and Muscles The Biblical Worldview Summit included 7 Devotions, or sermons; 30 lectures and presentations from 13 speakers; 4 hours of Discussion and Prayer Group sessions; 7 Film screenings; 3 Just a Minute Debating Skills Games; 6 Bible Drill sessions; the Bible Exam; a Variety Concert; 4 outreaches and 23 hours of practicals, workshops, sports, team building, obstacle crossing and problem solving outdoor activities. You can see some pictures on the Biblical Worldview Summit Facebook page, here. You can view our new videos on the Biblical Worldview Summit, here and here. ![]() Evangelistic Outreaches Over 2,000 Gospel booklets and Evangelistic tracts were distributed during four outreaches in the local town. BWS participants engaged in Way of the Master and Evangelism Explosion discussions with people on the streets and prayed with those who were responsive. “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes…” Romans 1:16 ![]() Applying the Lordship of Christ to All Areas of Life Some of the written responses received from participants of the BWS 2021 include: “It is the highlight of my year, refreshing, very good, outstanding! Just wish it was longer.”; “I loved every part of it, the lectures were interesting and fun! I have become closer to God and got more experience in Evangelism.”; “Thorough, deep impact! Outstanding!! Really amazing!”; “Fantastic! An excellent conference.”; “Great fellowship and very informative.”; “Very well organised. Very current, with the emphasis on action.”; “I have met some wonderful people, I am inspired to more purposefully make the most of my time this year.”; “Biblical truths.”; “Exceptionally well-prepared lectures. Relevant and very important life issues.”; “I have learned so much about Science, Creation vs. Evolution, the Social Dilemma, Transgenderism, not to fear man, only to fear God and how toxic words are used as propaganda.”; “A blessing! I heard truth and saw people practise what they preach!”; “The way I viewed specific important truths has been changed around and I am thankful for it.”; “The BWS brings the truth without compromise.”; “Wonderful!”; “My knowledge on Science has been expanded, the outreaches have strengthened my faith, the inspirational talks have given me hope.”; “Do not fear man. Fear God! Do not be politically correct. Be Biblically correct!”; “I am encouraged and motivated to be more focussed.”; “The BWS has encouraged me to think critically through a range of different topics and I am firmly convicted to stand as a soldier of our Lord Jesus Christ.”; “The BWS is the best conference I have ever been to!”; “It was wonderful!”; “While I still have breath in my body, I will evangelise and win people to Christ.”; “Very helpful.”; “I have benefited in fitness, knowledge and discipline in devotions. The BWS was fun, a good way to start off 2021.”; “Wonderful fellowship and worship.”; “A more vibrant devotional life developing Godly living and encouraging friendships.”; “Very relevant and factual views of the times in which we are living.”; “Great teaching, inspiration and fellowship. It has encouraged me to preach the Gospel and stand up for the truth. Good doctrine and encouragement.”; “Excellent!”; “My best expectations were absolutely met.”; “Very family based, as much as it is strict, there is so much love here.”; “My view of this world has been turned upside down in a good way.”; “I have come closer to God.”; “There is so much to learn here.”; “An excellent conference, scheduling was perfect.”; “I have regained a vision of the importance of the Kingdom of God and the work He requires from us.”; “The lectures were great. The activities were really fun. The fellowship was amazing!”; “Amazed! Gained so much wisdom.”; “All aspects of the conference were perfect.”; “The BWS was well organised and spoke straight to me. The truth is not always easy to hear, but it must not remain silent.”; “I was able to recharge spiritually. I learned how to live a more holy life.”; “The BWS is grounded on a solid foundation. I learned Scriptural truths, enjoyed the fellowship and physical activities.”; “Stimulating. Edifying and encouraging.”; “The BWS was amazing!!! I am now bolder, stronger and smarter.”; “Well organised topics, relevant for the current times.”; “Immensely great fun, encouraged to save the lost at any cost!” and “A really great conference that helped me achieve a more Biblical worldview.” ![]() Creation Scientist Philip Stott This year, we invited Creation Science Author and Engineer, Dr. Philip Stott, to be our special guest speaker. When the Iron Curtain collapsed, Philip Stott was invited to present lectures exposing evolutionism and presenting scientific evidence for Creation, to state universities throughout Russia, in what used to be the Soviet Union. Guest Speakers In addition to our Frontline Missionaries who have worked across the continent, other guest speakers included, authors Cuan Elgin and Charl van Wyk; Evangelists Paul Young and Anthony Stander. ![]() BWS Audio Visual Resources You can view many videos of the presentations given at the BWS 2021 on the www.FrontlineMissionSA.org website under our Video Gallery and SlideShare and listen to lectures delivered on our SermonAudio and Soundcloud pages. As the editing process is completed, these are uploaded regularly onto our website for your benefit. The Biblical Worldview Manual and BWS DVD Boxsets are available from Christian Liberty Books, PO Box 358, Howard Place 7450, Cape Town, South Africa, Tel: 021-689-7478, Fax: 086-551-7490, Email: [email protected] and Website: www.christianlibertybooks.co.za. “Of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do...” 1 Chronicles 12:32 ![]() Real Science vs. Science Falsely So-Called webinar We organised a Real Science vs. Science Falsely So-Called webinar and public meeting at our Mission House for Creation Scientist, Dr. Philip Stott. You can view these presentations on our www.FrontlineMissionSA.org website under our Vimeo page. Click here for the first session: What is Science? Click here for the second session: Where did Science get Lost? Click here for the third session: Science without God. ![]() Nuba Mountains Medical Mission We praise God for the successful completion of the Nuba Mountains Medical Mission. Ben, Dr. J. Pons, the eye surgeon and Johan of Doctors for Life, travelled in January up to the Nuba Mountains of Sudan, to set up the first speciality surgery theatre as a permanent clinic at the Mother of Mercy Hospital, which is the only referral hospital in the Nuba Mountains. Dr. Tom had requested help to locate and purchase eye equipment suitable for operating in a third world setting and to transport it to the Nuba Mountains. We approached Doctors for Life (DFL) for assistance. Knowing of their successful eye operation missions to Angola and Mozambique, we were convinced that DFL were the best people to conduct this medical mission to the Nuba. A young Nuban medical student, Caesar, concluded his Ophthalmology training in October 2020. Dr. Pons was able to give him further practical training in how to conduct cataract surgery. By God’s grace, Dr. Pons, Johan and Caesar were able to perform 153 cataract surgeries, in many cases, literally enabling the blind to see! While the surgeries were taking place at the hospital, Ben hiked up and down the mountains to remote villages screening the Jesus film and distributed 1,500 Bibles. The team also distributed 30 audio Bibles to those who have trouble reading. A follow-up mission is being planned. The hospital has a great need for more reading glasses and audio Bibles. Over 700 people were registered as needing eye surgery. Johan mentioned the joy of seeing the reactions of people who came in practically blind and were then able to view the Jesus film and begin reading the Bible for the first time in many years. See the Missions to the Nuba Mountains of Sudan film here. ![]() Standing for Life On the 1st of February, the anniversary of the legalisation of abortion on demand in South Africa, we mobilised eight teams to make a Stand for Life at busy traffic intersections throughout the Cape Peninsula. As the annual March for Life to parliament was prohibited under lockdown restrictions, our plan B was to mobilise small groups to stand with pro-life banners and placards at traffic intersections and distribute Evangelistic pro-life literature to passing motorists and pedestrians. We distributed over 4,500 pro-life and evangelistic leaflets and World Missionary Press Gospel booklets. You can view pictures of some of these Stand for Life outreaches on the Africa Christian Action Facebook page, click here. You can also see the new Stand for Life video here. “Wisdom calls aloud outside; she raises her voice in the open squares. She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the gates in the city she speaks her words…” Proverbs 1:20-22. ![]() Pro-Life Outreaches We also organised literature outreaches on three consecutive mornings at the Cape Gate Okavango traffic light intersection. Each morning there were seven to nine volunteers, most of whom would distribute literature to passing motorists and others would stand holding a different Scripture banner each day. These teams succeeded in distributing almost 6,000 pro-life and Evangelistic tracts and World Missionary Press Gospel booklets, including, Abortion - The Facts; Considering Abortion; It’s My Body; Milestones for Early Life; Shattered Hopes! – Broken Dreams!; Help from Above; How to Love God; Way to God; Repentance Towards God and Seven Words of Love. “So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 Biblical Preaching Course Daniel and Hunter have been conducting a Biblical Preaching Course on the Book of Habakkuk. Starting in February, through March, this four-part series on Biblical preaching has also been livestreamed. Click here to view the recorded sessions. Mission to Mpumalanga Please pray for the Director of Frontline Fellowship, Dr. Peter Hammond, as he conducts a Mission to Mpumalanga, lecturing on Reformation Church History to the students at Back to the Bible Mission (BBM). For over 14 years, Peter has been part of the Faculty at BBM, presenting lectures on Missions, Church History, Biblical Worldview and Muslim Evangelism. This year, he is also helping to supervise and organise the Emmanuel Library for the College. Lenora Hammond’s Battle with Cancer Please also continue to pray for Lenora Hammond as she is battling a spread of cancer into her skull and lower spine. Lenora is back from the hospital and recovering from the intense nausea, extreme pain and the fracture of one of her back ribs. Lenora has been battling cancer since 2010. Lenora is a fighter and a survivor. She is a counsellor with Reach for Recovery and has been a vital part of the Cancer Survivor Dragon Boat racing team. ![]() Livingstone House Building Project Great progress continues to be made on the Livingstone House Building Project. Our Upper Room, Bathman Memorial Hall, has been used every Thursday night since November, for the Reformation Society presentations. Our boardroom could not fit the people in and now with the extra space, attendance has more than doubled. The Upper Room is also regularly used for seminars, workshops, livestreams, Bible studies, prayer meetings and conferences. The piano is often being played and Bill Bathman's chess table is being enthusiastically used for challenges and chess tournaments amongst residents and guests. ![]() Sermon Audio You can listen to our presentations on the Frontline Sermon Audio page, click here. You can also view PowerPoints of recent presentations, such as: How Can a Good God Allow Evil?; What About All the Hypocrites in the Church?; Responding to Resistance to Reformation; Creation and Stewardship; Effective Debating Skills; 30 Years of Africa Christian Action; Resistance to Revolution; You Can Change Your World and much more on our Slideshare page, click here. You can also find videos of many of our recent presentations on our Vimeo page, click here. From the Frontline Our weekly From the Frontline radio podcasts can be accessed here. Our Christian Perspective on the News broadcasts on Radio Cape Pulpit archives, can be listened to here. ![]() Upcoming Reformation 500 events Please pray for our upcoming Reformation 500 events. This year marks the 500th anniversary of Professor Martin Luther’s bold stand before the Emperor, 18 April 1521. We will be hosting a Reformation 500 - Conscience Captive to the Word of God Conference on Saturday, 17 April at 9 am. This conference will also be livestreamed. On Sunday, 18 April, we will conduct a Reformation 500 Celebration service at 10 am. This service will also be livestreamed. Faith, Family and the Future Conference - Celebrating 30 Years of Africa Christian Action On Ascension Day, Thursday, 13 May, ACA will be hosting the Faith, Family and the Future Conference Celebrating 30 years of Africa Christian Action. The conference will begin at 9 am. All those who are part of the campaign to be “salt and light” in the community, to be a “watchman on the walls,” standing for the right to life of preborn babies, for family values, for Biblical marriage and Bible-based education controlled by the parents, aided by the Church, but independent of the state, are welcome to join in this conference as we evaluate what we have learned from the last three decades, fighting the good fight of Faith and to plan for the future. “So, I sought for a man among them who would make a wall and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it…” Ezekiel 22:30 ![]() Thank You Thank you very much for all your prayers, encouragement and support, without which none of our ministries would be possible. Please pray for our ongoing outreaches in Muslim areas, training programmes, writing and printing projects and cross-border missions. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 [email protected] www.FrontlineMissionSA.org See also other Prayer and Praise Updates: Surgery, Scorpions and Scripture Evangelism, Education and Edification Bad Times Are Good for Spiritual Work Bibles, Films and Outreaches Resources for Redemption and Reformation, Remembrance and Rescues Responding to Ramadan with Digital Evangelism Perseverance and Productivity Despite Pandemic Panic Equipping and Empowering Evangelists Mountain Climbing Marathon For those who want to prayerfully and financially partner with us in ministry: Our banking details: For South African supporters: Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ (for overseas supporters) Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for. For overseas supporters wishing to donate into our South African account: Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ First Rand Bank - 2nd Floor No 4 First Place, Bank City Johannesburg, South Africa, 2000 Branch Code ZA201509 Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for For supporters donating from the USA: You can go to www.FrontlineFellowship.net/support, or click here.
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December 2024