FROM THE FRONTLINE MAILBAG IN 2013 For your edification, and for intercession, here is a small selection of remarkable, written responses that we have received by mail, or e-mail, from friends and supporters, and from the field, in this last year. Please continue to lift up these people and countries in prayer. Please continue to intercede that our publications, field outreaches and courses may continue to renew minds, transform lives, change hearts and disciple nations. The Power of the Printed Page “I came to know you through this book you wrote Answering Skeptics the book is so inspiring and it has touched me and it has made many here thirst for Revival. Thanks and be blessed man of God abundantly”. J.M. Kenya “Your articles are worth to be spread to as many pastors as possible. Thank you for all the effort you have put in.” S.W.C. South Africa
“We wish to express our sincere appreciation for the books, literature and tracts, that was gifted to us by Frontline Fellowship. We hold the work that is done by your organisation, as well as the leadership by Dr. Peter Hammond, highly and wish to continue to strengthen our ties in going forward. Please be so kind to convey our gratitude to the board and management of Frontline Fellowship. Sincerely”. J.K. South Africa “I cannot thank you enough for your very generous gifts. I am so looking forward to working through all this wonderful material and will be keeping you all in prayer. This week has been a turning point in my healing and I can feel change at last. Still a way to go, but what you have given me will certainly fill the hours and instruct me at the same time. May God bless you, your family and your ministry for many years to come.” S.J. South Africa “I am one of the hidden admirers, thanking God for you and your ministry.” Y.K. USA “Thank you for writing such powerful messages throughout the year and for JOY! Magazine. May His presence continue to be with you and your family always”. S.L. South Africa Book Donations “I would like to thank you, and all Frontline Fellowship members for helping us with Bibles and spiritual books. I wish you all of the best. You must visit us here as soon as possible to share with many Christians the wisdom of God. You are most welcome at any time.” R.B. Malawi Reformation “Your work is inspiring, historically challenging to study also the Dark ages era of our Christian Faith at that time of persecution. The martyrs that gave up their own lives living unto death for us till today. We are far from it, hence we must pay gratitude to God, them and their families that left us with everlasting faith-filled legacies. Your work is Biblically confronting in my opinion giving need and reason to rise up, expose the Christians to stand and stay in the truth of God's Word for real Christian living at this day and era. Praying.” D.N.W. South Africa “Thank you so much for the history of Perpetua. We were blessed.” J. South Africa “It is time for the Churches of South Africa to stand up and be counted, 1 Peter 4:17 time is short and when the Lord returns we should be found working in the huge harvest fields of the lost. You mention Dr. Luther, somebody once asked him what he would do if he knew the Lord was coming tomorrow, his answer, I would go out and plant an apple tree today. You rightly say we are heading for disaster if the Churches do not stand up and take their rightful place, I come from Zimbabwe and lived in Germany for 8 years, what happened to these two countries, I put the blame at the foot of the Church leaders door. I was privileged to visit Coburg Castle where Martin Luther lived for 4 years when he was on the run from the Catholic church it is also the place where he started to translate the Bible into Deutsch in Bavaria not far where I lived and was allowed to visit the Chapel and go into his bedroom, on the wall written in his own hand writing is Psalm 118:17 so profound I use that Scripture on my call card. KEEP ON KEEPING ON.” F.B. South Africa “Thank you for your faithful and prolific writing about Christian influence upon history and for your faithful profession of Christ. I met you once in the late 1980s and some years later, when I got a computer, began to follow your ministry and that of your fellows in Southern Africa. Praise God for your excellent use of Scripture in your writings. I have just read one of your articles on the important influence of the Reformation upon Western Civilization. I recently finished my master's degree in history and during my studies came to the same conclusion. Some of my professors didn't agree with me, but I don't care whether they do or not, for I am committed to following Christ and His Word and graciously teaching the same truths and principles to anyone who will listen.” S.L. USA Reformation Fire Conference “Thank you for the valued information and the hospitality that you provided and extended during our stay in Cape Town. It was an honour and privilege to have witnessed the Reformation Meeting in Franschhoek and we look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship in the time to come. Blessings and warm regards to all.” P.M. South Africa Thank everyone concerned for a very interesting and well-organised event giving the opportunity for fellowship and encouragement to stand in the Way, the Truth and The Life of our Lord Jesus Christ. With thanks, K.P. South Africa Standing Against Compromise “There are very few uncompromised Christian ministries left. You are one of them; therefore I read and benefit from your communications. Thank you, God protect you and keep you strong.” C.A. USA “I just wanted to write to say how encouraging and refreshing it is to read your reports--and especially to observe your unwavering support for the orthodox Faith amidst a tide of compromise and capitulation in many of our Christian Churches. May the Lord bless you as you press on in His service. Be encouraged to remember that He is keeping score!” J.S.R. USA War Against God Recently received your audio MP3 CD "War Against God" and have only started listening to "The Islamisation of Europe" and so far it has been such a blessing for me. Have been reading up about the Masons and other secret organisations for about ten years and have often found myself wondering where God is in the situation. You see I was searching in the wrong places, mainline media and books that did not get written by Christian authors. I feel more fulfilled now having realised that the Bible should be our first place we should turn to find answers yet the last place we look. God has used you to ignite my faith again and to come out of a lukewarm state. I've sometimes been very aggressive in my faith and have realised however that it is sometimes worse to become quiet and not speak up for our Lord… Often sir, I have heard people telling me I should not judge the homosexuals and it really also gets on my nerves as isn't judgement condemning someone to hell? I doubt speaking against the evil of this world falls into the same category. Can one then say the same about a paedophile if you say he is evil and disgusting. Can society not then also tell you are being judgemental towards them? or how about a serial rapist? Should we just allow everyone to run wild committing disgusting acts for fear of being judgemental? Sir, I just wanted to thank you for you bravery for standing up and telling the truth, God has blessed you with a talent. I had only heard about you recently and your talks have made me more determined to work at my faith and braver in a lot of senses too. I would really like to share this CD with others for it is really faith-igniting material. I thank you once again. Your friend in Christ, N.H. South Africa Crisis in America “This powerful and intriguing article by my dear friend Dr. Peter Hammond is a “MUST READ”, even though it is long !If you wish to be informed of what is a major threat to our world based on the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, you will be glad you read this story.” P.v.d.H South Africa Thank you for this brilliant and thought-provoking article, which is going far and wide among my friends worldwide. This is one of the most powerful arguments against a largely perverted and decadent Western World, including - sadly - our Christian fellowships. I believe that your efforts during this arduous trip will have far-reaching impact and effect, you have truly been a “general-on-the-move”, for His glory!” P.v.d.H South Africa A Warning from Russia to America “I just want to thank you for the work you do for the Lord, for being bold enough to declare the Truth in the face of so much hatred and opposition. I especially enjoyed your article "A warning from Russia to America". It is indeed a spiritual war, and we would all do well to take notice of how it affects us. My prayer is that our Father will give you the strength and courage to continue in the battle, and to endure to the end.” R.L. South Africa Christian Persecution “Thank you for this very important show. I record your program every night, and am a supporter of your show and subject matter and watch most episodes. However, your interview with Mr. Hammond may be the most important and urgent subject regarding persecuted Christians of our time. Sometimes it seems our fellow believers are ignorant or maybe just apathetic about what is happening in the world and how so many suffer for their faith. I have a breaking heart for our brothers and sisters facing such persecution so I thank you for your concern and for bringing this to the attention of those who may not be aware of the gravity of the situation. Keep up your good and faithful work and please continue to educate your listeners and to open their eyes to the persecution that so many face around the world and that is headed our way in our downward slope here in the USA. God bless.” B.B. USA “I just wanted to let you know what a blessing it was when Dr. Hammond came on your show. I learn so much when he speaks about Africa and Christian persecution.” S.G. USA “So I deem it a great privilege and pleasure to cover you all at Frontline Fellowship in prayer. My heart goes out to the persecuted Church in the Sudan, and, all over Africa. May, His grace, His Fellowship and His Mercy sustain us all going forward!” G.L. Australia “Thank you again for sharing your experiences with Radical Islam with the students. I will lead them through a discussion of the material later this week and will pass any questions along to you. I truly enjoy having you visit my classes. You present a sobering message of the power and devastation of false ideologies, but always tempered with the hope of God's truth as the only antidote. I was particularly heartened by your encouraging insights of how Christianity is checking the spread of Islam in Africa. Your continent has been so rocked over the decades by false ideology - first Marxism and now Radical Islamism. To hear your reports of Reformation and Revival through true Christianity is good news, to be sure.” T.M. USA “As I read your articles and see the persecutions, I can't comprehend it. In America we have "NO" persecution. We complain if we misplace our cell phones, or if we lose the internet! Our country needs a good persecution, a purification of the true Church (true believers). I'm ashamed of myself after reading these stories, God please grant me repentance. I pray for these Christians in Africa, the world is not worthy, Praise God for your ministry.” J.W. USA “Thank you for your article today about persecution of Christians in the Mideast and Africa. We are raising awareness of this, but the current administration is destroying everything, which is good around the world. I will send your article to our congressmen.” D.S. USA “I commend you so dearly. When I was reading the email of amazing and difficult experiences that the church is facing today, immediately after reading the email I started praying. May God always encamp His angels around you as the mountains surround Jerusalem.” R.R. USA Ascension Day “Thanks Peter. Very, very good.” B.M. USA America Mission “It was marvellous to spend that time with you, Peter. Thank you for working this part of California into your schedule. I believe we must have you back every year, if that would work for you. You are well loved and respected by all the good guys around this part of California.” J.G. USA “Your teaching lectures were all awesome and very, very educational, while disturbing as the truth often is, with great hope for the future as well, Praises be to the Lord God Omnipotent, the King of kings and Lord of lords” J & G.N. USA “We love your work and teaching and missionary work and all you do. Enjoyed our breakfast, driving to and from the church..., hearing, and seeing your AWESOME messages. Thank you too for the books and DVDs/CDs, etc. well!!!!!! J & G.N. USA “We have always thought so highly of Dr Peter Hammond and the Frontline ministry for all that you do. Dr. Hammond has been a guest on our program in the past and we would be honoured if we might be able to arrange for yet another one if he might be available and can squeeze us into his schedule. Our host is very interested in speaking with Dr Hammond about the piece he's written, "A Warning to America from Russia" I for one am so pleased that he's written this eye-opening message. This warning needs to be heard loud and clear, and by our listening audience. It saddens me greatly that America has fallen to such lows. My family and I feel liberated as we are currently serving the Lord in Ecuador, and we have no desire or plans to move back to the US. My wife and I are the proud parents of two adopted children from Russia and we couldn't have been more pleased when Putin signed the law that bans gay adoptions. Our countries are going in opposite directions on this issues and it just sickens me.” M.W. Ecuador Report on Europe “Your reports on Europe are also very interesting and help one to see the bigger picture better. Thank you for all the information. It really helps a lot to learn more and plan better.” J.K. South Africa Africa Mission “Just wanted to thank you for the work you do and for blazing a trail of Holy Spirit fire into Africa. I am an evangelist and involved in Africa also. To see your work for Jesus is inspiring... Blessings” C.M. South Africa “I am very grateful that you have continued sending me emails. You have helped nourish my spiritual life and you have kept me updated.” F.M. Zambia “Indeed, World Evangelical Ministries is thanking you for giving us those packages, We thank you so much for your support to us.” J.M. Malawi “Thank you so much Taryn, am very grateful and really deep down my heart appreciate you and the team for the great job you are doing for God's glory. I enjoyed the lessons from Dr Hammond and your team and also the books, which are rich with information, we received from you during your stay. Please continue updating me, and hoping to have you speak and teach my Church in Zambia. God bless you!” M. Zambia “Dr Peter Hammond together with the Frontline team you have been a blessing to me and my ministry. It’s my prayer that we meet some day. Your mails have been a blessing, you have sent me a lot of good materials.” M.F. Zambia Mission to Sudan “This is a great success - outreaching! May the Lord richly bless you. Do not forget the Togolese people. The challenges here are so hard. I am praying God to send workers like you in his harvest in Togo” N. Togo “Praying this ‘next generation’ of missionaries will continue the great work in South Sudan” N. USA Africa Overland Mission “I was blessed to receive the teachings of equipping and encouraging from missionary Michael and Renee who ministered in our church. Again, I appreciate for the good books of Practical Discipleship and others, which were given to me and the Bible. It's my prayers that I should be part of your mission. The church is sending some greetings to Renee who did great work in the church. Please could you send her to us again.” K.M. Malawi “Thank you for your hard working to see that Frontline Fellowship reach especially Kasese district. Surely there is a great transformation in our area, may the Lord bless you so much.” M.J. Uganda “Our sincere thanks for the books donated by your missionary team Michael, Renee and Daniel who are with us in Wau Diocese. Thanks and wish you all God's blessings.” J. M. South Sudan “When we talk of church reform we sometime refer to the process that amends laws that governs the church system and corrects sin to avert God's wrath. Reformation information that changed the religious system. This is the church change that intended to check the spread of lawless and spiritual unawareness within Christendom - all religious leaders should indeed embrace this. Africa’s churches need religious change like the one Europe had in the 16th century in which the Protestant church started - of which I would like to be a partner. We shared more with Michael, Renee and Daniel at Overcomers Church.” W.W.M. Kenya “We were happy to have Missionaries Michael and Daniel sharing with us in Lodwar in Kenya. They told about Reformation 500 and Christians must use the Book which has authority over mankind.” J. M.L. Kenya “For three weeks, we have been having your lovely and blessed missionaries Michael and his lovely wife Renee and Daniel. Few of us here in Kenya have been blessed to have them in our churches and homes. People were moved by the teachings and they requested them to come back soon to Kenya again because their time was limited in wherever they went. To me, I am so blessed to have them in Kenya and in whatever they did to my church or to other people in Kenya, I give my glory to God. It was God's answer to me since I have been praying for a Reformation Fire in Kenya, and may I say thank you for those who planned, sent and support them. May the glory be to God. To most of us was a big blessing in our history. We hope and pray that this will continue. Remember Kenyans again. Thanks brethren.” D. N. Kenya “We are very grateful to be honoured and given such an opportunity, of having great missionaries, Michael, Renee and Daniel, may God bless them. Surely they encouraged us with the Word. We also appreciate that we are among those who are celebrating the 200 Anniversary of the birth of Dr. David Livingstone who by the Kenya history, we learned of him as the best friend to Africa, 1st. Missionary to enter Central Africa. Our spiritual Father. Another thing; we received books and DVDS we appreciate, may GOD bless the mission work.” F.J. Kenya “Am very glad for this opportunity just to thank you and your dear wife Renee for the wonderful job you did in Nairobi, Kenya. We thank God for the powerful message on Reformation that you brought out in the most powerful way.” C.A. Kenya “I want to report that we were blessed with the coming of Michael and his wife. The teachings and teaching materials given to us are of great value to our ministry. The discipleship training and Dr David Livingstone’s story was very much aspiring to us. The message really empowered us. The gift of Chichewa Bibles and hymns books was also a great blessing to the church that has been lacking these for so long.” S.N. Malawi “Blessings to you for the good work you are doing. We received wonderful teachings from Michael and his wife. They were a blessing to us and our ministry. We pray that may the Lord bless you and keep you.” M.O. Kenya “Precious people of our good Lord, I hope you are in good health by the special grace of our God. I want to thank the entire team of Frontline Fellowship for the soul touching and life changing work you are doing. I again had a privilege of listening to the man and woman of God Mike and Renee. Thank you for the amazing messages and books you shared with us. The updates online and the newsletters also are encouraging. May the Lord continue blessing you as you reach out to millions for the Gospel. I love to be in His service always.” R.K Malawi “They did a very Powerful and great Work of God, day and night, without resting. They ministered the Word of God with Zeal, Passion and Commitment. May God Continue to be using Michael as God's Chosen Vessel for God's glory. Amen!!!!!!!” S.C. Malawi “Thank you for the Team that came in May. With their support we have managed to serve our God in more than 20 schools in Chongwe district after their going back to RSA.” R.M. Zambia Testimony of the Twelve Apostles “Thank you so much for all the inspiring articles”... M. South Africa “This is powerful and very encouraging to know what the Apostles of Christ went through. It is an encouragement to every true servant of God who is going through trials and challenges. God richly bless you for the good and great work you are doing.” B.N. Zambia Mandela Day – Making of a New Religion “Thank you so much for this very informative and profound article - I must say that this worship of Mandela makes me sick to say the least !The Lord hates Idolatry and so much defilement has taken place before, during and after this period. Calls for deep intercession!” D.H. South Africa A Modern Idol - ‘The Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.’ “Thanks for this revealing letter! Absolutely shocking! One has to ask yourself: Who rules America?? Christians should know that when the world honours a man, watch out! "Love not the world!" "Do not become slaves of men!" If Christ is not first in everything, deception shows up and lures one away from the Truth. One has to take into account Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 15:31: I die daily... (to the attractions, opinions. luring and reasoning’s of the World System). Only the Truth makes us free. Thanks again.” P.F. South Africa ‘Thanks Dr. Peter for exposing the truth about MLK. Excellent article!!’ M.N. South Africa “Wow! How very interesting and enlightening.” S.J. South Africa “Excellent piece, Peter – thank you for the history and scholarship behind the article. In my experience regarding MLK, Christians in the US don’t have ears to hear the truth about MLK or any of the wolves in politics and the Church. The “other side” has been most effective in disinformation through their media outlets. God be with you!” T.B. South Africa “Thank you! This is well researched, well said, and well done! Dr Peter Hammond, we thank God for you and the ministry of Frontline!” R. & K.Mc. South Africa “Another of your amazingly Holy Spirit led dissertations, Solid proof of how we, committed Christians must remain wide awake to these blatant deceptions and evil propaganda. Continue your wonderful work of research-for-truth, for His glory!” P. South Africa “Thank you very much for the careful study and excellent paper! Our classes have been viewing a MLK biographical documentary for several years (in the study of that genre) and certainly the person presented is a constructed character, not the real Michael King. Thank you for the truth - always, faithfully and clearly. Blessings!” R. Australia “Thanks for telling it like it is. I got called into the Principal's office my first year of teaching at a Christian school for sharing information with my class along these lines...Thank you for being bold enough to speak the truth and to back it up with research!” J. S.R “Thank you so much for this information, I will indeed study it with great interest!” M.G. South Africa Tribute to Baroness Thatcher “I want to thank you so much for your beautiful tribute to Baroness Thatcher. We have been hard pressed to stay positive under the barrage of negative commentary in the South African media against both Baroness Thatcher. I long to see people show simple respect, and wonder if it is ignorance or malice that drives such acerbic criticism. So thank you for your contribution to making the truth known. Baroness Thatcher was a remarkable woman, who lived her faith. L. South Africa Crusades and Jihad “I read and enjoyed your article by the above name. B. W. Jesus Christ Changed the World “This created an awe for all that Christ did to transform our society....truly amazing and inspirational~ It also brought a memory from a Systematic Theology teacher - Dr Wayne Grudem - in the same way. What you have written is simple, yet hard to grasp the scope of - he taught a short lesson on all that man has been able to accomplish because of the elements of the earth that God created. Every cure, every invention, even the anaesthetics and radiation that you mention.” S.P. USA “Thanks. I hope for an opportunity to share this with our kids and grandsons in the next few days.” B. M. USA Livingstone 200 Mission “Thanks, it was a great blessing to meet you and your team. We had a wonderful time of being challenged and equipped for missions.” C. Zambia “It was wonderful to see you on our National Broadcast TV. May God bless you as you continue to serve Him. Thank you also for the book I received two weeks ago, The Battle for The Mind. It is an inspiring book, which I am taking time to read and study through. Appreciation to the body of knowledge the books are adding to us. It was sad that you were unfairly treated during the One Party rule of Kaunda through beating and all bad condition you were subjected to at that time because our constitution states that no one is guilty except proved so. It is unfortunate that some people take the law in their own hands instead of waiting upon the courts of Law to Judge. After all you did nothing that deserved penal sanctions, sorry for that.” S.J. Zambia Website - Livingstone200 “Your website (Livingstone200) has been a tremendous blessing and encouragement as we research for our film project. Please forgive me though for not being familiar with your work and Frontline Fellowship ministries. Well, I am now! In addition, I found an article from some years ago by describing the Reformation work in Zambia and the powerful testimony of your imprisonment there. Your Foreword to David Livingstone - Man of Prayer and Action by C. Silvester Horne has been an inspiration for our project as well, as is the biography.” B.W.H. USA The Challenge of Livingstone Today “Well done and inspiring. If I was not already a missionary after reading this I would leave all. M.B. South Africa Missions in the Mall “It was wonderful to read. I praise God for your faithfulness - that in itself is quietly yielding a great harvest.” R. Australia “I have forwarded this to our adult children in Cape Town. I am urging them to get involved. We were in Cape Town 2 weeks ago and over Christmas. It felt a desperately lost city. The malls were deaf to the Gospel and even hard to talk to the busy people. We minister to the poorest of the poor and they are so hungry for the Gospel. We will pray in earnest for you on the frontline. I understand that it is now that not only the Muslim but the gay agenda that is strongly influential in Cape Town. May the Lord give you great boldness.” M. & R.L South Africa Caring for God's Creation “Thanks for your mail and continued enthusiasm and support for the rhino cause! I saw your article on “Corruption undermines Rhino Conservation” I agree with your views expressed and it is a dreadful situation facing our animals and all in this country! May God give us courage and His grace and wisdom to make a stand! Kind regards.” R.V. South Africa “Thank you for your amazing writing and insights. I have kept it as we love animals and do not agree that they are not going to heaven as so many Christians suppose. May the Lord bless you in your ministry.” M.& R.L South Africa “I am from Germany. The Lord saved me about five years ago when I was a mother alone with two small children and severely bound to occult practises. It was just a miracle how he saved me and really glorious. I also had a dog, a beautiful Siberian husky lady. She was really a nice animal and the kids knew her from their birth. She was 14 years old when she died a few days ago. And it really made me sad that I did not know where she is now and I could not give a valid and reasonable answer to my children. I decided to find out the truth and I am so glad that I found an audio file of Peter Hammond ( and your tract on your website about Animals and the Bible. After having heard the audio file, and read the tract and of course searching the Scripture I am wondering why I did not see it earlier. I think I have to repent about my humanistic view of the Bible and God's creation. I am so thankful that you helped me to correct it and enabled me to show my children in the Bible where all of God's creation is going to :)” A. Germany Rhodesia “Thank you for stating the truth in your article A Lesson in How to Destroy Christian Civilisation. There are so many people abroad who are not only ignorant of the truth about Rhodesia, but are so full of hate and criticism as they believe the propaganda fed them. It is a lack of people stating the truth that ignorance abounds. I so hope you can publish films, etc., as this is what the public seem to listen to. I often think they need to see in film to comprehend the black population as it was in the 1800's, and how the Europeans who went out there worked hard to help them, and were slaughtered in return. I have some fascinating books written by people of the time describing events. People state that whites massacred blacks and stole their land, as if it was Zimbabwe today reversed! Not only do they not understand the vastness of the land in question or it's uncultivated, uninhabited state, they also are ignorant of the savagery and stone-age life of the locals at that time. They don't realise that the whites actually saved millions of black lives by introducing hygiene, medicine and farming and laws to prevent them killing each other and God's way of love over fear and superstitious violence that witchcraft governed with. Thank you for standing up for the truth. God bless.” D.P. South Africa Bastille Day “Your last week's article about Bastille Day and what it actually stood for – evil on a huge scale – was most revealing. Thank you Peter for your wonderful teachings and may He continue to protect and bless you and your dear family.” B.v.d.H. South Africa Contribution to Christian Publications “As part of the celebration of the fifteen years anniversary of our Bible College, World Harvest College of Christian Ministry and Leadership Seminary, Nigeria, I am delighted to inform you that you have been prayerfully considered for the award of Doctor of Humane Letters (Honoris Causa). This degree is been conferred on you in recognition of your contributions to the growth and advancement of God's Kingdom especially in the area of Christian publications. We appreciate God's goodness and faithfulness in your life and ministry. You are a God's General of our time. The lives of people you have touched through your missionary enterprises and humanitarian services cannot be ignored. Your good fight of faith under fire and severe persecutions, even in the Islamic world cannot be underrated. There is no any iota of doubt that you are a vessel of honour in the hand of the Most High God. May the Lord keep on using you more than ever before. Amen” S.O.O. Nigeria Preaching, Teaching, Books & Emails “I do thank the Lord for bringing you back into my life before this accident which is setting me aside for a long time. I am so enjoying your teaching, preaching and books. I spend a lot of time alone with the Lord, His Word, good teaching and books, without which I think I would have gone right up the wall.” S.J. South Africa “Peter, I have received your e-mails for the last six months and I just want to thank you for all the effort and wonderful truth that you share. May the Lord bless you richly.” V.v.Z South Africa “I would like to thank your organisation for the teachings and the materials we received when your team came to Lusaka. May the good Lord continue blessing you for the good work that you are doing. T.A. Zambia “I cannot thank you enough for your very generous gifts. I am so looking forward to working through all this wonderful material and will be keeping you all in prayer. This week has been a turning point in my healing and I can feel change at last. Still a way to go but what you have given me will certainly fill the hours and instruct me.” S. South Africa “Thank you as always Peter. Your teaching is such a needed encouragement to keep closely to the Word of God. In these days of liberalism we need sound Biblical teaching.” C.O.B South Africa “Thank you for your MP3 messages! You have enriched my life and l have learned a lot listening to them. I love history and benefited greatly from your messages. May the Lord bless & protect you and your work! V.C. USA The Fire of Pentecost “I love every article you write to me. Am being fired up by Pentecost Sunday Articles. I agree with you Dr that the Church is cold, lukewarm and not on fire. That is why there is no boldness among us preachers today. The messages preached at most pulpit do not address the real problem of mankind, which is SIN. There is too much watered down, candy coated feel good, non hell warning, prosperity centered, easy believism messages. I know God is not happy with most of us so called Pastors, Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists, Teachers, or whatever title we may want to use. Most pulpits and preaching's of so-called great and famous men of God are re crucifying Christ again and again at the expense of self-gratification!” B.N. Zambia These letters were selected and compiled by Frontline Administrator Gill van Heerden. Please continue to pray for these people, ministries and countries. We praise God that the Word of God never fails to accomplish the Will of God. Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 Email: [email protected]
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December 2024