For your edification, and for intercession, here is a small selection of remarkable, written responses that we have received by mail, or E-mail, from friends and supporters, and from the field. Please continue to lift up these people and countries in prayer. And please continue to intercede that our publications, field trips and courses may continue to renew minds, transform lives, change hearts and disciple nations. The Power of the Printed Page
“Thank you for Dr Peter Hammond’s book ‘Putting Feet To Your Faith’. This is a book for all serious and honest ministers of Gospel! We have easily forgotten that what is wrong with our world is Sin, for mankind is in constant rebellion against God! The Church is now devoid of the fear of God. The Gospel has beem cheapened to ‘just believe’ which also produces superficial converts. The nature of God, the Law, the wrath of God are missing from our message. I became guilty of the soft stance in the way I have been propagating the message. Sincerely, I became so ashamed and have since re-structured my sermons to go all out without any compromise. Thank you, Peter, thank you for your boldness and insightful Holy Spirit wisdom for coming out with such a book! This book has rebuked me greatly, but at the same time a burden has been lifted – the burden of lukewarmness and neutrality. Thank you, courageous man.” T.O., Ghana “Thank you for this very insightful, practical guide and powerful witness which you have given us in ‘Reclaiming Surrendered Ground – Freedom In Christ’. I will be making copies of this for each of my children and we will discuss this content at family worship time this evening after supper. I do appreciate and admire the solid foundation (The Word of our Heavenly Father) from which you battle, reason and care. God bless you for standing up and keeping the flame of Truth and Grace burning.” L.N. “The Lord has shown me how to follow in Jesus’s footsteps here in this neighbourhood and your leaflet ‘Come Back’ has helped me to be restored, more and more. There is even coming a bit of ‘glow on my old bones! The Lord will succeed in all He has planned. Be strong and blessed in the holy Name of Jesus Christ!” Cora “My heartfelt appreciation to all that you have imparted to me in training and knowledge through the incredible books invested into my life and ministry.” Pastor J.T., Ghana “What I receive from you is so healthy and forthright. Thank you.” A.A., Moscow “The Power of Prayer book are power tools for my heart and for our Lord’s work. I am happy and confident that now I have been sufficiently equipped to be more effective.” Bishop T., Malawi “The Power of Prayer is an excellent manual. Please pray for the Christians on the rigs in Angola. A South American Christian has started Bible teaching every Sunday on the helideck of the rig. Most were Catholic and are very hungry for God’s Word. They are asking for Christian literature and English/Portuguese Bibles.” F.J. “Thank you so very much for your excellent book, The Power of Prayer. I appreciate your godliness, your stand for the truth and your commitment to the work of Christ and entrust you to God to keep you for years to come that you might continue to be a blessing and a benefit to the people of God in Southern Africa.” Dr. M.H. “Thanks for all the inspiring writings that I continue to receive from you. I always find time to read them and I am always encouraged. I have just finished reading ‘Biblical Principles for Africa’. I thank God for using you to bring out such TRUTH. There has been such deception going around in our minds and in all areas of our lives, which obscured the truth from prevailing in our lives. I had occasion to discuss some of the Biblical views I learnt from your writings and teachings. A whole lot of Socialistic teachings have blinded the people. But I’m so grateful to God for allowing me to be broken and teachable so that I may know the truth and the truth should set me free and come out of blindness. I have known RSA and Rhodesia as far back as 1970, when I was growing up as a little girl and I know exactly how those places looked and how appealing and up to date those places were. BUT today!!! It’s a shame to see how all that has been trampled upon. I have been wondering what the cause was, I found it in your Biblical Worldview teachings. I’m also following your Reformation teachings including reading The Greatest Century of Reformation book. I continue to thank God for the blessed connection.” P.M., Botswana “God bless you and thank you for your industriousness, Biblical knowledge, insight and courage in speaking and writing Biblical Truth and defending the Faith as eloquently as you do and have done over the years. Your article on ‘How To Destroy Christian Civilization’ and ‘If My People’ are marvelous and inspired. You, your family, your staff and the people of your country are in my prayers. Joyful to be serving Jesus Christ with you.” A.H., USA “I immensely enjoyed reading your 25th anniversary issue of Frontline News. As if reading my own story, only I did not make as many pictures. Congratulations! – and much more blessing in your next 25. Isn’t it wonderful to live and work by faith?” Brother Andrew, The Netherlands “Thank you so much for Bill Bathman’s book ‘How’d You Hurt Your Hand?’, a blessing to read. It’s my privilege to send support as I’m able and to keep your ministry in prayer. You are so faithful to serve our Lord so greatly.” Carolyn “Thank you for your wonderful article. I will use this as a handout in my church” P.G. “Thank you so much for the surprise I had when I looked in my letterbox yesterday – the gift of a book by Rev. Bill Bathman. I’ll use it to work through Matthew as a Bible study and then share the book with others by adding it to our church library. It carries wonderful blessings within its cover! We were thrilled with the books you advised for us. Some of them were taken out immediately, even before they landed on the library shelves. These challenging books, CDs and the DVD are just exactly what is needed to get folk involved with the library. Most days I say a prayer for you folks at Frontline, for the Lord to bless your work and those you work with, and to give you all His protection.” R.S. “Dankie Peter vir hierdie goeie samestelling ‘Sounds That Shape Society’ – ek was ook vroeer jare vasgevang in Rockmusiek, maar geniet die laaste 16 jaar goeie geestelike en klasieke musiek. Hierdie artikel gee ‘n goeie insig waar klasieke museik sy oorsprong het.” J.S. “Isn’t our God wonderful how He brings apt things to our attention moments before we are in need of them? – I had just finished reading your article on Florence Nightingale when I was asked to do a piece for Healthcare Day. So I was well armed.” L.N., Parliament “Your article on ‘Zimbabwe – A Lesson in How to Destroy Christian Civilization’ was excellent! Your personal observations of life in Rhodesia during your earlier years provided a stark contrast to the mess Mugabe has created. I hope this article will have a very wide distribution. I’ll certainly do my part with this outstanding piece of journalism.” B.B., USA “Thank you so much for the time you take to inform the wider Church with accurate historical facts. One thing we need to do as Christians is to ‘search the Scriptures’ and historical facts to be properly informed so that we cannot be distracted and led away captive.” L.M. “Thank you Frontline, for daring to publish truth.” A.H., USA “For all of us here in Belarus, it is so helpful to read your books and articles from Frontline. Belarus is a country that, in the 21 st century seems to be a miniature model of the old Soviet Union. A large percentage of people are in spiritual slavery and a human fear under influence of Stalinism.” A.L., Republic of Belarus “What a wonderful response. I too am on fire against the forces of secularism seeking to overthrow Christian influence. You have helped in directing me to where to get the history. God bless your efforts according to His truth.” J.W., USA “I find myself using the materials you send out, continuously to feed folks in my orbit and always to think of you and yours with gratitude for your focus, energy and wisdom. THANK YOU!” J.S. “Thank you for the great article on Churchill onIslam. May God continue to bless, guide and sustain you, brother, in your mighty efforts at establishing the Kingdom of God and defeating those who hate our God and His Truth.” J.G., Coalition on Revival “We have been translating your articles published by Christian Action and Frontline Fellowship, and then we republish them in Kiswahili language in our Newspaper, which is circulated in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.” A.M., Tanzania “The Lord bless you richly for the material you gather, write and submit to His Body. I recognise your eldership in His body as one who is in the frontline.” R.V. “I’ve read a few of your books and appreciate the knowledge gained from your wisdom. I loved your article ‘The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived’.” E.M. “Please keep these articles on Heroes of the Faith coming. A must read for all Christians to warn us of the lack of spirituality in many churches today! A must live for all who confess Christ Jesus our Redeemer.” B.S. “I appreciate very much the work you are doing especially your teachings which aims at transforming Africa and bring Revival to this continent of Africa. I am in Rwanda and I have been following your work. I know that you have been in this country in times when it needed men like you who stand for the Truth and the book you wrote, which I have, is a great contribution to Rwanda. I am serving here in Rwanda. We need men and women who truly stand for God to come and minister to us.” Pastor J.T., Rwanda “Thank you for your thoughtful and excellently documented Word-based message, which has now gone to all my Christian friends here and overseas.” P.H. “Thank you so much for the boxes of Zulu Bibles, video and other literature for Zululand.” P.T. “I’m writing to ask for your kind permission to reprint in our Magazine a few passages from your book – Biblical Principles for Africa. I’m so excited about the truth contained in your book. It is my earnest desire to get it into the hands of millions of people. Kindly allow me to use sections in our magazine. We have created a column specially for you.” T.H., Nigeria “We have been receiving and blessed by the Christian Action magazine for a few years. The books, CDs and DVDs also have far reaching impact. One of those we watched this afternoon changed our lives and our outlook on life. It was the Sudan : The Hidden Holocaust DVD. My heart was broken for our brothers and sisters in the south of Sudan. We both just broke down on our knees and faces on the carpet after seeing the DVD. Please tell them their sisters and brothers in Christ have not forgotten, and will not forget them. They will be in my prayers every day. We are planning to show the DVD far and wide to make as many people as possible aware of their plight. Thank you for everything that you do – for being a mouthpiece for so many who can’t – or won’t – talk. May His grace sustain you. His Word will never return void. His promises are sure.” B.G. “I have just started reading Dr. Peter Hammond’s book Biblical Principles for Africa. I am astounded at the truth in this book and I am so excited about what I have read that I want everyone I know to read this book – God’s Word is wonderful and everything we need to have a God-fearing and prosperous country is in His Word.” D.W. The Impact of the Internet “The material you have been sending is very valuable to us. Your recent e-mail on education hit the point on this subject for Europe. There is currently an attack in Europe against Creation and Christian teaching in general – the European Council considers in a resolution that Creationism is a threat to democracy! ‘Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint.’ Proverbs 29:18. It looks as if Europe is rejecting Christianity and moving closer to paganism.” H.H., Berlin “Thank you for the report on Christians on Campus Under Fire. An intellectual revolution has occurred during the last forty years in the world of Science. The remarkable scientific discoveries in the areas of astronomy, the nature of the atom, the intricate genetic information encoded within DNA that controls all biological organisms, and discoveries in biological science have combined to Transform the world of science. Scientists now know that there is a Creator.” D.P., geologist, USA Audio Visual Materials “Our profound appreciation for the expensive and valuable gift received from you in the form of study books, DVDs, videos, CDs and MP3s. I am grateful and we all say thank you very much. We promise to use these resources to the best of our ability both in equipping ourselves and reaching the lost and thirsty.” Pastor J.T., Ghana “I received your CD’s and am very impressed at the content. THANK YOU. The Romainian CDs were uplifting. The pack of Muslim CDs is good. The Reformation CDs I shared with the local Bible study and I handed them around to encourage people.” G.S., KZN “We had a special evening of debate on campus recently with about 150 students, and presented your PowerPoint presentation on Body Piercing and Tattoos – it was a fiery evening with many people touched by the truth of God’s Word. A BIG thank you for putting such an awesome presentation together. It was very powerful – you have a great ministry and we find you a great support in our work.” Pastor W.S. “You and your lovely family are very precious to me. I looked at your 10 pages of Audio Resources and books and am astonished about the range and quality of all productions. One should think you were born and educated in Germany/Europe because normally this classical and historical grip of facts is not taught in South Africa. You worked and read hard to produce such enormous literature. Congratulations! and we praise the Lord for it. I am proud of you and God’s gifts to you and happy to know and appreciate you.” F.H. “Heartfelt thanks for the MP3s and data CDs on the lectures, power points and presentations of the Reformation Society and Great Commission Course and the Muslim Evangelism Workshop. They will be a valuable addition to our library.” A.D., USA “The CDs have been such a blessing and have enriched my daily commute. The inspiration of lives well lived, lived to the full with passion for Christ is always uplifting.” C.B. “The CDs will be invaluable. You are all heroes! Please thank everyone involved. You are so kind, see you in Heaven, if not before.” P.W. The Power of Proclaiming God’s Word “A special thank you for your willingness to come to serve as our main speaker for the Anniversary Dinner. You did a great job. I am so glad that the PowerPoint worked because that added impact and understanding to the words you were saying. It is a privilege to be networking with Frontline Fellowship.” Jay Benson, Indiana “I was fascinated to read about your trip to the USA and have often quoted from things you said in your report. It is true that many of the people in Islam just don’t seem to have the ability to think clearly and they hold many conflicting opinions. Thank you for being willing to be abused for the sake of the Truth. May God continue to strengthen you for every good work.” G.S. “I thoroughly enjoyed being with you the last time you were over and I filmed you in California before you spoke at Dr. Morey’s Church. The film’s in the editing process now….and would surely appreciate your prayers as we continue…thanks. Thanks for all you do in your VERY VALUABLE ministry. I always look forward to receiving your newsletters and info. Thanks for it all AND for the book on the Power of Prayer which arrived today.” C.M., California I was inspired and encouraged at your message at our Church were I witnessed the impossible – a sermon on church history, the vital role of women (12 no less!), a stirring message on missions, and the influence of some of the most influential men on the Reformed Church, and all the span of less than an hour! Wow!” D.B., California “Calvin was a real blessing to many. It is children like that that give us so much hope. It is exciting to see him turning out just like his Dad. We need more warriors for Jesus Christ walking around on planet earth. Thanks for training up many to be just like that.” M.C., USA “Praise God for your courage and boldness to take on the people who are cowering and succumbing to the world propaganda through a lack of knowledge.” J.C. “I have always admired Peter’s zeal for the Lord. I met Peter in East London in 1981 for the first time. I had come up to help Youth For Christ run a Christmas season’s beach mission, in my varsity holiday. He was on his motorbike and on fire for the Lord. He had such a passion for sharing the Gospel. Boy has he achieved and been a valiant soldier for the Lord!” D.M. “You and the team and your families are remembered in prayer at Herald of His Coming. We thank God again and again for the splendid example of courage and devotion that all of you set. The grace of God continue to abound to you and your families.” L.S., USA “I admire your work, your courage and all you have accomplished in the strength of the Lord whom we serve. You are an inspiration to others and a great encouragement to us.” B.P. “I am thrilled as I read your many writings and hear of your activities. How the Lord has used you beyond measure. You have proved the primise of Matthew 6:33. It is a privilege to pray for you and thereby to know that I have a stake in your work too.” B.P. “Thanks for raising up young people that are, and will make a bold stand for Jesus Christ! Boldly reach the lost in the days to come. You will not regret it here, or on Judgment Day.” M.C., USA “To quote Theodore Roethke: ‘What we need is more people who specialize in the impossible’ – people like those at Frontline Fellowship, who have been spending 25 years in sincere efforts to bring the Good News of salvation and truth in Jesus Christ to strife torn regions in Africa. It has taken effort, perseverance and tenacity to do so much with so little and so few people. God does not call the qualified, but qualifies the called for their work. This is apparent in the wonderful manner by which every members serving with Frontline Fellowship performs their task.” J.M. “I had the great fortune of walking in on Peter’s class at Mankato State University. God did some work in me that night. I realized that up to that point I had been a wimp in my faith. God has worked through Frontline Fellowship to change my heart. I now have a passion for the Word of God, and evangelism. I want to see the Revival that Peter speaks of. I want to take part in depopulating hell.” M.D., USA The Wonder of the World Wide Web “I am most impressed with your website and the missions that have taken place in the African continent.” M.J. “I visited your website recently and was deeply impacted by its contents. Thank you so much for the work you are doing.” J.S. “Your web articles on Islam and Slavery are very important.” D.W. “Your website, I found it very interesting. I have heard Peter Hammond speak and I have been very encouraged by his zeal for Christ and also the authority that he carries.” T.P. “I couldn’t help but be most impressed with your website describing the imminent danger that lurks in our Christian indifference. REFORMATION OR ISLAMISATION. Certainly the danger is very real. I pray you continue to share the burden you have on your website, certainly it is a message that should be shouted fom the roof tops…” B.B., USA “I am well aware of your excellent website, and I thank you for the dedication you have shown in spreading the Gospel and working for human rights in Africa. Right now, I am working on an article on Bishop Samuel Ajayi Crowther and Dr. David Livingstone, focusing on how those two great Christian leaders can serve as role models for future leaders in Africa. I am very worried about the future of Africa. Most of Africa’s problems can be traced to the fact that African leaders have followed the path of Kwame Nkrumah, who was the father of African socialism and corruption in Africa. But as corrupt and socialistic as Nkrumah was, his vices have been exceeded by those of Robert Mugabe, who is being seen as a role model by many misguided youth in Africa. If Mugabe is adopted as a role model by African youth, Africa is doomed. As bad as the past 50 years of independence have been, the next 50 years may even be worse. Western policies on Africa focus on giving more aid to Africa’s corrupt despots, rather than addressing the leadership issues.” M.W., Kenya “Your article on Bullying – A Biblical Perspective caught my eye. You are the very best in bringing Biblical Words to inerringly apply to today’s situation in this increasingly evil and lost world. Your articles and Bible quotes are always ‘on point’.” A.H., USA “I find your books and newsletters very encouraging and have put a link from our website to your site, with the purpose of making ‘The Great Commission’ a priority. By God’s grace we have started a market place outreach every 2 nd Saturday. Thank you for all you do to encourage the Church to reach out with the Gospel without compromise.” J.I., KZN “I am really enjoying the book and have been wrestling with this issue for some time. I found your Frontline Fellowship website and am interested in the articles and resources there.” B.T. “Just finished reading your ‘Titanic Tragedy’ article on your website, and found your observations to be so very true.” M.M. “What a wonderful response to my inquiry! I too am on fire against the forces of secularism seeking to overthrow Christian influence.” J.W., USA “I wanted to thank Frontline Fellowship for keeping me up-to-date. I became especially interested in what was happening in the Sudan. So it was a real blessing to me this year to have an opportunity to teach Sunday School at a church full of Sudanese refugees! I am now applying to join WEC International to help with their translation work and church planting in Gambia next year!” S.P. “Thank you for your article on Animals and what the Bible says. I lost my rabbit last Saturday, and I have really been searching the Scriptures. I believe that I will see him again, and your article has helped confirm that for me. I recently saw the movie ‘Amazing Grace’ and I was so glad to see that they portrayed William Wilberforce as both the defender of human rights and animal rights. It is our place (our command from God) to make sure God’s animals are protected from inhumane treatment.” S.C. Radio Ministry “I heard you on the radio, you are very articulate. Obviously God has blessed you with wisdom. Keep up the good work.” N.B., USA “I just heard you on ‘Salt and Light’ radio. Well done!” J.R. The Power of Intercession “Dear Peter and Lenora, we constantly pray for you and appreciate very much your work for the Gospel.” Dr. Paul Negrut., Romania “Mom was so interested in your work, and according to her Prayer Diary, was praying for you regularly. She so loved attending Livingstone Fellowship.” A.S. “I am grateful that I have come to know about Frontline and been tapped as an Intercessor for you. It is especially thrilling to see the progress in your ministry. You are doing a fine work and I know the Lord is saying, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant’. In His service I pray for you.” B.T. “I was reading the JOY! magazine, when my eyes fell on your advert ‘Clean up your Community! This really struck me as we have been speaking about this in our community for some time now.” C.S., Eastern Cape Boxes With Love To Zimbabwe “Your wonderful parcel is truly appreciated. Thank you all for being so caring and generous.” M.M., Harare, Zimbabwe “A gift from God. Thank you for the wonderful surprise, it was very welcome.” C., Zimbabwe “Many, many thanks to you all for the parcel of goodies we received today. Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated.” A., Zimbabwe “Your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated. The dedication to God’s work will be rewarded in His time.” K.B., Zimbabwe “Thank you ever so much for the beautiful parcel.” R., Zimbabwe “Many thanks for your most welcome parcel. Such a gift will make this time of year that much more sustainable and you are to be blessed for your regular kindness.” H.G., Harare “Many thanks to all concerned for the lovely box of goodies received today, they are greatly appreciated. I, like many other pensioners in Zimbabwe, are struggling, so they will certainly be put to good use.” B.G., Harare “We are truly grateful for the super hamper you sent us.” C.K., Harare “Thank you very much for helping to spread the news about the plight of Zimbabweans. Your support to the people of Zimbabwe is greatly appreciated. May God bless you and continue to encourage you in your calling of speaking up for the oppressed people of Zimbabwe.” C.M., Zimbabwe “I am very pleased that you are endeavouring to help our fellow Zimbabweans. We are all greatly affected. May the Lord richly bless you and your team as you continue in your work for His Kingdom.” JV “I am so happy that some people in the world are really pushing for a regime change in Zimbabwe through the Word of God.” B.J., Pretoria Encouragement From Intercessors “I would like to congratulate you for achieving an effective 25 years of ministry. The field is not an easy one to plough. May the Lord Jesus grant you strength, perseverance and all His blessings to continue in His work. Keep the newsletters of encouragement coming in these days of iniquity.” B.S., KZN “Congratulations on your Silver Jubilee. I am proud to identify with your mission. I wish you many successful, prosperous and fruitful years of greater harvest of souls, with much love from Nigeria.” J.M., Nigeria “Just a note from Canada to say thank you for sharing about the Word and your work with the world at large. How good and faithful our Eternal Father is! You’ve SEEN that faithfulness. You know His grace.” Archbishop A.O., Canada “Great rejoicing as we praise the Lord for all He has done through you. We praise Him for His saving, filling, keeping and using power in your life since He took over control of your life so many years ago. How good is the God we serve. You have used the many gifts granted to you over the years and we salute YOU and your Lord whom you serve with all your heart. Well done Peter and, may He continue to be blessed because of your life set aside for His purposes.” B.P. “What an inspiring experience! I’m so pleased that I was able to support and see how God has raised you up in the last 25 years. Your unwavering warrior ability, calling and commitment to honour the Gospel is incredible. Please count on our prayers and support for you and your organization.” M.L. “We praise and thank God for men like you who have the courage, boldness and faith to take God at His Word, and go forth in His Name to do great things.” T.H. “Congratulations Dr Peter Hammond and Frontline Fellowship on a service well done to the Glory of God! Thank you for standing up for Truth when no one else has, and being faithful to what God has called you. We pray that in the coming years you will begin to see much fruit from the many, many seeds you have sown.” S.C. “All glory to God Almighty for your obedience, perseverance and commitment.” G.B. “Your service for our Lord Jesus Christ through the ministry of Frontline Fellowship, continues to be an outstanding example of Christians who are prepared to ‘stand up and be counted’. You are a beacon of light to those who do not know our precious Lord. You are an encouragement and conscience to those believers who are lukewarm in their walk with Jesus. May our Lord continue to grant you courage, strength and wisdom as you strive to serve Him in the unique way He has gifted you. With deep appreciation for being willing to help reach our world for Christ.” John Boyd, President of Mission Aviation Fellowship “Congratulations for a great ministry and thank you that we could be a part of it.” B.C. “I would like to congratulate Frontline Fellowship on 25 years of faithfulness to our Lord and God, Jesus Christ.” P.G. “You personally have always been an inspiration to me and to our son as we have followed the work and progress of Frontline Fellowship. The Lord’s arm is strong in the defense of those who fear Him.” L.H. “God is obviously using you and your team in an area where others fear, neglect or plainly just do not want to go. You are the voice in the wilderness for sure.” M.N. “Thank you for your courage in facing and fighting the ‘giants’ we lesser mortals have not faced and fought. Thank you for bringing to our attention the plight of our brothers and sisters in Africa. May you and the team go from strength to strength as you bring freedom to people through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.” H.S. “Frontline Fellowship is a pacesetter in the business of the Kingdom, in fulfilling the Great Commission.” Rev. S.O., Nigeria “Congratulations on your consistent witness for our Lord Jesus Christ. You have faced many difficulties and these scars are proof of the fact that you are really on the frontline of battle.” K.O., KZN “I want to thank God for your organisation who have been obedient to venture where nobody else would dare to go. Be persistent and faithful up and until the end.” A.L. “Congratulations and may God ordain that you see the next 25 years growing and taking back ‘land’ that the enemy has ‘stolen’. Keep up your prophetic voice, something which is so rare today.” K.S. “We really appreciate you and all of the sacrifices that you have made to give His Word to so many who are searching and desperately needing His answers. It’s so wonderful to be in contact with another whose goal and vision is Missions .” F.K. “Praise the Lord of Lords for the enlightening research, and relentless campaigns that you are embarked upon. You expose truths which are ignored for the sake of comfortable ministry, pleasing humanism, hedonism, perversion, traditions and deadly tolerances…May you never tire or give up the spiritual battle.” J.M. “Thank you for being a voice for the persecuted church.” B. H., Germany Muslim Evangelism “I am filled with admiration of your courage to witness to Muslims when your lives at times may be on the line.” P.C. “Thank you, Dr. Hammond, for so boldly proclaiming the truth of what is happening in our world today! God have mercy on us and help us to win BACK our country for Christ and reject Islam!” H.B., USA “Thank you for the amazing report of those Muslim students in Minnesota with their psychotic, irrational position on Jihad. Thank you for being a warrior who does not mind those kinds of confrontive, explosive situations. That is what is needed during these times of massive mental chaos and confusion.” J.G. Reformation “I will be ordering several more of your Greatest Century of Reformation books. They are amazingly great and inspiring. Good job!!! J.G., USA “Thank you so much for this excellent series of articles on figures on the Reformation. They are inspiring and informative and I am immensely enjoying them, from the obvious to the unexpected, such as this man Savonarola.” Jason Mandryk, Operation World “Yes, I am thrilled by the website you have launched for the Reformation Society. What a great work the Lord is doing in and through you. We are reading your Slavery, Terrorism and Islam book. What a blessing to have that as a resource at this critical time in the world.” George Grant, USA Thank you so very much for your partnership in this mission. Your prayers, encouragement and practical support mean so much to us. May God continue to bless, guide and strengthen you as you seek to be faithful to His Word and His work. “Finally brethren, pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have Faith.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1 – 2
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Prayer & Praise Articles
December 2024